Chapter 202 The Return
Well, that means Mo Chengjun is not here, otherwise, he would have to laugh his teeth out.

Although with his memory, he definitely couldn't tell which chapter or episode this fragment of page belonged to, but judging from its content and characters, it must belong to that great book, "Journey to the West".

It's just that, looking at "Journey to the West" as official history, it would be an understatement to say that you laughed your teeth out.

Of course, in just two seconds, his smile had to freeze on his face, and he couldn't take it off even with a stiff slap.

"Journey to the West"?

This is "Journey to the West", why does it appear here?

Think again about the three-character scripture that enlightens children.

Think about the Lotus Sect, which got its name because of the phrase "I love the lotus out of the mud but not stained, and the clean ripples are not demonic".

Think about those plausible ancient poems, customs, festivals, and even words that exist in his memory.

If it weren't for the topography of the mainland of Kyushu, it would be completely different from the ancient country of Blue Star in memory.

Otherwise, he only thought that he had come to the past, or the future.

Or some parallel world?
But even so, he still has to doubt, suspecting that there must have been people from that ancient country here long ago.

Or bring the fire of civilization and spread knowledge.

Or maybe this place was originally a colony that lived in the galaxy countless years ago.

In fact, Mo Chengjun has not had these guesses for a day or two.

It is true that the real world is not in the novel after all, and it can be solved by setting it like this. There must be cause and effect, and logic must be followed.

As for him, he is actually more inclined to the latter guess.

In this way, it can also slightly explain the way he came from outside the sky and fell to the ground while sitting in the dormant cabin.

However, how did a good technological civilization become this world of cultivating immortals?

This, I can't explain it again!

Fortunately, Mo Chengjun was not there, otherwise, there would be countless brainstorms waiting for him, and many brain cells would have 'died on the spot'.

What he didn't even expect was that the 'Heavenly Court' that was blown up as a false backstage was actually corroborated in this way, and it was spread all over the Eight Great Immortal Sects, Zhao's royal family.

It's really a wonderful world, but it's just like this!
Of course, the current Mo Chengjun doesn't know this, he just flapped his wings, cut through the blue sky, and headed towards the familiar mountain, the familiar city, and the familiar sect.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but when he returned, it was snowing heavily.

Goose-feather-like snowflakes fell one after another, but within a few hours, the decorated mountains turned into snow-white.

Looking at such a scene, Mo Chengjun was in a daze.

A year ago, he left with the wind and snow.

A year later, when he returned, he was still greeted by wind and snow.


While still waiting for the sect's great formation to open, he covered himself with the technique of "false travel" and entered wrapped in the wind and snow.

Then he entered Tianhen Mountain, entered the Mo family's mansion, entered his own backyard, and entered his own secret room.

A year later, there is still a hair left on the futon.

Just because no one has been active in this year, the secret room seems much deserted.

As for Mo Chengjun, he was not in a hurry to go out again. Instead, he waved his hands into a whirlwind to sweep away the dust before he sat down on the futon.

Then, he spat out a mouthful of blood with a 'wow', and his face was instantly pale as paper.

After all, a punch from a half-step martial sage is not so easy to bear, but if it is another person, even if it is Yang Shen Daxiu, if he receives this punch, he will have to go to the Yin soil and welcome the ghost.

Simply, his physique is really strong, and he avoided the vital points. This punch seemed to penetrate his body with force, but it was only a matter of time before he was put on him.

Not to mention, since he encountered many evil ghost kings, he has exchanged various panacea for a long time, and he recovered a lot when he used it in time.

But the only troublesome thing about this injury is the trace of Martial Immortal power entrenched in his chest.

Although the way for a martial artist to become an immortal is different, but at this point, it is really no different from a monk becoming an immortal. It is already a different world.

I really want to say that even if a martial artist of the ninth rank reaches the realm of a first-rank grand master, he is still inferior to the cultivator Yangshen.

It's not the difference in absolute lethality, but the method is too single.

But when it came to Wuxian, it was really different.

In the last dynasty, the Great Xia established the country for thousands of years, not relying on the immature alien arts, let alone the benevolence of demons and ghosts, but because the human race has warriors, who are the most brutal.

And because the lifespan is much shorter than that of Yaoxian, most of them are not afraid of life and death, and dare to fight for their lives.

Especially before the end of life, finding a monster and a demon to perish together has even become the consensus of everyone in a certain period, and it really scares many monsters and ghosts to fight.

As for Tu Su, the sliver of the power of the Martial Saint entered into Mo Chengjun's body.

This is the most important thing.

It should be said that this sliver of Martial Saint power is actually not much, it is really just a sliver, but it is really as difficult to get rid of as a maggot on the tarsus bone, let alone wiped out.

Although Tu Su was dead, the divine will of this wisp of Martial Saint power has not weakened in the slightest.

It seemed to have its own will, running around in Mo Chengjun's body, and it wasn't completely sabotaging, but it was also cultivating, absorbing nutrients, and flowing through the whole body along the blood.

Even with Mo Chengjun chasing and intercepting him, using 36 martial arts and [-] tricks, he just couldn't catch this slippery "little loach".

From time to time, this "little loach" still has enough strength to fight back, and Mo Chengjun can suffer a lot. From time to time, he has to cough up a wave of blood, which is really uncomfortable.

That is to say, the power of this Martial Saint is really not much, otherwise, he would be in big trouble.

At this point, Mo Chengjun was finally able to calm down. It took him several days to trap this sliver of martial sage power in one place, and he barely suppressed it, and he felt much better.

Using a water mirror technique, I looked at my inner complexion much better, with blood, and finally looked no longer sickly.

Therefore, Mo Chengjun no longer sought to completely solve the hidden danger, but chose to leave the customs.

Finally, the one-year period is coming soon, he can no longer nest here, at least he has to go out to report his safety.


That night.

The heavy snow has stopped, and a round of incomplete bright moon hangs in the sky. The brilliance swaying down reflects the snow-covered mountains, and the bright sky and earth are as bright as day.

Mo Chengjun finally opened the door to the quiet room and walked out slowly.

Under the ever-growing flat peach tree, he looked up at the sky and the earth, the distance and the bright moon, feeling as if he was a world away.

As if hearing the commotion, Xue Ling rushed out first. When he saw Mo Chengjun, he still couldn't believe his eyes. He rubbed it before shouting in surprise, "Godfather, you're finally out of the customs?"


Mo Chengjun nodded, looking at his godson, he felt that he hadn't seen him for a year, and his figure was much thicker, with a more calm temperament, and he had grown up with the mischievous little guy in his memory. Not the same anymore.

Xue Ling was still a little nervous and asked: "Godfather, your golden elixir, is it done?"

"It's done!" As he said that, Mo Chengjun revealed a hint of golden core.

"It's done, it's really done, I'll say how could it not be possible with the astonishing talent of my godfather!"

Xue Ling got the answer he wanted, and he was so happy that he almost jumped up. He said directly: "I have to talk to Ruier, so that she can be happy too."

As he said that, he pinched the formula and cast the spell, condensed into a firework of mana, and flew away with a flutter.

This fast Mo Chengjun is slightly different.

However, with a slight concentration, Mo Chengjun seemed to have discovered something, and asked: "Xue Ling, have you already built the foundation?"

Xue Ling laughed loudly: "I succeeded in building the foundation five months ago, and I have already replaced all my mana with "Seven Profound Sword Qi". Now I am also an official inner disciple."

Mo Chengjun was slightly taken aback, feeling a little ashamed.

This "godfather godfather" has been called for so long, and it seems that he only made some effort to comprehend the sword intent, and the others did not play any role.

After pondering for a while, he asked, "Then what kind of sword art are you majoring in now?"

"Ten steps, one kill!"


This choice was not beyond Mo Chengjun's expectations, he pondered slightly: "When I have time, I will tailor a set of swordsmanship magical powers for you, can it be considered a gift for you to break the mirror and build a foundation?"

"Really?" Happiness came so suddenly that Xue Ling couldn't accept it.

Mo Chengjun glanced at him and asked, "Has your godfather ever lied to you?"

"Of course not."

"That is, you think the godfather is bragging?"

"That's even more impossible. What godfather is bragging about is never bullshit, but a goal, a direction, and a lighthouse."

Alas, Xue Ling's small mouth is finally not so honest. I like this flattery.

But just when Mo Chengjun was about to say something, there was a whistling wind, and the voice arrived before anyone arrived.

"Godfather, you're out of customs!"

When Mo Chengjun turned around, he saw a slim figure galloping towards him. He opened his arms and wanted to pounce on him.

Mo Chengjun hurriedly took a step back, stretched out his hand to stop it, and said, "Wait, it's Xiaorui'er?"

"Yeah! Godfather doesn't know me?"

"Really, the Eighteenth Change of the Female University?"

Well, if Xue Ling has changed slightly, then Xiao Rui'er has been really different this year.

Originally, Xiao Ruier took the route of a cute and smart little lolita, but what about this one now?

A year is not long, but she has really grown up completely.

With a height of nearly 1.7 meters, paired with big black eyes and a sweet smile, it is no exaggeration to say "beautiful white teeth, slim and graceful", she has really become a big girl.

Mo Chengjun looked up and down, and then asked: "Xiao Ruier, have you reached the twelfth level of entrainment?"


"Have decided not to take the path of sword cultivation, and want to focus on magical powers?"

"Hmm, godfather saw it?"

"Hehe, if you want to become a sword cultivator, you can already retreat and break through the foundation building, but you still don't have it now. It's the way of liking the law."

Mo Chengjun pondered slightly, and said again: "Don't be in a hurry, give your godfather some time, and I will tailor a set of breathing method for you.

By the way, are you still practicing the "Awakening of Insects Method" that I taught you before? "

"Yes, godfather told me, so naturally I dare not slack off."

Xiao Rui'er said very seriously, but she just turned her head, and she was a little unnatural: "It's just that there is no division of realms in this exercise, and I don't know how far I have practiced."

"That's enough."

As he said that, Mo Chengjun finally remembered something, his eyes flicked across Xue Ling and Ba Nishang, and then looked into the distance, and asked: "Just you two?

Rui'er, where's your father?

Why are you afraid to come see me?
You can tell him that if he doesn't come this time, I will block his door.

Hehe, this time, I don't use the supernatural powers of magic tricks, but just use the supernatural powers of swordsmanship to let him see how powerful I am. "

Xiao Rui'er and Xue Ling met each other's eyes, and Xue Ling finally continued to speak: "Godfather, Master Ba has been away for three months with a mission."

"Going out?" Mo Chengjun frowned slightly, then asked Ba Nishang: "What about your mother?"

Xiao Ruier: "I also took the task and went out."

Both husband and wife are on missions, isn't that unusual?
Mo Chengjun knew that in order to take care of Xiao Rui'er, although the two of them also received the task of going out, they agreed that they would not go out together.

Xue Ling spoke at the right time: "Godfather, you have been in seclusion for the past year, but in fact, many important events have happened in the sect.

The situation in Yunzhou has changed quite a lot. Many disciples of the sects have taken missions to go out, and they are stationed on one side.

Now, the Zongmen is much empty, almost empty. "

Mo Chengjun was stunned.

Is Yunzhou in such a mess?

 The second watch is delivered, please ask for the monthly pass, it has fallen a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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