The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 754 You were just injured, but it was Zhang Cao who I sacrificed!

Chapter 754 You were just injured, but I sacrificed my moral integrity!

The life imprint of ancestors lives in the bodies of their descendants.

This is a truth universally recognized by the world, and it is also the foundation and underlying logic of the evolutionary path opened up by an almighty powerful being.

Even if it is Ye Fan, who has become a life form at the end of the road, he can still be included in it and fit into the corresponding system.

  At this moment, in his blood, in his origin, there is endless light rippling. Along with the fluctuations of time and life, the imprint of his ancestors is awakening and reviving!

That’s too much!

It spanned more than one era and more than six coffins.

The ancient times, the primeval times, the mythological times, the dark ancient times, the chaotic ancient times, the immortal ancient times...

Ten generations, a hundred generations, a thousand generations, ten thousand generations...

The turbulent and vast years, the endless imprints of ancestors, are all presented in Ye Fan's body, condensed and gathered, and the stirring chanting sounds come through the mist of time.

"The way of man is to take from those who are deficient to support those who are in excess..."

Like a wasteland.

This is also a scripture, mysterious and unpredictable, with only a thousand words, but it is deeply imprinted in Ye Fan's body and blood, and blooms at this moment!

At the same time, some powerful men of the time turned pale and bent down deeply.

"It's weak... it's weak..."

They felt their bodies being hollowed out. In a place as far away as the other side of the ocean, a mark from them opened the floodgates, pouring out their strength, turning into the essence of their blood, strong and irresistible, as if shouting -

"Lao Deng, gold coins exploded!"

"If you continue to make our ancestors suffer, I will bear the blame!"

True Immortals, Immortal Kings, and even Quasi-Immortal Emperors, as long as they were directly related to Ye Fan and were still alive and were one of his ancestors, were all forced to "inherit" the property at this moment -

  Make up for the deficiencies of our ancestors and serve Ye Fan with his excess!

Coincidentally, not long ago, Ye Fan had many ancestors who received "gifts from nature". The most outstanding ones became the Heavenly Emperor respected by all the heavens, worlds and races, and established themselves in the realm of quasi-immortal emperors, where the benefits were too abundant!

"I knew that sooner or later, you will have to pay for what you did..."

Yan Emperor sighed and Huang Emperor was speechless... because they were the "descendants of Yan and Huang", and they were the first to bear the brunt.

"You've suffered for half your life, 'Ye'. Are you going to pay it back in one go?"

Emperor Hengyu was trembling, holding his waist, "Why do I feel like we are like fattened cattle and sheep, it's time to harvest?"

Once upon a time, they were hunters and Ye Fan was the prey.

Continuously consuming bitter leaves and continuously harvesting, he has reached his current level step by step, looking down on the heavens and dominating the world.

  But at this moment, they stopped, looked back, and found... something was a little wrong!

When Ye defied the heavens and the world, and became a powerful and unstoppable Immortal Emperor, and then embarked on the evolutionary path of bloodline law, then... it is hard to say who will suffer!

Their efforts, their struggles, in the end, may all be in vain!

"I failed, I admit it, but... isn't this a bit wrong? It's not fair!"

Emperor Hengyu felt a little resentful as he looked at some of his "colleagues" who had escaped sanctions - they were lucky enough not to be within the range of Ye Fan's ancestral gold coins that had exploded.

The Great Emperor Wu Shi held his head high and puffed out his chest, "Why are you looking at me? I have no descendants. Even if Ye Xiezu looked through the family tree, he would not find any relationship with me... I will not give birth to any children, but I have plenty of life to live!"

"As the saying goes, humans are born from human mothers, and demons are born from demon mothers... I am a Chaos Green Lotus spirit, what relationship do I have with our ancestor Ye Xie?" The Green Emperor was relaxed and happy, chatting and laughing.

“As fortunes go, disasters follow; as disasters follow, fortunes follow… Perhaps, the situation is not as bad as we imagined.” The Void Emperor carefully felt the loss of his bloodline power, and was touched in a trance. He said in a dreamlike voice, “I feel that with the outflow of power, there is a vague resonance. It’s me, but not entirely me…”

"I seemed to be on a car, or on a ship, heading to a whole new world..."

"Just like the old days... the great dream lasts forever!"

  His words shocked the strong man who felt his body was hollowed out, and he was surprised and astonished - Ye Fan has become an Immortal Emperor, can he still suffer more and his gold coins explode? !

What a treasure boy!

"We are making him successful, and perhaps, he will also make us successful..."

The Void Emperor seemed to be in a trance, "Blessing our great dream that lasts forever... Is this the last time? Or is it the prelude to the end of everything?"

His soul seemed to be psychic and extremely bright, able to illuminate the eternal years of the world and see a corner of the future.

The words of the Void Emperor shocked the hearts of the strong men. They were all silent for a moment and no one spoke.


In a mist, Ye Fan passively melted the endless power in his blood, instinctively operated according to a scripture, and crossed many levels of realm.

In a trance, he changed into a thousand forms. First, he became a sapling, growing against the years, with his ancestors as its branches and leaves; then he turned into a pyramid, with him as the top and his ancestors as the base supporting him; then, he changed again, becoming a vast ocean, with his parents as rivers and his ancestors as rivers, and the rivers converged to form a vast ocean.

  But, no matter what, what is ultimately described and interpreted is... the family tree!

The imprints of trillions or even astronomical numbers of ancestors shine on the family tree. When the family tree is spread out, it is a long river of time. In the long river, one face after another emerges, living in Ye Fan's body, chanting scriptures for Ye Fan together, and sending the most sincere blessings to future generations!

A magnificent inner world is manifesting, accepting the life imprints of the ancestors and "coming alive" in it. Then the inner world is naturally integrated into that "world", making that "world" more real and perfect!

Before this, this "world" was an illusion, and its source was Ye Fan's "dream".

Even though he could reverse the truth and falsehood, and could force the false to become true, he still lacked a bit of precious "spirituality".

Even the figures of the Immortal Emperors who are driven by it are nothing but illusions, not real, and are all rootless duckweed.

Maybe one day, Ye Fan wakes up from his "dream", or he develops other thoughts, and these illusions will disappear and no longer exist.

  But, something seems to be different now. How has that dream bubble been "filled"? The backdoor listing has allowed these duckweeds to take root and sprout!

This means that even if Ye Fan no longer dominates this "dream", those fantasy bubbles will no longer be rigid, and can only operate according to established rules like human machines. The "world" has only constants and no variables... but will be perfect, self-sufficient and self-perfecting!

This is a qualitative change from zero to one!

Suddenly, that "world" came alive, with mottled history shining through, no longer muddy and hazy as it was in the past. Only some passionate clips were played repeatedly, inspiring people.

The background is perfect, the characters are full, the experiences are clear... Too many dreamlike images have truly come alive, with their own will and life.

In these dreamlike illusions, there are many Immortal Emperors and Taoist ancestors. Their powerful strength protects and nurtures the fragile true spirits in their bodies, giving people a strong sense of déjà vu.

  It’s like... the original weird clan!

A group of strong men died, and they were baptized by ominous substances, which gave their corpses powerful strength and gave birth to corresponding strange spirits.

At this moment, it seems like, at that time and that moment!

"He transformed the heaven and earth, he transformed all living things..."

The vague sound of Tao echoes here, a kind of blooming of Dharma, accompanied by bits of sighs. Cheating means being able to do whatever you want.

Ordinary people would work hard but could not reach this step, but an evil ancestor took a shortcut and landed at the end of the road.

In the magnificent "world", all living beings are chanting and blessing together, causing Ye Fan's body to radiate a brand new Immortal Emperor aura. A brand new Immortal Emperor Dao Fruit is condensing, and an evolutionary path is slowly unfolding under his feet!

At this moment, Ye Fan was both a person and a thick family tree. In the blink of an eye, he was sublimated and once again proved to be the Immortal Emperor, becoming the Bloodline Law Immortal Emperor!

The third complete and perfect Immortal Emperor Dao Fruit!

The Golden Elixir Method, the Secret Realm Method, and the Bloodline Method, one living being integrates three evolutionary paths into one and creates an eternal miracle.

  Ye Fan’s aura thus expanded further, making it difficult for people to look directly at him. People instinctively wanted to stay away… because if they looked at him again, he would explode, and if they got any closer, they would melt!

Three evolutionary paths, three Immortal Emperor Dao Fruits. What is subtle is that they are not in a fight to the death with each other. There cannot be two tigers in one mountain.

On the contrary, they have a mysterious resonance and interaction, and are able to seek common ground while reserving differences and reach some kind of subtle consensus - no matter how hard it is, no, it is about defeating the strong enemy!


Ye Fan was roaring. The incomparable power made him feel like he was about to burst.

In the overwhelming light, two scriptures complemented each other, "The way of Heaven is to reduce the surplus and make up for the deficiency..." and "The way of man is to reduce the deficiency and serve the surplus..." burst out together, and finally, everything became quiet and still.

In Huang's expectant eyes, a young man walked out of the light, stood shoulder to shoulder with him, and faced Chang Heng!

The young man was not real, he was just an illusory figure, but his aura was lofty and transcendent, even if it was not sharp and strong, it made the ancient emperor Changheng frown.

"Demon Emperor, is that you?!"

Chang Heng's eyes were blazing as he stared at the young man again and again, "Yes, this 'Evil Ancestor' is the product of a lot of your hard work. I wonder what kind of back-up plans and plans it contains."

"I am about to destroy it, how can you just sit there and watch?"


His voice paused, and then rumbled, shaking the ages, "It's just a body of scripture, how can it stop me?"

"Show your true self!"

Hearing this, the young man's eyes seemed to flash with a strange light, as if he had no opinion on such a request.

  Facing the contempt of an ancient Immortal Emperor, he merely raised his hand, clenched his fist, and with a huge fist print, he delivered a blow that destroyed the world and ushered in a new era!

At that moment of destruction and creation, there seemed to be a flash of transcendental light!

Changheng was moved!

In just a moment, he felt the power of this incarnation. It didn't even seem like an incarnation, but the real Demon Emperor standing here, trying to kill him!

An incarnation can be so powerful? Unbelievable!

He had to concentrate and respond. A huge wheel was rolling in from the darkness, like tree rings, or like the unstoppable wheel of history, crushing the past and present and opening up the future.


The fist mark and the giant wheel, there are endless waves between the two. It is the long river of time that is roaring and boiling. From the source of ancient history to the node of the present world, one era after another is broken and burst!

The "Demon Emperor" disillusioned and condensed, light rained all over the sky, he seemed to be using his own existence as fuel, burning to fight.

The knuckles of the ancient emperor Chang Heng cracked and continued to spread backwards, covering half of his body. Blood flowed, but then healed again.


At the critical moment, a sword light lit up. It was one sword, and it was billions of swords. In all the worlds, one figure after another appeared. They were all "Huang". It was him holding the sword, whistling through the ages, and slashing down with all his might, breaking through common sense, and slashing down at the moment when Chang Heng and the "Demon Emperor" were in a stalemate!

"He is free and independent, and he makes his own decisions for eternity!"


A line of blood appeared and spread on Changheng's neck. With an inaudible "click" sound, his head shook and was about to fall off!

  One sword kills the head!


Chang Heng roared, and the transcendent light that enveloped him boiled over, causing the entire battlefield to explode.

In the bright light, he seemed to have reversed time and erased all the damage.

  Moreover, with the most terrifying fighting power erupting, he pushed the giant wheel, covering all the worlds. With the loud rumbling sound, it seemed that he was opening up the future he wanted on the existing trajectory. This was his transcendent destiny!

This was an indiscriminate crushing and collision, with the strongest men and the most powerful weapons making the world seem to be withering!

"How can two mere incarnations stop me?!"


The figures of "Emperor Huangtian" were shattered one after another. Even if he had a sword with eternal power, he could not resist this most magnificent blow, which was the peak of the life of the ancient emperor Changheng.

When the phantom body dissipated, "Emperor Huang Tian" flew backwards, and the sword in his hand collapsed and was destroyed.


The figure of the "Demon Emperor" suddenly shone brightly, illuminating the sky and the earth, from ancient times to the present, as if he wanted to hold up the entire world and freeze the splendor of this moment.

He fought with the most extreme burning and blooming, standing in the way of the wheel of history!

Finally, he staggered backwards, his figure dimmed, like a burnt-out candle, but the huge wheel also shook and deflected.

"If you can stop me once, can you stop me a second time?"

  Chang Heng shouted loudly, and continued with the light of transcendence, dissipating this most transcendent power, causing the giant ship to explode, billions of auspicious clouds to pour down, and it came back again!

The upside-down "Emperor of Desolate Sky" and the dim "Emperor of Demon" looked at each other at this moment. Neither of them opened their mouths and said anything to each other, but just the momentary intersection of their eyes was worth a thousand words, and they understood each other's determination.

When facing a terrifying and crazy opponent, you have to make sacrifices if you want to fight back!

——It’s time!

  ——Maintain troops for a thousand days and use them for a moment!

——In memory of our supreme and noble character, after this battle, there is no going back to the past, I feel guilty...

The "Emperor of the Wilderness" stretched out a hand and grabbed the kick of the weapon he identified as the most powerful.

The "Demon Emperor" also stretched out a hand and grabbed the foot of his chosen human weapon.

Then, they attacked at the same time, slashing with great force, and their powerful and ferocious weapons split the eternal sky and headed towards the giant wheel that crushed everything!

It seemed as if the vicious soldier had acquired spiritual power, and fragments of words could be heard while he was waving his weapons.

"I... Shit..."

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