The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 695: Teasing, falsehood and reality, reverse scale!

Chapter 695: Teasing, falsehood and reality, reverse scale!

Changheng realized.

Regardless of whether the "Red-Haired Ancestor" in front of him or not, the core inside is his old friend - the Demon Emperor, one thing is certain, he is...sick!

Obviously, this is a kind of mental illness. A pure fun-loving person is afraid that the world will not be in chaos. No one can predict what he will do next. He has a kind of convulsions with confidence.

Perhaps, this is the courage that the "prehistoric" trip brought to him?

Because there is a possibility of transcendence by "sacrifice to the world" that I don't know whether it is reliable or not, I have taken a dim view of life and death, and even subconsciously actively seek death, and have a tendency to self-destruct?

Chang Heng speculated on the thinking of the red-haired mental patient and racked his brains to consider his thoughts.

'Reason tells him that 'sacrifice to the world' is just a conjecture. No one has verified it. He may have accidentally sacrificed himself. The instinct of survival is struggling and resisting...'

'However, the desire to pursue transcendence surges and boils in the deepest part of his soul, making him show his crazy side, and he may embark on the road of self-destruction at any time... If he hears the Tao in the morning, will he die at night? '

'Is it similar to the so-called sacrificial coffin? The ancestor sacrificed his coffin, which was unprecedented. No one knew what would happen...until he was forced to the extreme by the Jade Emperor and Youyu. If he didn't sacrifice the coffin, he would definitely die. There was still a glimmer of hope for the coffin, so he gave it a try and finally achieved success. The ultimate ancestor...'

In a hurry?


At that time, the "Red-haired Ancestor" gave it a try and the coffin sacrifice was successful.

Today, if the "Red-Haired Ancestor" is forced again and gives it a try...

Chang Heng's eyes suddenly became gentle, no longer sharp and sharp.

Although he had said before that he was betting on the red-haired ancestor's gun... No, he was betting that the red-haired ancestor was not sure about the success of the "sacrifice", and the hesitation of the "red-haired ancestor" also proved that he was indeed not sure.

But this has a prerequisite - this ancestor cannot be pushed into a hurry!

At this moment, the red-haired ancestor is like a dangerous man covered in water-soaked explosives, betting on whether the explosives can be detonated... In fact, Chang Heng is not afraid of the destructive explosion and blowing himself up. Shattered to pieces.

But he deeply felt that if he was forced to create brilliant fireworks that would not have exploded, that would be... such an injustice!

Rather than witnessing a strong man who was above the sacrificial path transcending in front of him and then beating him to death, he wanted the person who was above the sacrificial path to be himself.

Right now, the red-haired ancestor is suffering from convulsions. I don’t know which tendon is wrong. He has changed from being loyal to others to being willing to take a step back and cooperate with him. Everyone gets what they need - you get the seed, and I kill the ancestor. …

Although I felt that the whole process was a bit suffocating, as if I was being teased back and forth, as if I was being pulled out of my pants, using a slingshot to hit the glass of my house, with a mouthful stuck in my throat that I couldn't spit out, and I didn't know what to say. Don't speak properly.

'Isn't this playing me and the plateau consciousness? '

Chang Heng was silent, but his heart was turbulent.

'Use me as a stepping stone to warn the plateau consciousness... He can be a loyal minister, or he can have a serious illness? '

A loyal minister must die. If the king wants his minister to die, he must die. Otherwise, how can he be called a loyal minister?

However, if there is any serious illness, the situation will be different.

——When I was identified as an anti-thief, I could really give it a go and do something anti-thief. You must think carefully about the plateau consciousness!

——The old minister has dedicated his life for countless years and died. Fortunately, His Majesty, Plateau Consciousness, has a sharp eye and is sage and has no faults. He recognized the true merits and made a good story for the emperor and his ministers. However, there are villains who stir up trouble, which makes me very worried. I am afraid that your Majesty will be deceived for a while, and I will end up doing something unspeakable...

Chang Heng was very doubtful and not so sure, so he didn't dare to gamble after all.

After all, he had seen hope and didn't want to cause trouble.

'Is he lying to me? In fact, there is no 'sacrifice' at all. It is just an excuse to intimidate. In fact, it is to use blood as a carrier to completely refine all original substances. '

'Or are you really planning to 'sacrifice the world'? Hunting down the ancestors and recovering the original matter was just a precautionary move. '

'What is virtual is what is real, what is real is what is virtual...'

This is critical and has far-reaching consequences.

He couldn't figure out what the real purpose of this red-haired ancestor, who just looked at him, made Chang Heng feel impulsive in his heart, and why he was holding back at the critical moment?

If the focus is on blood, then we must protect the nine ancestors who are still alive today, and shake the trust of the red-haired ancestors in the plateau consciousness.

And if the real purpose is to "sacrifice the world", then all possibilities of "prehistory" will trigger huge competition, and someone will intercept and intervene!

If there are too many directions, energy will be easily dispersed, and it will be difficult to hold back.

Sometimes, detachment is secondary, holding back... is the deepest bond between the original ten Immortal Emperor Overlords!

Finally, Chang Heng sighed and looked back at the source of this recent bitterness.

"Tao Zun mistook me, but he himself is chic."

"But, is that really the case?"

Chang Heng shook his head, "A detached situation is like a siege... people inside want to get out, and people outside want to get in."

"A loophole leads to both the so-called 'outside world' and 'prehistory'... Who could have known that this wouldn't be a trap?"

"Tao Zun, it doesn't matter if you are unlucky or not, but you have tricked me and exposed me..." Chang Heng's expression was very strange and incomprehensible, "Don't let me have the chance to drag you back..."

He sighed, and then turned around in the oppression of all the worlds, looking in a certain direction. There was also an eternal unknown land, and there seemed to be nothing.

But Changheng knows that there is!

There are "big fish" that are just shy of the goal, and even more genuine "little dragons"!

"Desolate... perfect seed..."

Chang Heng's eyes were gloomy, infinitely deep, and contained endless terror.

Under his gaze, all the worlds were cracked, and the eternal unknown land was shattered into pieces, and a splendid world emerged from it.

This world is shrouded in hazy light, blocking the secrets of heaven and blocking it off for eternity. Even the ancestors of the plateau can't figure it out easily.

But here, just a glance made all the shields invalid, and he floated to the surface from the eternal unknown deep sea.

In this big world, there are Kunpeng flying around, golden ants carrying the sea of ​​stars on their backs, a sacred stone that will never fall, and a nine-leaf sword grass cutting down the stars of history...

And in the most central and core place of the entire world, there is an ancient, vicissitudes of life, eternal palace, with a letter... Heaven!

Guarding this heaven are generals like clouds and soldiers like rain. They are wearing armor and holding fierce soldiers. There are bloodstains on the armors, which are repaired after being damaged. The bloodstains on the soldiers are not dry, and there are traces of ominousness in the blood. Breath, you can vaguely hear the roar and unwillingness of strange creatures before they die.

This is a terrifying army that came out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. They follow the supreme emperor in their hearts, fight endlessly, and fight until death to quell the strange and ominous situation!

Here, the Immortal King is the soldier, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor is the general, and together with the terrible evils that dominate the world, they all tell the horror of this world. It is a powerful and glorious world, and it has been like this since it was opened up by a super strong man!

Obviously, this is a base camp, a place to rest and recuperate, and in order to avoid the enemy's calculations, the developers spent a lot of effort and determined it forever. However, when Chang Heng's eyes swept over, all the arrangements were ineffective and were easily broken and appeared in the world.

It's not that the shielding creatures are incompetent, but... there's something wrong with the foundation!


As if a sigh was echoing, in this world, a shadow of an evolutionary path appeared. It was like a seed, and in the seed, there seemed to be a little person sitting cross-legged in a trance, meditating on the great road.

Seeds, sow them with your body!

This is a powerful path of evolution that was paved by an astonishing Heavenly Emperor. If you follow his footsteps, you will at least be a Taoist ancestor, and the Immortal Emperor may as well look up to him.

Because of this, this kind of path has become the mainstream in this world, practiced and understood by countless beings in this world... However, on this day, they all suffered a great disaster, and the evolutionary path they were walking on became unstable. The trembling, as if some kind of backdoor had been activated, "uprooting" the entire evolutionary path!

For a time, countless creatures were disillusioned and suffered catastrophe.

Even the Immortal King and even the Dao Ancestor were powerless to resist such an incident, and their whole bodies were shattered and cracked!

It can be said that if the creatures that caused all this are intentional, maybe they just need to increase their intensity to destroy them all!

However, He disdained this.

The creatures that uprooted the "seeds" did not even use these weak lives as hostages to threaten the Emperor of Heaven. They just pointed a finger at the living beings and the "seeds", and immediately there was immeasurable water. Light bursts out, and dense lines appear in the sky and earth. This is a method that goes far beyond the line of retroactive cause and effect, and has swept through the ancient and modern worlds!

"Got you."

The lines extend, crossing the vast waves of time and space, locking something. Chang Heng whispered, and in an instant, the source of chaos collapsed, endless time and space collapsed, and a passage opened, seemingly leading to the mysterious and unpredictable other shore.

Of course, there may not be any other shore. At the end of the passage, there may be a peerless emperor with red eyes waiting there.

He's beefed up and ready to go!


At the moment when the passage penetrated, there was a sudden silence in all the ancient and modern worlds, as if there was some great terror that intimidated the heaven and the world, making everything freeze and dare not move.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise, accompanied by a torrential bloody light, surging from the other side of the passage, like immeasurable red clouds, flooding the endless world of heaven!

This is the blood of a living being!

This is so amazing, so unbelievable. How can the energy and blood of a living being be so vast?

Even though the worlds are vast and the sea of ​​time and space is boundless, this moment is reflected in a bright red and dazzling light!

How powerful is this creature?


Ancient Emperor Chang Heng was moved. His eyebrows were raised slightly, as if he was thinking about something and curious about the root cause of this situation.

But in the end, he let it go and said, "That's fine."

"The stronger the seed, the better..."

"It's a pity that although the blood energy is vast and the mana is boundless, it is still short of the line and cannot interpret the light of transcendence... I wonder if this level can truly shake the plateau consciousness and squeeze out the essence within?"

Chang Heng sighed.

"Transcendental light?"

The bloody glow surged, and in the boundless blood, there was a creature whispering and taking steps.

His whispers shook time and space for eternity.

His footsteps crushed all the ominous things in the world.

Some worlds bloomed with brilliance because of his words, turning into boundless auspiciousness, with golden lotuses falling from the sky and divine springs gushing from the earth.

Some worlds were shattered by his footsteps. This world, which had long been completely eroded by strange and ominous things, was now facing destruction and an end.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

Occasionally, there is the sound of swords, looming among the blood, footsteps and other sounds and colors, and gradually agitated and louder, bursting out a bright and shocking beam of light, sweeping across the past, present and future, making the long river of history seem to be broken every inch!

Finally, there was a moment.

The sound of footsteps and the sound of swords disappeared, as if they had never sounded.

Or perhaps, in the most tranquility, waiting to welcome the splendor and splendor that transcends the world!


A sword light appeared. It has no beginning or end, no front or back, and is arbitrary for all eternity. It allows all the ancient and modern worlds to live, perish, thrive, and perish for it!


too fast!

It was so fast that there was no process. The moment he appeared, he was already in front of the ancient Emperor Chang Heng. A sword seemed to tear apart all the depression and depression of the past and present, and cut through the veils covered by the peerless black hands. It's dark!

Behind the sword is a majestic man with unparalleled power, and the endless blood spreads from him.

His black hair is shawl, his eyes are sparkling with coldness, he has a standing position, he is holding a sword and is fighting! Kill the enemy!

The sword light soared into the sky, killing the enemy for eternity!

This is exactly... Emperor Huangtian!

"not bad."

Chang Heng praised, his eyes bright and filled with joy.

When Huang came to kill him, he didn't have much anger, but more satisfaction and joy.

In the final analysis, whether it is Emperor Huafen or Emperor Huangtian, they are all his works in a sense.

It was he who made clear arrangements for the Emperor of Pollen, leading her on the path of Pollen, and allowing her to shoulder her own mission.

It was he who, at the most glorious moment of the Pollen Emperor, picked and strangled it, used it as a sacrifice, raised the pollen of the world, affected the rules of reincarnation, and vaguely imprinted the imprint of the seed on the hearts of all living beings.

In the end, he waited for a famine, used his great talent to perform, used his body as a seed, polished himself, and achieved an evolutionary path.

Tracing back to the origin, it is all because of Chang Heng, who used time, reincarnation, and all living beings as swords to carve out such a stunning work, which is the perfect seed!

Now, with this work blooming like this in front of him, how could it not make him happy?

Of course, even though he was the sculptor of the work, the work itself was not beholden to him.

On the contrary, Huang wants to... hack him to death!

Dragons have reverse scales, which will make them angry if they touch them, and desolate ones also have them!

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