The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 806: Sacrifice the pot!

Chapter 806: Sacrifice the pot!

The two powerful men were chatting and laughing, praising each other for business. The atmosphere between them was very friendly and harmonious, and very relaxed and harmonious.

An era of a perfect world is just around the corner, striding towards us. All the creatures that could be affected, such as the Evil Ancestor and the Overlord, seem to have fallen and ended, and no longer pose a threat... So, what is there to be nervous and worried about?
They stood side by side, watching the entire world collapse, blazing in the fire of the sky and the flame of the ancient universe, the roar of the mighty power of reincarnation, which had been half-destroyed by the sacrifice of the evil ancestor, but now revived with full blood and injected with new vitality.

The world is in turmoil, and a pattern is slowly unfolding, with the heavens and myriad worlds, and even a universe as its core, interpreting the eternal changes!

It was like a gluttonous beast that could swallow up all the worlds and embrace all the realms, melting them all into that one universe, using reincarnation as a bond and the vast sky and ancient universe as a catalyst!

The flames are jumping, refining time and space. The great world that the "Demon Emperor" sacrificed his life to open up, the essence created by the burning, is surging towards that world!
That world is powerless to escape the fate of destruction, but the final ownership of the inheritance can still be influenced.

In the dark, it seems that someone has made a choice to complete a universe, a universe called "Nine Heavens and Ten Earths"!

The Emperor glanced sideways slightly, and for a moment, one finger of his dangling hand flicked slightly, as if he wanted to do something.

Beside him, "The Great Dream Immortal" had deep eyes and slightly raised eyebrows, as if he was intending to move.

However, when the corners of their eyes fell on each other beside them, all the strangeness disappeared and turned into serious sighs.

“Alas! As the saying goes, when a man is about to die, he does good deeds… I didn’t expect that the Demon Emperor, this extremely vicious overlord, actually has a kind side and would leave his last legacy to his second hometown.”

The Emperor, with a look of emotion, commented on the life of the Demon Emperor.

——The Demon Emperor is a very bad person, extremely cruel and evil, and has committed many evils.

——After all, this person who can become the leader among the ancient emperors and overlords, how can he be a good person? If the "evil" of the other overlords is one, then this one must be "ten"!
——Such people, in order to seek transcendence, would do anything, even going so far as to put on the "clothes" of the ancestor himself, acting perfectly and in his true colors, sweeping and ravaging the powerful of the time, causing people to fall into despair for a time.

——It can be said that if the Demon Emperor had not "jumped into action" personally, causing chaos and making trouble, like a depth charge that overturned the pond of the entire world and raised the intensity of the confrontation to the highest level, how could such tragic wars have broken out one after another in such a short period of time, to the point that the entire world was almost destroyed?
——Everyone was caught off guard. It was all because of the Demon Emperor. In the game of competing for transcendence, it was hard to evaluate his chess level, but his ability to swing the chessboard was absolutely first-rate. He directly overturned the table!
——Everything was destroyed, the plateau, the heavens, even the remaining worlds, the soul river that once accommodated the endless souls of the living world... It was destroyed! Everything was destroyed!

Is there anyone who does things this way?!

The Emperor commented that the Demon Emperor had never done anything humane in his entire life, and it was not until his death that a last bit of kindness emerged in him.


On the side, “The Great Dream Immortal” resonated deeply.

The Demon Emperor...he is indeed not a good person.

How can someone who can bear to hurt others be a good person?!

"Without the bitter leaf, there would be no Xie Zu's miserable life..." He pointed out, "Xie Zu's original intention was not bad. If possible, he would have the hope of becoming a good person and a good Heavenly Emperor."

"What a pity, fate plays tricks on us."

"In the end, the evil ancestor was forced into a desperate situation. He dreamed of eternity and killed the goose that laid the eggs... In the end, it led to a tragedy, causing a dream world to go from nothing to something, then back to nothing, and then back to something again, back and forth, becoming the most cruel and unjust executioner in the world."

"The Great Dream Immortal" seemed to be speaking from his heart. Although he was a mortal enemy of the Evil Ancestor, he was willing to say something fair. Even if the Evil Ancestor was full of evil in this matter, putting the facts aside, didn't the Demon Emperor do anything wrong?
Although the evil ancestor Ye Fan will sooner or later embark on this path, he will always encounter difficulties in life and have to seek external forces and shortcuts. As long as he has tasted the power of the "Great Dream Eternal" plug-in once, he will actively pursue it for the rest of his life until he is under control.

Evil Ancestor, born evil!
However, the Demon Emperor's great power created miracles and made this process happen too quickly!

This is the sin of the Demon Emperor, and he must take responsibility!

We can't just blame the evil ancestor for everything!

All evil must be eradicated, even some small fish and shrimps cannot be spared. He, "The Great Dream Immortal", has reason to settle the remaining cause and effect after the death of the Evil Ancestor.

"I think so too..." Emperor Zun applauded, "I deeply sympathize with this matter and am willing to strongly support you spiritually!"

His righteous and passionate words made "Great Dream Immortal" feel like he had found a soulmate.

However, after waiting for a long time, "Great Dream Immortal Venerable" did not receive any actual response from the Emperor, and was suddenly speechless - was this really just pure spiritual support?!
"The Great Dream Immortal" shook his head and was about to say something else.

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly, and his look became serious and solemn.

The same is true for the Emperor.

They felt something in their hearts, were touched in a trance, and heard something. It was the voice that transcended the void and the broken time and space, it was the resentment of the supreme powerful!

Although the content and details are vague, and one cannot even tell who is shouting or roaring in anger, that ultimate spirit runs through everything, imprinting and echoing the immortal will.

"...I will definitely...come back..."

Suddenly, the Emperor was moved, "Who is shouting? Come back? Come back, come back to this world?"

He tried his best to grasp the cause and effect and tried to unravel the fog of fate, but to no avail.

But sometimes, no result is also a result, which means that a creature far superior to him is exerting strength, completely surpassing him in realm and crushing him!

"At this moment and in this place, who is holding deep resentment? Who is trying to come back?"

The Emperor whispered, looking at the "Great Dream Immortal" beside him, and suddenly said, "I understand, it's the Evil Ancestor!"

Such speculation is reasonable and justified.

After all, Huang's great sword was broken. As long as the sword is alive, the person is still alive; if the sword is broken, the person will die.

The great world that the Demon Emperor sacrificed his life to create was also collapsing and destroyed, turning into ashes in the raging fire.

And the one standing here is "The Great Dream Immortal".

Using the process of elimination, it is clear at a glance, who else could it be but the Evil Ancestor? !
Thinking of this, Emperor Zun was worried, "The powerful people in the world worked together, but they couldn't really kill him?"

"But...that's true."

"There was another time before this when everyone thought he would definitely die and fall under the refinement of the Great Sky Fire and the Ancient Universe Flame. However, he made a gorgeous turn and stood on the sacrificial path!"

"He didn't die then, so how could he die so easily this time?"

"Fortunately, the situation doesn't seem to be that bad. Although he is not dead, he can only speak harsh words in vain. He is suspected to be exiled forever. The efforts of the Demon Emperor and Huang are not in vain..."

Emperor Zun calculated, "We still have time!"

"Daoyou, what do you think?"

"Ah! This..." The eyes of "Great Dream Immortal Venerable" rolled around, "Yes! You are right, it should be like this!"

He nodded and sighed, "Oh! I was careless and opened the champagne at halftime..."

He frowned, "I didn't expect that the Evil Ancestor would be so tenacious and could revive from the ashes?!"

"How can this be allowed!"

No one knew what kind of changes had taken place in the body of "Great Dream Immortal", but in just the blink of an eye, his position had changed drastically.

"I can snipe and intercept. As for the creatures that have been banished forever, don't even think about coming back to cause trouble!"

He spoke with conviction and a sharp look, like an extremely determined warrior.

"The former Bitter Leaf Sect has fallen, ending before the arrival of the perfect era... but I am still here!"

"I will take over the banner, carry it through, and do my best to ensure that the Evil Ancestor can no longer do evil to the world!" "The Great Dream Immortal" made such a decision.

The bitter leaf flag flies high, and the torch is passed on!
At this moment, he no longer spoke well of the "Evil Ancestor", saying that one should look at the Evil Ancestor dialectically, perhaps the Evil Ancestor was also wronged and there was something hidden.

"Evil Ancestor" must die!
He will not be at peace until the "Evil Ancestor" is dead!

Bitter leaves are not a vice, but a mission!
"The Great Dream Immortal" sighed heavily, and made a vow, determined that he would never let the "Evil Ancestor" bring disaster to the world!
"Thank you for your hard work, fellow Daoist." The Emperor sighed, "Evil Ancestor is so powerful, who else can compete with him except fellow Daoist?"

"This time, we had to sacrifice the Demon Emperor and the Desolate Emperor to stop him from ruling the world. What about next time?"


The Great Dream Immortal blinked and said firmly, "There won't be a next time!"

"I will end his legend!"

"Before I fall, I will not let the world be harmed by the 'Evil Ancestor'!"

He is determined and confident.

Evil Ancestor, he will be the one to stop it!

"I'm just afraid that things won't be that simple..." The Emperor said worriedly. He looked at the destroyed world and then looked towards the end of time.

In the flames of time and space, the past and the present blend together, destruction and revival go hand in hand, and along with the will of the "Demon Emperor", the entire world is in turmoil, making the heavens incomparably splendid.

In that part of the heavens, the power of time and space was more active than ever before. Influenced by the essence left behind by the destruction of a great world, there was even occasional otherworldly light that flashed across the sky, illuminating and manifesting different visions.

The vision is fleeting and ever-changing, like a corner of the past reappearing in time and space, or like a chance glimpse of the future.

Most of these visions do not have much meaning. Their greatest value is to show the wonders of time and space and to interpret the wonderful principles of time.

However, there was also a moment when a terrifying corner was revealed, confusing the past and the present, making people dazed.

A vague figure, shrouded in infinite light, majestic and sacred, walked slowly from the source of time that could not be traced back!

When He came, all the worlds were opened up, splendid and brilliant; after He passed, all the worlds were destroyed, and all things became empty!

The brief scene shows an incredible supreme power who has trampled everything under his feet!
Suddenly, this figure looked back, as if through the illusory vision, and looked directly at the Emperor and the "Great Dream Immortal", causing their souls to tremble violently, and they were about to explode on the spot!

This is too unbelievable!

It is not an illusory vision, but a real living being that has come from another world!

The blurry figure was silent. He didn't say anything, nor did he talk. But in front of Him, an object that looked like a pot or a tripod was suspended. It shook slightly and everything collapsed!

Time exploded and the strange vision dissipated, but that kind of domineering spirit lingered for a long time, making people feel creepy, as if falling into an icy cave.

"Hu... huh!"

Emperor Zun took a deep breath, "Is this the Evil Ancestor?!"

"Yes, this is the Evil Ancestor..."

“Great Dream Immortal Venerable” said faintly, “I have spent my whole life forging cauldrons, and I carry the pot on my back…”

"Whoever is at fault is the evil ancestor. He can't fool anyone."

The words of “Great Dream Immortal Venerable” were profound, “Only those who have committed heinous crimes can be called the Evil Ancestor…”

"Like the owner of the bronze coffin of three generations..."

"No matter what you have done, the eyes of the world are sharp... People will not let a good person go, nor will they wrongly accuse a bad person..."

“The Great Dream Immortal” said so.

The Emperor listened quietly. He always felt something was weird, as if something was not right, a very subtle one. There was a lot of water behind some people and things that could not be easily seen through.


'What does this have to do with me?'

He stared blankly, his eyes dimmed.

'The most advanced farming often only requires the simplest start.'

"Slash-and-burn farming..."

"What a great fire, burning the world and turning it into fertile soil..."

There is destruction in the fire, especially the most extreme fire of the sky, the flame of the ancient universe.

But after the fire, what was created was the most fertile "land", enough to nourish the growth of all things.

'Demon Emperor, are you really dead?'

The Emperor's figure gradually faded away as he moved away from here.

Before leaving, he glanced into the distance and saw a slightly plump figure flash by through the eternal time and space.

"This era will be very lively..."

The Emperor left, escaping before the sea of ​​destruction consumed everything.

Only the "Great Dream Immortal" was left, and he stood there for a long time.

Finally, he took out his own weapon of enlightenment, which was the same as the Evil Ancestor's, a large cauldron. However, in the brutal battle, it was not only flattened, but even the legs of the cauldron were broken, making it look like a... pot!


He chuckled with an ambiguous meaning, and in the raging fire of time and space, a faint bronze light slowly emerged on his body and then faded away, transforming into pure flesh and blood.

Bronze, flesh and blood... they disappeared and reappeared in the flames, and finally seemed to melt bit by bit, turning into the most sacred and dazzling golden light, as if forging a real golden body in the flames!

"Ding? Pot?"

"Heh... I have already... offered the pot!"

He whispered quietly, sighing in a corner where no one could get close to him, "I've sacrificed the eternal black pot. From now on, I am me, just me!"

"What similar flowers."

"What Embers Road?"

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Look at my fist and tell me, who is the real evil ancestor?!"

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