The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 368 Male mother!Hit the truth by mistake!

Chapter 368 Male mother!Hit the truth by mistake!
On this day, the universe vibrated, the wind was surging, and there were countless undercurrents.

Because there is reliable news spreading from the "paparazzi" in all directions, that a prince of the Tang Dynasty will fulfill his mission to sow the seeds of peace, development, mutual benefit, and common prosperity for all races and all living beings in the universe.

On behalf of the majesty of the Tang Dynasty, he will personally visit the major prosperous areas of the universe to investigate and promote the construction of the Nine Heavens Co-Prosperity Sphere. , ethnic suppression, or exile.

Moreover, on him, there is another mission, to be the pioneer of the great project of the "Reverse Era" of the former Zizai Wang-Fo... This is very important, because maybe he can draw a circle on the universe star map at random, and he can decide certain holy places, The future rise and fall of the ethnic group.

That is the power called general trend!
The wheels of the times are rolling forward, able to crush all iron-headed children who stand in the way.

All living beings of all races have already begun to gear up, and the careerists are eager to try. All eyes are on the vast divine dynasty.

At the same time, on the ancient Big Dipper.

"He wants to leave?"

"Where does he want to go?"

A voice mixed with hatred that could not be washed away from all over the world echoed in the corner of this ancient star.

He was spying on the Dacheng Eucharist of an important prisoner. Hearing such a tone, he shivered violently.

He could hear it, what kind of hysterical hatred and anger it was, it was an unforgettable resentment to the extreme... In the face of such resentment, the ancient emperor's god sense would pale in comparison!

Of course, this is not incomprehensible.

Because, that comes from an emperor!
Moreover, experienced a heinous and tragic Fengsheng!

Although from the data point of view, regardless of the facts, a certain emperor made a lot of money, made great contributions to the development of his own race, and provided conclusive evidence for the study of parthenogenesis in Mozuzimuhe. Unmistakable experimental results.

However, there was almost the same "harvest" and "dedication" in the Dacheng Eucharist, and he felt the same empathy for the emperor's emotions, and he was extremely sympathetic.

By the way, he felt great sympathy for Ye Fan who had suffered an innocent disaster, and he condemned Jiang, the culprit behind the scenes, in his heart.

——Of course, it can only be in my heart... because in reality, this is a slide that cannot be touched.

——As long as he doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

The Dacheng Holy Body secretly glanced at the hall. There was an overly handsome boy who was more delicate and beautiful than a woman. He was still tired of waking up from a big dream, but the expression on his face was distorted to the extreme.

All because of an... egg in front of him.

A phoenix egg.

A phoenix egg that was born by a "male mother" after a long time of conception and created history!
After being distended by Ye Fan's unintentional mistake, it ingested the origin of the fairy phoenix during the rebirth of the emperor's nirvana, nourished by countless treasures of heaven and earth, and was finally opened up in the world of virtual gods, the ancient fairy phoenix. Under the causal influence of recovery, the phoenix egg broke through all obstacles and was born into this world!
"This is the miracle of life!"

"This is the legend of good fortune!"

"This is……"

"Damn it, I still have shame, I can't make it up anymore!"

Shen Nong, who was staying beside Dacheng Saint Body, stroked his forehead. Even he, the psychic emperor who was formerly known as the Unscrupulous Hengyu Emperor, had to sigh at this moment, and he sighed again and again.

Jiang Yifei, Jiang Hengyu's descendant, can be regarded as giving him a huge problem...just that face!
If the news about Jiang Yifei's actions spread, he would not dare to go out with the same face, for fear that he would suffer an unwarranted disaster and be beaten violently.

At this point, Shennong lost.

There are three people with this look, whoever has the highest integrity will suffer, and whoever has the highest reputation will suffer.

In fact, several human emperors of the Tang Dynasty couldn't understand it either.

——You said that the integrity of Jiang Hengyu and his descendants who returned to the ancestors were so dangerous, why did the emperor's corpse psychic, but clean himself up?

——Can death be reversed?

It's like Emperor Void, who cheated his corpse to become the Yellow Emperor after his death, and suddenly became the king of the harem. It's not impossible to have three thousand daughters, but children are born in one litter?
"If you can't do it, I'll come!"

At this moment, Huang Di cheered up, rolled up his sleeves, eager to take over the job of Shennong's recorder.

That's what he said, and he did.

Huang Di snatched the pen from Shennong's hand, and with a flick of the pen, the article was written.

"The son of the emperor gave birth to blood, and all the ancient races should congratulate him. If you are not a member of the ancient clan, how can I sit and watch? I will definitely use my teacher to defeat Wudao!"

The Yellow Emperor tried his best to intimidate and coerce the emperor's son to order the ancient people. He didn't know if it was some kind of resentment left over.

Back then, Emperor Void fought the undead mountain restricted area the most difficult, entering and exiting, the imperial array was engraved in it, which was a treatment that was not available in other restricted areas. It can be seen that it was tragic and dangerous, and every step was very difficult.

I didn't understand it at the time, but I found out later that there was a mind body of the emperor dormant in it. He was the biggest conspirator in history and the source of the dark turmoil in the past. He just wanted to see the emperor's bloody battle, so that he could secretly collect the emperor's blood and bathe himself. Body to metamorphosis.

Originally, the dark and turmoil was a normal mode, but the undead Liu Yi mixed it and it became a nightmare mode... It was even more serious in the era of Emperor Void, and it was directly hell!
Kong Kong only lived for one life, and his body was wounded by the Dao. It is hard to say that it was not given by the Immortal Emperor.

At this time, it was naturally an exciting toss, let's take revenge for the predecessor.

Dacheng Shengji stared blankly at this scene, and sighed after a long while.

He was speechless.

After the Yellow Emperor had finished tossing around, he summoned another child... This child looked so much like the Yellow Emperor. If the age factor was ignored, it would have been carved out of the same mold.

However, this couldn't be more normal... because this child is an alternative continuation of Emperor Void's life, and is the spiritual transformation of the Void Mirror.

After this imperial weapon was turned into a fairy weapon by the demon ancestor and sacrificed, he broke free and became a real life, and his talent was amazing, even the chaotic body might not be able to suppress it.

Of course, in this increasingly crazy era, the chaotic body is gradually no longer as unattainable as it used to be.

After all, genealogy opens the door to all beings—who isn't a Holy Ghost!
But it cannot be ignored, a strong physique is still very useful in the early stage, it can avoid many detours and reach the peak at the fastest speed.

"Little Huanyu!"

"Your mission is here!"

With a pleasant face, the Yellow Emperor pointed to the palace where the emperor was under house arrest, "I don't ask you to overthrow the changed emperor, but this bastard!"

"You must rub on the ground for me!"

"Okay! Understood!" The little boy nodded, very calm and trustworthy.

Dacheng Saint Body watched from the side, the corners of his mouth twitching faintly.

'What is this era of rampant demons and ghosts? ’ He was speechless, ‘It’s fine that a group of heavenly emperors are jumping in front, and a group of little monsters are following behind... Is this wishing to turn the whole universe upside down? '

'Oh, the gods are opened, the gate of ghosts is opened, the universe is about to change places, life and death are reversed, destined to be turned upside down? '

'That's all right! '

Sheng Ji sighed in his heart, and shed tears for the so-called arrogance of this era.

This world is too difficult!

Those holy places, those ordinary ethnic groups, in the face of the storms of the times, how do they carry them?

Facts have proved that in the face of difficulties, life can always find a way out.

"Young Eucharist, finally going on the road? Good! Good! Good!"

An old golden crow laughed and got up from his new concubine, his eyes were shining brightly, "I finally waited until this day!"

"Go to Shenting to invite fellow Taoist Suzaku, I want to discuss important matters with him!"

The old Jinwu ordered.

Soon, the former emperor of Shenting, now the Zhuque Zhundi who has removed his title in a low-key manner, came to Huosangxing and conspired with the old Jinwu.

Two figures at the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor, and even one who was only a step away from becoming the ancient emperor, what good would it be if they got together?
Each of them, the bad water in their stomachs is very turbulent, after all, they are all old monsters who have lived for thousands of years.

"The holy body carries the hope of becoming a fairy, there is no doubt about it!"

Zhu Qundi's eyes were fiery, "Back then when he fought with the Emperor, both sides were hurt, but he exposed a lot!"

"A fairy placenta, a chance to give birth to a fairy... For us, this is more important than anything else!"

"That's true..." Old Jinwu laughed lowly, "However, I'm afraid I'll be robbed by my life, and I'm useless!"

"There are so many supreme figures in the Tang Dynasty, if any of them walk out, they can crush us to death..."

"Don't worry, fellow daoist!" Emperor Suzaku smiled, "I have bought news from the 'paparazzi' with a lot of money, and those heavenly emperors will soon join forces to go deep into the False God Realm to thoroughly search and kill the six evil lords of reincarnation. Never give it time to grow!"

"And those extreme supreme beings will suppress the important places of the universe, and beware of sudden chaos in the forbidden area of ​​life..."

"So, as long as we don't kill the sacred body, slap the Tang Dynasty in the face, just kidnap him briefly, invite him to be a 'guest' for a while, and take this opportunity to comprehend and become a's not a big deal!"

"It's really not possible, you can use some other identities to shirk the blame!"

Emperor Suzaku looked at the old Jinwu, and both of them laughed, and everything was kept in silence.

As the heroes of a big force and a big group, how could they be soft-hearted and kind-hearted?
When the interests are large enough, there is nothing you dare not do!

"I looked through the ancient history of the clan, and suspected that the ancestor of my Jinwu clan was a kind of fairy spirit, who definitely came out of the immortal realm." The old Jinwu said, "Now, I just borrow the stimulation of the fairy energy to see if it can be revived." Just take a look at the blood of the ancestor of the immortal dao."

"The many majesties of the Tang Dynasty must be able to understand..."

"My Suzaku Clan is the same!" Emperor Zhunzai sighed, "Everything is for the sake of cultivation... So, you and I should cooperate sincerely, and don't drag each other down..."


Old Jinwu repeatedly said, that kind of firmness, that kind of belief, that kind of spirit of never betraying his teammates, spread enough to move the world.

After a close negotiation between the two divine birds, Zhundi, a large net was woven, specially designed for a certain Ye Fengchu.

Emperor Suzaku came here with all his heart, and returned with all his heart, and the old Golden Crow watched him off with a smile.

Until a long time later, Tian Zhou, the only surviving prince of the Golden Crow clan who was shot and killed by Dayi, came and said in a low voice, "Father, is this Suzaku... really believable?"

"Hmph!" Old Jinwu's smile subsided, and he let out a cold snort, "Credible? Ha!"

"This generation is not a hero if he does great things and cherishes his life, and sees small gains and forgets his life!"

His evaluation was very sharp, completely different from the joy of the guests and hosts in front of Emperor Suzaku before.

"Then father, you still..." Tian Zhou was puzzled.

"You don't understand." Old Jinwu stood with his hands behind his back, "Do you think I'm safe now that I'm in this state?"


"At the beginning, in the era of the forbidden zone of life, there was an ancient supreme staring at me... For this reason, I did not hesitate to destroy my own way, and secretly carried out Nirvana, just to deceive the world and cross the sea, and one day I suddenly broke through and became emperor."

"At present, the restricted area of ​​life is hidden, but the Great Tang God Dynasty has come... I thought that from my father's perspective, this God Dynasty has a deep demonic nature, cruelty, and cold blood!"

There was a look of fear in the old Jinwu's eyes, "Perhaps, there were no Demon Ancestors in the first place... It's just that the Tang Dynasty needed them, so there were Demon Ancestors!"

Hearing this, Tian Zhou opened his eyes wide - what a shocking statement!

If it spreads out, the whole universe will tremble three times!
"How powerful the Demon Ancestor is! He opened up the False God Realm, and countless ancient ghosts and gods are sealed in this False God Realm... With such strength, the Tang Dynasty God Dynasty fought against him, and no one died?!" Old Jinwu put aside all appearances and pointed at the truth, "Do you believe it?"

"Moreover, they are too tacit in suppressing Emperor Zun and suppressing the restricted life zone..."

The old Jinwu took a deep breath, "And what is the intention of the Demon Ancestor? You should understand."

Tian Zhou's expression was ugly, like a dead brother, "Overthrow the Holy Land, the ethnic group..."

"Wrong! It is to break the monopoly of practice!" Old Jinwu shook his head, "He wants to make the whole era active!"

"So, in this era, we must cater to this will... Doing things is allowed, and standing still is the only way to die!"

"So, you cooperated with that Suzaku and tried to trace the ancestors of our group?" Tian Zhou was stunned.

"Cooperation? Heh!" Old Jinwu sneered, "Ancestors, they were buried in the past long ago, so they don't fit this era!"

"This is just a cover." He looked at his child, "Because the father has found a descendant group that contains the blood of the Taiyin Jade Rabbit clan, and the opportunity to plan to become a fairy is also to help the women in this group use their fairy spirit Purify the blood, and then practice the blood method to completely return to the ancestors... At that time, when the sun and the sun combine, chaos will come to the world!"

When the old Jinwu said this, he laughed wildly, "My heart is old, can I still keep up with the times? I'm not sure...but my child will definitely be able to!"

"I made it, let it come to me..."


"I laugh at that golden bird who has no plan, doesn't know the number of days, and just made a wedding dress for me..."

Emperor Suzaku Zhun returned to his ancestral land, went straight to the secret storehouse of the clan, took out a broken stone tablet that had been covered in dust for an unknown number of years, and fondled the characters on it obsessively.

Those characters have an indescribable imprint of energy and spirit, even if they have passed through the ages, they still remain. Even if they don't know the words above, people can still understand the meaning inexplicably.

"Primitive imperial city, Suzaku crowned king..."

The ancient divine words, accompanied by the roar of sacrificial sounds, Zhun Zhundi was in a trance, as if he had traveled through time to witness something.

In a boundless and majestic city, a red bird stands proud of the world and the eternal blue sky, spreading its wings across the universe and shattering time.

An invincible will is sweeping and shouting.

"Immortal King!"

It took a long time for Emperor Suzaku to break free from this dream.

"I, the Vermilion Bird Clan... am a descendant of the Immortal King!"

"The catastrophe set off by the evil lord is plotting for this kind of achievement, right?"

"As long as I return to my ancestors..."

Emperor Suzaku's gaze was very fiery, "Becoming an immortal's hard to say, but being a true immortal... shouldn't be a problem, right?"


"I don't know if there are any ancestors of mine in the False God Realm?"

"If you can find it..."


Emperor Suzaku swallowed dryly.

Such a beautiful dream, people are too obsessed!
No wonder some people like to daydream... who wouldn't want such a dream? !
(End of this chapter)

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