The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 361 Join My God Religion, Love All Living Beings!Sons and grandchildren, longevity can be ex

Chapter 361 Join My God Religion, Love All Living Beings!Thousands of sons and grandchildren can live forever!
Ye Fan stared blankly at the scene before him. At this moment, his heart seemed to jump out of the long river of time and the scroll of history, like an audience, witnessing that he was being manipulated back and forth like a puppet.

Otherwise, why is it so...abstract!

Wearing a yellow robe and imperial clothes, that's fine!
What's more, he "ascended the throne" under the protection of a group of ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life, and was honored by them as their leader to overthrow the Tang Dynasty!

This is a... absurdity!
Ye Fan really wanted to say "no" forcefully.

But when the words came to his mouth, he finally swallowed them back into his stomach.

He could see clearly that those supreme beings who came were not kind, and those who were kind did not come.

If he nods his head, it means hello, hello, hello, everyone - he becomes the emperor, and the supreme ones become ministers, everyone is in full swing, and everyone has a bright future.

If he refuses, it will be a hit and miss. These supreme beings who are already going crazy under the oppression of the Tang Dynasty may do something!

In case the anger starts from the heart, and the evil turns to the guts, the ancient supremes watched the last straw disappear in front of their eyes, and they would go crazy if they couldn't tell. Can't burst something out of the human skin to prolong his life for a little bit.

It's death anyway, why not give it a try?
Can't beat those heavenly emperors who gathered together in the Tang Dynasty, and can't beat your bloody demon king?
At this moment, the atmosphere in the arena was very quiet, deathly quiet, but Ye Fan could hear the voices of the Supremes, and suddenly had the urge to fuck a dog.

'What sin did I do in my previous life? ! '

Ye Fan asked the sky speechlessly.

——You can’t do that!
He is not afraid of death, but there is no value in not wanting to die.

If he died fighting with these self-defeating supreme beings...

"As long as I hadn't fought the heavenly emperors of the Great Tang Dynasty to the point where I am now at the end of my life..."

"Even if I still have some combat power left, I have the ability to fight to the death..."

'I won't even get on this thief ship! '


'Datang, you have really hurt me! '

Ye Fan was sobbing in his heart, but his body was very honest. Looking at the many ancient supreme beings staring at him together, he calmly patted the royal robe on his body, swept away the non-existent dust, and finally nodded.

"Since you are so sincere, what's the matter if I agree?"

His tone was so calm that people couldn't hear how violent and violent the calm waves were.

'I'll bear with it for a while...'

'When I find an opportunity to save the day, I will cross the river and demolish the bridge step by step, and kill all of you guys who forced the palace! '

Ye Fan roared in his heart, 'I can't take care of the Tang Dynasty, but can I still take care of you? '

The supreme beings didn't understand Ye Fengchu's mood, or they understood it but didn't care, each had their own calculations.

On the bright side, everyone is harmonious, and the monarch and his ministers are in harmony.

"Your Majesty of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!" The ancient emperor Qilin sang praises, "With you, we will no longer be confused. With you, we can see the way forward!"

"The people of the universe have suffered from the Great Tang Dynasty for a long time. They bullied the market and beat their seniors, but we are powerless to stop them."

"Until your incarnation comes, sweeping the universe is just around the corner... One day, when your brilliance arrives, all spirits will look up to you!"

"In Hunyuanyu, Zebei common people... Defeat Fengdu, you are the ghost emperor! Overthrow the Tang Dynasty, you are the emperor of heaven!"

"Your Majesty of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, long live long live long live!"

The Qilin Ancient Emperor finally shouted, which aroused the emotions of many Supreme Beings, and made them echo Shanhu together.

"Your Majesty of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, long live long live long live!"

Such unity of purpose, such unanimous voice, and the support of the masters of Tianxin in the past made this moment seem to be frozen, turned into a vision, roaring and reflected in the nine heavens and ten places, and manifested in the hearts of all beings.

In the boundless and brilliant light, a supreme supreme is rising, and is collectively respected by the restricted area of ​​life, just like the destiny!

People don't know much about it.

But he knew the life goal of this "Supreme Supreme".

——Down with Fengdu!
——Overthrow Datang!
So next, it is very reasonable for the heavenly emperors of the Great Tang Dynasty to follow the cause and effect and rush to besiege and kill them!

The void was shattering, and several supreme emperors walked together. This time, they no longer fought alone, but acted side by side. It seemed that they vowed to smash the rebel group and the grass-headed emperor who did not know how to live or die.

Before people arrive, the mighty power of the terrifying universe arrives first, causing all things to melt and shatter, and the earth, water, fire, and wind flow, returning to chaos.

Seeing this scene, the human skin on Ye Fan's face twitched violently, and he let out a faint sigh in his heart.

"I think I didn't die fast enough..."

He adjusted his mentality with difficulty and calmed down the bursting emotions, "All generals obey orders!"

The Supremes clenched their arms.

"Follow me...withdraw!"

With an order, "His Majesty the Six Paths of Reincarnation" started his brilliant career in battle.

Time is disillusioned, myriad ways collapse, and everything is in chaos. This is the end of a big drama, and the curtain of a new stage is being opened.


"After that day, several restricted areas of life disappeared. It is said that they were concealed by the supreme evil lord's supernatural powers, and escaped into an unknown place from the universe. They were neither in the material universe nor in the spiritual world. They are hard to find in this world. "

The old man was telling the story of the past to the young people who were full of vigor and had just embarked on the road of cultivation. It was a big event with ups and downs.

"Ah! How difficult the world is, this is really a terrible time!" The old man said like a raving, feeling infinitely sad about the times.

He is very pessimistic about the future.

"Most of our universe is about to be destroyed. All living beings are crying and sinking into the abyss, and there is no light of hope..."

"Where is the way?" the old man sighed.

However, some people disagreed, and at this moment the voice was sonorous and powerful.

"Where is the road? In the blood, between yin and yang, and in good fortune!"

This is a young man in high spirits, holding a folding fan in his hand, and opened it with a "snap", with the word "fraternity" on it, flying like dragons and phoenixes.



The onlookers were stunned for a moment, and then all of them had strange expressions, and even a nun woman, with a blushing complexion, tapped her white teeth, covered her face and backed away.

Immediately, there was a lot of space around this young man, he looked quite like a street tiger.

What's rare is that he doesn't rely on his strength, but purely on... reputation!
"What's going on?" The ignorant little monk who followed the crowd was puzzled, looking left and right, hoping that someone with good intentions could answer him.

"Hush! Keep your voice down, it's not good to attract his attention!"

A burly man's voice trembled, and he looked at the young man with awe in his eyes, "This is a member of the Boai God Sect!"

"Can't be offended! Can't be offended!"

The burly man repeatedly emphasized, shocking the little cultivator, "Could it be, is this god religion some super evil sect that endangers the world?"

"But, with the Great Tang Dynasty suppressing the universe, who would dare to do evil?"

"Uh... It's not a matter of being evil or not..." The burly man had a strange expression on his face, "They are kind, that kind of rare... strange things!"

"Fengdu Tianzun, you know that?" the burly man asked.

"How come you don't know?" The little monk looked admiring, "This great celestial being, who has learned from heaven and man, surpassed the definition of good and evil, jumped out of the limitations of common sense, and opened a path of practice for the world, and established a brand new practice system. Cover the universe, Dechao Heavenly Emperor!"

"He expounded the laws and principles contained in the blood, and believed that every living being is a living fossil, recording all the mysteries of the evolution of the universe. Everyone is like a carrier of immortal spirits, and they are the holy spirit that entrusts the will of the ancestors... ..."

The little monk talked endlessly, obviously this is a worshiper of the ancestor of the devil - Fengdu Tianzun.

After finishing speaking, he looked suspicious, "Could it be that this 'fraternity religion' was established by the Great Heavenly Lord of Fengdu himself?"

"Of course not!" The burly man said righteously, "Who is the great Tianzun? Even when he was the ancestor of the devil, he had lofty goals, lofty ideals, and the bearing of a heavenly emperor, fighting for the lives of all living beings. With immortal cultivation, everyone is like a dragon!"

"The sad thing is, ever since this Great Heavenly Venerable disappeared from the world, there have been countless ghosts and monsters rushing to touch his old man!"

"This fraternity religion is one of them... They claim to have comprehended the true meaning of Fengdu Datianzun's practice method, and explored a new world of bloodline practice system, so they set up a religion and spread the idea!"

"This... Isn't this very good?" The little monk was puzzled, "Is there a problem?"

"Of course there is a problem!" The burly man's expression was...strange. It was filled with disdain and contempt, but also filled with longing and longing—in short, it was very complicated, and it was difficult to describe it in one word.

"This fraternity cult aims at... procreation! Mating!"

The burly man said in a low voice, and slowly opened the door to a new world for the little monk. It is absurd, outrageous, and can shatter people's three views.

"As we all know, Fengdu Datianzun's system regards the ancestral imprint in the blood as wealth, and realizes the costs sunk in the past."

"So someone asked - what about the future? How do we develop the future?"

"As a brand-new path, there is only the past but no future, so how can it work?"

"So..." The little monk swallowed dryly, thinking of something.

"So, reproduce!" The burly man said slowly, "As long as the reproduction is successful and a descendant is born, the body of the descendant will also have the life imprint of 'I'."

"What kind of concept is this? It is equivalent to allowing 'I' to appear in multiple existences at the same time, coexisting in the world."

"Therefore, someone suggested that if the 'I' in this descendant's body is used to assist and cooperate with the real me to comprehend the Dao, wouldn't there be a superposition of cultivation efficiency?"

The little monk listened, his face was shocked, and he was numb.

"In this case, doesn't it mean that the more descendants there are, the more efficient 'I' will be in cultivation?" The little monk gasped, "If there are ten descendants, it will be ten times more efficient? If there are hundreds or thousands Children and grandchildren, is hundreds or thousands of times more efficient?"

"This... isn't this exploiting future generations, hard-working descendants?!"

"Heh!" The burly man sighed, "Who can refuse such a temptation to 'eat' offspring to become immortals?"

"It's very realistic and very exciting!"

"And this is just one of them."

"Secondly, someone proposed a new development of the bloodline cultivation system, which is also based on mating and reproduction."

"We know that in the blood of every living being, there are precious wealth left by countless generations of ancestors. Although these wealth are very deep, very deep, but the occasional return to the ancestors can benefit people a lot."

"So, in order to expand this wealth as much as possible, what is the best way?" The burly man asked himself and answered, "Of course it is to share!"

"Especially sharing across races!"

"In an ethnic group, maybe one of your ancestors overlapped with one of my ancestors, maybe how many years ago it was a family."

"But if the race is crossed, this problem will be solved!"

"think about it."

"You are a human race, with the precious blood of the ancestors of the human race flowing in your body, and then you slept with a female cultivator of the Jiaolong clan, so the descendants of your descendants have the blood wealth of these two major races at the same time?"

"Hiss!" The little monk's eyes widened with shock, "It seems to be like this!"


After all, he is a young man with a very thin skin, and he said eagerly, "Can people of different races have love?"

"Is love important?" The burly man's vicissitudes at the moment seemed to be full of stories, "Everyone is just investing, but the investment products are shared descendants."

"I am not good enough, and I am not famous for my practice, but I can count on future generations to become talents!"

"What if!"

"What if this descendant is astonishing to the extreme, and his talents are astonishing in the past and the present, and he merges the potentials of the two races, so that he can become an immortal against the sky... Wouldn't it be wonderful to come to save his parents and share longevity?"

The burly man said quietly, "So, based on the above two ideas, the cult of fraternity was established!"

"They believe in cross-race mating, no matter what the object is, whether it is a human or a beast, they are not taboo... It is said that there is already a ruthless person who fell asleep with a flower..."


Suddenly there was a flash of thunder in the sky, it was too sudden and too scary, it made the burly man tremble and he couldn't speak anymore.

Only the young man of the fraternity religion is still talking about his ideas and demonstrating the hope of the times.

Where is the road?

Right here at the Church of Fraternity!

Join my god religion and love all living beings!
Thousands of sons and grandchildren can live forever!
"Brother, what you said is wrong!"

And when the young people of the Fraternity Church were preaching, there was a hoarse voice, "I don't agree!"


The fraternal youth twitched his brows, but he was not angry. He turned around and saw a bearded man walking out unsteadily.

"You don't agree, but I don't know what idea you have, which can solve the crisis in the world and build a boat for all living beings to reach the other shore in the last days?" the young man asked.

"You count on future generations...but if you don't become talented yourself, will future generations be able to become talented? It's just adding troubles." The bearded man sighed and sighed, "In my opinion, where is the way?"

"The road is under the feet, in the soil, and in the tomb!"

"I don't believe in the wisdom of future generations, I only believe in my own efforts... I don't care about the hard work of future generations, so I have to suffer for my ancestors!"

(End of this chapter)

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