The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 95 The Qing Emperor Returns!

Chapter 95 The Qing Emperor Returns!

Wu Shizhong's trump card was astonishing in the world, and Wu Shi Great Emperor was even more elegant, shaking the universe.

All eyes were attracted by them, Jiang Yifei took advantage of this opportunity, a Taoist palace god sneaked back to the Eastern Wasteland of the ancient star of the Big Dipper, and became a glorious underground archaeologist.

With his current special achievements, he has just stood at the peak of the Supreme Human Dao, and it can be said that he knows everything from a glimpse and a look back at the scenery of the world.

The Yuantian technique is unimaginably advanced, and he has seen through the direction of the mountains and rivers of the Eastern Barrens. With the help of "knowledge" about the future, what traces did he grasp.

Immediately afterwards, he started the business of human traffickers again, and went directly to kidnap a person, who was a direct descendant of Emperor Qing's lineage.

Thanks Black Emperor.

This big black dog has been coveting the Qingdi line for a long time, and he has checked the household registration books of this line clearly.

So Jiang Yifei directly found the real master, she was a flawless woman, her eyes were like water, her body was icy and smooth, without any blemishes, and her fairy body was upright, like the most perfect masterpiece of heaven.

She has a face like jade, and she is indeed called Yan Ruyu, her name is like her.

When Jiang Yifei came to the door, the girl was looking up at the sky, dressed in white snow, with unspeakable worries and sorrows.

The tide of the great era is turbulent, set off by the forbidden zone of life, and wants to wipe out the world... Thinking of her lineage of the Qing Emperor, she was once the leader of the universe in the past, but today she has no strength to resist and struggle, how can she not be sad and bewildered ?

Yan Ruyu mourned the spring and autumn, and felt sorry for her own body.

Then Jiang Yifei came, not allowing her to resist, he suppressed her with one hand, and led him deep into the earth, searching for the direction of the dragon's veins.

While searching, Jiang Yifei was comforting her.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a good person... Bah! I'm a good person!"

Jiang Yifei almost slipped his tongue.

The girl looked at him timidly, without daring to expose him, but asked why she was taken away, "Where do you want to take me?"

"Of course to meet your ancestors..." Jiang Yifei smiled, "Congratulations, Fairy Yan, if this trip goes well, from now on you will have the treatment that descendants of a normal emperor's bloodline should have, and become the spokesperson of the will of a supreme emperor. Take charge of the emperor's army and command the world."

"Are you interested in establishing diplomatic relations with my Jiang family? Developing a holy land of the ultimate way is very expensive... Fairy Yan, you don't want your people to continue living the miserable life of wandering around and living without a fixed place?"

"If you are willing to collude with my Jiang family, put aside the transvestite dispute, and jointly bully the mid-level holy land family, you will get benefits matching your status!"

What Jiang Yifei said made the girl dizzy.

"Ancestor..." She seemed to be in disbelief, the word was far away.

As a descendant of Emperor Qing, he only had an impression of his ancestors when he practiced and passed on the scriptures, knowing the glory of his bloodline many years ago.

But alas, everything is gone.

There were no emperor soldiers left, so it was a crime to even carry the emperor's scriptures, and was coveted by many monster clans.

Just like Ziwei Ancient Star's Sun Cult, so what if they are descendants of the Sun Emperor's bloodline?

When the greedy heart of outsiders gradually rises, it will be destroyed if it is said to be destroyed!
But today, a young man who easily suppressed the entire lineage of the Qing Emperor came and told her to take her to find her ancestors, so that the lineage of the Qing Emperor could regain its former glory!
How dreamy is this?


"Of course it's true... Look, it's here."

Jiang Yifei suddenly stopped and jumped out from the ground.

Yan Ruyu looked around, and could see that this was a ruined land, surrounded by a volcano, surrounded by endless ancient buildings. Although the landscape has been ravaged by the vicissitudes of time, one can still imagine the magnificence and magnificence of that year.

"right here……"

Jiang Yifei began to mutter words that Yan Ruyu couldn't understand.

What are "Fortunately, you have me, otherwise you will not be able to protect the Qing Emperor at the end of the festival", "The dragon can attack the Qing Emperor's tomb, it is a pity that such a black history cannot be staged, otherwise your Qing Emperor's name will be indispensable on the emperor's shame list", "My seat But to compete with the Supreme and go to the grave in person is enough to give you face"... and so on and so on.

The young man murmured, and then led Yan Ruyu headlong into the depths of the volcano. The vast divine power surged, shattering numerous restrictions, and breaking apart the formation patterns of the ages.

With the emperor's law of quasi-emperor series, it can be said that there is no taboo, and nothing can stop it.

Along the way, they found an ancient temple in the magma. It has a breath of time flowing, and the glow of the sky flows through it, making people feel a sense of antiquity.

The whole ancient temple is made of five-color divine jade, the whole body is crystal clear, the brilliance is shining, it is very magical, there are many ancient characters engraved on its foundation, some are shaped like dragons and phoenixes, and some are like black turtles and unicorns. The former Yaozu Emperor Wen.

"This is... the palace of our ancestors back then?!" The girl suddenly became excited.

"Go! Go in!" Jiang Yifei didn't have much sense of awe, he led his people towards the palace without stopping.

This seems to have triggered some kind of mechanism, and suddenly a terrifying beam of killing light swept over him, slashing at him.

The formation pattern of the ancient great emperor communicates with the heavens and the earth, and turns into a robbery light, which is enough to obliterate all things. If it is not the right time, if you force your way, the saint will die!
Only this time, it was a raptor crossing the river.

Jiang Yifei went on a rampage and punched in!
With a battle power of the quasi-emperor level, the entire universe, except for a few places, can really be said to be rampant.

However, Emperor Qing also wanted face.

When the many incomplete patterns of the Great Emperor were shattered, Jiang Yifei's threatening ability was sufficient, which alarmed the two artifacts in the palace.

In a crystal jade box, a green lotus blooming horizontally.

A one-foot-long crystal coffin, a red heart was sealed.

When Jiang Yifei's unique breath swept over them, it immediately startled them and revived their true power!

The coercion belonging to the ancient emperor reverberated here, and the dazzling fairy light lit up, making Jiang Yifei's eyebrows tingle slightly.

"Give me your blood!"

When he pointed at the girl, drops of precious blood immediately oozed out, making Yan Ruyu's pretty face pale.

All the precious blood was poured out and sprinkled on the source of the abnormality, making the things inside calm down all of a sudden.

Of course, this is not the end, but a complete awakening.


The jade box cracked, and the chaotic green lotus rose.

The gods in it immediately sensed the upheaval of the ancient Big Dipper, and the aura of the entire universe, so it became fully active from the dead silence, shaking out the fluctuations of spiritual consciousness, in order to understand the root of the matter.


Jiang Yifei shot a ray of primordial light, which was reflected on Qinglian. It was a cause and effect, a riot in the restricted area of ​​life.

"The Forbidden Zone Supreme wants to cleanse the universe, kill all living beings, and deprive all good fortune, in order to prepare for the battle against the Immortal Road?!"

The eyes of the gods in Qinglian were cold.

"Exactly!" Jiang Yifei nodded, "This is a chance for the life and death of the universe, and we should gather all our strengths to tide over the difficulties together."

"So, you found me." Qinglian God said.

"Yes... Emperor Qing, the most amazing emperor after Wu Shi, the medicine of immortality came out." Jiang Yifei directly pointed out the key point. His current strength and achievements are enough to support him to reveal some secrets, "It stands to reason Well, 3 years is not enough time to bury this amazing emperor, in terms of longevity, he should still be alive."

Qinglian God was silent at the moment.

It knows many secrets related to Emperor Qing.

Even if it is the road to immortality that Emperor Qing wants to take, which belongs to him.

After all, it was made from the transformed old body of Emperor Qing. In a sense, it was the "previous body" of that great emperor, an incarnation outside the body, a clone.

"My lord, he... is indeed still alive."

After an unspeakable silence, Qinglian admitted, with a lot of helplessness in her voice, "But I may not be able to make a move."

The threat of the Supreme Forbidden City is real.

If they really did it, cleanse all living beings, and take away the creation of the universe, at that time, can the barren tower really be guaranteed not to be uncovered?

And a fairy artifact, a transformed Qing Emperor, is simply the best food, a gluttonous feast for the supreme being in the restricted area.

From this point of view, Emperor Qing is a grasshopper on the same rope as all living beings and the universe.

"My lord is trying to take a road of becoming a fairy from the world of mortals, and wants to open up a fairyland in the world where people can live forever..." God Qinglian said helplessly, "But there may be some problems with this road, and my lord will never wake up because of this."

"Is there a way to wake it up?" Jiang Yifei asked, "If you need any price, you can mention it."

"Is it the blood of the great emperor? Or the origin of the strong?"

"If possible, all of these are needed." Qinglian God said.

"That's good." Jiang Yifei nodded, and plunged one hand into the void.

When the hand was withdrawn, it was holding a small half bottle of bright blood, which belonged to Emperor Wushi.


he asked.

God Qinglian was moved, "This kind of amazing!"

"But it's still a little bit worse. It's not entirely due to the lack of essence and blood. Otherwise, it would be possible to melt the heart of my lord."

"It also needs a certain source of divinity."

Jiang Yifei listened, nodded slightly, extracted the root of this body, and revealed a source with a chaotic light.

"A body that evolves into a chaotic body, mixed with fragments of the laws of the emperor's way, should be fine!"

"Enough is enough." The god Qinglian solemnly stretched out a root to absorb the blood essence of Emperor Wushi, took away the origin of Xiaocheng's chaotic body, and shattered the crystal coffin beside it, causing the heart inside to explode and condense. Into dazzling precious blood.

All of this seems to have been conveyed to the past through some inexplicable channel, becoming an introduction to the return of a lost soul.

It seems like 1000 years have passed.

And it seemed like just a blink of an eye.

When the murderous intent in the universe was increasing, a skinny figure suddenly appeared in this hall like a ghost.

Even though Jiang Yifei raised his divine sense to the keenest state, when this figure appeared, he didn't have any perception at all!
"Cough cough..."

This is an old man, coughing lightly like a dying man.

But Jiang Yifei didn't dare to underestimate him.

He sensed a great terror from this old man, like a real dragon crouching, cutting across the universe, invincible in the world!
Compared with Emperor Ruthless and Emperor Wushi, even if there is a gap, they are definitely at the same level!

"Senior Qing Emperor?"

Jiang Yifei said in a low voice.

"It's me." The old man nodded. He is not the real body, but the supreme soul who came out and manifested in the human world.

Qingdi has silver-gray hair all over his head, tall and slender figure, and deep-set eyes, flashing with a kind of wisdom that knows everything about the world.

"Time flies, and in the blink of an eye we will arrive at the time point not far from the opening of the road to immortality. I never thought that the supreme beings in the restricted area are so ruthless that they want to wash the world with blood." Emperor Qing sighed, "I'm bothering you this time... ...If it wasn't for your help, I might have died without knowing why."

"Over the years, I have dismembered myself and entered the Immortal Artifact Barren Tower to verify a path to immortality. I never thought that I would almost send myself to a dead end, and I would never wake up from a long sleep."

Qingdi is a very proud man.

He originally came out of the form of the immortal medicine, and has a very long lifespan. He can live until the opening of the fairy road, and enter the fairyland in order to live forever.

However, he chose not to choose this path, instead relying on his own ability to become a fairy in the world of mortals!

Therefore, he suppressed the gods in the barren tower, opened up a small god realm in it, evolved into the fairy realm, and wanted to open up a fairyland in the human world where he could live forever.

It has to be said that Emperor Qing has amazed the past and the present, and is really too powerful. He wants to evolve the fairyland world that the ancient emperors and powerhouses have longed for with his own power.

Don't ask for help, don't borrow external power from the heavens, but create and create a real fairyland by yourself, which is astonishing and heaven-defying!

Unfortunately, he failed.

Perhaps his predecessor could do such a thing—most of the predecessors of the immortal medicine were immortal kings, and they could truly create a pure land of immortals.

However, the current Qing Emperor couldn't do it.

He went astray without knowing it—he felt he could do it, so he did it.

In fact, Chaos Qinglian is indeed capable, but it must return to the previous Dao Fruit!

As a matter of course, Emperor Qing made himself miserable.

Until it is stimulated and awakened by the latecomers.

"I need to thank my little friend." Qingdi said.

"Senior, you don't need to thank me. What I did was only to protect myself." Jiang Yifei said calmly, "If possible, please return to the throne, take charge of Tianxin, suppress the current world, and deter the forbidden zone!"

"Are you sure?" Qingdi smiled. He looked at the young man, as if he had seen through the fundamentals, and a look of amazement flashed in his eyes. He had never seen such an outstanding person.

At the age of only twenty, he has already embarked on the practice of quasi-emperor level!

"You are amazing... It can be said that this era should belong to you." Emperor Qing said quietly, "If I return, I will cut off your imperial path."

"I'm not afraid." Jiang Yifei was very indifferent, "I deduced the mysteries of physique and came up with an astonishing answer - even if someone proves the way before, the chaotic body can defy the sky and become the emperor of chaos."

"Senior Qingdi, you can't block my imperial path. Maybe one day, we can sit and talk about it."

Emperor Qing was surprised, raised his eyebrows, carefully examined the young man in front of him, and suddenly smiled.

"Good! Have ambition!"

"I'm waiting to witness your rise!"

"But for now, let's deal with the turmoil in the restricted area first..."

Qingdi, the incarnation of the primordial spirit, dispersed, along with the chaotic green lotus.

In the next moment, from the depths of the Eastern Desolation Land, an imperial aura that overwhelms the human world rises, pierces through the sea of ​​stars, shakes the universe, and changes the color of the Supreme among the five forbidden areas with the same aura!

What did they see?
A simple and unsophisticated pagoda rises, surrounded by immortal energy, and under it is a great emperor who rises and reappears in the world!


"You didn't die either?!"

The supreme mentality in the restricted area was on the verge of collapse.

They looked at the man who was astonishing in the world. He was majestic and majestic, with loose black hair, eyes like lightning, and a lotus plant in the eternal blue sky, reappearing the peerless demeanor of that year.

The heavens and the earth trembled, and the brand of the Qing Emperor, which had been gradually fading from the universe, suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance at this moment, making Tianxin coincide with it. There is a master in this era, and I don't know how many Tianjiao's paths have been cut off!
"I am back."

The barren pagoda above the Qing Emperor's head is so powerful that it frightens the Supreme Being.

His tone was indifferent and calm, with the momentum of looking down on the vastness of the world and being invincible in the world.

Emperor Qing also has this qualification.

With a celestial artifact in his hand, and a body with strength surpassing that of ordinary emperors, how many people in this world can he care about?

That is, the Wushi Great Emperor who just shot, and the Empress holding the fairy sword.

He nodded slightly to the empress, and the empress also nodded in response.

Silently, they reached a consensus.

(End of this chapter)

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