The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 796 Transcendent Death!

Chapter 796 Transcendent Death!

"I see."

Ye Fan seemed to see through the "Demon Emperor" that the brilliant and glorious world was almost about to descend upon this world and replace it.

But... there is still a thin line of separation.

This gap exists because of Ye Fan!
Originally, the evil ancestor destroyed the world, and the reincarnation millstone turned, burying this world.

But just when he was about to achieve perfection, he was sublimated in an incredible way, and obtained the supreme fruit of the Tao. His thought was revealed, and he was fixed in the present world, becoming immortal!

"Demon Emperor, you are so calculating..." Ye Fan said coldly, "Borrowing a knife to kill someone, and borrowing it to kill me?"

"Drive my eternal dream, evolve the world in the dream, create the world from nothing... When I finally bury this world and turn it into ruins, you will sacrifice yourself in this world and resonate with it, making it rise in ruins and revive in extinction, transcending life and death, transcending reality and illusion, transcending existence and non-existence!"

"One flower blooms, another flower withers... When the flowers of this world wither completely, and the great world you have opened up becomes the only one, then you will naturally complete your 'sacrifice to the world'!"

"You sacrificed the world of dreams and the world of reality, and then rose from the ruins of both to create your own world..."

Ye Fan said, in amazement, "What a trick to change the sky and the day, what a trick to change the pillars!"

“If I hadn’t awakened, revived, compromised, and obtained the most incredible Dao fruit at the last moment, interfering with all this… If I had allowed you to continue on your path, you would have defied the heavens and the world and reached the highest realm!”

"Unfortunately, in the end it was all in vain!"

Ye Fan whispered. Although his voice was not very loud, it made the hearts of the creatures who were still standing on the battlefield surge and throb indescribably.

Sacrifice the world!

The Demon Emperor was actually going to succeed in his sacrifice!

He had been planning and scheming for eternity, but the fangs he finally revealed were so terrifying!
It seems that this is not a sudden whim or a plan made overnight, but a natural result over a long period of time!
If Ye Fan had not broken the logic and did not play according to common sense, perhaps all the strong men would have bowed down in worship and prayed for the Demon Emperor to become an immortal!

"Demon Emperor, weren't you digging a time and space channel to sneak across before?" The Changheng Ancient Emperor he transformed into said with difficulty.

"You believe this? I'm lying to you."

The "Demon Emperor" sneered, "If I don't do something, you won't feel at ease, right? Who knows, Dao Zun's ultimate move will hit me."

"...That's right." Chang Heng said in a dry voice, with a hint of admiration in it.

Not much, just a little bit of admiration, and even though I admire him in my heart, I can't say it with words.

Chang Heng sighed in his heart. After so many years, the Demon Emperor has grown so much that he has surpassed all other overlords!
This is not a false compliment, but a heartfelt emotion.

Among the ten overlords, only the Demon Emperor has taken two paths to transcendence and reached the end of both, and was able to reap the fruits of transcendence!

First there is the sacrifice to the coffin, then there is the sacrifice to the world!
However, the person who picks the fruits may not be the one who planted the trees.

The road to coffin sacrifice, the creature that breaks through through this is... plateau consciousness.

It was achieved by the owner of the Three Generations Bronze Coffin, but was also restricted by it. Finally, under the guidance of the "Sacrificial Coffin", it destroyed the shackles with its own hands, sacrificed the Three Generations Bronze Coffin, and thereby transcended and achieved above the Sacrificial Way!
The Demon Emperor's ingenious ideas resulted in plateau consciousness, which is a pity.

People can't help but wonder, if Gaoyuan Consciousness had not taken this step at the beginning, would it be that several years later, a red-haired ancestor would gather all the primordial matter, melt the entire weird clan, seize Gaoyuan Consciousness, refine it in an instant, and take office himself?

At that time, this ancestor who replaced Gao Yuan's consciousness and occupied the concept of death of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations was equivalent to the reappearance of the body of the owner of the bronze coffin. He was also qualified to initiate the coffin sacrifice, sacrifice the bronze coffin for three generations, and transcend the way of sacrifice!
Working backwards from the ultimate achievement of plateau consciousness, this is a viable path!
Unfortunately, plans cannot keep up with changes. The "Red-haired Ancestor" disguised as the Demon Emperor has not yet taken office. Gao Yuan's consciousness has been pushed to the extreme. He has no choice but to give it a try and occupy this position.

But, what a Demon Emperor!
If offering sacrifice to the coffin fails, then offering sacrifice to the world remains!
Moreover, this is also the road to heaven, which has brought one infinitely close to success!

If Ye Fan had not awakened in time and stood in an incredible realm, the Demon Emperor would have transcended!
One person takes two paths, both leading to transcendence...who wouldn't admire him?
Moreover, if "sacrificing the coffin" is still feeling its way across the river and is difficult to replicate, then "sacrificing the world" is different. Perhaps through the successive efforts of later generations, this road will be widened, and a universal path to transcendence that everyone can follow will be created!


Chang Heng regretted and shook his head, "The final step was missed."

"if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate."

The "Demon Emperor" was very indifferent. He raised his head with a subtle arc on the corner of his mouth. "I don't care about transcendence. I am not interested in the path of sacrifice."

When these words were spoken, everyone looked at them sideways, thinking that these words were somewhat false. They were afraid that the tears in their hearts had already turned into a river.

"What a disinterest."

At this time, Ye Fan said faintly, "I think so too. I am not interested in transcendence either..."

"However, I have already stood at this level. If I had not been unwilling in my heart, I would have immediately reached the most perfect sacrificial path."

"What about you? What gives you the confidence to say that?"

"If you had run away today and left this world, I might not have been able to do anything to you...but not only did you not run away, you even dared to provoke and fight back?"

"Demon Emperor! Are you here to die?!"

Ye Fan's words were calm, but he had already made his move while speaking. His fist was huge and domineering, causing everything from ancient times to collapse. He wanted to destroy the Demon Emperor and the great world that came with him!
Between the two of them, boundless waves splashed up, roaring and surging from nothingness, turning into a roaring river of time that swept across!
Originally it was nothingness, nothing existed, time and space did not exist, but with the fight and competition between the "Demon Emperor" and Ye Tiandi, everything was created, the great way sprouted, all things were born, and they placed their hearts, their ways, their laws, confrontation and game, erosion and assimilation in it!
Either I can turn my opponent into my dream, or I can turn my great enemy into my incarnation... or I can create the opponent like chaos, and evolve the world and all living things in it, change the world, change people's hearts, and seize power and strength...

The collision between the two supremely powerful beings happened in an instant and also in eternity, was omnipresent and all-pervasive!

Ye Fan took a step back suddenly. His majestic true body, which had dominated the long river of time in the present world, staggered. Blood mist continued to burst out of his true body, and one of his palms cracked and exploded!

Scars continued to spread across the body, and the supreme blood dripped onto the worlds, actually transforming into one heaven and myriad worlds after another!
The Emperor of Heaven is injured!

However, the "Demon Emperor" was not in a good situation. His figure suddenly faded in the collision, as if his flesh-and-blood body had lost all its vitality and energy, revealing a dim soul. He... was just a remnant soul!
His body had long been abandoned and transformed into the ultimate chaos, through which he created a glorious world!
That great world did not come by reflection, but was created by down-to-earth efforts, truly creating something out of nothing!
For this, he gave up too much, even his own spiritual fruit, life, and body. Only one thought remained, transcendent and free.

This thought is extraordinary and incredible in nature. It seems to have crossed an insurmountable chasm and can look down on all living beings that are not transcendent.

However, in the duel with the real strong man, his weakness was obvious.

If the Tao fruit and the great world created by the physical body cannot be perfected, there will be no way to return.

If it is taken back by force, that great world will collapse... This may seem to perfect oneself, but at the same time it will also lose the transcendence that is above everything else, and will fall to a lower level!

Ye Fan saw through the fatal flaw of the "Demon Emperor". He laughed loudly, and his body burst into incredible brilliance. He recovered in an instant, and his blood surged. He was like an eternal and towering mountain, standing indestructible.

The mountain is attacking, abandoning all fancy magical powers and releasing only the most extreme source of the physical body. It uses its body as a spear to pierce through the world opened up by the Demon Emperor, smashing it to pieces and destroying it!
"When the lips and teeth are gone, they are interdependent!"

At the critical moment, the Undertaker growled, "Stop him!"

There is no need to say too much. The few powerful men who were still standing on the battlefield moved instantly, showing their magical powers and emitting extraordinary light. Although they are far from being as powerful as the real creatures above the sacrificial way, they can still interfere with the battlefield to some extent.


The wheel turns, time passes, the years and years grow, this is Chang Heng killing.


Seal life and death, grasp reincarnation, this is the Tao Master's outburst.


The worlds trembled, and vitality surged, as if an unprecedented Holy Spirit was being born, the supreme god. This was Youjiao’s performance.

The overlord he transformed into did not give up just because he was a "dead man". He tried his best to help the Demon Emperor!
This was incredible, and showed the horror of Ye Fan's threat, which made the ancient overlords rarely put aside their conflicts and prejudices and work together to defeat the enemy!

Even the dead try their best, let alone the living?

"Burial the past, bury the present, bury all living beings!"

The Undertaker roared, his blood was boiling, his soul was burning, he was giving it his all, fighting to the death!
After all, the Demon Emperor has his own difficulties. Although he made Ye Fan suffer a lot, he also provided a lot of support to him on his road to growth.

Although the method of support is outrageous and weird, the Demon Ancestor is responsible for the great force, Ye Fan is responsible for the miracle, the Demon Ancestor is responsible for the pressure, and Ye Fan converts the power.

Putting aside the process, the Demon Emperor played a vital role in Ye Fan's growth.

Moreover, he had his own difficulties and his crime was unforgivable, but his situation was sympathetic - he just wanted to recreate a great world. What could be wrong for a child who wanted to go home?
Even if such a Demon Emperor was defeated in Ye Fan's hands, it is not impossible for him to return after countless years. If Ye Fan turned a blind eye to him, the most he could do would be to replicate the tragic experience that happened to him and return it in full.

But, the undertaker?

Well, the Undertaker himself couldn't find any reason to ask Ye Fan to forgive him. He knew very well that if there was a list of must-kills, his name would definitely be in the top two, shoulder to shoulder with the Butcher.

By the way, the butcher just died. It was a very tragic death. He was killed on the spot by an explosion!

Therefore, everyone can compromise, but he is the last one who can compromise, and that is a dead end.

In this case, we should fight to the death, and perhaps we can find a way to survive!

In the hazy green light, a phantom of a coffin that seemed to be able to fill all the worlds appeared. It was... the Bronze Coffin of Three Worlds!
However, the manifested bronze coffin of the Three Worlds was magnified to the extreme and became extremely mysterious. It dominated all the worlds, and all the heavens and worlds were nothing but dust in front of it!
Unlike the Three Generations Bronze Coffin that used to be ordinary and unimpressive, the phantom of the coffin that was revealed at this moment, as soon as it appeared, the walls of the coffin began to glow, and endless sacrificial sounds rang out, as if it had come from eternity ago!

The coffin is made of the simplest bronze, without too many patterns or carvings.

But at this moment, picture after picture emerged on it, with the gods and demons guarding in heaven, and countless living beings bowing, praying, and offering sacrifices, which echoed and lasted forever!

In such visions and such sacrifices, it seemed as if I saw something as if I were seeing a great era being buried. All living beings throughout the ages were withering and shattering in the catastrophe that wiped out everything, disappearing into nothingness and falling into eternal silence!
"One after another, similar flowers withered. I killed and buried them..." Blood was flowing from the undertaker's body, not because of injury, but because of his own will. "In this process, the butcher realized a sword that transcended the world. It jumped out of the world and was not recorded in history. It was the sword that killed me, and it was also a sword that transcended the world."

"I have also gained some insights, and have sensed a bit of special mysteries that involve a state of transcendence..."

"The great ages of the past and present have been buried again and again, all because of one person."

“If the mind is not dead, it will revive from extinction again and again…If the mind is dead, even if there is the supreme fruit, the cause and condition will dissipate and turn into nothingness.”

"I can bury all living things, the past and present, but can I bury a supreme heart?"

"I am looking forward……"

"This is the ultimate test of my burial path, and it may happen today..."

The blood of the undertaker was flowing, dyeing the world red, dyeing the coffin red, making this huge bronze coffin shine with a more dazzling light, opening layer by layer!

Every time a layer was opened, there was a terrifying devouring force directed at Ye Fan. When the three layers of coffins were opened, it seemed as if the world turned upside down. The bronze coffin disappeared, but it seemed that the coffin was everywhere, covering, sealing, and locking up the invincible Emperor of Heaven!
There once was a being who was supreme and immortal.

However, as strong as he was, he was ultimately unable to get out of his own heart. He chose death for himself and cast the coffin with his own hands!
This is the only example of "death" in the sacrificial way, and the person being buried feels like he has found a treasure!

Referring to the case, evolving the supreme method, to bury the transcendental creatures...will it succeed?
On the battlefield, Ye Fan's figure was stiff, as if he had lost his soul and his heart, leaving only an invincible body.

The next moment, one killing move after another was launched, and the world-class masters attacked together.


The next moment, the soulless Ye Fan suddenly woke up, a ferocious smile appeared on his face, his body shook, and something in the void began to shatter.

If he moved again, the killing moves that were hitting him would collapse and backfire!
“How can it be useless?!” The master of the funeral looked at him, and then he suddenly realized, “The evil ancestor who was born evil…”

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