The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 720 I believed your lies!

Chapter 720 I believed your lies!

The Pollen Emperor was stunned, and his originally helpless and dead spiritual world was stirred up.

She understood what the black light ball meant.

But precisely because I understood it, I was so shocked, and I was convinced that this was a person who just wanted to watch the fun and make trouble.

The primordial substances of the ten ancestors merged into one, and ten kinds of diseases came together to create a terrifying monster with a combat power that was slightly superior to that of the Sacrifice Dao. This was already scary enough.

There are actually people here instigating it to be further strengthened and to inject the power of the "heart" left by the owner of the third bronze coffin in the world, under the euphemism of "turning the table over"!
"Do you know what you're doing?"

Pollen Emperor was shocked, with a horrified expression on her pretty face, "No one can control that monster anymore, and you still want to help it?!"

"It is precisely because no one can control it that you have to help it." The black light ball smiled, "It is now invincible in this world. No one can stop its strange and ominous trend sweeping across the world."

"Even if it continues to be strengthened, what does it matter? It will only change from taking some effort to destroy the world to being able to destroy all the worlds with one strike. In any case, no one will survive!"

"..." The Pollen Emperor was speechless, but he had to admit that this black light ball, which was consistent inside and out, was right.

This is an unsolvable deadlock. When the monster that should not have appeared was evolved by the ten ancestors, the fate of this era seemed to be doomed.

Even if it is not further strengthened, is there anyone who can defeat it with ease?
According to what Pollen Emperor saw and knew...nothing!
"I don't want to give it away's blasphemy against that One."

Pollen Emperor whispered that she had her own persistence.

"If the most sacred and precious treasure He left in the world was used to fulfill such a weird and ugly monster, I think He would be very sad."

"In the beginning, He was unwilling to continue to live in this world in such an ugly way, so He set himself on fire and buried himself... If in the end, everything goes back to the way it was, then what is the meaning of His previous actions?"

The Pollen Emperor sighed sadly.

A patient died. He pulled out his oxygen tube and refused rescue. He was unwilling to continue living in such an ugly manner and hoped to leave everything behind.

As a result, someone tried to act as fiercely as a tiger, but ended up going the wrong way, reversing history and causing the patient to commit suicide in vain... It was really ridiculous.

"Xiaohuahua, you are wrong."

The black ball was disappointed with his failure to make good use of his talents. “It’s one thing now, it’s another!”

"When that person set himself on fire, was there any plateau consciousness or strange race in this world? No!"

"The fruits of victory of the Third Generation Copper Coffin Master in ending prehistory have been stolen!"

"If you are unwilling to give up this 'heart' power now, have you ever thought about what will happen in the future?"

The black light ball shouted, shaking the heart of the Pollen Emperor, "Yes, the most terrifying monster has been born, and it is invincible in the world."

"But, as you know, the composition of this monster is very complex. It is formed by integrating the 'body' and 'qi' left by the three generations of bronze coffin owners."

"His magical power and his sick body combined into one made this monster so powerful."

"The magic power has a master, which is the plateau consciousness; and the will in the sick body is divided into ten, which are the ten great ancestors."

"At this moment, the most powerful stumbling block in the world—you—has been suppressed. What will happen next?"

The black light ball said coldly, "The Plateau Consciousness and the Ten Great Ancestors will fight for the control and ownership of this monster."

"Especially the plateau awareness, which is very likely the key to its escape from the shackles."

"What about the Ten Great Ancestors? They won't give up this body... After all, they know very well what they have done and how they have manipulated the plateau consciousness."

"Aren't they afraid of being held accountable later?"

"So, you must struggle! Resist!"

"If there are no other variables, the situation will turn into a strange and ominous internal conflict, a tragic struggle within the evil forces on the plateau."

"If nothing unexpected happens, Plateau Consciousness will achieve the final victory... because it is the only one in the 'Qi', and the so-called ten 'Ancestors' are too divided. Although they have all the symptoms, they still have extra primordial matter in the hands of Plateau Consciousness."

"Only then will it be a true disaster!"

The black light ball gave the Pollen Emperor a wake-up call, "Although some of the 'Ancestors' have committed many evil deeds, their evil deeds are all for a purpose, not to mention that some of them have transcended by not killing sentient beings, such as the Demon Emperor, Chang Heng, and Dao Zun... Even if you have a Jiao, you need the living beings of the heaven to be alive in order to create value for him."

"But Gaoyuan's consciousness is different. This being has been evil since childhood. Before it was even born, it had already ordered the weird tribe to offer sacrifices to the world!"

"Who dares to bet? When it wins the battle for the monster's body, will the most terrifying thing happen? Will it sacrifice the entire world with its invincible fighting power, reap the harvest in one fell swoop, and achieve its own success?"

The black light ball made the Pollen Emperor sweat coldly, "Therefore, you have to create variables, take the initiative to attack, and carry out the final interference."

"The power of the 'heart' will become the strongest counterweight to the Plateau consciousness, interfering with its control over the monster's body. When the 'Ancestors' are about to be defeated and cannot resist the erosion of the Plateau consciousness, they will be forced into a desperate situation and may not surrender to the power of the 'heart', put down their butcher knives, and become Buddhas on the spot!"

"Who are our enemies? Who are our friends? Which enemies can we win over and turn into our friends?"

"Xiao Huahua, although sacrifice is precious, it should not be reckless or mindless. Sacrifice is certainly for the belief in your heart, but what is more important is to win!"

"Without the blessing of victory, how can we protect the faith in our hearts?"

"Therefore, sometimes we have to make necessary compromises, just to instigate rebellion, win over some enemies, protect the spark of victory, buy time for changes to occur, and wait for the dawn of hope in the long years..."

The black light ball gave the Pollen Emperor renewed her will to fight, even though she was completely sealed and was half a step away from falling into eternal silence, unable to live or die.

However, she can also use her last bit of strength to leave the spark of victory in this world.

After all, as an enemy, the strange and ominous one is certainly powerful, but it is not a monolithic entity and has many internal contradictions.

Moreover, their concept of transcendence is barbaric and backward, and is filled with the self-centered and overbearing ideas of "either you or me" and "a fight to the death". It only allows one person to have the last laugh. There are no friends on the road to transcendence, only enemies!

How can this last long?

If the winner can be decided quickly, then naturally the quick winner will be the king, and everyone else will have no choice but to admit defeat.

But once variables appear and the battle is prolonged, the situation will be different!

The losers in the battle for transcendence will have no choice but to turn to the camp that represents justice, which is progressive, civilized, and allows for seeking common ground while reserving differences, and mutual benefit and win-win results!

As one side gains strength, the other side loses strength. Now the weak justice camp may be able to surpass the weird and ominous one and achieve the final victory!

"Is it really so?" Pollen Emperor's confusion faded a lot, but she was still a little confused.

“Even if you don’t believe me, can you still not believe in the one who created you?” The black light ball said, “In the current world, the power comparison is indeed very different between justice and evil, but when you look at it from the highest level, what does it matter?” “That one existence certainly left behind the original matter and gave birth to the plateau consciousness.”

"But didn't it also leave behind His sacrificial power and the supreme fruit of the Tao?"

"The potential of the justice camp is far beyond your imagination. It all depends on whether you can make good use of it."

"This is a test for this world. It will see if the next generation has enough ability to write glory and splendor on the road of sacrifice."

"Anyway, all the death and sorrow are nothing to that person. He only needs to wave his hand and everything can be reflected and restored. What do you think?"

The black light ball patiently persuaded the Pollen Emperor, who nodded repeatedly and felt that it made a lot of sense.

That must be the case!
All of this is a test!

It can't be said that the omnipotent owner of the bronze coffin for three generations could not foresee the chaos caused by his own ashes, and could not see the bloodshed in the world? Or maybe he saw everything, but didn't care at all, and just took it as a joke?
"Okay! I agree!"

After some deep thought, Pollen Emperor nodded vigorously.

There was a flash of wisdom in her eyes, and she put her earth-shaking wisdom into action!
"I will leave a spark of fire and hope for the world. I only hope that one day justice will triumph over evil and purify this world of all its weirdness and ominousness..."

As she spoke, little by little, light began to appear around her thought.

These lights had already been gradually dimming and fading away. The ten "Ancestors" drove the monsters and used their magical powers to restrain them. They sealed the Pollen Emperor forever and suppressed and isolated her consciousness completely. In a sense, this was an eternal exile of the self.

When the exile is successful, she will lose all perception of the outside world, and will no longer be able to sense the power of the "heart" left by the owner of the third generation bronze coffin.

However, there is still one line missing, which is the last line of the banned loophole. I don't know why it appeared. Maybe it's because the monster was constructed by the ten "ancestors" together, and they can't work together. One of the ancestors was a step slow in cooperation, resulting in a flaw that shouldn't have existed.

Of course, this flaw will eventually be filled, and then the Pollen Emperor will be truly helpless!

But now, Pollen Emperor can obviously do something!
"Return to the original intention and remain determined..."

"Wake up! My Master!"

Her sincere call was her last prayer before falling into the abyss of darkness!


"Is it going to end..."

While a pitch-black ball of light was deceiving a small flower, an undercurrent was already surging in the battlefield outside.

When endless runes were evolved and cast by monsters, falling layer by layer on the body of the Pollen Emperor, wrapping her like a fly in amber, and gradually losing her influence on the world, a terrible change was happening.

As the seal came to an end, the eyes of several of the most powerful "Ancestors" collided, as if they were communicating thousands of words.

They all felt that suppressing the Pollen Emperor was certainly a big deal, but compared to the even more terrifying storm that would follow, it was nothing!


When the last rune fell, the sealing of the Pollen Emperor was a foregone conclusion. The monster's body suddenly stiffened, and the magic power in its body that was vast, infinite, mysterious and omnipotent actually stagnated, and could no longer be mobilized by the will of the ten ancestors.

Moreover, it is not just magic power. With this magic power as the root, the range of stagnation is still spreading outwards, affecting the entire body, causing various diseases to get out of control!


The abscesses burst one by one, dripping pus.


Black blood flowed from all seven orifices, and his face was covered with bloodstains.


The spine is protruding, and bone spurs are piercing the skin.


The fog surged, and the endless haze blurred the body.


These diseases, after all, are the reverse evolution of primordial matter. The current loss of control is precisely because the root of the primordial matter is out of control and is no longer under the control of the corresponding ancestors!
Plateau consciousness takes action!
It was transformed from the great power left by the third-generation bronze coffin owner who self-immolated on the plateau, and mastered his unparalleled magical power, but not only that, it also implicitly holds the final right of interpretation of the original matter!

At this moment, it attacked forcefully and domineeringly, trying to take the monster's body and own it alone.

If it succeeds, even if it is still an unborn baby, with neither unparalleled magical powers nor clear transcendental ideas, it will have the combat power to sweep the world.

By then, it will definitely crush to death those ancient emperors and overlords who dared to make fun of it!
However, its dream is beautiful, but it is not easy to realize.

Because, under its erosion, even if it has exclusive magic power and the right to interpret the original matter, it cannot be invincible.

There are several "dams" blocking the monster's body!
These dams originated from the terrible "ancestors" who stepped into new areas based on the original matter. They are the result of their paths and ideas!
With the "sacrificial coffin" of the "red-haired ancestor", my life is in my own hands. I can cut off the causes and consequences, and from now on I have control over myself, including the original material that belongs to him!
There is the "sacrifice of death" by the "White-eyed Ancestor", and this existence is in no way inferior to the Red-haired Ancestor. He uses the original matter as fertilizer, like mixing ashes with rice, to achieve himself!
With the "Seal of Reincarnation" of the "Silver Bone Ancestor", he experienced nine lives and nine deaths, achieved unity, understood his past and present lives, completely integrated into the original matter, and finally transcended it!

The "Holy Ruins" with the "Purple Spot Ancestor" wants to create a strange holy spirit belonging to the strange clan. It wants to make the original matter into essence. Once it is fully developed, this is the "legitimate son" of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations!
Compared with the other six ancestors, they are the most resistant to the erosion of plateau consciousness and will not collapse quickly.

Of course, that’s all they can do. They alone cannot turn the tables.

"Rebels will die without a burial place!"

Gao Yuanzhi said coldly, "If you convert and submit to me, you may be spared!"

"Convert? Submit?" Changheng Ancient Emperor sneered, "Why? You are just a lucky guy who got lucky by chance. In terms of talent, how can you compare with us, let alone make us submit!"

As he spoke, he sighed softly and looked at the red-haired ancestor.

"We've been screwed by you again..."

"Back then, you were the leader who took us to the plateau, but in the end, we all died tragically."

"Today, I still believed your lies and let you take the lead in forming this monster body. As a seems that we will still die."

"Demon Emperor! Are you the leader or the one who leads everyone to get killed?"

"You are a good leader, don't do it next time..."

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