The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 725: Insulting the teacher and destroying the ancestors!

Chapter 725: Insulting the teacher and destroying the ancestors!

A glorious and brilliant era may be coming.

This is all because of an almighty being, who covers the sky with one hand and bears the disaster of the collapse of the sky by himself. Even if the plateau consciousness is desperate and wields the entire plateau evil land to bombard it, it cannot cross this natural chasm. Follow Him forward, change the sky and the earth, reorganize the mountains and rivers, and all things will be splendid, as if reborn!

More than that!

When the original owner of the bronze coffin with a spirit of sacrifice took a step forward, all the predecessors and heroes who had been buried because of the strange and ominous things, and all the traces of them that had been completely erased and became sacrifices, were reflected at this moment and were about to reappear in the world at the same time!

Even if some of these predecessors and heroes are related to each other in past and present lives, and are the same true spirit in different lives, and have been reincarnated, it stands to reason that there is you but not me, and we should not coexist.

Even an extraordinary person like the Taoist Master, who has been busy doing all sorts of things, such as exploring the path of reincarnation, raising corpses on the plateau, and reaching the realm of offering sacrifices to Taoism, has spent countless years to allow his "past life" and "present life" to coexist, but that's all.

How could it be like this, going against the will of heaven and the world, subverting all cause and effect logic, and transcending all paradoxes!
There is no doubt that this is absolutely a true and perfect display of power on the path of sacrifice, which is unimaginable and unrivaled!
Therefore, the failure of plateau consciousness is natural. Just as the ancestor is generally a floor tile for sacrificial purposes and a unit of measurement for combat power, it is also a floor tile and a unit of measurement for combat power in the area above the sacrificial purpose.

Even though it is a monster pieced together, when it is strengthened in various ways, fueled by the Samsara Seal, the Holy Ruins... and then welcomed the influx of the power of "heart", it is enough to sweep the world and knock down the crown of the strongest consciousness in the world!

At this point, Gao Yuan's consciousness has fallen into a desperate situation, and according to common sense, there is no possibility of recovery.

At this moment, the desperate plateau consciousness roared, barking out a word that would make people explode!
——Sacrificial coffin!
This is the root of the "Red Haired Ancestor"'s rampage in this world. At the critical moment when he was surrounded and kicked by a group of Taoist priests, he took such a path in desperation and created a new height for the ancestor of the weird clan. From then on, he was out of control and completely invincible in the world!
The ancestor offered sacrifices in a state of confusion and buried his predecessor, which gave birth to a strange spirit, which was reborn from the coffin and started a strange and ominous life.

Although a person is reborn, the body is the old body, the coffin is the old coffin, and everything seems to be silently telling a huge story of cause and effect.

Perhaps, it is this kind of cause and effect that has bound the ancestors for countless years.

As the ancestor, the original material baptism in the ignorance and the passive sacrifice to the Taoism lacked a crucial understanding.

With the added consequence of karma, how can one go further if one continues to carry this heavy burden?
The so-called coffin sacrifice is to sever this layer of cause and effect, cut it off, chop it off, and sacrifice it, so as to jump out of the shackles of the previous life, gain great freedom, and from then on know that I am myself!
At that time, the "Red-haired Ancestor" amazed everyone with this. Even a powerful Taoist priest had to sigh in admiration. He paved the way for the ancestors and truly reached the pinnacle.

What you think and what you want to do are things that others don’t do, and you can do what others can’t do!

After all, for the ancestors, the coffin they live in is not only the cradle of their new life, but also the umbilical cord connecting them to the original matter, which is their powerful support.

If it were someone else, they would just hold it tightly in their hands and try every way to strengthen it. How could they have the determination to give it up?
The slightest mistake will lead to eternal damnation!
Until the "Red-haired Ancestor" made a brilliant appearance and performed magnificent operations, shocking countless creatures.

In this way, he climbed to the highest peak in the world, but at the same time, he also made the most sensitive creatures smell a strong sense of foreboding, and they vaguely had a premonition of something.

Because, although the ancestors had coffins to carry cause and effect, it was obvious that their coffins were not the strongest!

Above the ancestor, there is the undisputed strongest coffin in this world, which contains the cause and effect of the death of a creature that they cannot imagine!
He left behind ashes and boundless power, and thus a strange and ominous, terrifying consciousness was born!

If this "consciousness" also embarks on the path of "sacrificing the coffin"...

It is hard to imagine what terrible consequences that would have.

Of course, the wily overlords aren’t too worried.

They can probably see that the plateau consciousness lacks bloodiness and they may not dare to take risks unless it is absolutely necessary.

Offering sacrifices to the coffin is a life-threatening practice, a step into a higher realm.

But even if the plateau consciousness does not offer sacrifices to the coffin, it is still the most powerful existence in the world, so why not seek a safer way?
Moreover, the bronze coffin of three generations may not be easy to use for sacrifice.

From now on, the reason why the sacrificial coffin of the "Red Haired Ancestor" was successful is essentially that the Demon Emperor is stronger than the real Red Haired Ancestor.

The bronze coffin of three generations? The situation is reversed!
But, today...

Plateau consciousness has reached its limit!
If that’s the case, what else is there that it dare not do?
So, it roared, shocking the past and present generations——

"Sacrificial coffin!"

The next moment, in the endless light, beside Gao Yuan's consciousness, a red-haired ancestor knelt on one knee with his hands raised high, holding a bronze coffin, which he presented respectfully!
The second red-haired ancestor...the bronze coffin of the third generation!
At this time of bloodshed and violence in the world, a little-known ancestor took action, fetched the most extraordinary coffin in the world, and presented it here!

He brought uncertainty to the inevitable battle, giving Plateau Consciousness one last chance to fight.

There is no way out for the plateau consciousness, so one can only take risks and fight for a chance of survival.

Gao Yuan took over the coffin and held it in his hand, with an aura beyond words.

The bronze coffin of three generations was shaking violently. At this moment, the coffin was more agitated than ever before.

Because the meaning of its existence is to bury that extraordinary creature, it carries the forger's will of death and he no longer wants to live.

But now, that creature is "resurrecting from the dead", is there any meaning for its existence?
Therefore, one can see that the coffin is now glowing with light, which is completely different from the state it was in before when it was at the mercy of others. There is an unimaginable and incomprehensible Taoist rhyme rising up, like a kind of... divine will!
In a trance, all kinds of laws are intertwined, reaching far and wide, reflecting the hearts of all people.

They seemed to have transcended time, space, fate, cause and effect, and saw a picture - a horrible monster with sores, pus and black blood, silver bones and red hair, and spitting gray mist... He walked on a plateau, refined bronze in the mining area, chiseled out stone jars, and then burned himself. An invisible giant hand took over his affairs after his death, dropping his ashes into the jar, submerging them in a bronze coffin, and finally buried him under the plateau!
Obviously, this monster is almost the same as the original monster created by the ten ancestors, which means it is the ominous existence that needs to be pacified at this moment!

The bronze coffin cannot speak, but it just exists, and at the moment it seems to be subtly ironic about something.

This coffin is special.

The two "Emperors of Heaven" in the world who are most qualified to be oxen and horses, who can carry all living beings and move forward with heavy loads, one is Huang and the other is Ye, are both deeply affected by him. Not only have their appearances changed, but they have also inexplicably mastered an extraordinary forbidden magical power.

Where do supernatural powers come from?

Perhaps, it is this coffin that has bestowed upon it the mark of "God" of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations!

At this moment, the coffin is shining brightly, intertwined with the rhythm of Tao, and is held by Gao Yuan's consciousness. It blooms brilliantly at the moment when the owner of the bronze coffin of three generations sacrifices his will and regains his strength. It is a fight to the death with him!

One buried everything, the other was determined to pretend to be dead... This wave, this wave of internal strife would never end!
However, it is obvious that the Bronze Coffin of Three Generations is ultimately powerless against its forger. That being is walking towards it with determination to wipe out everything and kill all the remnants of itself that have brought eternal disaster!
The bronze coffin of three generations was shaking and roaring violently. The coffin body was actually cracked. From the outside to the inside, nothing was spared!
The outer coffin, the middle coffin, the inner coffin, and even the urn inside, were all shattering and disintegrating. The Dao rhyme that was briefly stimulated and revived collapsed just as suddenly as it appeared!
However, its collapse is exchanged for the growth, transformation and sublimation of another existence!
"Sacrificial coffin!"

The roar of the plateau consciousness is still echoing in the world. All this happened seemingly slowly but was actually fast, from its roar, to the Red-haired Second Ancestor presenting the Three Generations Bronze Coffin, to the Three Generations Bronze Coffin falling apart, everything happened almost in an instant!

The supreme being, who seemed to have revived the power of a god, was too ferocious. In the blink of an eye, it overturned all the worlds and destroyed the plateau. It was about to rush into the land of disaster and wipe out all the weirdness and ominousness.

He swept away all enemies, destroying them with ease, until a mist surged up, spreading from the deepest part of the plateau's doomed land and swept across the eternal sky!

Shocking the past and present!

The samsara is boiling! The worlds are burning!

In the fog, there seemed to be a vague figure collapsing and disintegrating, and it disappeared along with the destruction of a coffin.

The next moment, the figure reunited, as if everything before was just an illusion of the viewer!

Of course, reality will prove everything.

The next moment, a breath spread out from the fog, majestic and violent, reaching far and wide, stirring up the destruction of all the ancient and modern worlds, and unparalleled terror shrouded everyone's heart!

In the darkness, there are whispers that echo through the ages, indifferent and transcendent.

"Life is also the migration of death, and death is also the beginning of life."

"When you are born, you die, when you die, you are born. All things are in one house, and life and death are the same."

"Use the heaven and earth as the coffin, the sun and the moon as the walls, the stars as the pearls, and all things as the gifts...bury the splendor of this life, and silence the vicissitudes of eternity..."

With an overwhelming pressure that made all words pale and powerless, a hand as solid as a solid object stretched out from the mist to meet the supreme being that had already stepped onto the plateau and charged into the land of doom!


All the worlds were destroyed and reborn in endless light.

Everything is blurred, like reflections in the water. When the wind blows, ripples appear and everything is shattered.

Only when the wind stops and the ripples dissipate, will the original reflection reappear.

All things in the world, including all living beings, are like this reflection, a dream and an empty flower.

Only those who worship Taoism can be like water, but they just go with the flow.

On it, the supreme strong man who has condensed the light of transcendence can be a stone in the water, a mainstay, able to stabilize himself... but, that's all.

The real chess player is playing the game of the wind…it scatters the reflections and messes up everything.

The fog dissipated, and two figures confronted each other. One was the supreme being that was sublimated from the monster created by the ancestors, and the other was the plateau consciousness that used the supreme being to break the coffin and offer sacrifice to the coffin!
These two beings should be strange and unfamiliar to the world.

Because one of them had been dead for countless years and his ashes had been divided up; the other had been dormant for countless years, only directing the country from behind the scenes, and even the people of the weird clan were unaware of his existence.

However, at this moment, the sense of déjà vu of these two beings was too strong to ignore... because of their appearance!

One is Emperor Huang Tian, ​​and the other is...

"Old friend, can I call you big brother now?" You Jiao swallowed hard, "Let's write off the past. Can you please forgive me and let me go?"

"I admit that I was ignorant back then. It took a lot of courage to show disrespect to you, Brother Demon Emperor... Now, I know I was wrong. Please let me go!"

It is hard to imagine that these are words that an ancient emperor and overlord could say.

Although it is not to the point of being servile, it is indeed a form of submission.

If even You Jiao is like this, what about others!

The Jade Emperor, Destiny, Mahayana… none of them said a word.

Their eyes were wide open, their mouths wide open.

Even those as powerful as Dao Zun and Chang Heng fell silent for a moment, looked at Gao Yuan Yi Shi, then looked at the "Red Haired Ancestor", and then looked at Gao Yuan Yi Shi again.

The two cannot be said to be exactly the same, they can only be said to be as if they were carved from the same mold!

At this moment, Gao Yuan's consciousness was no longer a misty form, but had condensed into a substantial shape, clearly visible, with the face of... the Demon Emperor!
This... this is too scary, it's simply outrageous!
How can other ancient emperors and overlords dare to speak loudly?

Dao Zun gasped, "Shouldn't it have the same face as the owner of the Three Generations Copper Coffin?!"

This is common sense!
"It's normal for children to be a little rebellious when they grow up, isn't it?"

At this moment, the Demon Emperor said quietly, "Besides, that person didn't care about giving birth but raising him. Now that he has revived his corpse, he is even more calling for killing."

"Our great highland consciousness, in a fit of anger, changed its appearance. Is there anything wrong with that?"


After a brief silence, he sighed, "A bronze coffin of three generations, wandering through the worlds, I don't know how many people it has influenced, sowing seeds, and giving them free plastic surgery."

"If that person can do this kind of thing, can't others do it?"

"Being poached by someone else is...reasonable, right?"

The "Red-haired Ancestor" explained his behavior of "disrespecting his teacher and destroying his ancestors" - if we start from the identity of the ancestor.

As the ancestor, he was born under the power of plateau consciousness, and was bestowed with the achievement of sacrificial Taoism and a new life. It can be said that he is both a teacher and an ancestor.

Unfortunately, times have changed.

Gao Yuan's consciousness was forced into a desperate situation. Not only did he offer sacrifices to the coffin, he also changed his face to become more like the Demon Emperor!

Who is the master? Who is the ancestor?
He turned the tables and betrayed his teacher and ancestors!
"Is it really just that?"

Chang Heng suddenly turned around and stared at the Demon Emperor with profound meaning.

"The bronze coffin of the Three Generations...there's something seriously wrong with the ashes in that urn!"

His eyes were blazing and terrifying, "Demon Emperor, what on earth are you planning?!"

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