The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 742 It’s hard to suffer again

Chapter 742: Suffering Again...

Sometimes, the world of martial arts is not just about fighting and killing, but also about human relationships.

The Demon Emperor spoke sincerely and displayed the skills he had when he was the leader, which was the ability to make ten extremely wicked ancient emperors and overlords sit down to negotiate and take the crucial step of seeking common ground while reserving differences.

If the collective death incident had not occurred later, perhaps many things would have been different.

Unfortunately, there is no if, and all ten emperors were destroyed.

Today, the Demon Emperor returns to his old ways, trying to influence and interfere with the owner of the Three Lives Bronze Coffin.


The past and the present are collapsing, and a terrifying crack in the void is spreading, wiping out everything in the world, and everything is being destroyed.

However, when the crack approached the Demon Emperor, it froze briefly. All the years passed, and all stopped at this moment.

Two terrifying eyes looked over and met the Demon Emperor's gaze.

"I know you are in great pain and suffering. The contradiction between your ideal and reality has caused your mind to be consumed and miserable, so much so that you finally burnt yourself in despair." said the Demon Emperor.

"You want too much, and yet you want nothing. You hope to leave it all behind, and you are tired of the world."

"Everything has its cause and effect. Although you and I, at our level, can bury everything in the world, reset the origin, read the history, and overwrite the records, it's all like a game... However, games can read the history, can deceive the world, and give a seemingly happy ending, but they can't deceive ourselves."

"Every wrong choice, every overwritten record, every person I've hurt, all haunt my soul like a nightmare... The more emotions I have, the more I use them to support my efforts to reach a higher level. In the end, the more terrifying the backlash will be."

"If it is heartless, it would be fine... Unfortunately, if the sky has feelings, it will also grow old, and the right path in the world is vicissitudes!"

"You won't grow old or die, but you will become sick because of this. It's a mental illness."

"If you are sick, you must seek treatment. Don't be afraid to see a doctor..."

"Perhaps in your opinion, this is an unsolvable disease, and thus you are on the path of self-destruction."

"But it doesn't seem to me that way."

The Demon Emperor spoke eloquently, "The people and things that you regret and feel guilty about are not irreparable."

"It's just that you can't get over the hurdle in your heart..."

"But, we can help you."

"Whether it's the guilt in your heart, the legacy of reincarnation, or the debt of sacrifice, my 'Magic Dream Fulfillment Center' can help you resolve it."

"We can even go a step further and give you a flawless heart and unify your divided self."

"For example, your original intention was good, but people who came later misinterpreted the sutra..."

"You are pure, flawless, noble and great. You cannot become diseased and fall ill."

"How could such a mental illness happen to you?"

"So, there must be a bad person behind this. It was Him who infected you. It has nothing to do with you."

The Demon Emperor kept on talking, and he raised his hand and pointed at a creature that was coughing up blood.

This creature was in such a miserable state that the owner of the Three Generations Bronze Coffin pressed down on him with one hand and beat him, causing him to cough up blood and break his bones.

He had already suffered serious external injuries, but he held on with his last breath and did not fall down.

It was not until the Demon Emperor's invisible attack pierced his lungs that his heart finally died.


The creatures with spirit consciousness on the plateau glared angrily, "Are there any teammates like you?"
The Demon Emperor had a frank expression, without any trace of shame, and ignored the look in Gao Yuan's eyes that wanted to stab him three times and six holes, "You were originally a blank sheet of paper, but it was tainted by someone crossing time."


The owner of the Three Generations Bronze Coffin was silent at this moment. He was shocked by the Demon Emperor's magical brain circuit and was speechless for a moment.

Only that very subtle look, as if wanting to open the Demon Emperor's skull and see what his brain looks like, would lead to such... an idea to go against Tiangang?
Originally, it was the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations who sat in meditation and burned himself to ashes, leaving behind a great power that created the plateau consciousness and produced the weird and ominous things. He is to blame for the darkness and tragedy in later generations, and at the very least he should be held responsible for lax supervision.

However, in the mouth of the Demon Emperor, the situation changed.

The Demon Emperor reversed cause and effect, he put the effect before cause, saying that the bronze coffin came first and then the sky, and the plateau consciousness came first!
The owner of the third-generation bronze coffin was not originally sick, but was infected by others. It was the plateau consciousness!

Although the owner of the third bronze coffin buried prehistory and destroyed civilization, he was still a great good man who had paid off the debt of prehistory... It was all the fault of the plateau consciousness, which infected him and led to the subsequent upheaval and the sea of ​​blood and corpses!
"Of course, Gao Yuan's consciousness was also an unintentional mistake and a victim..."

Perhaps it was the plateau consciousness that wanted to eat the Demon Emperor alive, which was too contagious, and finally awakened the Demon Emperor's conscience, causing the ancient emperor to change the subject, "In the beginning, there was no plateau, no evil land, no weirdness, no ominousness..."

"Yes, there are only burial pits, rivers of souls, floating earth, and the underworld, which represent people's fantasies about the world after death."

"The burials believed that the sedimentation of the past could give birth to an opportunity for new life, so they created burial pits."

"Those who cremate believe that the causal relationships and impurities of one's previous life can be burned away in the fierce fire, allowing the soul to achieve great freedom and liberation."

"Others believe that there is a destination exclusively for the dead souls, a vast river flowing endlessly, called the Styx."

"Some people also firmly believe that there is reincarnation and the underworld, where the souls of the dead stay, corresponding to the life span of the living, and the life span of the underworld..."

"All these are the result of people's curiosity and fear about life and death, which converge and evolve... This was nothing, until a terrifying creature walked out of a blue star..."

"He evolved the burial pit, burned the loose soil, opened up the soul river, and established the underworld. He single-handedly accommodated the world's speculations about death, and finally found a way, which is the path of reincarnation!"

The Demon Emperor is weaving a dark plot and subverting the established history. A "culprit" who is superior to the prehistoric world is slowly taking shape in his mouth.

This is an unprecedented black pot, but also an enormous wealth - the Demon Emperor persuaded the owner of the Three Life Coffin to package and transfer the debts of the reincarnation road, convert debt into equity, circulate it in the world, and choose a lucky person to bear the pain and burden of his conscience.

"This person, spanning ancient and modern times, is an unrivaled master of black hands."

"It was him who caused the turmoil in prehistory and the insertion of reincarnation, so that in the end a great disaster of reincarnation occurred, affecting the survival of the entire world."

The Demon Emperor said passionately, "At the critical moment, it was you, my friend, who stepped forward with the thought of saving the world, fought bloody battles with them, and finally repelled them!"

"However, you had to bear the pain of burying your own era after the great disaster left behind... But you were kind-hearted and could not bear to see your people die forever, even though they had already been deformed."

"So, you enlightened a reincarnation body, which stayed in hell forever, just to redeem yourself on the edge of the most painful and evil eternal silence."

"You are looking forward to it, waiting for the hope that will come after eternity."

"What a pity..." The Demon Emperor said in a deep voice, "You didn't wait until the era that held the hope of salvation arrived, but were infected with the evil disease and schemed by the peerless black hand. He corrupted the plateau consciousness, transcended time, and affected your condition..."

"With no other options, the Taoist friend bravely went to die, preferring to burn himself to death rather than bring disaster to the world with his strange body."

"After eternity, it seems as if reincarnation has occurred. Everything is the past, the present, and the future..."

The Demon Emperor paused when he spoke, and faced the two strange eyes, "Fellow Daoist, what do you think?"


The owner of the third generation bronze coffin responded with silence.

This... is really hard to evaluate.

Any decent person would not be able to figure out such an outrageous and immoral conspiracy and help him escape punishment or clear his name.

As long as one person suffers, you can save the world and save yourself... So, is it suffering, or not?
After a long, long time, a deep voice finally echoed through the world, "How can this be!"

"How can I let others take the blame for my own sins and my own evil deeds?" "I have my own ways of doing things and my own ways of not doing things!"

"Demon! You can't shake me!"

"I don't have such thoughts or such intentions!"

The owner of the third-generation bronze coffin had a face exactly like Huang’s, spoke heroic words, and had an invincible spirit.

——Even if he bears the sins of eternity alone and is plagued by serious illness, and the world curses him, scolds him, and hates him, he never regrets it and never finds someone to take the blame and die in his place.

"...You can't make me suffer!"

Thus He said.

After saying this, He made a powerful move, and inch by inch of lines spread across the past, present and future, chanting the supreme words.

"Spanning the sky, spanning the earth, ending..."


Infinite light exploded, sweeping across everything, ending history, burying the heaven and earth, and everything was repeating itself, destruction and withering.

In desperation, the three powerful men joined forces to fight against each other, rising from the ruin, and being reborn from the extinction, carrying out the ultimate confrontation.


For a moment, the Demon Emperor felt overwhelming pressure, but compared with the peak combat power of the previous three masters of the bronze coffin, it seemed to be much weaker.

There is no need to burn blood or drain bone marrow to fight back and avoid being defeated.


The Demon Emperor's eyes suddenly became subtle.

However, he said nothing in the end and kept it deep in his heart.


"The Emperor's Burial Pit."

"Soul River."

"Four poles floating soil."

"Ancient Underworld."

The four beings seemed to have stretched out the eternal unknown. They murmured to themselves, and finally said in unison, "The Dao Fruit that once belonged to us will eventually return."

"Offer the sacrifices of the plateau, preside over the most solemn ceremony, and let this world echo with our Tao, our Dharma!"

"Demon Emperor, why don't you show up? Why don't you come and stop us?"

"If that's the case, then we won't be polite!"

"We will accept the gift you brought... It just so happens that the calamity land with the remaining authority of the plateau consciousness can be considered a perfect sacrifice!"

Silently, four overlords stood in all directions, surrounding the plateau, making countless strange creatures there become fish on the chopping board.

Among them, the biggest fish is Yuanshi. As a courier package, he sent the blessing left for him by Plateau Consciousness Trumpet, which is a piece of authority.

Unfortunately, before he could become famous, he suffered a fatal sneak attack while condensing the demon fetus, which interrupted the evolution process. He fell to the ground half-dead and became a sacrifice.

His existence makes Gao Yuan's sacrifice more valuable.

However, this also made the four ancient emperors and overlords hesitate and feel uneasy.

At this point, hasn’t the Demon Emperor shown up yet?

Are they really going to allow such overwhelming wealth to fall upon them?

When has the Demon Emperor ever been so kind?
Unable to figure out the trick, the four overlords found it hard to feel at ease, and they always felt that the Demon Emperor was plotting something bad in some corner.


Clusters of dazzling light emerged one after another. The four outposts that were once suppressed by the "Red-haired Ancestor" reappeared and were easily summoned by the four overlords.

This is the result of their countless years of hard work, but it was taken away for a short period of time, and some prehistoric impurities were mixed into it, so it is no longer so easy to use.

However, without any obstruction, several ancient emperors and overlords can still be summoned freely.

"I have an uneasy feeling..."

The Jade Emperor whispered, "Demon Emperor, are you really not coming out?"

"It doesn't matter if he comes or not, we have chosen a path that we must follow even if it means death."

Mahayana Mountain King Buddha said calmly, lowering his eyes and looking around, "Why don't you leave?"

He looked at the Seven Red-Haired Heroes.


The Seven Red-Haired Heroes were speechless, but none of them chose to retreat.

"Since you don't want to live, I don't mind fulfilling your wish."

The Mahayana Mountain King Buddha said quietly.

"Let's do it. From now on, the plateau will no longer exist!"

After that, countless intricate lines intertwined for eternity, freezing the present moment. The entire plateau froze, with only a bloody altar becoming infinitely magnificent!

The Seven Red-Haired Heroes roared and fought hard. The supreme giant gods moved in sync with them to shatter this supreme field.

However, the gathering of the four overlords, along with the Emperor of Heaven's burial pit, the four poles of floating earth, the Soul River, the ancient underworld... the pressure is too terrifying to be shaken!
"Even if we can't take all the tribe members with us, we must do our best to send the core away!"

The Red-haired Second Ancestor roared, trying his best to tear open a passage leading to the eternal unknown.

One red-haired creature after another was thrown into it, and no one knew where they escaped to.

Unfortunately, most of them fell halfway because the passage was disturbed by the supreme force field and was too unstable.

There is only a one in ten chance of escaping!

There were too many creatures from the strange clan, they fell down trembling, blood overflowed from their bodies bit by bit, falling on the doomed land, on the altar, causing the altar to shake like never before!
Never before has such a large number of people influenced by the power of the ashes of the owner of the third generation bronze coffin been sent to the altar!

"Do you want to take action?"

In the eternal unknown land, a slender figure whispered, "The plateau is a place I have set my eyes on. It has been destroyed like this. Isn't it a waste of natural resources?"

The plateau is so closely connected to his path that it is hard to sit back and watch its destruction at this moment.

He hesitated, wanting to take action, but then held himself back.

After all, when people reviewed the methods of the "Demon Emperor", they all felt terrified. It would be difficult for everyone to feel at ease unless this existence showed up!
At this moment, it seems that it is time to game patience and watch the sacrifice of the plateau. Whoever loses patience first will lose!
Countless powerful men watched silently as the plateau continued to disintegrate and disappear like a dream bubble.

Until a certain moment!
A black sun appeared out of nowhere!

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