The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 612: The Road to the Monument, the Ultimate Human Emperor!

The red-haired ancestor did not take credit or be arrogant, but gave the qualification of self-confidence to the plateau consciousness.

——Confidence education should start from prenatal education!

In a daze, my plateau consciousness was deceived.

He deeply felt that all this was because of His wisdom and martial prowess!

It was He who manifested his instincts in the dark, enlightened the ancestors, and guided them towards the great road to heaven!


These ancestors, except for the red hair, are all rotten wood that cannot be carved, and none of them can be cultivated!


Not bad!

Plateau Consciousness's gaze became sharp.

——If He had not given any guidance, then it would be excusable for some of the ancestors to eat the whole thing.

But... He gave a hint!

Think again about what the red-haired ancestor said before - he didn't realize the mystery originally, but because he was loyal enough, he insisted on the plateau route, and persisted in the weird road, his hard work finally paid off, and he never forgot it, and there will be repercussions...

The red-haired ancestor is stupid but loyal!

In contrast, other ancestors...


The form of the consciousness on the plateau gradually blurred, and wisps of mist spread in the troubled soil, shaking the entire plateau. Countless creatures of the strange clan looked up blankly, but could not catch anything.


The battlefield outside the world fell into a brief silence.

Zhu Qiang was dumbfounded, stunned and speechless by the "truth" revealed by the red-haired ancestor.

Although there are a lot of "I'm thinking" and a lot of "unnecessary things" in it, it cannot maintain a complete logic!

I would rather trust it to have it than to trust it to have nothing.

"Plateau consciousness... plateau consciousness!"

Suddenly, the human emperor's will in the stone tablet sighed, as if crying, but also laughing, self-deprecating and sad, "Is this our real opponent?"

"It doesn't show the mountains, it doesn't show the water, but it has laid the foundation for eternity, and it is an understatement to kill the last light and hope in the world..."

"But we... are not even qualified to fight in front of Him..."


He laughed sadly.

More than Him?

All the powerful people are in despair!

At this moment, no matter how strong-minded a person is, despair and sadness arise in his heart.

An invincible existence is entrenched in the deepest part of the plateau, standing at the top of the strange clan, looking down at all living beings, and no one can escape from his clutches!

He doesn't even need to take action. He only needs to give some guidance to the ancestors under his command. If they reach the level of giants at the level of sacrifice, they will be able to sweep through the world, destroy the resistance, and extinguish all the light of light!

"The emperor of the world, you did your best."

The red-haired ancestor said calmly, "As my predecessor, I will give you a chance to survive."

"Switching sides, anyway, serve me on the plateau and kill all these Immortal Emperors who dare to disobey the will of my strange clan... This is your chance of survival."

As soon as these words came out, the Immortal Emperor of Heaven, the ancient overlord, turned pale.

The red-haired ancestor and the human emperor stand together?

What the hell is this? !

Fortunately, the Human Emperor's integrity is still...reliable.

"There are only demon emperors who die in battle, but no human emperors who surrender!"

"Degenerate and survive? I don't want to do that!"

The Human Emperor roared angrily, and activated the tombstone that condensed the mighty power of all the worlds of the heavens and the people of all ages. A vague figure appeared, looking up to the sky and roaring, "The plateau is very strong, so what!"

"Throughout the ages, countless blood has been shed in the world, so why not add my share now!"

His righteous words and impassioned words made countless dead souls in the Soul River shed tears during their brief awakenings, and made countless buried heavens and worlds roar in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice.

What a magnificent human emperor!

"Very good, very courageous." The red-haired ancestor praised, but his tone became extremely cold.

"If that's the case, then I will sweep across this world, crush your corpse, and let you be benevolent!"

"Come on!" On the stone tablet, the vague form of the Human Emperor burned violently, which was the ultimate bloom of the origin.

The Dao fire burned, emitting a monstrous aura that swept through all the ancient and modern worlds, as if they were merging with it.

No, not fusion, but regression!

The Human Emperor became Tao through the "Great Dream of Eternity". His Tao, His Dharma, and His form are formed from the resonance of cause and effect of blood and tears in all the worlds and people destroyed by strange and ominous things throughout the ages. They are heaven, earth, The common treasure of all living beings, time and space, and reincarnation!

But at this moment, He is returning, igniting Himself, dissipating Himself!

At the same time, the tombstone was also enlarging and blurring at an extremely fast speed. It seemed that it was also dissipating in the fire, and it seemed that it was ubiquitous and existed in the world forever.

As long as this great dimension of the world still exists, as long as the fate of the weird clan to sacrifice the world still exists, the message of this tombstone will last forever!

"I originally intended to build monuments for the generations and erect tombstones for the plateau... But now it seems that I am afraid that the latter cannot be done."

The Human Emperor's whispers echoed faintly outside the world. In the desperate situation of life and death, he was extremely calm, with no sorrow or joy.

"In this case, let this monument be my legacy, my tombstone, imprinting my brilliance and splendor... If there are any latecomers, please bear witness to what I heard and what I saw, and I will hang my final experience of fighting against darkness on all things in the universe. On it, engraved among the mountains, rivers and stars, lingering on the endless ruins, there are chapters everywhere, all of which are my tombstones and will last forever!"

"The strangeness is immortal. This monument will last forever, engraved in the blood of all living beings, and will never change!"

The Human Emperor roared, and an evolutionary path suddenly condensed and manifested at this moment. It was the evolutionary path of the bloodline method. After being destroyed and repeated many times, this moment seemed to be completely sublimated, matching the tombstone, and then also dissipated and fell into the past and present. In the origin of life of all creatures outside the weird clan!

The stars are dotted, bright and dreamy.

An ancient Immortal Emperor overlord looked at this scene and moved his fingers, as if he wanted to obstruct it. But in the end, the trembling fingers stopped, making no movement, and just sighed.

"We have been fighting for so long, but it's all in vain, that's all... that's all..."

The Taoist Master of Destiny lowered his eyebrows and sighed softly.

"is that useful?"

The red-haired ancestor did not stop him, but said lightly, "Use this opportunity that only occurs in eternity, the moment when all the people in ancient and modern times are united, to engrave the foundation of your own evolutionary path in the torrent of life in the world, even if it is countless years in the past, and the subsequent creatures I can also feel this gift from you secretly...but is this useful?"

"Only the one who suits you is the strongest. What you leave to others has never reached the peak of cultivation. You and I have our own paths and methods, and they are all different. What we see today is that the so-called experience is just a bubble, an empty dream. Flowers, everything will come to an end!”

"You have failed, let alone the latecomers!"

The red-haired ancestor shook his head, "It just makes the successors more delicious and even more sad."

"You are wrong!" In the blazing fire, the Human Emperor's figure was ethereal. "It would be the saddest thing to completely give up resistance and struggle just because the hope of victory is slim!"

"I will place the fire of resistance in the dimension and keep it in the fate of all living beings forever... As long as the story of sacrifice is still unfolding, there will be living beings destined to follow my path and become the new 'Human Emperor'!"

"I will die, but... the 'Human Emperor' won't!"

"He will fight against the strange and ominous entanglements of eternity and eternity until the end of time!"

"So what? Come one, I'll kill one, come two, I'll kill both!" The red-haired ancestor revealed his domineering attitude.

"I hope you can still laugh in the future!" The Human Emperor laughed, "'The Human Emperor' is a collection of sacrifices and an accumulation of blood debts!"

"The more sacrifices, the greater the blood debt, the more terrifying the 'Human Emperor' born in the future will be!"

"Today, I am just a gathering of all the outstanding people who have sacrificed their lives in the raging strangeness up to now. I am protected and recognized by them, but I am far from the top."

"After all, the most powerful sacrificed before was the Taoist Empress. Other than that, they were just Immortal Emperors!"

"Together, they are very powerful, but they are no match for you on the plateau after all."

"But after this time, our name will be added to the monument of sacrifice... So in the distant future, the 'Human Emperor' who will be born again will stand on our shoulders, with a power that surpasses all our losers. Great power!"

"Never ending, the story of reincarnation, the cycle of sacrifice, but it all keeps piling up!"

"I'm very curious, how many 'Human Emperors' can you kill in a row!"

The Human Emperor roared loudly, shaking the souls of the powerful.

They felt a kind of majesty rushing towards them, indescribable, indescribable, the eternal sky was filled with blood, from the past to the present, and then to the endless and distant future, there were piles of sacrificed bones, one after another "Human Emperor" "Born in the resonance of sacrifice, he died with great courage, paving the way for the even more terrifying next "Human Emperor"!

Until one day, an "Ultimate Human Emperor" was born. He was so powerful that it was unbelievable. He was carrying a blood-stained monument and crashed into it, cracking the ancestral land of that weird clan!

The red-haired ancestor finally changed his color, staring at the Human Emperor with deep eyes.

Suddenly, He took action, clenching a fist with an arm that was always hanging down, and with an aura of invincibility, he punched all the ancient and modern worlds!

Endless time and space, countless sentient beings, at this moment, all feel the danger of annihilation, and face the fate of destruction in a daze.


Kill all the people!

"History is written by the victors."

The red-haired ancestor said coldly, "Sacrifice can also be forgotten."

"If you can't forget it, then... kill them all!"

At this moment, it seemed as if all the worlds were about to be reopened, and everything would be overthrown and started over!


The figure of the Human Emperor roared in the blazing fire. He did not retreat, but gathered his fighting body and slammed into the red-haired ancestor!

Even if he faced that punch and was beaten to pieces, and endless blood exploded, dyeing the battlefield red, he was still struggling to protect the flame of life forever!

"Hahaha... you're scared!"

The Human Emperor is bathed in blood, but he is smiling, "You are afraid that under the endless sacrifices, one day a terrifying Human Emperor will emerge!"

"After all, even if you, the weird clan, have a more transcendent plateau consciousness, you can only create ten ancestors... Let me guess, if you add more, will you be unable to make ends meet?"

"If this is the case, then when more than ten sacrifices and fallen priests are sacrificed in this world, or even twenty, or thirty, the human emperor who is born after the sacrifices will be accumulated enough, right? , enough to shake and impact the entire plateau, reach the standard of breaking all laws with one force, sprint to a higher realm, surpass the sacrifice, and end the eternal blood and tears?!"

He said shocking words, clearly exploring the path of sacrifice.

If there is no specific road ahead, a normal road, and you have to rely on flying bricks to smash your way out, how terrifying is it that you have to accumulate in the field of sacrifice?

On the plateau, there are ten ancestors... Does that mean something?

"You have walked a path on the plateau, which is reincarnation and sacrifice. The coffin is the carrier of all these. It was born because of the coffin, but abandoned the coffin and walked away, cutting off and burning all the past lives and turning them into its own nutrients. It is called sacrificial coffin... The falling red is not a heartless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect the flowers, but the spring mud is no longer falling red, it dissipates and decomposes."

"Now, as the human emperor, I also open a path for this world. The monument is the embodiment of this path. During the reincarnation, I will not forget the sacrifice and remember everything that has happened! Until one day, I will bear the obsession of this sacrifice. , burning, sublimating, detached from above, it is called a memorial monument...Only those who have sacrificed their ambitions dare to teach the sun and moon to change the sky!"

"I have seen the future..." The Human Emperor went crazy and fought bloody battles with the ancestors, "Coffins and monuments, forgetfulness and records, reincarnation and obsession..."

"Be entangled until the end of countless years, until the end!"

"This is a race to see who can reach the finish line first, give birth to a creature that truly transcends the sacrificial path, and end all of this!"

"Is it you, a strange clan, who have wiped out all the sacrifices made throughout the ages, buried them forever, and burned them completely so that future generations cannot trace them back?"

"We have made countless sacrifices. In the mountains of corpses and seas of blood in ancient and modern times, an ultimate human emperor was born. The whole world has withered and been sacrificed. He is the only one left. He can transcend the sacrificial path, kill on the plateau, and destroy everything. , completely liquidate the weirdness, completely save the tragedy of sacrifice, and restart a new era without weirdness and ominousness?”

"It's just like……"

The Human Emperor roared and suddenly froze. After being punched by the red-haired ancestor and his body exploded, there was a faint reverberation, "The prehistoric era that we can't see...?"

The blood flowed, and the Human Emperor reappeared, but it was extremely illusory and transparent. He did not look at the red-haired ancestor, but looked in the direction of the plateau, as if he had thought of something terrifying and discovered some horrifying truth.

"Buried on the plateau, it created strange and ominous creatures. Could everything happening now... be a reincarnation?"

"This is not the first time that the coffin and the monument have faced each other..."

He coughed up blood and spoke intermittently. His words were not very loud, but they made Zhu Qiang feel like his head was going to explode!

They followed the human emperor's thoughts and in a daze saw a bloody world swept by darkness. The ultimate human emperor was shaped by countless sacrifices throughout the ages. He was carrying a monument that recorded the eternal heroes and fought into the darkness. The source, in the craziest battle, ended everything!

After the war, He shattered the monument and restored the sorrow, blood and tears, but as a result, he felt boundless emptiness and his life lost its meaning.

The war was won, the sacrifice was redeemed, what was the meaning of His being the Human Emperor?

It seems that it no longer exists because of this?

"Is that so?"

This is the voice of Zhu Qiang.

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