The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 618: Underworld, Taoist Master!

Chapter 618: Underworld, Taoist Master!

"You are too dangerous."

The red-haired ancestor said leisurely, "If I'm with you, I'll either get splashed with blood or be dragged on my back by you... I want to put an end to this dangerous sign."

He actually rejected the proposal of Mahayana Mountain King Buddha!

Even if the ancient Buddha Emperor's blueprint was wonderful, it did not conflict with the E-land on the plateau.

This strange clan harvests living people. They regard God and the heavens as nurseries, and all races of people as leeks, harvesting one crop after another.

Mahayana Mountain King Buddha, on the other hand, picks up garbage, picks up "leftovers", and recycles them for processing.

There can even be cooperation between the two.

At the extreme end, the relics recycled and processed by King Buddha of Mahayana Mountain can also be used as "feed" to feed the creatures that died and were reincarnated in the harvest of the weird clan. They are "ripened" like hormones and immediately become high-end "food ingredients". Meet the vitality needs of plateau consciousness.

At this moment - Mahayana Mountain King Buddha launched the ultimate method, how many strong men were born in one breath?

There are dozens of immortal emperors! There are thousands of quasi-immortal emperors!

There are countless Immortal Kings and their ilk!

Such quality, such quantity...this is the Buddhism of Mahayana Mountain King Buddha!

What’s even more frightening is that when this harvest is over, all you have to do is leave a “whole corpse” and throw it into the floating soil of the four poles, let the King Buddha of Mahayana Mountain burn it, and then burn out the “relics”...this relics But they all truly retain the Tao, fruit and realm of the deceased during his lifetime!

When the dead person returns from reincarnation, he feeds these relics and they become ripe again in minutes!

This... is too bloody! too scary! Too extreme!

It's so extreme that even the demon ancestor who was able to establish the "Six Coffin Cult" and launch the "Ashes Loan" would feel ashamed.

The Demon Ancestors were just using their brains on the corpses to dig out the remaining value and open up new tracks, instead of disturbing the souls of the deceased.

This extremely evil "core technology" was mastered by Mahayana Mountain King Buddha, and he also realized the value of his "core technology" and used it to bargain with the "Red-haired Ancestor"!

So, He would say - all the way!

However, the "Red-Haired Ancestor" refused.

'If they are the true ancestors, they have brains that can't do much fun. Faced with your proposal, which is full of endless temptation, they will probably give in half-heartedly and work together... Unfortunately, I am not! '

'Your way, your law, I don't need... immeasurable kalpas of magic power? Achievement of billions of Tao fruits? '

'Do you know what is the biggest feature of my bloodline method? It’s just...there are so many people! '

'You have Su Hui and I will have many children and grandchildren...'

'You have my past lives, and I have my ancestors to help me...'

The Demon Emperor has already walked on a similar path to the Mahayana Mountain King Buddha, but it is much gentler in comparison and has many restrictions. It is only limited to the descendants of the bloodline. However, the side effects are also small and almost non-existent.

The "Red-Haired Ancestor" whispered in his heart, and while sighing, a monstrous murderous intention surged in his heart.

He does not care about the ideas of Mahayana Mountain King Buddha, so he can examine everything more objectively.

As a result, the murderous intention is blazing and the murderous aura is pouring out!

This murderous intention was sensed by Mahayana Mountain King Buddha. His expression changed and he solemnly said, "Don't you think about it anymore?"

"Don't think about it."

The red-haired ancestor slowly stretched out his hand, and there were strands of inexplicable light flowing between his palms. The light was very weak and insignificant, but it made all the heavens and the world scream, as if they couldn't bear it!

As the light shines, everything is disillusioned wherever it passes. All destiny, creation, heaven, etc., have become like bubbles, turning into nothingness silently... But then, from nothingness, everything is reborn, Brilliant and gorgeous!

This is transcendent light, wrapped around the palms of the ancestors, smearing the world. It has supreme creativity and destructive power!

It just evolved and surpassed all the magical powers in the world. It was the biggest gain of the "red-haired ancestor" after he sacrificed his own coffin and reached a new level!

However, the harvest was so great that even the "Red-Haired Ancestor" himself could not perfectly control it. It was a higher level of power that even a trace of it could not be completely restrained by the Taoist priests.

It can hurt the enemy as well as yourself, so you can see that the palms wrapped with the light of transcendence are cracking and disillusionment!

Paying such a price, just to kill the enemy... This is a treatment that even the Human Emperor does not have!

Once covered by such light...

"will die!"

This thought naturally arose in the mind of Mahayana Mountain King Buddha, and the trembling fear that had not appeared for countless years was noisy in every inch of flesh and blood.

In addition to being horrified, I am also puzzled——


It's obviously a matter of mutual benefit!

Is this ancestor so crazy?

Okay, you said that you have firm beliefs, will not be shaken by external things, and will not be bribed. You are the white lotus that emerges from the mud and remains unstained among the ten ancestors. You are different... Okay, no problem.

Now, it's obvious that I have brought great benefits to the plateau and the Weird Clan, so why do I have to fight to the death? Where have your loyalty and beliefs gone?

At this moment, Mahayana Mountain King Buddha felt that the ancestor in front of him seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.

But he didn't want to think about it anymore.


He roared angrily outside the world, scolding for eternity, and at the critical moment of life and death, He broke out completely.

The persistence of countless years blooms here!

"Namo Mahayana Mountain King Buddha!"

In all worlds, at this moment, the name of the Buddha is being recited, and the endless power of all living beings is boiling, gathering across infinite time and space!

These are all the creatures incarnated by "Su Hui", billions of immortal kings, thousands of Taoist ancestors, dozens of immortal emperors...their strength, the mana accumulated in countless calamities, all... Turning into Buddha's light and radiating out, this day illuminated the dark and vast sea of ​​time, brighter than ever before!

In the light of Buddha, a Buddhist kingdom, a pure land, is shaped.

In the pure land, there is a clear pool, with dots of light in the pool, revealing the breath of the heavens and the world; from time to time, the water in the pool ripples, bringing out the breath of time and years, as if an era has changed. doesn't seem like an era has indeed changed!

This is a pool, a sea, and a sea of ​​time, illuminated by supreme magical power!

In the pool, there are golden lotuses blooming, and on each golden lotus sits a vague figure, flowing with world-shattering power.

Among those figures, the worst ones are at the level of quasi-immortal emperors, and the strongest ones are immortal emperors. There are thousands of them, chanting Buddhist sutras and chanting the name of the Mahayana Mountain King Buddha, pouring out wisdom and condensing towards an immeasurable tall golden body by the pool. body!

Gathering the power of all living beings, the accumulated savings of eternity exploded. The Mahayana Mountain King Buddha became so powerful that it actually included all the existences of the heavens and worlds in his pure land!

Even if this state cannot last long, it is still shocking enough.

At the very least, Emperor Xiu, who was shouting and cursing just now, was silent at this moment and silently retracted his cursing gesture.

Then, he looked left and right and saw a dim ball of Dao fire. He took three steps and two steps and arrived in front of the ball of Dao fire. He squeezed out a few tears and said, "Devil Emperor, get up quickly!"

"You have to cheer up! Don't die!"

"I can finally see clearly that the plateau and the bald donkey of Mahayana are not good things at all!"

"If you really want to save the world, it has to be you!"

"I am voting with my feet to support you!"

Youxiao was angry and sighed, while pouring the world source of heaven and earth on the fire of Tao.

The Human Emperor and the "Red-Haired Ancestor" fought in a bloody bloody battle. Even the human form was destroyed and they were on the verge of death.

If the Mahayana Mountain King Buddha hadn't appeared out of nowhere and attracted all the attention of the "Red-Haired Ancestor", the Human Emperor might really be dead!

Even so, He was almost abolished. Fortunately, after being rescued by Ancient Emperor Youxiu, the dim fire finally started to pulse.

The firelight turned into a blurry figure, shaping the emperor, "If you want to kill the thief, you can't save it..."

The Human Emperor sighed.

"You just give up like that? No way!"

Someone stamped his feet anxiously, "Isn't there some way to make a comeback?"

" don't have a trump card, why are you jumping so hard? You're developing in a low-key manner!"

An ancient emperor looked up to the sky and sighed, "Brother, you have led us all into a trap!"

"Look at how awesome your body is, why can't you be as good as him?"

"..." The Human Emperor was speechless, holding back a word for a long time.

——I'm a bad guy, so I'm sorry for you!

--its not right! I'm not the Demon Emperor! The true Demon Emperor is opposite you!

——He maimed and injured you with just a few moves. Can you blame me?

——You guys shouldn’t reflect on yourselves. We were both overlords of the Immortal Emperor back then, so why are you so messed up now?

——Is it because you don’t work hard?

"I'm so sorry for being so weak -" After thinking carefully, the Human Emperor felt that instead of blaming himself, he felt that it would be better to blame others, "But you are not living up to expectations!"

"One by one, you each found a territory and lurked, and you didn't forget to fight among yourself and hold each other back!"

He said this, secretly wiping a cold sweat.

As the former ancestor, he was really frightened when the Mahayana Mountain King Buddha emerged from the floating earth at the four extremes.


Siji Futu actually held back such a big move?

How outrageous!

Fortunately, his second brother was there to withstand him, and he could even fight back!

But, having said that... He admitted that when the Mahayana Mountain King Buddha spoke about the path and ideas he had opened up, he was really moved at all.

It's like a demonic barrier, rising and falling in my heart... Countless years later, maybe if I keep thinking about it, there will be an echo!

However, under the plan of Brother Demon Ancestor, with the assistance of Brother Demon Emperor, and considering his own limited vision and work, he finally carved out a path that suited him.

The road to the monument, the road to the emperor!

This path does not require too much thought or fancy work. It just requires a down-to-earth and head-first approach. Where there is a will, things can happen!

Only by sacrificing great ambition can we dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky!

Relying on this path, he was finally able to resist temptation... But he also had to sigh that the former ten Immortal Emperor overlords were really "showy"!

Most of the overlords are really talented... If they didn't have different ideas and endless ways to hold them back, they wouldn't have created a joke from the underworld and created the ten ancestors.

But even so, they are still "showing off"!

Silently, people as powerful as the ancestors became their pawns, helping them to complete the rest of the road, practice their own ideas, and finally ascend to the altar.

For the most terrifying people among them, is it difficult for them to kill the ancestor?

Just turn your palms!

Only the plateau consciousness is worthy of their fear and avoiding its edge.


Even at this time, they are still fighting among themselves secretly, digging holes for each other invisibly.

"What a pity, Mahayana Mountain King Buddha."

The Human Emperor sighed, "He is no match for Hong Mao."

"Even if I return to my peak now and join forces with Him... I will still lose to that ancestor in the end."

As he spoke, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The "Red-Haired Ancestor" was too strong, using all his fighting power and sweeping the world. Does this mean he thinks too highly of people like them?

By then, everyone will be beaten to can the show be performed?

'Could it be that He judged that even if he could defeat us with all his strength, he could not kill us? So, the most authentic acting is not acting at all? '

The Human Emperor guessed, and suddenly looked at the ancient underworld under the plateau, which among the four outposts was extremely quiet from beginning to end!


"Forced me to this point!"

With a roar, in the Buddhist kingdom that enveloped all the worlds, in the boundless pure land, the golden body of the Mahayana Mountain King Buddha shines. He condenses the endless efforts of the people and waves the demon-conquering treasure pestle.


The brightest light burst out, and the Buddha's light illuminated eternity, dyeing the long river of time with its own color. A golden Buddha towered over the past and present, as if it were transcendent.

The giant Buddha dances the pestle with the most extreme power, shattering the past, present, and future... He has reached a limit!

The supreme power has restrained time, years, heavens, and all living beings, turning them into heaven-shattering Sanskrit sounds that are echoing.

"Save all sentient beings!"

This is the supreme supernatural power, which condenses all the ideas and insights of Mahayana Mountain King Buddha in his life, and bursts out here.

However, his opponent has already... gone beyond the limit!

The inexplicable light spreads slowly over the years, seemingly weak, but indestructible!

The Buddha's light has dissipated.

The treasure pestle dissipated.

In the end, even the Buddha Emperor's golden body was... broken!

The golden body collapsed, the Buddha's blood flowed, and the river of eternity restored its original color... No, it was still a little different.

A broken golden body fell in the years, the golden body was bleeding, and the golden blood turned into the purest vitality, feeding back to the world.

The golden body was just a wreckage. His head fell off and penetrated the eternal time and space, the heavens and the world, and hit the depths of the road of reincarnation.

"It's so dangerous, you actually hurt me... You already have a way to die."

At this time, the words of the red-haired ancestor came, "What you said may be true, and you have embarked on the forbidden path of prehistoric times... Therefore, I cannot leave you alive."

"is that so?"

The golden head pursed its lips, but there was no hint of fear.

Suddenly, the golden head shouted angrily, "Tao Zun, are you still sitting and watching!"

"I know! You're still alive!"

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