The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 714: Go to the other side to recruit old subordinates, with flags fluttering and wheels flyi

Chapter 714: Go to the other side to recruit old subordinates, and step into reincarnation with flags fluttering!
The light was not conspicuous or brilliant. Compared with the transcendent light that was about to burn in a trance, it was so insignificant.

However, it was this light that seemed faint at first glance, as soon as it appeared, it made the Pollen Emperor's heart tremble uncontrollably.

No, it was not her soul, but the gift she had received. The pollen particles that had settled in the deepest and indescribable place in the world and belonged to the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations were vibrating and affecting her!
This great and vast power of "heart", fearless of life and death, and able to overcome disasters, is achieved by a supreme being. It should be transcendent, looking down on the world and treating it indifferently.

Even if the world is in turmoil, strange and ominous things are happening, and countless people are killed, the blood of the people is shed, and the tears of the ages are shed, until the blood is exhausted and the tears are dried, this power has never emerged, as if it is just watching from the sidelines, believing in the wisdom of future generations, telling the story of each generation having its own journey, and the old thing will not come down to give instructions.

After all, that creature made its own decision and considered itself "dead". In that case, why should the remains of the dead interfere in the world of the living?
He just wants to sleep, just want to sleep forever, in the silence, to pursue the peace and liberation of the soul.

It was just an ornamental flower, once loved by Him, and had a sincere heart... Although its brain was not very good, its seriousness, perseverance, and self-sacrifice for the world touched Him, which gave it some power and helped Him, but that was all.

No more help, just a little extra strength, a little off-field assistance, can we win? It still depends on the performance of the ornamental flower.

If he himself insists on sending his head thousands of miles away, people outside the scene can only shake their heads and sigh, but will not do anything more.

——Girl, you are so inexperienced, so don’t compete with others at the same level. Die early and be reborn, and then see if you can use a higher level to attack from a lower dimension!

Death is not the end.

If the Pollen Emperor could face death with the most resolute attitude, and the enemies surrounding her could really kill her completely without giving her any chance of survival, then in a blink of an eye, the Pollen Emperor might come back in an unimaginable manner!
Of course, this is difficult. After all, there is a mastermind behind the scenes who wants to "sacrifice the world". He has designated a ride, so how could he let it go so easily before getting on the ride?
Even if the person concerned is desperate, this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes will secretly help her - Huafen, you can't die! If you die, how can I get a ride? !

So, in the desperate situation, variables appeared!

Mountain darkly, vista!
When the "Red Haired Ancestor" raised his palm to form a knife, like an unstoppable judgment of heaven, erasing the existence of the Pollen Emperor bit by bit and causing her to fade away, the endless pollen particles suddenly became bright, and the great power that emerged from the deepest place in the world was violent, resonating with the strange light that broke into the battlefield, and unexpectedly erupted with unprecedented fighting power!
Infinite great power boils, returning everything here to its original state. After the creation of the world, it experienced great prosperity, and then moved towards great destruction. In an instant, it seemed as if countless epochs had passed.

The eyes of the "Red Haired Ancestor" were blazing and fierce, as if he was surprised that his attack was actually blocked!
Not just him?

All the creatures who could watch the battle were confused and shocked. What happened? The Pollen Emperor had fallen into a desperate situation, how could he still defy fate and struggle so tenaciously? !

"That light..."

The Silver Bone Ancestor has locked on to the root cause. The problem is not with the Pollen Emperor. She doesn't have that ability, okay?

The real source comes from that light, which brings vitality and changes!

Soul power ripples in the light, giving people an inexplicable feeling, as if it is separated from the present world by countless eons, and it is a chasm in time and space that is difficult to cross.

But for some unknown reason, someone was pushing it behind the scenes, which led to unprecedented changes, allowing this soul power to transcend time and space and stir the world.

Originally, this was nothing.

Let alone soul power, even if it was a real living being, even if there were an army of thousands and countless people, what was there to fear?

They slaughtered people all over the land, buried more than one era, and killed countless heroes. With a wave of their hands, an era was ruined and withered!
As the saying goes, all below the Immortal Emperor are ants, nothing more than NPCs, and can be reloaded and recreated at any time.

In the eyes of the ancestor, the Immortal Emperor is just a bigger ant!

What's more, he is an existence that has evolved a ray of transcendent light, so the ancestor is not worth mentioning!

However, it was this soul power that made the "heart" power of the owner of the Three Lifetimes Bronze Coffin, which emerged from the deepest part of the world, violent, as if it had revived part of his will, a little fighting instinct, and even his...Tao Fruit!
"Who are you? Tell me your name!"

The "Gray Mist Ancestor" roared, but was interrupted at the critical moment and forced to stop. Who could accept this?

"Go to the other side to recruit old subordinates, and step into reincarnation with flags fluttering..."

The worlds roared, and that ray of light vibrated, resonating with the countless pollen particles. It was as if a grand sound of the Tao was ringing, making people's souls tremble!
It was like the words of an almighty powerful being, or like hundreds of millions of creatures shouting together. As if seeing something, in a period of time that could not be traced back, a banner fluttered in the sky, attracting countless heroes and heroes like rivers flowing into the sea. They broke through the years and conquered the cycle of reincarnation!

The impact of this grand imagery caused the Gray Mist Ancestor who was shouting to tremble violently, forcing him to step back.

That was not a peerless attack, but a determination of unity among the people, mixed with the belief of a supreme being that one would rather die than live. It was too strong a target for him, the Lord of the Soul River who had once created the Soul River and bound countless dead souls!
He was very happy when he ate the benefits of the soul mouth, but if one day, such a supreme strong man walked out of the Soul River, communicated with the endless dead souls in it, and joined forces to attack him... He would be the first to bear the brunt, and would most likely die!
"Pretend to be a ghost!"

At the critical moment, the red-haired ancestor howled, "Evil Ancestor! Stop causing trouble!"

"But how can the prehistoric evil spirits causing trouble stop me?!"

He revealed the secret in one sentence, and accurately put the blame on the "real murderer" - the evil ancestor!
If the pollen is bitter again, Ye Fan will bear the blame!

Of course, this is not too unfair. The reason why the Pollen Emperor survived at this moment was indeed because of Ye Fan. As for whether Ye Fan was awake or asleep at this time, conscious or unconscious, whether he took the initiative or was thrown here by someone...

Don't worry too much about these details!
Otherwise, it is easy to be stabbed eighteen times and "commit suicide", and then unfortunately reincarnate for millions of times, and be a cow or a horse in every life. As long as you can endure hardship, there will be endless suffering.

When the Evil Ancestor comes, the Pollen Emperor will be saved; when the Evil Ancestor comes, the power of the "heart" left in the world by the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations will become violent!
Because, what came was not only the Evil Ancestor, but also the product of his past misfortunes in the world, which seriously threatened the existence of the present world - prehistoric evil spirits!
The "Evil Ancestor" replaced the souls of the two separated eras of prehistory and present time. The souls of the present time entered the prehistoric era, while the evil spirits of prehistoric times entered the present era.

In fact, this is not quite accurate. Calling prehistoric ghosts evil spirits is a bit stigmatizing - although most of those creatures are indeed very abstract.

However, there were also some normal creatures and even heroes who were the spiritual pillars that supported the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations to finally quell the prehistoric reincarnation disaster. They were buried together with those of that era!

It was precisely because of the agitated soul power of these dead souls that they entered the scene when the Pollen Emperor was on the verge of defeat, which seriously stimulated that always transcendent power and made the "heart" power of the owner of the three-generation bronze coffin boil!

No matter how many living beings in this world are killed or alive, it can remain calm and unperturbed.

Prehistoric ghosts, the creatures that they once protected, are coming?

Now that my old comrade is here, I must show off my skills!
Some people think they can be relieved, but they just haven't met the right person.

The man did not shed tears, but he did not go to the sad place.

At this moment, someone directly poked the lung tube with his hand, accurately broke the defense, and shook the power of the "heart", allowing this great power to stir the universe and mountains, the heavens and the world, and the eternal unknown. It is everywhere, like a ghost roaring in the world, and it is returning like lightning!
In just a moment, an extremely terrifying pressure swept over, causing everyone in the world to tremble in fear.

Even the strong ones in the sacrificial way, such as the Black Blood Ancestor, the Gray Mist Ancestor, and the Golden Scale Ancestor, all turned pale at this moment. Even the existence like the Silver Bone Ancestor, who had evolved strands of transcendent light, could not help but gasp, feeling that something serious had happened!

Because, it seems that this is no longer simply the work of the Pollen Emperor himself, but he is using the power of the "heart" of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations to attack. This is like a child holding a sledgehammer, which is even worse than the situation of plateau consciousness.

After all, although the plateau consciousness does not have any unparalleled magical powers or any means to defy the will of heaven, it itself is the powerful spiritual channel left behind by the owner of the bronze coffin on the plateau and can control all power.

In comparison, the Pollen Emperor is still separated by a layer. He uses the resonance of sacrificial will to drive the power of the "heart". How can he fully display his mystery?
But now it’s different, this great force seems to have its own will, recreating the scene of the bloody battle between these powerful men in the past. Log in and play for them!
"Support! We need more support!"

The Silver Bone Ancestor was horrified and called for Plateau Consciousness.

Gao Yuan was very aware of the situation, and he had no choice but to do so. He frantically increased the intensity of his support. The strange light became extremely strong, almost turning into liquid, flowing through all the worlds!
However, the stronger the strange power is, the brighter the pollen light will be!
The mighty power surging from the depths of the world and the determination of the supreme powerful man who sacrificed himself in the past have completely revived. Using the Pollen Emperor as a carrier, he brazenly wields the sword at all the weird and ominous things in the world!


If all the worlds were viewed as a whole, it seemed as if they were being cut apart at this moment, tearing eternity apart, severing time and space, and shattering reincarnation... This brilliant and splendid blow was unprecedented in history!

The red-haired ancestor stood up tough, he was blessed with the most and strongest plateau consciousness. At this moment, he froze eternity, reversed time and space, suppressed reincarnation. He was immortal and indestructible, and he faced off against the extremely powerful "Pollen Emperor"!
In an instant, blood and flesh flew everywhere, his body was torn apart and cut open forcefully.

However, the "Pollen Emperor" was not doing so well either. Her chest was pierced and the blood in her heart was bathed by the ancestor.

"That's it……"

He laughed loudly and wildly, like a madman.

"The 'heart' of the master of the Three Generations Copper Coffin is very brilliant, but unfortunately, it seems not strong enough?"


"This should be his belief before he becomes completely invincible, and the brilliance before his ultimate leap!"

"Once you are truly invincible, the whole world will be silent, and there will be no need for sacrifice anymore."

"Only when we are still fighting hard and struggling, will we have the courage, belief and passion to fight and sacrifice.

"Great! Really great!"

"This is enough for me to savor for countless years, and to savor it again and again in the years to come."

At this moment, the eyes of the "Red Haired Ancestor" were intimidating. Even though he was covered in blood, both his own and his opponent's, his spirit was so high that it was terrifying.

“This contains part of the secret of his ultimate leap, with one foot on a completely new level and the other foot almost following in. He is transcendent, but not completely transcendent. It is displayed silently and just right.”

"If it's too profound, people won't be able to understand it, but now is just right!"

"I want more!"

The "Red Hair Ancestor" let out a long roar, and red hair grew out one after another, and then burned and destroyed. He contained endless strange light, stirring the original matter in his body, bathed in the blood and sweat of the "Pollen Emperor", and fought to the death!

Even though he paid a terrible price in this process and was severely hit by the "Pollen Emperor", being shattered and reunited time and time again... his aura continued to grow stronger in the process, and the light of transcendence became more and more intense!

"Red Hair, I'm here to help you!"

Seeing the Red-haired Ancestor bleeding again and again, the four "Ancestors" Black Blood, Gray Mist, Golden Scale, and Silver Bone were all anxious.

Good teammates, walk side by side, how can you watch your comrades being beaten so badly and jumping back and forth on the brink of death?
Let me... No, we are here to help you!

They shouted, and their comradeship was so moving that the corners of the "Red Hair Ancestor's" mouth twitched slightly.

"These guys..."

'Really are……'

"That's suits my taste."

He shook his head secretly and decided not to bother with these people for the time being.

After so many years, I've gotten used to it.

"Reincarnation... Big Dream..."

The "Pollen Emperor" suddenly spoke, as if chanting some ancient spell, and a ray of light reappeared.

It was a light that appeared suddenly and disappeared silently. It was the pot of the world thrown by the peerless human emperor who did not want to reveal his name. With a little soul power stirring, the "Pollen Emperor" was greatly strengthened, and a master of all powers showed off his skills.

Unfortunately, this Tongtiandai had already died and didn't want to live, which greatly reduced the combat effectiveness.

Facing the ferocious "ancestor" and the strong support of the plateau consciousness, it is not enough to rely solely on the power of the "heart", more is needed!
For example, a Tao fruit!
A...Tao fruit named "The Eternal Great Dream"!


The past and the present are disconnected, it seems real and illusory, and everything seems like a dream.

In the dream, a wave ripples, sweeping every corner of the world.

"The Great...Dream...of...Eternity..."

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