Chapter 205 Backlash
The maintenance of a 'computer' naturally starts with both hardware and software.

The secret realm under Qingcang Peak is naturally the hardware part, and the management of the old sword cultivator is quite formal, and Mo Chengjun can't give much advice.

After hardware, it must be software, and this is what Mo Chengjun must pay attention to.

"Jiang Hu" actually needless to say.

For stand-alone games, there is no need to update the version at this stage, the content is basically fixed, the force value is not high, and it does not even support regional networking. It is a complete personal "one-man show".

Because it is simple, it is stable, and it has basically run without major problems so far.

The only thing that needs to be mentioned is that after the large-scale popularization, the previously idle and useless settings of "juxiafeisheng" and "shattered void" are finally used.

At the top of "Jianghu", he has already realized the sword intent.

And with Sword Intent, if you play in "Jianghu", even if you are alone, you are still bullying other NPCs.

Therefore, they have to shatter the void, lift up the sky, enter the upper realm "Shu Mountain", and face a more grand and dangerous world.

Of course, at this point in fact, they have awakened in reality, similar to the elder Li of the outer sect who has reached this step.

But all of the above will be preserved. If they enter the upper realm "Shushan" again, they will appear in the 'novice village' as ascenders.

They will inherit the original memory, but the exercises and sword intent will be simulated according to the actual situation.

In this way, the long baby stage is gone, you can directly enter the topic, and the logic is smooth, which can be regarded as avoiding the confusion and overlapping of memories to the greatest extent.

Then there is the upper realm "Shu Mountain".

Well, this is what Mo Chengjun is most worried about.

Just before, the dreams of hundreds of people were intertwined, and Mo Chengjun was too busy.

Everywhere 'fanning the flames', 'rescuing the wounded', and 'sending opportunities' everywhere, the whole person is almost 'smart'.

In the end, he was actually chased and killed by the "Master Tiandao" for a long time. He was so chased that he had no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go to earth, and he was forced to use the technique of "false travel" to avoid catastrophe.

I just don't know, if he is not here this year, what will happen to the whole "Shushan" if people give it a 'disaster'?

But the facts have proved that without Mo Chengjun, the "big boss behind the scenes" stirring up the wind and rain, the whole "Shushan" has a bit more order.

People always yearn for order, even if they are sleeping in a "dream" where everything is grotesque, but subconsciously they still yearn for order.

In today's Shushan, there is no such thing as a mortal country, and all the big and small immortal sects dominate the place, and they confront each other, presenting a situation of sects fighting for hegemony.

The major sects fought endlessly because of love and hatred, or because of conflicts of interests.

And those who ascended are mixed in one by one Immortal Dao Sect.

Either practice Taoism and practice, or fight endlessly, in order to hone the sword intent and heart, so as to gain a chance to comprehend the supernatural powers of the sword.

This situation is very good, better than expected.

After filtering it again, Mo Chengjun finally let go of his heart and heaved a sigh of relief.

Moreover, the past year is not to say how long, but after all, it has been verified by time.

Magic magic can 'run' smoothly until now, just like those programmers editing programs, no matter how bad it is, as long as it can 'run', don't move around!

Mo Chengjun entered again, and he didn't do the 'shit-stirring' thing anymore. In fact, it was more for accelerating growth before.

Now, although Zongmen also needs it, he really doesn't have that free time.

The only thing he did was to observe those disciples who were slightly extreme in character. When they were about to fall into the devil's way, he acted as a "life mentor" grandfather for a while, and then pulled them back from the sinking.

In fact, there are very few people who are naturally distorted, cold-blooded and ruthless. At least 70% of illegal crimes are hot-headed, and they don't care when they get emotional.

If you give them another chance, take a look, how many people can do it?

And what Mo Chengjun has to do is to take care of those disciples when they make choices.

If they give up on themselves and go to sinking, he has to be a ray of light in the darkness and just lead them.

And the dreamland has its own rules, and Mo Chengjun doesn't even need to appear in person, as long as arrangements are made in advance, an NPC will appear to solve the problem.

It doesn't take much time, it takes about ten minutes to 'go online' every day before going to bed.


After spending several days, Mo Chengjun did some "maintenance" and confirmed that the whole "Huang Liang Yi Meng" magic power is running smoothly. Although there are some small "bugs", it is already on the right track.

In the later stage, unless it is necessary to start a scientific research project or the like, Mo Chengjun doesn't need to soak in it every day.

This matter, he can already go to the sword master Tianhen.

Are you asking me to make another trip?
Hehe, you don't understand this, no matter which world, the task assigned by the leader, if you complete it, you have to report it.

If you haven't finished it, then you have to report it even more. You can tell the facts and overcome difficulties.

But if you don't report it, then you are ignorant and you have to wear small shoes.

However, just when Mo Chengjun was about to go to the Hall of Stars again, this problem came to him!

What Mo Chengjun didn't expect was that neither Qingcang Peak's secret realm nor the magic power of "Huang Liang Yi Meng" caused the problem.

It's a flat peach tree!

Mo Mansion, in the courtyard.

Moon stars are rare.

Mo Chengjun stood under the flat peach tree, and two steps away, the whole flat peach tree was shaking violently.

The huge tree body and luxuriant branches trembled as if under tremendous pressure, and the sound of leaves rubbing against each other was like low-pitched words.

There is also an aftertaste of heaven and earth inspiration, and layer after layer of brilliance ripples spread outward, and did not dissipate until dozens of steps away.

To be honest, in the cave, Mo Chengjun already has 21 flat peach trees.

After being baptized nine times by heaven and earth inspirations, none of them are stronger and taller than this one of Xinghe Jianzong.

But there are some things that really take time to settle down.

At least, Mo Chengjun didn't feel so much "spirituality" in those 21 flat peach trees.

To put it simply, although they are full of vitality, their wisdom is shallow, and it is a fact that the one in front of them is getting old, but it is also a fact that the 'tree' is old and mature.

For example, now, although it can't speak, there is an immature will ringing in Mo Chengjun's ears. Naturally, it is not specific words, but it clearly expresses its meaning.


Yes, it is pain!
The flat peach tree is telling Mo Chengjun about its pain!
Just, why the pain?

He couldn't speak clearly, and he couldn't explain clearly.

Mo Chengjun narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally stretched out his hand, and pressed it directly on the tree, and then stretched out his consciousness, and began to contact with that immature will.

next second.

Mo Chengjun only felt that he was in the boundless ocean, and there was only a flat boat standing on his feet, floating and sinking with the ebb and flow of the tide.

Then, there seemed to be a wave coming from a distance, the speed was extremely fast, and the boat was almost submerged within a short breath.

And what about Mo Chengjun?
One didn't check, and fell to the ground directly. He grabbed the side of the boat and tried his best to stabilize his body.

Then he found out, found that the sea water in the boundless ocean was full of blood red, and there seemed to be countless faint cruising in it, like big fish and deep sea monsters.

Just look at it, I don't know how much it is!

But after a cup of tea, Mo Chengjun was shocked out of the illusion, took a few steps back, and sat down on his own recliner.

Slightly wiping the beads of sweat off his forehead, Mo Chengjun recalled what he saw just now, and seemed to have realized something, but he couldn't find that ray of inspiration.

But when he raised his head and looked at the trembling tree body, Mo Chengjun's eyes suddenly widened.

Without saying a word, he opened his mouth to spit out, and the flying sword turned into a rainbow, wrapping him and rushing away.

After a while, Qingcang Peak came down.

When Mo Chengjun landed, he was surrounded by a group of sword cultivators. There was nothing he could do. He made too much noise when he came.

Simply because his face is still recognizable, when he really hit the ground, the one-armed blind old sword cultivator also arrived.

When the two sides met, before the old sword repairer could speak, Mo Chengjun asked, "Is there something going on in this secret realm?"

Old Jianxiu froze for a moment, frowned slightly, thought for a moment before saying: "Is there anything wrong?

I have been here all this time, nothing has changed, Master Mo, what's wrong with you? "

Mo Chengjun changed the question: "Are there many people who have entered the 'online' during this period?"

Hearing this, the old sword cultivator's eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "I just wanted to tell Master Mo that this third illusion world is really miraculous.

I have also gone in twice, I don't need the long online time as before, and most of them are wild places, full of monsters and beasts, it is the best place to hone sword intent, supernatural powers and accumulate fighting skills experience.

The most important thing is that people are just awakened after death, and it can be repeated, which is really miraculous. "

"so what?"

"Oh, the current Bulao ice coffin is full. I don't know how many people have lined up. It's true that this person came out with his front foot, and that person went in with his back foot."

Old Jianxiu said so, and explained: "But Master Mo, don't worry, I have already reported to the head teacher, and with the permission of the head teacher, Qitang has accelerated the process of refining the old ice coffin.

By the way, it’s just during the day, I’ve shipped nearly [-] numbers just now, and they’ve all been used, but it’s just..."

"Wait!" Mo Chengjun interrupted Lao Jianxiu's explanation, and immediately asked, "You mean, five hundred Bold Ice Coffins were installed today?"


"No, it's only been a few days, how could the Artifact Refining Hall have such a speed?"

"Actually, most of the castings were done before, but it was put on hold because a large number of disciples from the sect were sent abroad, and there was no need for so many in the secret area.

This time, it was all installed, not just refined in the past few days. "

"Then how many immortal ice coffins are there now?"

"Three thousand five hundred!"

The old sword cultivator finally noticed that Mo Chengjun's expression was wrong, and asked, "Master Mo, what's wrong with you?"

what happened?
What can be wrong?
The 'server' is going to explode!
After working on it for a long time, I still found this matter myself, and there is no one else.

In the next second, Mo Chengjun yelled: "Hurry up, hurry up, get everyone out of here, we can't get on anymore."

After half an hour.

Standing in his small courtyard, Mo Chengjun finally let out a long sigh of relief as he looked at the flat peach tree that had calmed down.

On the side, the handsome middle-aged uncle Hua Ye, the teacher of Xinghe Sword Sect, finally spoke. He asked, "Is this what happened to the flat peach tree, eh, backlash?"


Hmm, you can say that too!

To be precise, there are too many people online at the same time, and the server is overloaded!

 Thanks to Heiyue-Zisheng for the 1500 rewards, for writing the book and reading it for the 100 rewards, for the indescribable stars for the 500 rewards, for the book friend 20220508072249536 for the 500 rewards, and to the readers for the rewards, thank you!

  Don't say anything, the first update today, send it first! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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