The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 377 Princess, Dynasty, Patriarch!

Chapter 377 Princess, Dynasty, Patriarch!

"Princess Yaoyao... well, is she famous?"

Ye Fan rested his chin with one hand, his eyes filled with confusion.

"..." Yaoyao was stunned, her eyes widened, "Are you so ignorant?"


She held her head up high, her spirits high, her self-confidence to the point of narcissism blossomed, "I! Yaoyao! The number one beauty under the starry sky!"

"It is the supreme pride. I have never had an enemy in the same realm. I have defeated countless enemies across the realm. I am praised by the elders in my family. I don't need to find my ancestors. I will surpass my ancestors!"

The girl shook her head, but somehow Ye Fan felt a subtle chill.

Ye Fan was puzzled, shook his head, dispelled this feeling, and looked at Yaoyao with interest.

"Others... I'm not good at commenting. Like the Supreme Talent, it depends on the specific environment. Sometimes the environment is too bad, and the Heavenly Talent who rules the roost is the general among the dwarfs."

"As for the so-called number one beauty under the stars..."

Ye Fan glanced at Yaoyao twice, rubbed his chin, "You... have you bought Hot Search?"

"..." In a short period of time, the girl's face turned red, like a boiled prawn... It's hard to say whether she was ashamed or angry.

"Well, your family should be quite powerful, I guess it can be regarded as first-class in the world, otherwise you won't even be eligible to buy trending searches, and you won't be able to support the title of the number one beauty under the starry sky..." Ye Fan didn't stop talking, 37 Du's mouth, speaking a few hundred "heart-warming" words, is like a sharp knife, piercing the heart one by one, hitting Yaoyao with piercing damage.

She fought bloody battles before, even though she was outnumbered, beaten by the crowd, and injured after killing all the enemies, she was still able to calm down... But here, she deeply felt her own fragility.

Lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharp knife!

"When the beauty reaches a certain level, it is actually difficult to evaluate. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, like radish and cabbage, and each has its own love." Ye Fan expressed his opinion, "In this case, we can still distinguish one, two, three...or the fist is big. , or the voice is loud."

"Otherwise, the more beautiful you are, the more dangerous you are... After all, beauty also needs protection."

"Beauty without protection is just a flash in the pan, it will wither and pass away, leaving only a trace of regret."

He deduced methodically, analyzed from a rational, objective, and neutral standpoint, and stripped away the cocoon of Yaoyao's life background, which is reasonable, reasonable, and well-founded.

Of course, after these words, Yaoyao was very defensive.

This strange young man is so annoying!

What nonsense are you talking about!

"You understand it very well!" Princess Yaoyao gritted her teeth, "Who are you to know so many twists and turns?"

"Yes! Why do I understand so well?" Ye Fan pondered, "Did I ever plan anything?"

"It seems...isn't it?"

Shame to say.

He feels that the reason why he understands so well and understands so thoroughly is not because of how "insidious and cunning" his nature is, but purely because of the dangerous living environment. After a miserable life, a conditioned reflex arises.

It's like boxing.

If you get beaten a lot, you will naturally know how to beat people!
Or, because of the rain, you want to tear up other people's umbrellas?

Thoughts were chaotic for a while, and finally everything turned into a sigh.


"I can't remember."

Ye Fan at this moment is very sad, with an unspeakable temperament, sad and full of mystery, which makes people have the urge to explore.

Just like Yaoyao, at this moment, his mood is agitated, and he has an inexplicable empathy, and wants to come forward to comfort him.

'and many more! '

Princess Yaoyao became vigilant in an instant, "This person...don't be tricking me, right?" '

'Who in the world doesn't know my life experience, the princess of the earth's supreme evolutionary dynasty?And the universe is so big and there are so many ethnic groups, the earth can also be ranked No. 11! '

"It's just that the current situation is turbulent, and the stars and clans are faintly targeting my family..."

The girl had worries in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, she was fighting wits and courage with Ye Fan.

"Cough!" She coughed lightly, regaining her dignified posture, pretending to be mature and majestic, "Young man, you must know the truth that evil comes from your mouth."

"You have slandered my image and slandered my moral character so much. If it wasn't for this princess who is magnanimous and doesn't want to argue with you, you would have been thrown into Kunlun Purgatory and enjoy a thousand years of punishment!"

"Kunlun..." Hearing this word, Ye Fan was in a daze for a moment, as if there was a huge wave in his mind, as if he had touched a related memory, as if he was awakening his previous life.

However, in the end, it was powerless, and the big wave subsided quickly, and there was no return of memory... Maybe it was because of insufficient information obtained.

But Ye Fan knows that "Kunlun" is very important!

"Thinking of your first offense, this princess can forgive you, but!" Princess Yaoyao flew over the world, too sacred and too aloof, "If you dare to commit another crime, you will regret it for the rest of your life, don't say...don't say...don't say anything... coming?"

The girl stuttered, and rummaged through her body for a while, finally found a booklet, opened a few pages, her eyes lit up, and she shouted in the loudest voice.

"Don't call it unpredictable!"

Obviously, if the princess had a degree, she would probably have faked it and focused all her attention on practicing and fighting.

It has the style of its ancestors!
The talents of all living beings are eight buckets, and the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks have one stone alone, and the rest owe two buckets.

One drank animal milk stupidly, the other falsified his academic qualifications...but they were all too good at fighting!

"You're talking about that true?"

Ye Fan smiled, stretched out one hand, and flicked his fingers!
Yaoyao is horrified, and it will explode in an instant, and a duel will take place.

Although in terms of beauty, it's hard to say how much of her own efforts and family background contributed to her title of the most beautiful woman under the stars.

However, in the field of fighting, she is very confident, and she is extremely confident. She thinks that she will not be inferior to the performance of any Tianjiao in the same realm and age group in the past and present!

For Ye Fan, she estimated that his bone age is not high, and his temperament is not too vicissitudes, which means that he may not be much older than her...

To sum it up, it works!

The Yaoyao princess has made a move, the Yaoyao princess is brave in the world, the Yaoyao princess shines in the world, the Yaoyao princess...

She was beaten.

There is no shocking duel, no evenly matched, exciting battles, only unilateral and thorough crushing!


There was a knock on her head, poor Yaoyao, her head made a loud noise, and she was so messed up that she almost fell down.

She lost control of her whole body, and felt in a trance that she saw a long river without beginning and end, which was Huangquan; she also saw a bridge that seemed to span the sky and earth, called Naihe Bridge.

On the other side of the bridge, it was her ancestors who had passed away waving to her.

Among them, there seemed to be a person who looked oddly like the young man in front of him!
"Hey! I'm sorry, the attack was a little light and heavy..."

When her consciousness was hazy, she whispered softly in her ears, with magical power, like a rope holding her, causing Yaoyao to be dragged back when she unconsciously stepped on the Naihe Bridge, and everything she saw in a trance was blurred.

Finally, the girl opened her eyes and looked at the last rays of the setting sun, almost weeping with joy.

'Mom! '

'What kind of monster did I run into? '

She was sad in her heart, she was too difficult, and deeply suspected that the young man in front of her was some old monster pretending to be tender... Isn't this a lie!

too strong!
It was simply unreasonable and tyrannical, shattering all her supernatural powers and completely crushing her!
At that moment of collision, she felt that she suddenly understood what it means to hit a stone with a pebble... She didn't even block him with a single finger!

'Could it be an old monster that reflects the heavens?There is no such person in the impression? '

' feels like he's not just this level, he's stronger than all the old monsters I've ever seen! '

Yaoyao is very sure.

Because, it's not like she hasn't seen such a fierce man before.

After all, she has a fiancé who is known as the third person under the starry sky.

And this outstanding master is a fierce man who reflects the heavens!

However, when she saw Ye Fan at this moment, and compared the fierce man in her memory with him, she found... so what kind of fierce man is that?It's just a weak chicken!
Is this still from the same world!

'world! '

Suddenly, Yaoyao realized something and guessed something.

At this moment, when she looked at Ye Fan again, her eyes were wrong.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows, admiring the ever-changing beauty of the girl, sometimes shocked, sometimes confused, sometimes horrified, sometimes hostile...

It has to be said that no matter whether Yaoyao's title of the most beautiful woman under the starry sky is worthwhile or not, she is extremely beautiful, she can be regarded as a country and a city, charming the world.

Such a girl makes people feel pity when she is sad, and makes people fascinated when she is confident... It can be called one of the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Suddenly, the girl's expression changed, she was respectful and cautious, she blinked her big eyes, "Senior is visiting this planet, but he is traveling around the world? I would like to do my best as a landlord, please allow me, senior."

"Oh? Really?" Ye Fan looked at the seemingly frank girl with great interest, and had insight into her many subtle thoughts, but did not expose them, "Okay!"

"Just let me see how the world looks like."

"However, there are still some hand ends that need to be resolved."

"Otherwise, it's easy to be spoiled and make people unhappy."

Ye Fan said so, looking up at the starry sky.

He seemed to have seen something, and with a casual move, an unusual withered grass fell into his hands.

"Many things, I seem to have forgotten..."

Ye Fan whispered, "However, there are some things that have become instinctive, remembered and engraved in my body..."

"I don't know what year it is, I don't know where my hometown is..."

"Only this body is immortal, and it will live the same life forever, so I can talk about it as a consolation."

He sighed faintly.

"The vastness of the starry sky, the brilliance of the stars, how is it compared to my grass?"

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the withered grass came alive at this moment, full of vitality!
There is no supernatural power, there is only a kind of dao rhyme permeating, piercing time and space.

Grass, soaring to the sky, piercing into the galaxy.

At this moment, it seemed as if all the heavens were mourning, and the scene of that one plant of grass became eternal, and was reflected in the universe, so that one group after another could be seen by groups of people who were surrounded by a star tacitly, and let the saints among them horror.

"What happened?"

"what's going on?!"

The saints are horrified, they cannot understand.

"A single plant of grass reflects the heavens?!"

"Wait, where is that grass going?!"

They are concerned, they are tense.

Suddenly, the grass changed and turned into a sword light!
This sword light is shocking, like the concentration of a vast sea of ​​stars, as it changes, the sea of ​​stars is burning, condensing an eternal light, illuminating the starry sky!
It has a kind of supreme sword intent inside, as if a blade of grass can cut off the sun, moon and stars, and make all the ages empty!
And in the direction pointed by the eternal light, there is a fleet sweeping across the starry sky, overwhelming the sky!

There are saints sitting in it, ordering the fleet, and thousands of warships are in formation, murderous, those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come.

But what is this murderous aura worth when facing that sword light? !

"Who dares to offend my Netherworld!"

The saint felt it, and roared angrily at this moment, and a dharma figure appeared in the heaven and earth.

His strength is extraordinary, generally speaking, even if a star stands in front of him, he can destroy it with one blow!
Not to mention, there are so many fleets as auxiliary!

Without such strength and influence, how can we talk about destroying the supreme evolutionary dynasty of the earth?
In fact, even such saints and fleets are only a small part of a grand plan.

How could it be easy to destroy the earth and a supreme evolutionary dynasty?

After all, it is not that there are outstanding people on that earth. There are field saints who can plan the world, sort out the galaxy, and trap and kill many saints with their own power. The horror is boundless.

Even, at the most amazing time, he can use the field to fight against the strongman who reflects the heavens!
This shocked the world, because even if the strong man who reflected the heavens just wrote down a decree, he could make the stars manifest in the sky, and huge planets rumbled one after another, oppressing the world.

However, such a myth has been blocked in front of the Earth Dynasty, and it can no longer be said to be superior.

Conflicts of interests and hidden undercurrents have pushed the evolutionary dynasties on Earth to the brink of desperation step by step, and now they are on the brink of destruction!

This saint is nothing but a pioneer.

However, pioneer work is always difficult to do.

If you jump too much, you are often easy to get stabbed.

Just like this moment!

That ray of sword light arrived, and it bloomed in an instant, flooding the universe with light.


The saint was terrified. He wanted to escape at this moment, but he couldn't escape at all. Time and space seemed to be frozen. He became a fly trapped in the amber, desperately waiting for the arrival of death!

The big universe split open, and an infinitely deep abyss of void appeared, burying the saint and the entire fleet, strangled into a handful of dust in the universe!
It wasn't until a long time later that saints from other ethnic groups descended, looking at the long-lasting gap in the void with horror on their faces.

"This... this... Could it be that the evolutionary dynasty on Earth invited reinforcements, and they are the ancestors who reflect the heavens?" Someone tremblingly asked.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Another person said coldly, "My family's Tianjiao went deep into the dynasty to investigate the truth, and he already knew... how can there be any reinforcements? They don't exist! This must be deceiving us, we can't be shaken!"


"What's wrong?" Princess Yaoyao looked at Ye Fan suspiciously, and then at the starry sky.

"It's nothing, just erase some ants." Ye Fan smiled, "Let's go, lead the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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