The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 563 Original, save me!

Ye Fan was sluggish.

He was stunned.

What grudge? What hate?

A group of quasi-immortal emperors jumped out of nowhere, and just because they were sure that he was the evil master, they looked so murderous that they wanted to kill him on the spot?

He didn't remember that he had offended so many fierce people!

Ye Fan couldn't understand.

For a moment, he thought about crying injustice and trying to defend whether he had been wronged.

But when the words came to his lips, Ye Fan suddenly felt that it was unnecessary to cry out for injustice...

Just like the identity of the "evil lord", he once deceived himself and defended himself, thinking that he had been wronged and that he was not the reincarnation of the evil lord at all.

In the end the truth came out - yes! He is indeed not the reincarnation of the evil lord!

However, he is the predecessor of the evil lord!

——Without him, Ye Fan, where would the evil master come from?

Therefore, now that there are so many murderous masters heading straight for the evil master, how can Ye Fan dare to say that this must have nothing to do with him?

Who would have known that it wasn't him in the future who had committed a heinous crime again, causing public outrage and everyone calling for beatings? !

The past, the present, the future... are intertwined and intertwined, constantly being cut, and still chaotic!

Ye Fan was at a loss here, searching up and down, gradually got used to it, became numb, couldn't think too much, and could only go with the flow.

I have forgotten my words when I want to distinguish, I can only sigh and fight for my life!


The heavens trembled and the world wailed. Who in the past and present could see such an incredible scene?

Quasi-immortal emperor!


Facing the same creature, attack and conquer until death!

Behind them, sad past events emerged in a daze, and the fragments of time were played out, making people look at them and learn about an old incident and a public case.

In the cruel battlefield, heroes are falling and heroes are dying. They are suffering from an unimaginable "curse". It was taken from the reincarnation by the supreme master, shaking the true spirit and shaking the state, so that in the craziest situation... The most fatal flaw appeared on the battlefield that should not have appeared, and he fell in a pool of blood because of it!

The supreme immortal emperor went crazy. They howled and roared, using their supreme magical power to smash the past and present, see the cause and effect, and finally see the truth——

A bronze coffin, an evil Taoist master!

Evil Lord!

It was he who deliberately caused the tragedy and killed countless heroes on the most critical battlefield!

How to avenge the blood feud?

This group of outsiders gave the answer with practical actions——


Take your dog's head to sacrifice to the hero!


The light of killing shocked the world. The three weapons merged into one. It was the reappearance of the arms of the Menghai Immortal Emperor. He was in charge of the attack. His own children shed their own blood, allowing the gods in the Immortal Emperor's armies to revive and bathe in the blood light. And shocking, terrifying and terrifying.


A girl from the Immortal Mountain of Heaven, a descendant of Luozu, has a fairy mark between her eyebrows. It is a graceful lotus pattern. At this moment, the fairy flower is swaying, making the floating world shine. A picture scroll jumps out. The pen and ink are not complicated. , one flower, one person, but it seems that the most splendid splendor in the world has been drawn by the supreme Immortal Emperor himself!


Time disillusioned, and a big bell emerged. The bell was stained with the dust of endless vicissitudes of time. It was rung after eternity and emitted a heavy bell. It seemed to be mourning and ringing for an era that had long been dusted and buried. The death knell, and at the expense of itself - as the bell rang, the bell cracked among the mottled spots. This was a forbidden weapon with a limited number of uses!


One after another, quasi-immortal emperors came from heaven. They are the leaders of one Taoist tradition, or the most amazing successors and Taoists. They have gathered the emperors and Taoist ancestors who have risen from countless heavens throughout the ages and rushed to the heaven and earth. The splendor and brilliance of the practice system and evolutionary path spread to the world.

Here, at this moment, they went to war with undying faith, sacrificing artifacts from the level of the Immortal Emperor, either imperial weapons, decrees, or forbidden weapons... just to kill one person!


Ye Fan waved the bronze coffin. At this moment, the coffin showed unparalleled power. It became stronger when it was strong. No weapon could suppress it. It burst out the real Immortal Emperor aura, like an Immortal Emperor weapon, tearing apart the eternal sky. , destroy the river of time.

However, such divine power is not used to kill everyone, but to survive and find a way to survive!

Eight statues!

There are eight quasi-immortal emperors who have used forbidden methods to get on the side of the immortal emperor!

Alone, Ye Fan can still calm down.

Between the two of them, Ye Fan had to frown. After all, he only had two perfect Dao Fruits of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor in his body.

Three people... He was about to think about how to escape.

Four...five...maybe you can consider where to bury them after your death?


There’s no need to worry about what’s to come after death, because this lineup is here to crush your ashes!


Blood was splattering, and Ye Fan was extremely miserable. He was penetrated by the light of destruction and eroded by the light of time. He bled in just a short moment, making his consciousness blurred, and he seemed to be familiar with this situation.


so similar!

It was as if he had gone back to the time when he was still a little monk in the world of humanity.

That year, he held his head in his hands and was beaten by a group of human emperors, so he didn't know how to fight back!

This moment is just like that moment!

It’s like reincarnation!

However, the opponents are no longer the humane emperors of the past... but Ye Fan feels similar malice.

In his life, he has been walking on thin ice...can he make it to the other side?

The rain of blood was flying, even though the bronze coffin of the third generation was invincible and immortal, Ye Fan couldn't hold on anymore.

Despair swept across, it was really like the reappearance of the past. Ye Fan's eyes were blurred. It was his blood that splashed in the eye sockets, blurring his vision.

The quasi-immortal emperor who activated the bell-shaped forbidden weapon... seems like it! Just like the Emperor Wu Shi who blocked him and beat him to the point of paralysis!

That quasi-immortal emperor who made the floating world shine with light and the sea of ​​​​world grow lotus... it seems like that too! Just like the Qing Emperor who was like a dragon and a tiger, cutting off his life, Ye Evil Master!

That one...

In his sight, the blood color kept getting thicker and gradually turned into a gray black!

Death follows you like a shadow!

"Is my life going to stop here?"

The blood flowed to dryness and he fought to exhaustion. Ye Fan's heart fell into the endless abyss.

He inquired into his heart and looked at his true self. Where is the way to survive?


"This clock is destined to me!"

When Ye Fan was infinitely close to death and came to realize the true meaning of survival, he had already reached the boiling sea of ​​​​the sky. In that corner of the heavens, the mainstays of the former Bitter Leaf Sect met, and they murmured and thought about each other. , eyes bright and fiery.

The Emperor Wushi was absent-minded for a moment, but soon his eyes became intense. He stared at the forbidden bell. When it was ringing, it triggered the sea of ​​time outside the world and swept across it. It carried all the heavens and all the worlds, and remembered All history from ancient times to the present.

Wu Shi's eyes were very fiery, filled with greed as never before, "I feel that it is closely related to my Tao!"

"The practice system it contains and interprets, and the evolutionary path behind it, are exactly what I lack and are worth learning from!"

"And that dog... I feel like it's also connected to me!"

Wu Shi stared at the three-headed dog that had been beaten, all three of its heads were blooming, and it looked like a corpse. He felt inexplicably close to it.

This also destined to him!

"If you have a destiny, you can have a destiny!" Qingdi complained at the side. He looked speechless, and looked at Wu Shi with a look of disdain in his eyes.

Who is this?

As long as it’s a clock or a dog, it’s your destiny, right?

What an obsession!

Qing Emperor touched his chin and thought about Wu Shi's past and present lives - when he was the Immortal King Wu Ending, he practiced a bell and raised a dog; when he was the Great Emperor Wu Shi, he also practiced a bell and raised a dog. !

For a moment, he felt relieved and felt it was understandable.

If there is no dog or clock, then there is no beginning and no end!


"I feel that this fellow Taoist and I are destined to be together..." He rubbed his chin, "Especially this painting..."

He set his sights on the descendant of Luo Zu, and felt an inexplicable throbbing as he gazed at the scroll that made the world glow with light and the world sea with lotus.

What does that feel like?

Qingdi pondered.

He remembered!

This feeling was just like when he met Emperor Huangtian in the ancient era, and like when he met Demon Ancestor in this era!


It’s the feeling of having golden thighs right in front of you!

Qing Emperor scratched his head and couldn't believe it - he was already a mature lotus flower, how could he still need to be hugged?


Absolutely impossible!

As everyone knows, on the side, the Human Emperor, who has already been a heroic martyr in the eyes of all living beings, is currently glancing at the Qing Emperor with a subtle gaze.

In the nine heavens and ten places, talents emerge in large numbers.

In another timeline, even the heavens were bloodbathed and 80% of the living beings were wiped out. Even in the era of the Holy Ruins, which was almost completely destroyed, the Xiu'er from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths still continued to perform their coquettish skills.

Especially those humane emperors who shined for an era.

I won’t mention Crouching Dragon and Phoenix.

There is no beginning, and the sex scenes of the entire era have been performed.

There is the Hades Emperor, who has found a father for himself.

There is a divine emperor who implements the word "gou" throughout.

There is Qingdi... He seems to have never appeared?

No! some!

Although there is no trace of him in the world, there are still legends about him. The chaotic green lotus is swaying, faintly crossing the sky, and its shape is imprinted in the painting. It was painted by a strong man when he was learning painting with a fairy. .

The question is, what kind of chaotic green lotus is the object in this painting?

It’s hard not to think about it!

Qing Emperor is a legend of his generation.

He is not the kind of person who defies nature and often reaches a dead end.

Nirvana failed at the moment of Nirvana. Seeing that his life was in danger, he met Emperor Huang Tian and baptized him with blood.

The creation of the heaven and earth to evolve into a fairyland failed. Seeing that the soul was in a state of confusion, there was an emperor who squeezed his heart when he was young, squeezed out the blood, rushed to provide welfare, planted green lotus in the sea of ​​suffering, and finally stimulated the restoration of the soul's nature.

Who can be sure that such a generation of "legend" will be swept away by some space-time storm or chaos storm and drift into the outside world when he desperately tries to get on the road to immortality, fails, gets lost, and is about to die? , were eventually picked up and raised as ornamental flowers? !

Jiang Yifei glanced at Qingdi with great interest, and finally smiled.

Nine heavens and ten earths are really evil!

Jiang Yifei sighed in his heart, there are only a few heavenly emperors who are reliable... In the end, the empress, a ruthless person who was once feared by the world, fought at the forefront with her own strength, seriously raising the moral integrity of all the heavenly emperors. It’s really touching!


Leave those who know speechless.

The most demonic Emperor of Heaven turns out to be the most reliable in the end. This makes people worry about the atmosphere of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Okay, now there's no need to worry."

Jiang Yifei laughed dumbly as he thought about it.

With him around, the issue of moral integrity is no longer an issue.

Because, compared with him, with him as a foil...all the Heavenly Emperors in Jiutian suddenly became more reliable and had high integrity!

Look at Ye Fan today!

This is his great achievement!

When he was daydreaming.


Ye Fan finally died in the bloody battle. His immortal body was broken and his bones were broken. It was extremely tragic!

Even if the path he walks on and the system he creates are truly built for battle and prepared for Nirvana transformation, as long as he can't be killed, he will continue to grow stronger, stimulate his body's potential, and be terrifying.

The more bloody the battle, the stronger he becomes, breaking his limits and reaching the top!

But... but!

This battle was too brutal. The quasi-immortal emperor of heaven used incredible trump cards. It was as if he was going to be killed at all costs!

Can understand.

Blood feud.

Then there is the terrifying heel of the "evil lord" speculated by the Immortal Emperor.

Who dares to relax against such an enemy? Who dares to be careless?

Naturally, they went all out, lest they could not be taken away in one wave, and then the evil master exploded and killed them in seconds!


The light of the Immortal Emperor shines, and the supreme power boils. Even if it is blocked and weakened by the bronze coffin of the third generation, the amount of Immortal Emperor level power blooming here is too much, and it cannot be protected at all!

In the end, in the wave of annihilation of all things, the death knell sounded, a fatal flaw was revealed, destructive power surged, and Ye Fan embarked on a dead end!


The third-generation bronze coffin bathed in Ye Fan's blood flew out of his hand, losing his greatest support and facing the killing power of the Immortal Emperor!

"Is this the end?"

Looking back, on the edge of life and death, Ye Fan felt that the memories of his life were repeated. Along the way, he laughed, cried, cried, cried...most of the time he struggled, laughing less and crying more.

"What a miserable life."

He sighed quietly in his heart and concluded his life.


"For a great evil person like me, who incarnates as an evil lord, sacrifices himself to this sea of ​​​​world, and is the source of the destruction of every era. I have my share of sins, so how can I expect a decent ending?"

"There is no demon ancestor, there is another ancestor..."

At the critical moment of life and death, he smiled, relieved in his heart, and the anger and dissatisfaction deep in his heart with the Demon Ancestor dissipated.

He had plans.

——One day when the magical power is accomplished, I want to talk to the Demon Ancestor to explain it... In the virtual world of the gods, the ghost gate is closed, let alone without your Demon Ancestor's support behind the scenes!

But now, he has looked away...everything is a decision of fate!

"I don't ask for forgiveness."

"But then again..."

"I was certainly at fault for the sin of blood-bashing the heavens, but doesn't that person have any problems?"

"He is the culprit!"

Thinking like this, a certain idea suddenly became clear, making Ye Fan scream at the desperate moment.

——"Original, save me!"

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