Chapter 717


The supreme showdown that has never happened in this life breaks out just like that!

The "Pollen Emperor" dug out the power of the "heart" of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations from the deepest part of the world, and was also blessed with an unparalleled magical power. With endless sacrifices gathered, he swept the world with the most incredible fighting power, forcing Plateau, the Ancestor, and the Overlord to join forces to fight against him!

This scene is a scene from mythology and epic, destined to be sung through the ages!
Countless people are holding their breath at this moment, their eyes are wide open, their hearts are beating, their blood is dilated, they are praying and blessing.

——Come on! Big sister who has experienced many ups and downs in life!

——You must kill the ancestor, kill the overlord, kill the plateau consciousness, and kill that weird and evil land!

People have never been as sincere as they are now in looking forward to a victory.

If the Pollen Emperor defeats the evil and ominous things, then won’t their good days come?
Countless creatures deeply agree with this.


"I've really been sold out, and I'm still helping others count money..."

An emperor who had his back to the crowd muttered and sighed with emotion, causing a big black dog beside him to nod repeatedly, "Yes, yes!"

"What you owe must be repaid eventually..."

"Who should be held accountable for diverting future sacrificial power?"

"The pollen particles that fell from countless dreams throughout the ages all come from all living things in this world!"

"In this way, it is equivalent to every living being using their own 'sacrifice' as credit, repeatedly mortgaging it in different 'futures', and even overdrawing it to the limit..."

"What kind of thunderclap is this?"

The big black dog said this, his scalp tingling and trembling with fear.

As dark as it is, it trembles at the thought of such crazy means - it doesn't even dare to think about it, let alone do it.

Repeated mortgage, each mortgage is a "dead mortgage" - because pollen particles can only be produced by dead people!

Now, the pollen particles have exploded, and it feels great to squander my combat power.

What about when it’s time to pay off your debt?

Correspondingly, every living being that participated in the mortgage must die, and the "sacrifices" in different "futures" will gather into one and fall on them!
Moreover, dying once is not enough, one must die over and over again, suffer all kinds of torture, just to die bravely and heroically. Otherwise, one cannot repay even one, and every one, of the countless mortgages.

But how can a person "die" repeatedly?

That’s reincarnation!
After death, you will be reincarnated and pay off your debts in every life!
"Once the thunder explodes, tragedy will come. All living beings will experience cruel difficulties, and will be trapped in endless purgatory for generations to come."

The big black dog whispered, "This is a belated reckoning. They chose it themselves. They were so passionate that they spent all their money to support the Pollen Emperor to wipe out the weirdness and eliminate all the ominous things..."

"and many more……"

Its breathing suddenly became rapid and it looked up at its owner.

At the same time, the emperor, who had his back to the world, bowed his head and looked at his dog.

There was shock and horror in their eyes, as if they had guessed some incredible secret and their pupils contracted.

"Compared to prehistoric times, our life is very hard, full of disasters and sufferings."

The emperor murmured, "I didn't enjoy any blessings at all. What's coming to me is strange and ominous... Even if there weren't the ten overlords back then, there would be another group of immortal emperors who would be guided to the plateau, transformed into ancestors, created a strange race, and then set off a storm of bloodbath in the world, and held grand sacrifices again and again."

"In the great sacrifice, all living beings are sacrifices, being slaughtered, being sacrificed, falling into death, and thus going to reincarnation."

"After reincarnation, when you return to the human world, you still cannot escape. You will be visited by strange and ominous things again and be killed once again."

"Life after life, there is no end!"

"Xiao Hei, what do you think... could this be paying off a debt?"

Emperor Wu Shi sighed. The more he spoke, the more he felt that the logic made sense and it was not impossible.

Seeing with my own eyes how the "Pollen Emperor" overdraws the "power of sacrifice" by means of the "eternal dream", I was shocked at first, and then I felt terrified when I thought about it carefully.

The "Pollen Emperor" has not yet completely transcended, and cannot be considered truly omnipotent. How can there be no price to pay for using the pollen particles of "The Eternal Dream"?
It just depends on who pays the price!
Is it himself? Or all living beings?
Based on what he knew about the past of the Plateau Evil Land, the demise of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations, and the strange and ominous inexplicable birth, he deeply suspected that all of this was just paying off a debt!
“That shouldn’t be the case… I heard from the Demon Ancestor that the existence that truly transcends the Way of Sacrifice is omnipotent and can defy logic.”

Big Black Dog was puzzled. “Even if there really is a debt and it really explodes, it doesn’t matter. We can just wave our hands and wipe it out.”

——Why should I pay back the debt that I owed with my own ability?
——As long as I run fast enough, debt can't catch up with me!
“This… not everyone is like Demon Ancestor…” Wu Shi’s mouth twitched, “If Demon Ancestor was in that position, he would really dare to do the kind of operation you’re talking about.”

"But how could a noble person who truly believed in sacrifice and held this concept in his heart do such an act?"

"That is a blasphemy against sacrifice and a trampling of one's own ideals..."

"I'm afraid he would rather take over the debt himself, and use his repeated demise, going from having something to having nothing, and then back to having something again, to pay for the sacrifices he made in the past, until he finally forgets everything... rather than give up and become a deadbeat."

“This is a kind of persistence from the heart…”

Wu Shi sighed softly, and in a trance seemed to cross the barriers of time and space. He saw a vague figure sitting on the plateau. It was a glimpse of the scene countless years ago.

"Who am I? I don't remember... Maybe I want too much, or maybe I want nothing and hope to leave everything behind. Unfortunately, I have forgotten everything and only know to follow a mission, going from nothing to something, and then from something to nothing, and then back to something again, over and over again..."

"I'm tired……"

"I really want to... sleep forever..."

Wu Shi’s soul was trembling, and the picture faded away, as if it was just his illusion.

But he knew that perhaps there really had been such whispers, belonging to that creature!

"Perhaps, all the weird and ominous things in the world today are the aftermath of prehistoric debts..."

Finally, he sighed softly.

"In the end, who can settle the accounts? Who can be freed? Who can shoulder this monstrous debt and shoulder it all single-handedly?"

Wu Shi shook his head.

"But I think there's someone who's quite suitable..." The big black dog muttered to the side, his eyes rolling around, and no one knew how much bad water was brewing.

"That's all in the future." Wu Shi whispered, "The most urgent task is this battle... Pollen Emperor, she opened a magic box and touched the forbidden area."

"If all living beings suffer further, who will bear the blame?" "Does she really not know the consequences of doing this now? That's why she is infinitely urging the Great Dream of Eternity and overdrawing the great power of sacrifice..."

There was doubt in his eyes, "Or is there something else hidden that we don't know about?"

Wu Shi looked at the battlefield, where the killing had reached a frenzy.

The seven ancestors and the seven "diseases" united into one, and together they formed a phantom, endowed with might by the might of the plateau, and fought the "Pollen Emperor" to an eternal unknown, obliterating all the ancient and modern paths!

The "Pollen Emperor" becomes more and more courageous as the battle goes on. She has an endless supply of pollen particles from the "Eternal Dream", which makes her extremely ferocious. She is not afraid even when facing the phantom of her former master. She strikes out with heavy punches, causing the whole room to roar with filial piety!

However, that phantom is no pushover either, and he becomes stronger when facing a stronger opponent!

Because, as time goes by and the battle continues, it is also adjusting and integrating, such as the running-in with the great power of the plateau, the coordination of the body and magic power, and the touching and smelting of several extraordinary Tao fruits, the coffin sacrifices, the death sacrifices, the reincarnation seal, the holy ruins... every aspect is breathtaking.

Using the primordial matter that once belonged to the same source as a carrier, it evolved its posture during its lifetime. It was a living being that was above the way of sacrifice... even if it only had the body but not the spirit or the heart.

However, this kind of existence above the sacrificial path, just based on its instinct, has infinite uses.

When they move, fight and kill, even if the Dao Fruits are filled in later, their instinctive use can be slightly better than that of their creators, and they can perform operations that make their eyes light up, give full play to the strengths of each Dao Fruit, which greatly touches them, and they can also find out the gaps and make up for the defects that neither of them is aware of during the operation.

This is an unimaginable great fortune, which is like taking over the body of a sacrificial being and using it to operate and deduce one's own path.

Even if this body is incomplete and has flaws, there are still seven or eight hearts inside, which is an unprecedented benefit.

It is certain that when this calamity is over, the several "ancestors" who participated in the construction of the phantom will have huge gains, reach the pinnacle of their own levels, and take several steps forward in the field of sacrifice.

But the prerequisite is that they can survive this disaster!

The killing sound shook the world, and the pollen particles that had become extremely dense and filled the heavens and the world began to burn!

It was a supreme flame, terrifying to the extreme. It fell on the phantom formed by the seven ancestors and actually... ignited it!

The flames rose, burning the past, present and future, causing the shadow to let out a heart-wrenching roar of pain!


If the evil spirit roared, the seven "ancestors" could not believe it, "What kind of fire is this?"

"We have already traced back to the source and recreated that living being. How can we lose! How can we lose!"

"This is the fire of purification, it will burn away all filth and darkness!"

The Pollen Emperor howled, "Even that living being was burned by fire, born and died, and then the original matter came into being, let alone you, the Restorers!"

This fire can purify the world. When the power of sacrifice is pushed to the extreme, it can even hurt the lives on the sacrificial path!
Back then, the owner of the Third Generation Bronze Coffin burned himself with such a fire, destroying his immortal body and leaving behind his ashes.

Even if He wanted to die and didn't resist at all, this fire could destroy the body that was above the sacrificial path, which shows how terrifying it is!
What's more, the person standing here is no longer the same person as before. It is just the product of tracing back to his ashes, so it is still incomplete.

Of course, the "Pollen Emperor" is not the original self-immolator and cannot reveal the supreme mystery of this flame.

Even so, when the fire lit up, it still suppressed the shadow and burned it!
"Burn in the sky, buried in the earth, end... enemies of the past, present and future..."

In the darkness, there seems to be a sigh, as if telling the life of a living being, his splendor, his ending, and his persistence in life.

In the firelight, the shadows were dimming and dissipating. Even with the great power of the plateau trying its best to support them, it was of little use and instead added fuel to the fire.

Inch by inch of the body evaporated in the flames, turned into smoke, and disappeared into ashes!

"what to do?!"

The seven "Ancestors" all changed color, and someone shouted, "How about running away?"

But the next moment, he was reprimanded.

"Where can I escape to?"

"At this moment, we can only fight to the death, there is no way we can retreat!"

The "Red-haired Ancestor" roared, but at the critical moment he was still in C, taking charge of the situation.

As he spoke, he threw out an object, which was square and glowed with bronze light!
This is a coffin! A bronze coffin!

It was made of magical bronze and was smashed into the purifying fire, but it was not burned and destroyed for a moment!

"This material?"

With just one glance, the "White Eyed Ancestor" understood, "You dug up the copper mine in the core area of ​​the Plateau of Evil Land?!"

"I am just paying tribute to the source of our ancestors!" The red-haired ancestor remained calm. "Back then, the third generation copper coffin owner refined copper coffins and chiseled stone jars. I admire them and I followed their example. What's wrong with that?"

“I just didn’t expect that it would come in handy right now… As expected, this is the copper mine that was taken by the Third Generation Copper Coffin Master. The copper coffin made from it can withstand this world-purifying fire…”

The bronze coffin was flying. Made of special material and in a special shape, it impacted the purifying fire and disrupted the fire for a moment.

The tattered shadow thus got a little breathing space.

The "White-eyed Ancestor" watched all this with a subtle look in his eyes... He felt that something was not right with the development of things, and the response prepared by the "Red-haired Ancestor" was too sufficient!

Was this intentional or an accidental coincidence?
His eyes were deep, but he said nothing.

After all, the "Pollen Emperor" is too cruel at this moment and will eat anyone he chooses!

'Once upon a time, there was an invincible red-haired ancestor who swept across the world and forced out a peerless emperor...'

"Today, the invincible Pollen Emperor is crushing the strange ominousness, forcing us to join forces to fight against it..."

'Who knows?'

'Is there any hidden secret here?'

The "White-eyed Ancestor" was very curious and planned to do some in-depth research afterwards.

It's hard to say, the nine powerful men who once dominated the world and made the ancient emperor furious are about to fight in the world again!

However, before he could continue thinking, there was a loud bang, and the bronze coffin thrown by the red-haired ancestor exploded!

The fire of purification is too fierce, and this coffin is just a replica. After all, it is not the authentic Three Worlds Bronze Coffin.

However, since it is a tribute, there must be a coffin within a coffin. The big coffin is destroyed, but there are still the medium coffin and the small coffin!
But if there is no change, destruction is sooner or later.

Fortunately, the next moment, all the worlds roared, and there was a strange and ominous force like the sea, sweeping across!
(End of this chapter)

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