The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 736 Unlocked, 7 Acupoints!

Chapter 736 Unlocked, Seven Apertures!
The six most powerful creatures have flames burning on their bodies as bright and brilliant as the original Emperor of Heaven at this moment. Both the sacredness and the weirdness are fuel to release the ultimate power!

Their presence, at this moment, is stirring the entire world, piercing the void as if it were paper, and preventing the years from leaving their mark!
Together they dominated this node in time, like the supreme being suppressing the gods of ancient history. Their common steps made the universe tremble and wail, as if they were being trampled by an unbearable giant, and the roar echoed throughout the ages.

The Tao does not exist, the order is not obvious, the law is gone... because everything seems to have been sacrificed, and from then on, there is no law or bondage!

This was the most powerful posture that belonged exclusively to the original Heavenly Emperor. He exchanged countless years of suffering for a brief moment of unrivaled splendor.

However, the red-haired branch of the weird clan was so unethical that they would not give him any chance to live. As a fake, they actually wanted to force the genuine one to death!

They ruthlessly shattered the original Emperor of Heaven's beautiful dream and told him - what hardships, setbacks, desperate situations... Do you think you are the only one who has experienced these things!


Big mistake!

Perhaps your original judgment about the weird tribe in the past was correct. The degree of cohesion of the beliefs of the creatures on this plateau is generally worrying. From beginning to end, they rely on their numbers and blood-locking plug-ins to bully others. They do not have the purest and resolute heart that disregards life and death.

But, the disaster land in the new era is different!

Especially the red-haired ones among them!
A great man... a hero... who hasn't been one?!
"On Mount Mahayana, thousands of Buddhas passed away. The blood of each Buddha stained the robes of the King Buddha red."

The Red Lotus Immortal Emperor whispered.

"In the billions of heavens, in the worlds as numerous as the sands of the Ganges, countless heavenly emperors lie dead, and the Jade Emperor's crown falls."

"The heavens are vast, and all races coexist. But one day, they all took up arms, slaughtered all races, and wiped out the roots, making the overlord shed tears."


He spoke softly, his tone a little hoarse, reflecting the vicissitudes of time.

As he spoke, a picture of mountains of corpses and seas of blood vaguely emerged, trembling the ancient history.

It was a cruel and bloody era. From the heavens to the skies, every corner was stained with blood. With the brief fall of one overlord after another, their forces were also liquidated.

All this is because the vitality of the Immortal Emperor is too strong. As long as there is a thought in the world, they can be resurrected.

Always remember, there will be reverberations!
Therefore, if one wants to kill such a person, one must not only destroy his body and his soul, but also overturn all causes and effects, bury the myths related to him, make sure that all spirits have no thoughts about him, and make the world forget about him, so that he can be completely erased and forever silenced!
Therefore, with their defeat, their power and orthodoxy will be buried with them, and even the chickens and dogs in their homes will be left alone, and even the earthworms outside their doorsteps will be cut vertically!
Every ancient emperor and overlord has experienced such things, and the Taoist forces under their command have also experienced them.

For example, the Mahayana Mountain King Buddha was a Buddha destroyer. Thousands of Buddhas who gathered and followed him, who were comparable to the current quasi-immortal emperors, were all killed completely.

For example, the Jade Emperor, his tentacles that reached into the billions of worlds in the heavens were cut off, and the emperors respected by the heavens who he secretly promoted died. Maybe he had a wild imagination or was open-minded, so he was worried again... Only with a one in a million chance could he avoid the fatal blow, with blood on his cheeks and unparalleled style.

The struggle between the ancient emperors and overlords was so cruel that once they took action, the entire opposing family would be sent to the battlefield.

The Demon Emperor... is no exception.

"The lineage of the Demon Emperor is not immune either. My father established the Dao with his bloodline, and his descendants will be endless... so the final outcome is naturally - the end of the lineage!"

"We are being killed, but we are fighting. We will never lower our heads even if we fight to the last breath of our lives."

"We personally experienced the tranquility of death, the blurring of consciousness, and the dissipation of the soul... until our father, with his supreme power, illuminated us and saved us from the abyss of annihilation. We rose from ruin and revived from annihilation..."

The aura of the Red Lotus Immortal Emperor became more and more terrifying, but his tone was extremely calm as he recounted the cruel past.

Those who have many children and grandchildren will have no descendants!

Ancestors live in the bodies of their descendants... Just based on this general principle of the Bloodline Law, how could the one who attacked the Demon Emperor let go of all his descendants?

If there is even one fish that slips through the net, it will be like the grass being cut if not completely eradicated, and it will grow again when the spring breeze blows!

Therefore, once the Demon Emperor is defeated, his descendants will surely be massacred. Surrender is useless, begging for mercy is useless, and no one will allow hidden dangers to exist.

Similarly, this forced the Demon Emperor's descendants to fight and resist, fight to the end, and follow their fathers and ancestors in bloody battles until their last breath, again and again!
Death is not the end.

Even though the Demon Emperor was defeated temporarily, he was blocked by nine mysterious Immortal Emperors, who joined forces to kill him, destroy the world and wipe out his remains.

However, the Demon Emperor always manages to come back against the odds, fighting his way back from the dead, and just raising his hand he uses a big file reload technique - Resurrection, my descendants!
Reflecting the reappearance of all descendants, they are resurrected from death and continue to fight until the next cycle of life and death.

The descendants of the Demon Emperor have experienced too much.

They have overcome the life and death calamities arranged by the nine ancient emperors, and also died heroically in the strange and ominous burial of the world... They have never been afraid, never retreated, their courage and faith are commendable!
Although the courage and belief here were mostly forced out, every time it was a fight to the death, and the surrender button was pushed out.

However, when such life experiences are repeated ten or a hundred times, penetrating deep into the soul and self… what is the difference between then and being a natural-born ambitious person?

People can grow and be influenced and changed by their experiences.

Even the origin can change, dominated by a bronze coffin of three generations, changing its appearance and tending towards a certain existence.

Then, why can't spirit, will, belief... change subtly?

Of course, all this was not forced, and there were no traces of deliberateness. It can only be said that the era dominated by the ten Immortal Emperors was so crazy and abstract.

When the heroes who resurrected from that buried era looked back at their original experiences and listened to their bold words, they could only find it ridiculous.

——You just lost your whole family, your relatives, your followers, and you are already jealous? This is just the beginning. What is our situation?
——You are the only one who has experienced hardships, desperate situations, and setbacks? Haven’t we all gone through this? Who would lack these?

it's time!

Let you feel a little bit of the shock of the ancient emperor's overlord era!
At this moment, Yuanshi was really shocked, his scalp was numb, his limbs were cold, he felt like he had opened a magic box with his own hands, bringing a catastrophe to the world. The plateau land, the strange clan, really underwent earth-shaking changes, making up for the missing faith and will. At the moment when the plateau consciousness disappeared without a trace, the Demon Emperor lineage came seamlessly, injecting a terrifying spirit, that kind of fighting spirit that never gives up, that kind of belief in fighting back from desperate situations again and again, achieving the most terrifying complement!

A truly powerful combination!
The ashes of the three generations of bronze coffin owners, the analysis of the essence of the great power of plateau consciousness, the visualization of a supreme being, and the filling of faith with the experience of a crazy period of time...

Body, energy, spirit, mind... perfect and flawless!
This will create the most powerful blade in the world, and he, the original, will run headfirst into this blade, rushing to deliver it to his doorstep!

What's even more tragic is that he has unknowingly become a crucial key.

Originally, these Immortal Emperors of the Red Hair/Demon Emperor lineage possessed supreme treasures, but did not know how to open them.

It's original!
He stimulated them with his breath and enlightened them with words, allowing them to gain sudden enlightenment!

So, it's... so simple?!

From the perspective of paving the way, taking this step may not be easy.

But, from the perspective of reference and copying, it is too easy!

Especially those of the red-haired lineage who inherited the legacy of the Demon Emperor and the Plateau Consciousness, in a sense, they can be said to have inherited the mantle of the three sacrificial masters... The three generations of the Bronze Coffin Master, the Plateau Consciousness, and the Demon Emperor, only need a slight integration to be able to defy the heavens and demonstrate the horror of the new era.

New era, new atmosphere.

This is an era where some living beings have successfully stepped into the realm above the Way of Sacrifice, even if their presence is short-lived and will be taken away in the blink of an eye.

But the impact is far-reaching, as if some kind of shackles have been unlocked in the dark. From now on, there will be a surge in masters and outstanding people in the world.

It is like a universe in the Dharma Ending Age, which does not support the birth of immortals. There can only be one human emperor in a lifetime.

However, once someone achieves the status of a Mortal Immortal and breaks the upper limit, people will then discover that the Emperor of Humanity is worthless. As long as one seizes the opportunity, even someone with connections or a brother-in-law can become an emperor without doing anything!

The once invincible emperor of humanity turned into a clown in the blink of an eye. Anyone who doesn't know what's good for him will soon be beaten to death on the beach by latecomers in the tide of the times.

At this moment, the light is endless. This is the light of the new wave - of course, it may also be the light of the old cucumber painted green - but no matter what, this light is the brightest.

They gathered from the seven supreme beings, melted into one, colorful, but eventually evolved into a dark grey, making the whole world seem as if only black and white were left, causing all things to lose their color.

Light divides the world. The sacred belongs to the sacred, and the ominous belongs to the ominous. No one can escape this fence, and everyone will sink into it.

In desperation, Yuanshi was struggling. He made a leap with all his strength, which brought his combat power to a whole new level. At this moment, his figure was blurred, and instead, a rune shone alone, burning with flames, as if it contained and burned and destroyed all the great ways in the world, leaving only the most powerful and indelible essence.

When the runes moved, they shook the world and annihilated the sky. This was the real power of the sacrificial Dao, which condensed the blood, tears and fruits of the original Heavenly Emperor's life. It launched a desperate attack on the seven red-haired heroes who were invincible at this moment.

However, this is destined to be tragic.

This is because any one of the seven red-haired heroes is not much inferior to him, not to mention the commander among them, who can be said to be an unrivaled figure who connects the past and the future of the strange clan!

"Primitive, if this is all you have, your life will come to an end."

The Second Red-Haired Ancestor and the Six Red-Haired Emperors spoke in unison. They moved together, solidifying the void and making the universe silent. In the indescribable fluctuations, the attacking runes were frozen, unable to advance or retreat.

Then, they stretched out their hands together, resonating with the entire plateau. This strange and ominous ancestral land seemed to have transformed into a supreme formation diagram, and they were the eyes of the formation. They chiseled seven holes in this piece of mountain and river, as if it were... seven holes!
Lines after lines appeared on the plateau, like... a map of the human meridians.

And the seven orifices are like... the seven orifices of a human!
With the Seven Red-Haired Heroes as the foundation and the plateau's doomed land as the carrier, in a trance, a vague figure is condensing. Its true appearance cannot be seen clearly, and one can only see a long river of blood rushing in the figure.

The long river comes from the Seven Red-Haired Heroes, and blood mist rises from them!
Compared to the essence of the original Heavenly Emperor after being burned to the extreme, which is displayed in the form of runes, on the bodies of the six red-haired Immortal Emperors, they burned to the extreme, and the essence extracted was - blood!

It seemed to be the ultimate concentration of blood power, but its composition was quite complex.

Because, they have both their weird side, having undergone the baptism and transformation of the original matter, and containing the bones and blood of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations, and their sacred side during their lifetime, having inherited the blood of the Demon Emperor, and the Demon Emperor's life imprint survives in their bodies.

In them, when the two fruits of the Tao are achieved, the two live in harmony, with you in me and me in you.

This is a wonderful creation, which is now fully demonstrated here.

The entire plateau, the entire doomed land, is undergoing earth-shaking changes, as if it is about to be carved into a human holy spirit!
Even if it is dead silent and a vast world, so what?

There are people who dare to think and act, and are making a grand plan for this plateau.

At this moment, it just barely has a mold, but it is already extremely terrifying. The vague figure stands between heaven and earth, holding up eternity. It is driven by the spells chanted by the Red-Haired Seven Heroes. They raise their feet and step down, shattering the past and the present!

"Original, you shouldn't have come. Like a moth to a flame, you will eventually perish here."

The Seven Red-Haired Heroes spoke indifferently and decided the fate of Yuanshi.

"Fallen? I won't accept such a fate!"

With a primordial roar, he struggled with all his might, the faith in his heart was like an immortal flame that shot up into the sky, illuminating the past and present times. His strength and his will to fight were constantly rising, shaking the eternal sky!

But, the number of people is really amazing!

Even though the original Sky Emperor exploded to the extreme, he was unable to break the shackles, and in the end he could only watch as a huge foot stepped down, shattering his body, his soul, and runes. Blood splattered all over the plateau!
However, when seeing this scene, the Seven Red-Haired Heroes did not show much joy. On the contrary, they were all on high alert as if they were facing a great enemy.

"A primitive one, is it really just an appetizer?"

"I knew it wasn't that simple..."

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