The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 594: All emperors salute, the human emperor appears!

Chapter 594: All emperors salute, the human emperor appears!

——Although, I was once the ancestor of the weird clan, killed the Immortal Emperor of God, sacrificed to all living beings in the world, created mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and was burdened with blood debts, now I want to "destroy" the world in a different way.

——But, as the saying goes, I put down my butcher knife and became a Buddha immediately. If I am fighting for the dead worlds, am I not a good person and cannot burn out pollen particles?

As for the results, please see -

The "Demon Emperor" protected the Spark by himself. He burned himself to block the joint attack of the nine strange immortal emperors. In the blazing light, all the chaos in the world exploded. It was more terrifying than the creation of the world, and everything was annihilated. Chaos burns and disperses.

However, the monument of the "Demon Emperor" will never be destroyed, and he firmly defended the defense line of "The Eternal Dream", even if his own blood and bones exploded, and his soul was burned, everything turned into light and dissipated!

Those lights are the most spiritual and holy. They are the same kind of light particles that have been deposited in the sea for eternity and then awakened and resurrected!


Among the six immortal emperors in the sky, Luo Tianxian looked confused, "Sister's way, sister's method, sister's path of evolution, how is it possible..."

Luo Tianxian doubts life.

——The world-destroying devil burned out the relics? What a dirty joke!

But this is reality.

"Devil Emperor" smiled and said nothing.

'Little girl, your sister has been lying dead on the plateau for countless years! '

'Her way, her method, her path of evolution, all mysteries that do not involve the way of sacrifice, have been thoroughly studied by me! '

Ancestor... so why not!

The products after burning are expressed and interpreted with pollen particles, and are scattered in the long river of time, and in the worlds where the "big dream of eternity" is gradually recovering.

In all the worlds, at this moment, there is no more His breath, as if there is complete silence forever.

"He transforms into eternity!"

His way, his law, his vision, what he sees and hears are all contained in these pollen particles, resonating with the endless remains of dead souls buried under the dust of history.

"Want to fight for yourself...again?"

Of course, this is not easy... Although the Pollen Emperor is a little better, in comparison, the ancestors are actually even worse. They are purely relying on external forces to improve. Success is ominous, failure is also ominous, and they are limited to weirdness throughout their lives. within the circle.

But it's scary enough.

In the brilliant firelight, the most terrifying energy fluctuations filled the time and space of eternity!

In the past, present, and future, there will be rain of light, and the "Devil Emperor" will burn himself, his body, his soul, and even his path of evolution in the gorgeous rain of light!

——"Fellow Daoist Pollen, you don't miss your sister either..."

How many times, a peerless empress who was worshiped by the Taoist priests, was almost killed by an angry corpse.

He turned into the last and most brilliant light, a piece of red, shot into the blood that spread all over the heavens throughout the ages, disappeared, disappeared!

Every time they harvest a great world, they will send their tribesmen to understand the remaining Tao of the slain opponents in the ruins, and absorb and fuse the secrets of the opponents' scriptures.

However, His magical power is sweeping across here, and vague figures are emerging one after another, in different eras, under different historical skies, and in the magical power of "The Great Dream of Eternity"!

At this moment, it was like a human emperor's sincere inquiry over the years. He frankly told many causes and effects - the strange terror, the incompetence of future generations, the plan to subvert everything, and the enemy's obstruction and destruction at this moment. The last spark...

Now, this skill comes in handy.

In the long river of time, there is a moment of silence.

In the end, the hard-working student got what he wanted... Although he didn't understand any secrets of sacrifice, at the level of the Immortal Emperor, he could play the Sixth Thief with the Pollen Road.

The Pollen Emperor was once the only creature other than the First Ancestor to set foot on the path of sacrifice. Naturally, her way and her method will be studied over and over again by the ancestors, just to help the ancestors go further - the ancestors really want to make progress.

'You have to... thank your sister! '

Time riots!

'The most amazing parent-child in Huang died suddenly on the spot when he stepped into the Immortal Emperor's footsteps! '

Since the darkness was raging, the Immortal Emperors fell in the struggle to fight against the ominous situation. Some were beaten and killed by a group of strange Immortal Emperors, and some died directly at the hands of the ancestors!

They were originally in eternal silence, but now they have been lifted up under the magical power of two taboos. They are not simply used as a means of killing, but are given life and a chance to revive from eternal silence, and compete with "the great world". "Dream Eternal" is bound!

Under the "Eternal Dream", all the worlds that had been sacrificed were pretending to be corpses, so the Immortal Emperor raised his coffin, which was... reasonable!

Of course, what can be revived now is just a vague spirituality, not even obsession.


Sea sacrifice riot!

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to... live again?"

Looking at this piece of red blood, the "Devil Emperor" smiled. In the horrified eyes of the Nine Emperors of the Plateau and the Six Emperors of Heaven, he burned his last source, and his supreme supernatural power blossomed!

"Burn for eternity!"

'You even think, why can you live to this day, live to become the Immortal Emperor, instead of being exterminated? '

——This is undoubtedly the truth, but it is not complete and some "insignificant" people and things are left out.

This is true for ordinary tribesmen, and it is also true for the Immortal Emperor of the strange tribe, who has mastered countless supreme magical powers.

Their bodies are all filled with supreme divine power... Even their bodies are very tragic. They fought across mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and finally fell to the enemy who could not resist them.

'So, I burned pollen particles, what's so strange about it? '

He has disappeared!

It's a pity that the coffins of the three ancestors were pressed very tightly and they were not given any chance.

But that kind of style, that kind of brilliance cannot be concealed, and there is no need to conceal it. It is ten thousand times more brilliant than all the great suns in the heavens and worlds gathered together!

They... are all Immortal Emperors!

It’s the dead Immortal Emperor!

Since the students are a little stupid, they have to work hard for the teacher.

The weird clan can also learn.


Reincarnation riot!

However, it all depends on people.

A bloody color gushes out from the billions of universes promoted by the "Eternal Dream". It is the reddest red and the most gorgeous blood!

" guys..."

The nine immortal emperors of the strange clan were as pale as paper at this moment.

What battles have they never seen before?

They have never seen these dozens of Immortal Emperors collectively pretending to be corpses!

——It’s great to be able to lock blood, isn’t it?

——Let you see how powerful the crowd is!

"Don't panic!"

At the critical moment, the red-haired Immortal Emperor shouted loudly to stabilize the morale of the army, "They are all dead people. They were killed by us and even the ancestors. They were placed on the altar and became sacrifices. If they want to return, how can the great plateau allow it?!" " It’s nothing more than the resurrection of the worlds, it’s not a big wave, it just makes the great sacrifice in the future more abundant.”

"But, let a heavyweight life form like the Immortal Emperor reappear... Chives, cattle and sheep, also want to hurt people?!"

"Insatiable greed, taking advantage of the situation, and seeking death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the endless darkness in the long river of time, and the boundless earth appeared, making the vaguely reflected figures of the immortal emperors suddenly fade!

Just because there are ten majestic figures standing side by side on that evil soil, just existing there, there is an invincible demonic fluctuation that makes all the worlds explode, making the three thousand avenues and all the rules dim and extinguished. !

The ten figures did not really come, but were just the marks left by the years. They emerged as those immortal emperors who were supposed to be silenced forever tried to revive. The entanglement of cause and effect, covering the sky with one hand, strangled everything, and allowed the plateau earth to continue to be great. !

They represent a strange and ominous general trend, offering sacrifices to the world and harvesting the world. The Immortal Emperor is just a fattened pig, trying to cause chaos? You must pass them!

At this moment, countless universes are trembling and wailing. As these ten figures emerge as a whole, they are all cracking, and the boat will capsize at any time in a big storm.

The imprints of the ten ancestors came together, and even if all the races in the world and the heroes of countless splendid eras in ancient and modern times were resurrected, and they appeared in this era, it would be difficult to stop them.

This is the reality!

Dozens of vague figures of the Immortal Emperor are fading away, and the revived spirituality is gathering dust, about to fall into the abyss of eternal silence again.

"The plateau is invincible! The ancestor is invincible!"

The red-haired Immortal Emperor sang a hymn of praise, "Who in the world can compete with me?"

"If you want to compete with my plateau, you can only have the same source!"

He speaks eloquently.

"Not bad!" The other eight Immortal Emperors of the strange clan all agreed.

Then, the next moment——


In the sea of ​​​​sacrifice, a bronze coffin appeared, like a sea-fixing needle, fixed in the storm caused by the bad land!

The imprint of the ten ancestors is like ten days in the sky, but it cannot suppress this bronze coffin. His imprint will last forever and span eternity. It actually holds up a piece of sky, blocking the pressure of the ten ancestors and protecting all mankind. World!

Under the protection of the bronze coffin, the spirituality of the dozens of dusty Immortal Emperors became active again, recovering bit by bit!

The coffin is very extraordinary, it can fight against the ancestors and protect spirituality.

In another timeline, Shi Fan, Emperor Huangtian's most amazing son, died, and the three ancestors joined forces to kill him. Even in such a desperate situation, when Emperor Huangtian revealed him in the smallest bronze coffin, he could still revive.

In a sense, it can be said that this bronze coffin is a glimmer of hope in the strange and ominous trend that is destroying the world!

At this moment, this glimmer of hope appeared and resolved the crisis.

"..." The red-haired Immortal Emperor opened his mouth wide - his hymn seemed to be sung a little too early.

"It doesn't matter!" He spoke again, "It's just blocking the mark of the great ancestor. What does that mean?"

"Even without the Ancestral Brand, it is just wishful thinking for so many dead Immortal Emperors to be resurrected together!"

"Why should they?!"

"A disappeared creature, leaving behind two magical powers, also wants to defy heaven?!"

The red-haired Immortal Emperor shouted loudly.

The eight strange immortal emperors nodded in succession.


The Demon Emperor himself has dissipated, how can his last remaining magical power defy heaven?

Dead people have their limits!


Immediately afterwards, they saw that the vaguely manifested spirits of the Immortal Emperor turned around together, facing the blood that spread all over the heavens throughout the ages, and they all bowed in silence and without words!

As they bow, there are paths of evolution in the dark, which are the embodiment of the practice method they created to evolve life. If you are conscious, we are bowing together!

This scene is horrifying to watch.

The Immortal Emperor saluted, not one person, but dozens of people!

They were all the most shining figures of an era or even dozens or hundreds of times. They represented the destiny and the human heart. They explored the end of the road and exhausted the mystery of spiritual cultivation.

Now, we actually salute together!

Following their postures, streams of light seemed to shoot out one after another in a trance, and from their respective evolutionary paths, they disappeared into the blood that swept through the heavens for eternity.

At the beginning, the blood was still, and the blood and sorrow of countless universes in the sea were stagnant throughout the ages.

Then, the red light flowed backwards, as if condensing into a substantial existence, vaguely turning into a placenta, hanging at the end of time.

At this moment, both the Weird Immortal Emperor and the Heavenly Immortal Emperor felt frightened and terrified.

But before they could do anything, the placenta burst open from the inside out, and a creature that had just disappeared reappeared!

Devil Emperor!

Resurrection from the dead? !

The Weird Immortal Emperor was shocked, watching the terrifying creature reappear, and vaguely captured fragments of the heavenly secret.

The Demon Emperor, one step at a time, has come from the era swept by the "Eternal Dream". Every step he takes is like the roar of countless creatures killed by the strange clan in the dust of history, echoing under the sky of history!

He...has become an incredible existence, a miracle of life!

From this moment on, He is no longer just the Immortal Emperor in charge of the bloodline method, but represents the entire history of blood and sorrow in the world that was destroyed by the plateau. He is the way of the world, the resentment of all living beings, and the The blood of time and space is the tears of reincarnation!

The heaven and earth, sentient beings, time and space, and reincarnation are condensed into one body. After experiencing the great dream for eternity, they become... a human emperor!

He burned away his past life, disappeared from the world, and was reborn and came back. He chose his own new life and gained the great freedom and liberation that he had always dreamed of.

After all, the world knew that he was the Demon Emperor, but he knew that he was not. He was just a strange true spirit born after the original matter eroded the body of the real Demon Emperor.

From the beginning, He was controlled by others. He had no past or life of his own. He was just a puppet, a tool of the plateau's will.

Unless these "threads" are broken, it is difficult to say that He is an independent "person".

Fortunately, there is a "big dream of eternity" that is subverting ancient history and reenacting ancient and modern times!

He chose it, and it also chose Him, dissipated in it, and was reborn in it, truly coming to life, becoming a "person", and... a human emperor!

"The Human Emperor invented by Demon Ancestor is fake."

"But I, the Human Emperor... am real."

"Burn everything, gather the blood and sorrow of eternity, be reborn in the order that denies darkness, and then crown me together through the evolutionary path that once existed."

The Demon Emperor... no, it should be said to be the Human Emperor. His deep eyes swept over the strange Immortal Emperors, making their hair stand on end and their soul bones about to explode!

"Don't panic!" the red-haired Immortal Emperor shouted, "Even if he survives, it won't be a big problem!"

"On my plateau, there is a great ancestor who is always stationed, surpassing the Immortal Emperor, to worship the Tao... Could this Demon Emperor still be ranked with the ancestor?!"

Before the red-haired Immortal Emperor finished speaking, he saw the "Devil Emperor" taking a step forward and completely entering the present world. At that moment, the whole world resonated and shook violently, and then the heavens trembled, the boundless avenue burned, and the bright light shone through the past and present!

(End of this chapter)

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