Chapter 207 Letters
The so-called "Heavenly World" in the second phase of "The Great Plan" is, in the final analysis, to build a fairy-like Internet based on dream magic powers.

If this thing really happens, refer to Blue Star's metaverse, there are not too many things that can be done!
It's just that when any plan is conceived, there are all kinds of benefits, but if you really want to implement it, you have to face a lot of problems.

And Mo Chengjun, after passing the hot-headed self-indulgence stage, made a detailed overall plan.

He listed the conditions needed to achieve this goal and the problems he needed to face.

Then, I felt my brain beating suddenly.

Well, this matter is not difficult, but very difficult! ! !
First of all, Mo Chengjun had to find a way to steal this flat peach tree and transplant it to his own Heavenly Palace.

This has to solve the problem of the fantasy world.

If he removed the flat peach tree, he would have to get another support. The flat peach tree in the Tiangong is ready-made and usable!

But how to replace it so as not to affect the sect disciples immersed in the world of illusion, this is a difficult problem!
After all, Illusion is not a real online game, there is no such thing as a 'server upgrade'.

Besides, even if they are successfully replaced, so many people in Xinghe Jianzong are not blind.

The disciples who patrol the mountain are also the elite of the elite, not to mention the sect's mountain guard formation.

Under such circumstances, if you 'steal' such a big piece of fairy wood, even a fool can see it!
Finally, this is fairy wood, not your little sapling.

Do you think you can survive by digging it out and planting it in another place?
Uh, can you live?

In fact, Mo Chengjun didn't know, but he had to be careful about this, if he accidentally killed him, he wouldn't be able to cry.

As for this, it is only a matter of the flat peach tree, and there are many other problems.

For example, can this fantasy world ignore distance and connect different people into this dream?

If you can, then you must have a dream to rely on.

To put it simply, to enter the door, you must have the key to open the door; to be a guest at someone's house, you must have the invitation letter from the owner.

And if you want to surf the Internet, why don’t you buy a computer?

Besides, without the old ice coffin, how to enter the world of illusion?
And entering the fantasy world in such a state, will it affect the real body?

Wait, wait, there are many problems, and in the follow-up scientific research process, more problems will inevitably emerge.

In the end, Mo Chengjun divided the whole plan into three parts.

The first section aims to solve the problem of how to transplant flat peach trees and the linkage between flat peach trees, which is equivalent to building a large server.

The second part, the main purpose is to solve the problem of long-distance dreaming.

That is to say, if you have a server, if you want to surf the Internet, you must have a network cable and a computer.

It is also necessary to consider whether there will be any physical and psychological diseases after a large number of "Internet addicted teenagers" are cultivated.

In the third section, he had to plan and design the service content that the 'Tianting Portal' should have.

You can't invite a large group of people to come and stare and do nothing, can you?

Even if it is just preaching and teaching, there must be specific content?

Well, the above, even one of them, is enough to keep a huge team busy for many years, but now?

After all, it was Mo Chengjun who resisted everything alone!
Of course, it makes people... blood boil!
Well, if you say that Mo Chengjun is afraid of fighting, he can't deny it.

Because, as a self-proclaimed 'scientific researcher', he has to compare his fist size with others, er, it's not really a critical moment that endangers his personal life, he never feels that he should be so stupid.

But if you want to say that he is 'fearful', 'fear of difficulties', 'stagnant', 'full of ambition' in scientific research, then Mo Chengjun will really be anxious with you!

Of course, this is a big project after all. Although Mo Chengjun has a specific plan, he is still not in a hurry to start research.

There are priorities, and he still has too many things to do urgently.

For example, right now, he is writing letters.


Mo's mansion, in the study.

Mo Chengjun spread out the letter paper in his hand, and after pondering for a while, he finally wrote.

His first letter was addressed to Balinger.

According to his inquiries these days, the sect task that the couple took over was to garrison a big city on the northwest border to deal with the siege of the monster clan.

It should be said that relying on the sharpness of swordsmanship, Baling'er did not say that killing monsters was like chopping melons and vegetables, but he also slaughtered a group of big monsters of the same level, and even captured a sweaty monster horse and used it as a mount.

Because he used the sword "as light as a frightened bird, as graceful as a dragon swimming", he won the title of "a real person who frightened him".

In the letter Mo Chengjun wrote to him, he first expressed his pride and arrogance of the Golden Elixir of Breaking the Realm.

He also made it clear that now, everyone's mana is about the same, and the realm has also reached. When he comes back, he can naturally perform martial arts to compete.

They don't use magical powers, magic weapons or foreign objects, but only compete in the way of the sword, and use the way of the sword to determine their identity.

Mo Chengjun also said very modestly that he would not hit him harshly, let alone hit him with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He would definitely save enough face for him, and he would never lose too much face in front of the two little ones and his wife... …

Just lose a little bit at most!

Mo Chengjun laughed while writing, he seemed to see Baling'er's expression when he saw the letter.

Absolutely exasperated and furious, he presumably spit out the flying sword and wanted to kill him directly.

But, hehehe, Mo Chengjun is not afraid of sword fighting now!

He was the one who had killed the Demon Immortal.

Of course, at the end of the envelope, Mo Chengjun still asked his own question - what is the current situation in Yunzhou?
After all, the two little ones are 'little shrimp' nestled in the sect. What they can see and hear is limited after all, and young people see things too one-sidedly and superficially.

Looking at the attitude of Elder Li of the outer sect, he even has such a will to die, which shows that he is pessimistic about the situation.

The contrast between the two made Mo Chengjun somewhat confused about the situation. In this situation, the best thing is for him to go out and see for himself.

But the question is, is Mo Chengjun the kind of person who 'takes risks with himself'?

Therefore, he is still willing to ask Balinger for help.

He also recognized Baling'er's vision, although Baling'er was no more than Jindan, but as Mo Chengjun's spokesperson, the people he came into contact with were actually far beyond Jindan's level.

Moreover, although he has a shameless personality, Mo Chengjun has to admit that he has a good view of the overall situation.

After finishing writing, Mo Chengjun read it again, and finally attached some latest insights about the supernatural powers of the sword at the end of the letter.

Others may not know it, but Mo Chengjun knows the best step in his swordsmanship and how to take the next step. The insights and suggestions he gave are the most suitable for him.

According to the "authority fan", Baling'er's understanding of his own sword is not necessarily better than that of Mo Chengjun.

After finishing the first letter, Mo Chengjun began to write the second letter, which was for Xue Pan.

According to inquiries during this period, it should be said that although Xue Pan was transferred from Yunjian City, his third uncle did not criticize him harshly.

He also went to the state city of Yunzhou, controlled the core industry of the Xue family, and was also responsible for the information exchange of the entire Yunzhou.

With regard to this operation, it is inappropriate for you to say that it is "rising brightly and falling darkly", but it is "rising brightly, and rising darkly".

Even Mo Chengjun has to sigh, his third uncle is not only amazing in means, but also amazing in courage.

It is estimated that although Xue Pan will not be transferred, how much resentment can he generate?

It is estimated that there are not many!
When it came to Mo Chengjun's place again, well, even though he was upset, he really couldn't do anything cruel.

Because any attack against Xue's family will always affect Xue Pan.

But if you want to say that Mo Chengjun didn't express anything, that won't work either.

There are only zero and countless times of 'making progress', just like groping a corpse.

You gave in this time, and next time, they will try their best to test your bottom line.

For this reason, after Mo Chengjun thought for a long time, he finally found Elder Li from the outer sect.

In fact, he didn't do much, but spread some 'rumors' in the circle of Galaxy Sword Sect through Elder Li's channel.

There are actually not many 'rumors', but he learned from chatting with Mo Shi that Mo Shi seems to be a little dissatisfied with Xue's caravan.

It is well known that Mo Chengjun stands behind the Xue's caravan, and now, if Mo Chengjun is dissatisfied with the Xue's caravan, what will happen?
After all, it's still the same sentence, you can't underestimate the influence of Xinghe Jianzong in Yunzhou.

You can't underestimate the status of a Dharma Creator like Mo Chengjun in the sect.

A large part of the reason why the Xue family caravan was able to develop so quickly was that many true biography and inner disciples of Galaxy Sword Sect were willing to give Mo Chengjun face.

If there is a conflict of interest between the two parties, for Mo Chengjun's sake, most of them will choose to retreat.

If they were traveling outside and saw the Xue family's caravan in trouble, they would be more willing to help, because in Mo Chengjun's place, it was an excellent opportunity to sell favors.

And Mo Chengjun, as long as you let out a little word of mouth, if you look at the Xue family's business, will it go so smoothly?

This is the small punishment and big commandment that Mo Chengjun gave to the Xue family.

And in the letter, he didn't shy away from it at all, he told Xue Pan all about it, and he also said the reason why he did so.

After all, he has been in this world for many years, and Mo Chengjun is willing to show the greatest kindness to those he recognizes.

Of course, he also asked Xue Pan if he would come back to help him. Baling'er is a compulsory task of the sect, and it is impossible to leave at will.

And what about Mo Chengjun?
In fact, he needs someone to take care of the outside world for him, and even help him collect information.

That's right, Mo Chengjun is a 'scientific research dog' who likes to focus on his own affairs, but compared to ordinary scientific research dogs, he has more work experience leading a large laboratory.

Therefore, he is actually very clear about the truth of 'a fire at the gate of the city will bring disaster to the fish in the pond', he is concentrating on his own affairs, but he never wants to be a fool who 'keep his ears off the window'.

In the writing, Mo Chengjun also asked Xue Pan about his views on the situation in Yunzhou, and vaguely expressed his gratitude.

The acquisition of the Eye of Lingquan cannot be clearly stated, even if many parties have guessed in their hearts, they cannot be clearly stated.

But this does not prevent Mo Chengjun from being grateful to Xue Ling, especially at the end, he actually got so many dormant eyes of the spiritual spring for him.

It also allowed Mo Chengjun to carry out some additional projects.

In the end, Mo Chengjun really wanted to send a letter to Shen Jinxiu, the boss of his backstage female swordsman, and make a report, but the whereabouts of this boss were a mystery, so he had to give up.

As for Fairy Ruoli?

He struggled for a long time, and finally wrote a letter. There were not many words in it, but he just explained one sentence - stay out alone, be careful!

 Today's third update, make up the first update on the 14th, repeat, today's third update! ! !
  Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack finally smoothed out my thoughts and coded the words and the feeling of smoothness came back. It was not easy!

(End of this chapter)

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