The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 359 One small step for the phoenix chick, one big step for the system!

Chapter 359 One small step for the chick, one giant leap for the system!

Ye Fan almost ran for his life in tears.

He felt that this was definitely the hardest day of his life.

I thought that I had set up a grand plan, and I was going to rush towards the lofty goal of becoming the ultimate villain. Once I rode the dust, I would be able to take steps that my relatives would not recognize, rushing to the pinnacle of the universe, sitting on the throne of the devil, and left The joy of the fire, the sorrow of the frost in the right hand, give orders to the nine heavens, and no one dares not to obey.

No matter what!

Before leaving the teacher, you will be disabled first!
Good guy!
One Heavenly Emperor master after another from the Tang Dynasty came to block him in turn, as if he had made an appointment. After you sing, I will go on stage. What is important is that everyone has a share. The demon king surnamed Ye who was killed until the whole world was silent, who was still in Xinshou Village, was pressed to the ground and beaten!
After a series of bloody battles, Ye Fan was about to doubt his life—what the hell is going on?Who has ever seen a villain and a devil king as miserable as me? !

Fortunately... fortunately!
These cosmic overlords, to some extent, talked a little bit about martial arts—they were just fighting with wheels, not a group fight... Otherwise, Ye Fan at this moment might have been thrown into the ashes, and he would have no way to survive!

Even so, after fighting Zizai Wangfo and Emperor Tuntian, and then facing Emperor Wushi, Ye Fan was also drained and could only be slaughtered.

But it seems that the time has come, because the face of the Immortal King of the Six Paths of Reincarnation actually saved Ye Fan's life, allowing Emperor Wu Shi to "justify" them and win a chance of life.

Although this process made Ye Fan feel a little...subtle, like some novel that he had read before, this moment is paying tribute to the classics, and the romance and reality are blooming.

But at the moment of life and death, he can't control so much, and Ye Fan already feels that he is lucky to be able to save his life.

Escaping into the void, fleeing in the dark abyss of the universe, Ye Fan staggered, with blood overflowing from his mouth from time to time.

In the end, he fell to the ground, exhausted, like a salted fish that couldn't get back up.


Ye Fan's deep condolences are for himself.As he recalled the series of tragic battles before, he had the urge to choke up.

"I... I'm too difficult..."

At this moment, it seems that God has eyes, and even the will of heaven and earth without emotion can't stand it anymore. Thunder flashed, electric snakes galloped, and it rained heavily, washing the world, as if to wash away all sins and traces.

The cold rain slapped randomly on the face, and the warm tears mixed with the cold rain, Ye Fan wept sadly for himself.

The man did not cry easily because he did not reach the sad spot.

But soon, he regained his strength, his face became resolute, and there was a kind of unwavering firmness under the flash of thunder.

"Suffering cannot defeat me!"

"The ancients have said: Great missions come from heaven to man, he must first suffer from his will, exhaust his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deprive him of his body, and disturb his actions. Therefore, his heart and tolerance have benefited what he can't do... "

"There is another saying in the ancients: those who have aspirations, things will come true, if they are broken, the hundred and twenty Qin Pass will eventually belong to Chu;

Ye Fan whispered, continuing the past and opening up the present, comforting himself, inspiring the heart, gradually revived the sluggish heart, and the fighting spirit was high again.

"After a hundred defeats, there is still the Great Emperor Chaos Gu who will rise up again and push him for a lifetime."

"Ye Fan, Ye Fan, you have only lost three games, are you going to get discouraged and give up?"

He said to himself, asked himself and answered, "No! I will not give up!"

The blood flowed again, and the indomitable pride returned, and Ye Fan struggled to stand up again.

Even though his qi and blood were withered, his soul was sluggish, and he was exhausted to such a tragic point by the wheel battles of several great masters of the heavenly emperors, but at this moment his spine was still straight!
Just like a lone brave man who faces the storm and is always fearless, that kind of spirit, that kind of will, is as heavy and unstoppable as the wheel of the times, and has the determination to crush all obstacles on the way!

It seemed that the heavens were shaken by such a spirit. The moment Ye Fan straightened his spine, the wind stopped, the rain stopped, the haze cleared away, and the sky was clear again!
The heaven and the earth mirror the human heart, my heart is the heart of the heaven and the earth!
My heart is clear and fearless, and the natural world is as bright as me!
"If you survive a catastrophe, you must have a future blessing!" Ye Fan suddenly laughed. He saw the nine-color rainbow hanging in the sky after the storm, and he felt inexplicably happy. Di Shaozhi, who knows that he smashed the jade cage and flew the colorful phoenix, and suddenly opened the golden lock to escape the flood dragon!"

"This time is your closest chance to victory, next time? There is no such good thing!"

"When I absorb all the experience and insights from these few battles, I will achieve an unprecedented transformation, which is the ultimate sublimation!"

"At that time, I still need to be afraid...afraid..."

Ye Fan talked to himself, cheering himself up.

It's a pity that as the fuel was added, he suddenly stuttered.

Ye Fan rubbed his eyes, and watched the distant rainbow approaching, as if it had grown feet, step by step, like a devil's footsteps, one moment it was far away in the sky, and the next moment it was in front of us!

Then he looked again—where is the rainbow?

Yes, it is a heroic middle-aged man wearing nine-color fairy clothes, who walks calmly, crosses the void, cuts off time, and becomes an insurmountable moat!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan felt bitter in his mouth.

He knew this man.

One of the major shareholders of the Great Tang Dynasty, and one of the people behind the scenes - the Emperor of God!
This is the most amazing figure in the history of the Shencanling lineage. During his rise, he not only realized the myth that the Shencan Nine Transformations are invincible in the sky and the earth, but also sublimated to the fullest. !
He was called the emperor in the ancient times, and he is an ancient emperor full of legends.

The Emperor of God has been in power for so long that the Supreme Being in the restricted area who wanted to start a dark turmoil was desperate, and more than one person was consumed to death—beating, but not fighting; wasting, not winning.It can be said that he created the record for the longest reign of the Taikoo Emperor, so he was mythized by the world and used the title of "God" to describe him.

There is no doubt that this is a true humane emperor!

Because of this, Ye Fan's smile disappeared, shifted, and appeared on the face of the Emperor of God.

"This fellow Taoist came and went in a hurry, I don't know why you are so panicked?" The emperor smiled, cut off the way out, and blocked the way out, "Why don't you stop and savor life, okay?"

The Emperor of God smiled, full of joy—he swears that his appearance here is definitely not revenge, not resentment at the last moment of the "Dream Eternal" group, he was thrown out to block the gun and was beaten.

--let's go!My god emperor!

'How could I do such a shameless thing? '

The Emperor was frank and joyful in his heart, "I'm just doing my best as a senior who takes care of my juniors." '

"Among my busy schedule, I took time out, let go of my airs, and came to accompany young people to practice fighting skills and combat experience... I am too conscientious! '

'Of course!As we all know, if you want to learn how to fight well, you must first learn how to be beaten-so, I have to suffer a little bit more, Kuye little friend! '

'But don't worry, I will give you what you pay for, let you suffer through hardships, and become a master! '

Thinking of this, the inner world of the Emperor became more transparent.

Responding to reality, his fairy clothes were glowing, illuminating half of the universe, and his armor roared, making all Taos weep.

"An inch of time is an inch of gold... Fellow Daoist, my time is very precious." Ye Fan forced a smile, "Next time! Let's meet again next time!"

"Not good! Not good!" The Emperor shook his head, "Next time, we may arrest... we won't see you anymore."

These words shocked Ye Fan's heart.

He already had doubts.

Four times!

To be blocked four times in a row, what kind of luck is this? !

If he doesn't understand this problem, he can't sleep or eat.

After all, if there are four times, there will be forty or four hundred times in the future!

If things go on like this, sooner or later he will be chased and killed.

"Your abilities are really amazing." He tentatively said, "I felt that I was extremely cautious, but I was still surrounded by you."

"This is not our ability, it is all due to the blessings of some fellow Taoists, they have carried out a righteous act..." The emperor said casually, and in the middle of the sentence, he seemed to suddenly wake up, and fell silent.

This made Ye Fan feel like a cat's paw was scratching his heart.

——Pick up... lift up what?report? !
He was furious in his heart, what bastards!So wicked!
But right now is not the time for him to condemn, because the emperor moved, and every step he took was like stepping on the pulse of the universe, causing the universe to shake, "Fellow daoist, give up resistance and be frank and lenient, I can give you A decent end."

"But if you don't want to be decent yourself, I'll have to help you be decent!"

The Emperor of God pushes forward, the sense of oppression is like the surging tide of time, pushing the era forward, sweeping across the Milky Way without boundaries.

"Forgive me for not agreeing." Ye Fan took a deep breath, knowing that it was time to desperately.

Even if the injuries from the previous battles have not fully recovered, and there are various hidden injuries and Tao injuries, he is at the end of his strength at this moment, and he will definitely not be caught without a fight.

"It's really regrettable." The emperor sighed softly, causing the stars in the starry sky to shake, fall and explode.

He vividly interprets the might of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Since we can't reach an agreement, I have no choice but to force a fellow daoist."

The God Emperor's stature is stalwart, at this moment he is walking forward, his footsteps have a special rhythm, neither fast nor slow, consistent, stepping on the world's avenue under his feet, demonstrating his supremacy.

"The matter has come to this..." Ye Fan whispered, he was ready to fight to the death.


Ye Fan suddenly opened his mouth, causing the Emperor who was about to start his conquest to raise his eyebrows.

"I'm asking sincerely—how many elixir plants do you have on you?" Ye Fan asked such a question.

No way, he was really scared.

"Not a single one." The Emperor replied frankly.

"That's it!" Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still hanging on, "Friend Daoist, have you awakened your previous life?"

Hearing this, the Emperor of God raised his brows, and his face was not very good-looking.

This reminded him of a very bad memory. He was also the Emperor of Heaven, but he was the only one who didn't fit in.

"What past life, what this life, it's just the ramblings of the incompetent..." The Emperor said with a cold face, "The really strong don't care about reincarnation, and don't need foreign aid, just rely on their own efforts!"

"It's okay! It's okay!" Ye Fan finally laughed, heaving a sigh of relief, "I'm relieved!"

This attitude and tone made the Emperor stare at Ye Fan for a while, "Can you still laugh? I hope you can keep this smile in the future."

As the voice fell, the emperor's fairy clothes spread out, and he pinched his hands. Between the palms, the sun and the moon rotate, the stars are endless, the universe is opening up, chaos is lingering, and the storm of fate is ups and downs and roaring.

The next moment, Ye Fan was terrified. He actually felt a sense of oppression that was even more terrifying than the confrontation with the empress and the time of no beginning!
Without him, the Divine Emperor's supernatural power is too terrifying, it seems to be far above the heavenly skills passed down to him by the Immortal King of the Six Paths of Samsara, that is a qualitative leap!

Before the supernatural power arrived, Ye Fan already smelled the breath of defeat.

Ye Fan never expected that he was forced to the edge of the cliff in just a moment, roared and fought with all his strength.


His real body is glowing, his blood is flowing, his soul light is blooming, and he is trying to squeeze his fighting power... But he is really too tired, fighting with a god of heaven, there are many cheats in it, which have already dimmed his soul light, and his blood has drained out .

"The blood is gone, the soul is gone, and my bones, my wheel of life, my Taoist palace, my past and present!"

"Not crazy, not live!"

Ye Fan roared, fighting to the death.

At this moment, his spiritual will was extremely aroused, and because of this, his thinking seemed to be unconstrained and eclectic.

As a result, Ye Fan's bones flew out one by one, engraved with ancient characters one after another, written with pen and ink with soul light.

The ancient characters are very mysterious, and they are gradually fading away, as if the heaven and the earth cannot accommodate... But it doesn't matter, Ye Fan only needs them to bloom for a moment.

The bones were burning, and with the ancient characters, they rushed forward roaringly, shocking the emperor for 100 years.

What kind of ruthless person is this?
Pulled out all your bones to fight? !

Not only that, there is also a round of sparkling and brilliant wheel of life flying, entangled with the sea of ​​bitterness full of death, and turned into a Tai Chi diagram of gods and demons.

There are five other organs, transformed into five Taoist palaces. Although bloody, the sound of chanting continues to resound. It is the dead me who is praying for the me in this life, and the Dao me is enlightening the current me. The palm of my hand with the imprint of reincarnation, let the imprint fly with the Dao Palace for a while!

Taijitu, Dao Palace, fighting together with the flying bones, launched the craziest battle against the God Emperor in which a young man Jie bet everything!


The dazzling light exploded, and the waves that destroyed everything bloomed. The Emperor's Unrivaled Emperor's Law encountered a non-mainstream enemy. They fought to the edge of the universe and wiped out the Dao!


Some spectators gasped, and then said with some emotion: "Chou Chou! Chou Chou! How have you forced Fengchu into such a situation?"

"God Emperor, bad luck!"

"A dog will jump over a wall in a hurry, and a rabbit will bite a person in a hurry!"

This person is not guilty at all, and he is still interested in pointing, "Even this picture is too eye-catching... Throwing bones, throwing internal organs..."

"However, it's quite interesting... to carve the hundreds of runes left by Emperor Huangtian in the bronze coffin on his own bones? Well, Xiaoye is quite powerful, and when pressed, he can still play new tricks. "

"Write it down, remember it..."

"There is also the wheel of life and the sea of ​​bitterness, and the Taiji diagram of the evolution of gods and demons... Huh? Is this to lay the foundation for the future internalization of the heavens?"

"Born in the wheel of life, buried in the sea of ​​suffering, and supplemented by the reincarnation seal of the Taoist Palace, it is very thoughtful!"

"Sure enough, sometimes, war is the first innovation, especially the battle that is infinitely close to death, which can inspire inspiration and potential the most..."

"This wave of bitterness is worth it! It's worth it!"

"One small step for the phoenix, one giant leap for the system!"

(End of this chapter)

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