The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 779: Time and space become ruins, and the wheel becomes empty!

Chapter 779: Time and space become ruins, reincarnation becomes nothing!
Once enlightened.

Wu Shi attained the extraordinary fruit of the Tao.

He turned into the fire of the sky, he turned into the flame of the ancient universe... Other great achievers used this fire to refine their bodies, but he turned into the source of this fire, seeing through the essence and grasping the root!
When Wu Shi embarked on this path, looking back, he no longer had any doubts.

Be it the worlds or the universe, including the history books, the countless mountains of corpses and seas of blood, the countless tragic stories, they are all a grand cremation ceremony, held for the owner of the bronze coffin of three generations!

Although, that creature had already burned itself to death and seemed to be "dead".


The ashes are immortal, but to say that a living being of this level is annihilated... isn't that a bit too much of a disdain for them?!

Even if he is just an Immortal Emperor, let alone his ashes, as long as someone wants him to come back, he can come back, let alone the owner of the bronze coffin of three generations!
Therefore, the burning form is only the beginning. Only when the remaining ashes and great power are destroyed can this "Heavenly Burial One" be completely and forever silenced!
This requires the strongest fire!
Fire was evolved by the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations. It is undoubtedly the strongest. But fire alone is not enough, firewood is also needed.

Thus, fire burned in nothingness, creating the "universe" and the "ancient universe"!
This fire has the ultimate destructive power, but it also contains supreme creative power. For creatures at a higher level than the Dao of Sacrifice, they are two sides of the same coin.

Because of fire, there is the universe, the ancient universe, and the present world. All things are created, civilization begins, and history is written!

Chai comes from history!

Obviously, ordinary things are not enough to be called "firewood". This is no longer a simple source of fire, but an almost metaphysical concept.

Thus, a strange clan was born in the dark, as the Yin, and heroes from all ages shone, as the Yang!

Having “firewood” is not enough, we also need... chop!

Cut down the Yin and Yang firewood!

Death is the most thorough felling and harvesting!
In the terrible collision, in the grand sacrifice, the yin and yang wood burned, letting the sacrificial fire illuminate eternity!
"Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs."

Wu Shi whispered, "The sage is unkind and treats the people as straw dogs."

"The owner of the bronze coffin... is also unkind. He used the hero's weirdness as firewood and set it on fire."

"If the yin and yang are out of balance, there will be changes in the dark..."

Wu Shi thought of Emperor Huang Tian and the former ancestor Ye Xie. They both had identical faces, and they both changed because of a three-life bronze coffin and began their road to rise.

Perhaps this is a kind of balance!

The yin and yang of Chai lost their balance, so they adjusted naturally, allowing the world to face the plateau without being powerless to resist.

How much firewood can be collected from a one-sided crushing game?

Only with internal competition and involution can the fire burn vigorously enough!
The more you understand, the greater your sense of beginninglessness.

He guessed that there might not have been any scene with the Bronze Coffin of Three Generations, so its appearance was unnecessary.

Because, there is a small flower that itself can act as the "Yang" and guide that part of the firewood in the world.

On the plateau, there is plateau consciousness. As the "yin", some weird soldiers are exploded as cannon fodder as firewood.

With the yin and yang balanced and burning slowly, life can go on just fine and nothing unexpected will happen.

After all, it has been too long since the bronze coffin of three generations was thrown out of the plateau. If there was real intention, a supreme hero with a face like Emperor Huang Tian would have risen long ago. How could it be that Huang took over only after the death of Emperor Huafen?
However, more than tens of millions of years later, Ye Fan rose again, which seemed to be a bit like the "economic catch-up mechanism".

After sorting out his thoughts, Wu Shi could only sigh that the Weird Clan was too powerful. They directly knocked the Pollen Emperor down, broke the high ground, and trapped him in the spring, unable to move.

Is it because I am too aware of the plateau?


Plateau consciousness cannot even take the form of a human. Although it has supreme power, it is still developing. Its consciousness is hazy and it is dormant most of the time. Even though it is powerful, it has too many limitations.

It is difficult for it to get out of the plateau, and even more difficult to maintain its peak. It can only use the original matter to create cannon fodder and ancestors... But the ancestors created in this way, although they are also people in the sacrificial way, are destined to be floor tiles at this level, with limited potential. As long as the number is not too large, even if it cannot defeat them, it can still deal with them.

Moreover, even if you want to create the ancestor, you need the corpse of an Immortal Emperor as material.

Generally speaking, there are only a handful of Immortal Emperors who can break into the desperate plateau - who is so desperate as to go into such a desperate place?

Therefore, even if there is an ancestor who has achieved success, he can only be two or three people at most.

such a pity.

Who would have thought?
There will be ten Immortal Emperors who "do not ask to be born on the same day of the same month of the same year, but ask to die on the same day of the same month of the same year" breaking in together, it will be directly hell mode!

What’s even more hellish is that the ancestors were already terrifying enough, but the predecessors of these ancestors... were even more terrifying!
Once the ancestor and the overlord join forces...well, there's no need to play with the Pollen Emperor anymore.

The moment she stepped onto the plateau, everyone had already decided where to bury her.

Even though there were only three ancestors who took action, she was crushed to death by the most amazing group of outstanding conspirators throughout history!
The Pollen Emperor died in an inglorious way, but... the firewood still needs to be chopped.

Thus, the Three Generations Bronze Coffin, which had been peaceful and stable for billions of years, seemed to have started to exert its power, and a peerless hero rose up, becoming invincible!

What kind of "ELO mechanism" is this? !
However, before this mechanism could show its power, a demon came. His madness was beyond people's imagination. If he had been a human being at all, he would not be so inhuman.

In the confusion of a young boy, he transformed himself into the Evil Lord, became the Forefather of Evil, and eventually took over as the "Lord of the Bronze Coffin", ascended the throne as the Lord of Destruction and the evil of this world, and ignited everything!

Ye Fan, he became a whirlpool. The originally invisible and intangible enemy was descended using it as a carrier and turned into a catastrophe for all ages!

"That being, the owner of the Three Generations Copper Coffin, is an existence that transcends the Way of Sacrifice and is above it. Could he have foreseen what is happening today?"

Wu Shi said faintly, "Was it his miscalculation? Or was it all within his foresight, and he just went with the flow and gave it a push?"

"As far as I know, that creature has gone from existence to non-existence, and from non-existence to existence time and time again... Perhaps, every time it went from existence to non-existence, there was a fire burning, and the Yin and Yang wood was being chopped down..."

He speculated that there were not only worlds and eras that were once as glorious as the present world. Between the era established by reincarnation and the nothingness of the present world, there might have been several complete ancient histories, created by fire and ended by fire, corresponding to the number of times the owner of the bronze coffin in three generations went from existence to non-existence and back to existence.

"However, the final effect was not good, and the burning of the firewood was not ideal, so I completely let it go in this life..."

"You want to die so badly...why don't I help you?"

He felt neither sad nor happy. The bell rang for the Evil Ancestor, constantly ringing the death knell, making the Evil Ancestor's flames burn even more fiercely.

When cremating a corpse, in addition to having enough fuel, the temperature can also be increased!
Wu Shi embarked on this path, he sublimated his own Immortal Emperor laws, and walked out of a brand new path with the accomplishment of an ancestor. Others were tempered into steel, tempered and transformed under the test of the fire of the sky and the flame of the ancient universe, but he was different. He analyzed the essence of the sky and the ancient universe, went in the opposite direction, pushed back the source of time and space, and reproduced a kind of creation force!
At this moment, he mastered the "beginning"!
This is the beginning of the universe, the beginning of the present world! There is no beginning, and now there is a beginning.

The power of "Beginning" is so vast and terrifying at this moment. The long river of time and the ocean of space have all turned into chaotic flames, boundless and sweeping across!
This kind of power is in creation, but for the "Evil Ancestor", it is a kind of destruction.

Because, this was the fire that burned the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations. While destroying him, it created all the worlds and opened up history, just like a falling whale!
At the same time, the power of "Beginning" was resonating. At the same time, there was another mighty force that crossed the void and killed the evil ancestor who was destroying the world!


The Evil Ancestor staggered, and the invincible him was actually injured!

A blinding flash of blood exploded on his shoulder, and a scar appeared, running through half of his body!

The power of "Beginning" alone is not enough to shake him, and the same is true for another kind of great power.

However, these two forces can actually resonate and complement each other, which is... completely different!

That is... the power of "the end"!

In a trance, on the other side of time and space, people saw another "beginningless"!
He stood at the lowest reaches of a long river of time in the world. Beyond that was nothingness and great destruction. Half of his body stepped into it and was destroyed by the nothingness.

This is the end of heaven and earth, the end of time, the destruction of all things, the great reckoning of everything, and the entire world is going from existence to non-existence.

However, people inexplicably have a premonition that the world is resonating with some kind of existence. Death is not the end, there is a new life on the other side!
This seems to correspond to a great and transcendent existence, who has not only gone from existence to non-existence and toward death time and time again, but can also go from non-existence to existence and return from death time and time again!

This is the power of "end", but it is also the place of new life!
When such power resonates with the "beginning" and reflects each other, they are of the same origin... That kind of power is unimaginable and unprecedented!

"I'll start."

Wu Shi, with his back to all living beings, turned around and looked at another him.

"I am the end."

The other "Wu Shi" also looked and saw Wu Shi, and saw a certain scene that had just happened and passed away. His face was gloomy and his eyes were moist.

Compared with Wu Shi, this true ancient emperor was even more out of control, and his original determination became even stronger.

In the flames, the moisture in the corners of his eyes evaporated, Emperor Zhong felt neither sad nor happy, he and Wu Shi spoke at the same time!
"Beginning and ending/Give me back my life!"

They were all burning, igniting themselves, and transformed into two astonishing flames, moving towards each other with the Evil Ancestor as the center!

They give up everything, abandon everything, just for a moment of blooming!

This moment is also eternity, building a bridge in the nothingness of the two worlds and truly connecting them together!
This is difficult, because the evil ancestor has gone crazy and wants to destroy everything. Normally, this is unsolvable.

However, there are always exceptions.

The Evil Ancestor has lost his mind, and what remains is only instinct... There is something in this instinct that can be used, and that is the fire of the sky, the flame of the ancient universe!

Because this is the way of death that the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations wrote for himself, and it is imprinted in his instinct.

Afraid of fire? Not really, in fact, this fire is actually originated from Him.

However, I would not rush into the fire unless it was necessary.

Just like people can poop, but they avoid the cesspool. A mop stained with shit is like the reincarnation of Lu Bu.

The flames were blazing, illuminating the void. For the Evil Ancestor, there was a fire pit in front of him. He was affected and was roaring and raging.

But for a certain part of the world, it is a bridge that connects it with the other side, providing a channel for smuggling between them!
In the darkness, there was a loud bang, as if some kind of overwhelming force rolled over and crushed through the void, passing through the bridge, and the Beginningless and the End Emperor connected. In the collision, they became one, and the most brilliant flames burned in their bodies, and finally turned into a ray of... transcendental light!
They are transcendental.

The moment they step into nothingness, they naturally transcend the constraints of the world.

One stands in the "past" and moves towards the present, while the other stands in the "future" of the present and moves towards the "past".

The Evil Ancestor is their springboard, and their momentary encounter creates a miracle.

However, this comes at a price. They gave up everything and burned their lives. The moment of breakthrough was also the moment of death!
"Final blow……"

They merged, a bright light shone, and they turned their backs to all living beings for the last time, sitting cross-legged, "Time and space... become ruins!"

The death knell is ringing, and it explodes in the sound of the bell, bidding farewell to itself, and also trying to send the evil ancestor off.

The boundless sea of ​​fire, condensed with the ultimate power of time and space, burned everything and blew most of the Evil Ancestor's body into a bloody mess. The millstone that destroyed the world was tipping over and rolling!

In the sea of ​​fire, the end? No beginning? He looked back, and the rain of light was brilliant, and then it disappeared.

"good chance!"

The Taoist who witnessed all this laughed loudly, "Finally! You did it! You really did it!"


"Beginning and end!"

"How can I let you outshine me?"

He laughed while vomiting blood in large mouthfuls, and suddenly roared, "Reincarnation... is in vain!"

This outstanding ancient overlord took a step forward, illuminated by brilliant light. Most of his body was filled with this light, blending into his flesh and blood. It was no longer simply surrounding his body, like living water having a source and an ancient tree taking root.

A peerless fighting body stood there, with his head slightly lowered and his body leaning forward, he charged at the bloody body of the Evil Ancestor!

Abandoning all magical powers, just use the origin to condense, concentrate and release, and kill the enemy at the cost of self-destruction!
"Reincarnation! Reincarnation! I can die, but can you take me back?"

Dao Zun roared, he seized the opportunity, at the moment when the Evil Ancestor destroyed the world and was severely injured, the power of reincarnation boiled to the extreme, but at the same time, its foundation in the world was also the most fragile.

This is his chance!

"This life is about to end, it's really coming to an end..."

In the distance, the red-haired ancestor put down his hoe and grinned, "It's time for me to get going..."

"The cycle of reincarnation is going to be destroyed, and an ancestor like me, with such a large amount of's not easy for me to survive."

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