The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 712: The road you choose, you have to finish it even if you cry

Chapter 712: The road you choose, you have to finish it even if you cry

The world is full of tricks, I want to go to the plateau.

Even the dirt road is slippery, and people’s hearts are too complicated.

In fact, no matter what the routines, what the slippery roads, what the complexities... as long as the group of ancient emperors and overlords of the past are involved, it is destined that "the world is difficult" and "people's hearts are wicked"!
It’s a pity that the plateau consciousness, which has not yet been “born”, was sold out without knowing it and still has to help others count money.

It only saw the "Crouching Dragon Coming Out of the Mountain", "Double Link", "Triple Kill", "Crazy Slaughter" of the Pollen Emperor... He killed the five great priests on his own with cheats, but could not see the undercurrents hidden in the dark by those "Ancestors" who were dying with little blood.

So, it came out eagerly, revealed its own cards, and gave strong support!

It is helping, so that the nearly dying "Ancestors" can stand up again and fight! Against the enemy!

Even just a moment ago, it hated these "traitors" so much, as they were all trying to cheat it out of its money... However, these overlords only wanted money, while the Pollen Emperor came to take its life!

Choose the lesser of two evils. That's all.

This is also a helpless move.

After all, even though this plateau has the quality of a sacrificial Dao and has omnipotent power, the plateau consciousness cannot be considered a complete and perfect creature after all. It lacks the mind and Dao fruit that can adapt to this power. Although it contains infinite power, it lacks combat means and methods. It can deal with ordinary people, but it is helpless against the Pollen Emperor who is in power and has to rely on others to fight on its behalf.

The Pollen Emperor has really turned over a new leaf. In the past, only three ancestors were needed to pin her to the ground, but now she is invincible except for the giant figures in the sacrificial way. It is of little use even for Plateau Consciousness to mass-produce ordinary cannon fodder ancestors. In the end, the only thugs she can choose are those first-generation ancestors who are rebellious.

The effect was immediate. When the shocking and strange light bloomed, it swept from the plateau to the heavens and the world, and to the battlefield outside the world, in a flash, the five "ancestors" who looked like they were about to die suddenly stood up and became vigorous and powerful!
The sky cleared up, the rain stopped, and the five ancestors were on the move again!
"Pollen! How dare you bully me like this?!"

With a loud shout, roaring through all the worlds, accompanied by terrifying murderous intent and a burst of transcendent light, the Five Patriarchs worked together and blew the clarion call for counterattack!
——The little pollen emperor actually wanted to kill them with his feet? This is simply outrageous!
If she wasn't trying to "cheat subsidies" and needed to play the victim, the little girl's leg would have been broken the moment she raised her foot!
The man who used to lie dormant on the plateau is now rampant with the help of cheats... Very brave!

The terrifying power made the long river of time boil and the laws of the world burn. Everything in the world seemed to be shattered, and everything was like a dream bubble, vanishing in an instant and then reappearing.

Only six figures are the eternal and unchanging truth at this moment!


There was a faint sound of bones breaking, and the Pollen Emperor felt it. His jade foot was in great pain, as if it was about to break!

Moreover, before she could react, a fist that could shatter all the history of the eternity came crashing down at her. The speed was beyond common sense and distorted time. The result came before the cause, and she was hit by the punch first before she could sense the sign of her opponent's punch.


Pollen Emperor's head was buzzing at this moment. The punch hit her right eye socket directly, knocking her head crooked and making a series of crisp sounds in her neck.

Only then did she react. Her whole body burst into brilliant light, glittering and brilliant. She had mobilized her most powerful Taoist fruit. All the worlds were shining with pollen particles, and with her as the center and all the worlds as the carriers, it was as if a scroll was being outlined.

That is... a battle map!
It seems that all the sacrifices made over the ages have been recorded in this picture. The heroic postures and determined eyes of those heroes and outstanding figures fighting during their lifetime are vividly and lifelikely reproduced.

This map encompasses the ancient times, accommodates the future, and is reflected in the present world. It is omnipresent, affecting all time and space, and thus launching the most horrific killing!
For the sake of sacrifice and ambition, dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky!
"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The Pollen Emperor shouted, causing the divine picture to roll back, locking onto the red-haired ancestor who was trying to kill her, not giving him the slightest chance to escape!

And then, a terrifying light burst out, and in the deepest part of the world, that indescribable place, an even more vast power surged out, rushing towards the Red Haired Ancestor to kill it, and actually... cut open his body, and penetrated into his origin. It exploded from the inside out, resonating and resonating with the external divine picture, causing the Red Haired Ancestor to disintegrate!

The red-haired ancestor collapsed and reorganized, exploding with terrible waves and surging transcendent light, but he could not get out for a while!
At the critical moment, four forces twisted into one and attacked. Four figures stood in four directions. Their breaths were connected. They cast spells at the same time and took a step together. A scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood appeared, which impacted the stability of the divine map, causing it to tremble and disintegrate!

"A great man?"

"We've killed too many!"

"You can't defy the will of Heaven when you're alive, let alone when they're already dead!"

The four "Ancestors" said in unison that it was they who shook the Pollen Emperor's forbidden killing move and created an opportunity for the Red-Haired Ancestor!


The Red Haired Ancestor's tightly bound body moved violently. In his body, primordial matter surged, spreading and impacting endlessly. Combined with the great power supported by the plateau consciousness, they fought against the terrible power gushing out from the deepest part of the world.


It was like the collision of water and fire, which could not mix. A terrible explosion occurred. Three different forces entangled together. At first, the world was still and trance, and then a shocking light spread, sweeping in all directions. Everything was destroyed, reappeared, and then destroyed again!
From existence to non-existence, and then from non-existence to existence, and then to non-existence again, and so on in a repetitive cycle... In the end, the tragic blood splattered, dyeing the battlefield outside the world red.

A transcendent empress, her eyes were dim, her body was covered in blood, and she was severely injured by the brutal killing.

On the other side, the red-haired ancestor was shaky and in a bad situation, but he was smiling and whispering, "So that's how it is..."

In the distance, four bloody figures slowly reunited.

Obviously, they also suffered a great loss.

In the light that destroyed everything and reappeared everything, they could not escape.

In order to rescue the trapped red-haired ancestor, they attacked the Pollen Emperor. As a result, when the unexpected explosion came, no one escaped and all survived.

However, although they were all seriously injured, they were smiling like the red-haired ancestor.

"Sure enough!"

"So... so what?" The Pollen Emperor coughed up blood, his eyes dim.

At this moment she understood that there was a great terror that she was unaware of. It was some information that had become a blind spot... or it was the embarrassing situation where everyone seemed to know but she was left behind.

"You guys... shouldn't Gao Yuanzhi hate you to the core? Why did he support you at the critical moment?"

There were too many things she didn't understand.

If it weren't for the high altitude consciousness intervening, she felt that things would not have turned out like this.

"Fen, you are still the same as when you rushed into the plateau excitedly. You haven't changed at all."

The red-haired ancestor smiled and said, "As expected of you, even though you are countless times stronger than before, you still remember your original intention."

He seemed to be exaggerating, but combined with the actual situation, it was full of meaning. What does it mean to never forget your original intention?

There has been no improvement at all!
I fell into the same pit again after just a little disguise!
"You have gained the favor of that person, but don't you know that all gifts in this world have a price?"

The Red Haired Ancestor sighed, "Now that you have inherited a portion of power, you have naturally also inherited a portion of karma."

"The original substance is ashes, belonging to a living being who lived on the plateau and died there. His flesh and blood burned, and what was left was the ashes, another symbol of his body."

"But we all know that cremation is not thorough. Apart from anything else, reincarnation exists, and the destination of the soul has already been predetermined, which is not included in the cremation package."

"As a cultivator, there is also the existence of mana, which is the vitality accumulated throughout his life."

"Wait wait wait, there are too many."

"The owner of the bronze coffin for three generations left behind ashes, but there is more than just ashes. What the world knows and sees is just the tip of the iceberg."

"In fact, after the owner of the bronze coffin died, his body was burned and turned into ashes, but his magic power did not."

"Without the restraints of the body and soul, its great power was scattered on the plateau, forming the foundation of the strange race and evolving a hazy consciousness... Yes, it is the plateau consciousness!"

"And those ashes became the original ancestor... The original ancestor absorbed the original matter, was recognized by it, and could be resurrected again and again."


"It's just because of the simplest 'rebirth by dripping blood'."

"The ancestor absorbed the ashes, just like a part of the flesh and blood of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations. When it is damaged, a little magic power nourishes it, and the damaged flesh and blood regenerates. Isn't it a very reasonable thing?"

The red-haired ancestor said quietly that the mysterious resurrection mechanism of the strange clan that made countless heroes despair was nothing more than the simplest "rebirth by dripping blood" in his mouth.

In fact it is.

The ancestor of the strange clan, the Immortal Emperor, absorbed the primordial matter, changed his own life origin, and in a trance became a part of the "flesh and blood" of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations.

If this is the case, then what's so strange about broken flesh and blood "regenerating" through dripping blood?

It's simple. Compared with the "reflection" of those heroic immortal emperors, the cost is not even in the same league. It will drain you to death!
"So, plateau consciousness is that person's 'magic power'?" Pollen Emperor sighed.

"Yes." The red-haired ancestor stared at the pollen, "But it is obvious that magic power and body are far from enough to build a complete person."

"As speculated by the former Human Emperor, the owner of the Three Generations Copper Coffin is suspected to be an Ultimate Human Emperor, who was once a great man with the greatest belief in sacrifice."

"Therefore, he must have had a belief that he had persisted in, which he had never wavered in and carried through throughout his life. This was his outlook on life, world view, and values..."

"That is his 'heart', which is the root of his spiritual self driving his body to walk in the world."

"Although I don't know why, he finally gave up, chose to end it all, and self-destruct... But this doesn't mean that he never existed."

"It turns out that this thing does exist... and you, Pollen, pulled it out!"

“So, how can we not worry and fear about the plateau consciousness?”

"Its birth came from the death of that living being, self-destruction."

"But you, in this world, are echoing his beliefs during his lifetime, as if calling for his resurrection!"

"At that time, how did you let the plateau consciousness deal with itself?"

"Similarly, how do you want us, the ancestors, to deal with ourselves?"

The red-haired ancestor is loyal and he places himself and the plateau consciousness on the same front, taking the same stance.

Of course, that’s what they say, but what actually happens… is another matter.

However, he has his own twisted logic.

After all, whether it is the ancestor or the plateau consciousness, they are all the "results" caused by the "cause" of the death of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations. When the "cause" is changed, will these "results" still exist?

After understanding these, the true and upright ancestor is destined to advance and retreat with the plateau consciousness, and are grasshoppers on the same rope.

However, the false and top-numbered ancestors have already begun to study how to transfer the "property"!

Even more ambitious...

"I may not know how the plateau consciousness and the ancestors dealt with themselves."

At this moment, the Pollen Emperor spoke each word with a pause. Her eyes were not gloomy, but rather fierce and terrifying. "But you vulture-like ancient emperors, I roughly know how you want to 'behave'!"

The Pollen Emperor is actually not stupid. She is able to cultivate to the level of a sacrificial priest. Even if she has a backer and powerful people behind her, her talent is still outstanding.

It was only in the past, due to lack of information, that we suffered setbacks one after another, ran into obstacles everywhere, and suffered heavy losses.

But just now, the red-haired ancestor used his ultimate move in front of her. Three great powers collided: the original matter taken from several ancestors, the great power supported by the plateau consciousness, and the pollen particles attracted by the Pollen Emperor...

What else doesn't she understand?

"You want to gather all the puzzle pieces that person left behind in the world, piece together the 'full picture' bit by bit, and thereby gain insight into the posture of the life that transcends the Way of Sacrifice..."

"No, from what I know about you, how could you create a god so easily?" The Pollen Emperor shook his head again, "You want to become gods yourself!"

"This is a shortcut... That's right! It is for this reason that several ancient emperors suppressed the corresponding ancestors and replaced them!"

She looked from the Black Blood Ancestor, the Gray Mist Ancestor, and the Golden Scale Ancestor, and felt a sense of pleasure in her heart - it was good that those ancestors died!

There is also a great fear - yes, it is true that those real ancestors are dead, but behind all this is not justice defeating evil, but the end of a greater evil, who wants to take a shortcut to step into a higher level!
And she, Pollen Emperor, came with the key, she chose it herself!

You have to finish the road you choose, even if it means crying!

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