The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 501 The road to immortality, powerful and ancient!

Chapter 501 The road to immortality, powerful and ancient!
The bloodline method, this evolutionary path, is both cultivating the Tao and cultivating oneself!
Recognize yourself as never before and grasp the origin and evolution of your life. Not to mention eighteen generations of ancestors, but one thousand eight hundred generations, eighteen thousand generations, or even one hundred thousand, one million, and tens of millions of generations. Ancestors can clearly identify and thoroughly answer three questions on the road of life.

who am I?
where am i from?
Where am I going?
In the brilliance of the mark of life, all answers are written.Heaven and earth create living beings, and they are passed down from generation to generation. The blank spiritual seeds that fell from reincarnation are shaped and carved clearly, and finally become the unique "I"!
The bloodline method is undoubtedly special. It reveals the origin of life in the most objective and true way. Every pure spiritual seed that has been cleaned by reincarnation and eventually grows into all kinds of people is due to the fate of the day after tomorrow and the times. The torrent is the legacy of our ancestors.

It is the crystallization of the combined efforts of heaven, earth and the common people. Walking on this road is to gain insight into the pulse of heaven and earth, the times, and humanity. It is a unique piece of music to listen to the touch of life that belongs to you from this pulse.

Knowing where and how you come from, and deciding where your future will go in the flow of the times, how to pass on the imprint of your life, and passing on the touch of life to future generations just like the generations of ancestors in the past, To realize the greatest relay in time is the miracle of life!
Yin and Yang work together to create and complement each other.

Born out of nothing, the five innate beings.

Reflect the world and remember the present.

Inherit the past and move towards the future.


As Demon Ancestor took steps forward, the immortal fighting method he had pioneered was integrated into it, creating the ladder from man to immortal.

He has imprinted eight of the nine paths of chaos, which run through the bloodline method. They are the connection between the fifth realm of the bloodline method, the Tianxin realm, and the sixth realm, which forms the universe. It absorbs the blood of countless deities, ancient emperors, and great emperors in later generations. The lesson is that if you take too big a step, it will hurt those who come after you, so I leave the answer for reference.

He extracted the eight mysteries of chaos. In addition to the birth and death of Tao, the Chaos Green Lotus, the birth and death of the seven orifices, the five innate gods, the rebirth of time, the blending of yin and yang, the furnace nourishing hundreds of sutras, the smelting of ten thousand blood, and the origin of chaos are all here. Present!

The blending of yin and yang is the creation of parents, allowing a life to come into the world.

The process here can be said to come from nothing, leading to the reincarnation in the dark, allowing the empty spiritual seeds to come and merge, which is in line with the mysteries of the five innate Taiyi - Taiyi has God, which is the seed of the soul; Taichu has Qi, which is Yin and Yang are harmonious; Taishi takes shape, and there is biochemical evolution; Taisu has quality, and the internal organs are condensed; Taiji has a body, and the divine fetus is finally completed!
In the divine womb, the legacy of countless generations of ancestors has been inherited. Their traces are enshrined in it, and it is the common blessing of everyone. Their blood flows, and they are smelted together to be perfect.

Finally, a baby was born. With the purest innocent eyes, he looked at the first ray of light from heaven and earth that shone into his heart. From then on, the blank picture of the spiritual world was splashed with ink, dyed with the color of the times, and the inner world was carved and evolved. The birth and death of the seven orifices!
The opening and closing of the seven orifices is a cultivation of the spiritual world, and it seems to have nothing to do with the bloodline method?

Matter determines consciousness, and when it reaches a sufficient height, consciousness will also react on matter and blood!
The most outstanding ones are like the Emperor's Enlightenment. This is their spiritual achievement. It is dazzling and splendid. It summarizes all the ways and methods, cultivates hundreds of sutras and completes my sutra. At its most glorious, it affects the entire era. , let the world and the universe applaud them, for them to deeply carve the unique crystallization of their thoughts into their blood, and spread it with the reproduction of life!
Even though their bodies will decay, the fruits of this spirit will not, they will last forever in their blood!

Perhaps countless years later, descendants will return to their ancestors, revive this Taoist fruit, write myths, and continue legends, so that the former emperor's face will shine - look!This is my descendant, with my style!

I died in the past and "reappeared" in the present. Similar flowers bloomed, which was the rebirth of time!
Looking back suddenly, a trace of familiar soul shines, unforgettable, echoing under the sky of history.

The glory continues, tell the whole world, don’t forget me, I am still here!
Of course, sometimes, this is not all glory. Some people wish that the whole world would forget about them, and it is best to forget them completely.

——A certain unnamed founder of the Jiang family of the Jidao family, and the founder of the Jidao divine dynasty Guhuashen dynasty, followed by a certain descendant who refreshed the bottom line of life and the lower limit of morality day after day, day and night. The night battle was filled with trepidation and constant fear.

Every time he went out, he had to watch the road, and he had to watch three steps every time he took one step. He was afraid that three or five fairy kings would jump out of the grass on the roadside, put a sack on him, and give him an inhumane beating.

Even now, the Immortal King is almost embarrassed, because there is an Immortal Emperor watching covetously, and he has been tolerating someone for a long time!
——He couldn't defeat the Demon Ancestor, could he also defeat a certain human emperor? !

Let descendants pay their debts to their ancestors!
"I have something to say, I don't know whether I should say it or not..." The lively Emperor Hengyu reappeared in the world. He looked in the mirror and let out a shocking lament, "I regret shooting at the wall..."

"I have a premonition that life will be worse than death soon. Is it right to create the Jiang family? Is it wrong?"

He sighed sadly, causing his several Jiang family emperors who were also reflected and reappeared to hesitate to speak. After all, the old father was too miserable.

I was once a proud harem emperor and a real winner in life. I have a friend, the founder of the Way of Human Desire, who refined such an unorthodox weapon as the Goddess Furnace. God knows how colorful his life experience was in the past.

However, he is related to the Demon Ancestor and is his direct ancestor... This is too terrible!
In fact, if we really want to talk about Jiang Mozu's ancestors, it is obvious that Emperor Hengyu is not the only one.

Speaking of which, the Taiyin Human Emperor, the Sun Holy Emperor, the Void Emperor, the Tai Huang, etc. all have direct blood relationships.

Pushing forward further, to the Ancient Immortal Era, or even older eras, there are at least eighteen Immortal King-level ancestors!
If anyone settles with the Demon Ancestor and repays the debts of his descendants to his ancestors, then the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will riot!

Even Emperor Huangtian, if he insists on friendship and goes through the genealogy, the relationship with the Demon Ancestor may not be at all possible, but with eight thousand poles or eighty thousand poles, it is impossible to say that they are a family, and they are real relatives. In the genealogy, They have intersections and have the same ancestors!

Who makes Emperor Hengyu's face look so similar to that of Demon Ancestor?
This is so eye-catching!

Emperor Hengyu choked up and silently prayed that the descendants who fell into the demonic path would be more ferocious and have no hope of being respected. He only hoped that the demon ancestor would be so powerful that everyone would be afraid. Due to the residual power, no one would dare to find him. He operates!

Such thoughts seemed to touch Demon Ancestor for a moment, making him look back in the long river of time.

But in the end, he shook his head and laughed, strode forward, and continued to swim against the current of time!

He interprets the mysteries of blood and life. Every step he takes is a ladder to immortality, linking the human way and the immortal way.

The blending of yin and yang, the five innate gods, the smelting of thousands of blood, the birth and death of the seven orifices, the cultivation of hundreds of sutras in the furnace, the rebirth of time... one after another, the baptism of the mysteries of chaos, understanding the mystery of the creation of the universe, and finally evolving the original chaos!
Just like the former Chaos Body Wang Bo, his parents were either lunar and solar bodies that combined to give birth to him. They were just ordinary physiques, but under the mysterious creation of the universe, this Chaos Body was shaped and born.

However, although Wang Bo is a chaotic body, he knows it but does not know why.

When the Bloodline Technique has reached this point, it can be said that the Chaos Body no longer has any secrets, and this peak human physique is under control!

This is also the cornerstone of the final leap before ascending to the immortal path, and the foundation for achieving the sixth realm of bloodline law, "self-contained universe".Because the universe should be created from chaos!
This is an extremely dangerous leap. Since ancient times, there have been many legends. The founder of the sky died of exhaustion when creating the world... So naturally, the last avenue of chaos is needed, which is the holy object of creation and the fairy flower of chaos——

Chaos Qinglian!

Chaos gave birth to green lotus, and green lotus gave birth to "Pangu", thereby civilizing chaos and condensing all the essence of the first five realms of the bloodline method. With the final leap, the illusory interior world became real, and finally a magnificent universe appeared, carrying countless The traces of ancestors and grasping time are achievements comparable to those of the Immortal King!
The eight secrets of chaos, the eight ladders, are eight small realms... If you include the achievements of cultivating the supreme realm through the bloodline method, which is also considered as one realm, then there will be a total of nine realms, which is enough to correspond to the ninth world of mortal immortals. Like the Nine Paths of Reincarnation Seal!
This is the step-by-step road to heaven, and it is also the road to immortality. It is right at your feet, and it is natural for every living being.

Who is not born of parents?Who didn’t drop some spiritual seeds in reincarnation and come to the world with nothing?Who has not inherited the past and the future and forged ahead between life and death?
The same situation naturally leads to a common path, leaving a test paper that can get a perfect score. Using the bloodline method to link the eight avenues of chaos can be regarded as an alternative fusion, and it can become a war immortal.

Of course, in addition to the full score, there are additional points.

Just like Cao Yusheng, the Lord of Tribulation, he worked hard for countless years before he cultivated the nine seals of reincarnation, which was enough to prove that he was a worldly immortal.

But Emperor Huangtian had already cultivated ten reincarnation seals long ago. This achievement was enough to make Emperor Hades cry and faint in his grave.

There is no comparison between people!

Jiang Yifei is very open-minded. The ninth secret of chaos - the birth of Tao and the destruction of Tao - is considered an additional question. If you can do it, it is good. If you can't do it, it will not prevent you from becoming an immortal. And once you become an immortal, you will almost transcend the entire realm of true immortality. , reaching the realm of the Immortal King!

Similar to the Ten Evils but different - the Ten Evils reached the Immortal King in the physical body, but the spirit was flawed.

To become a war immortal through the bloodline method is to have the Tao and Fruit in full, and to be a cosmic-level life form. With that kind of life essence, the future is bright, but it lacks some foundation. As a newly born "cosmic baby", it needs time to settle. As you grow stronger, things will fall into place.

There is a dazzling fairy road. Jiang Yifei walks in the long river of time, and seems to be walking on the evolutionary path of the bloodline method. It shines brilliantly and is difficult to look at directly.

At this point, this evolutionary path has been completed in the human world, and is magnificent in the immortal world. One sacred lotus blooms one after another. In the years and in the heavens, the world and the world are roaring, and the people are inexplicably joyful, as if they are cheering and cheering for it. bless.

Perhaps, the universe is congratulating the birth of a "similar", a new universe has been opened, and it has been incorporated into the system of the universe.

Or perhaps, it is the countless people who are singing the praises of the infinite possibilities of life evolution, from human beings to heaven, the real small world of the human body, and the big human body of the universe.

At this moment, thunder fell from the sky, flowers bloomed in the sky, the heavens resonated, and the vision was boundless.

The light of the avenue steamed and rolled in, making the figure of the Demon Ancestor drowned by the mottled rune beams of various colors!

Even if he is in the long river of time, going against the times, he is still found, blessed and blessed, like a baptism, the divine chain of supreme order shuttles through his pores, entangled in his bones, and in his bones. Intertwined in flesh and blood, permeated by the light of his soul, condensed in the mark of his true spirit.

This is no less than a creation calamity, a blessing from all the worlds to the creator of a promising evolutionary path. Unexpectedly, there is no terrible calamity, only endless blessings.

"Is it because of the flexible moral bottom line of my evolutionary path... No, is it a flexible customized state?"

Demon Ancestor whispered, shook his head and laughed, "Is it a living being and a universe?"

"Beings break through and realize transformation, so there is calamity."

"But the universe has mixed into the system of the heavens and the world, and has a team of people, becoming one of the heavens?"

"However, it's not enough."

He walks faster and faster, striding forward through the years.

For the practice in the field of blood magic and immortality, there is no better place to settle down than the long river of time!
Perhaps, this long passage of time poses a great risk to any true immortal or even the immortal king. If you are not careful, you will get lost... Only the bloodline method has a guideline!

The ancestors from generation to generation are the beacons that guide the way and the direction, so that we will never get lost.

Moreover, this is also the fulcrum, to resolve and offset the counterattack force of time, and to change the day!
This has been verified before. In one of Emperor Ye Tian's great dreams, the Demon Ancestor even used this to "hack" his way into the last years of the Immortal Ancient Period, fight and do whatever he wanted!

The long river of time is the home ground of the bloodline method and the place of transformation!

Time is relative.

When going retrograde in the long river of time, before the soul can no longer bear the heaviness and vicissitudes of time, how long the retrograde steps span, then the universe it opens up is equivalent to spending the same long years, harvesting precipitation and accumulation!
It is ancient because it is powerful, and it is powerful because it is ancient.

This is enough to create the most terrifying type of Immortal King in the world. As long as the inheritance of the bloodline is long enough, there are clear road signs in the years, and you are not afraid of getting lost, you can keep going and be strong!
Suddenly, Jiang Yifei looked at the end of time and whispered softly, "I seem to have sensed that trace..."

"Perhaps I can truly reach the source of all life in this world."

"Because I am...the first ancestor of the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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