Chapter 212 It's Just Unhappy

After a cup of tea.

When Baling'er stepped on the Youdu city wall again, his feet softened, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

He simply leaned on the wall, sat down slowly, and adjusted his breath for a while before recovering.

At this time, he was already covered in blood. He had enemies, and his own was also indispensable. Only the flying sword was still full of spirituality, whirling around him endlessly.

Zhao Rulan, who followed closely, looked at her husband, feeling distressed and angry.

After Baling'er finished adjusting her breathing, she couldn't help but grabbed the other person's ear, and angrily said: "Why are you crazy?
He really thought he was a general in charge of the army, what kind of drama was he playing to kill the general and capture the flag?

Do you know how dangerous it was just now?
Even if you don't care about your own life, can't you think about us orphans and widows? "

There is a saying that "the gentle town is the tomb of heroes", don't look at how majestic Baling'er has just killed the Quartet, but now facing his daughter-in-law's snot and tears, it's a big headache.

Of course, if you want to say that he can't do anything, it's not entirely true!
With an idea, he immediately said: "Madam, Madam, I really don't blame me for this matter, don't blame me, just look at this, look at this..."

Saying that, Baling'er shook his hand, took out a letter, and waved it in front of Zhao Rulan: "Do you know who wrote it?"


"Junior Brother Mo!"

"Junior Brother Mo? Wait?"

Zhao Rulan was taken aback, and unconsciously loosened her hand a little. Baling'er took the opportunity to escape, but she couldn't care less, and hurriedly asked, "Junior brother Mo, have you broken through the golden core?"

"Breakthrough! Don't you write a letter to show off to me?"

Baling'er pointed to the letter in his hand, and said angrily: "Look at what he wrote?
Just broke through the Golden Core, and actually wanted to fight swords with me, and said that he would not beat me too badly?

Take a look, is this what people say?Really think that the sword intent I honed on the battlefield are all fake? "


The corner of Zhao Rulan's mouth couldn't help but twitched, and then she found that her attention seemed to have been diverted, so she hurriedly said in a cold voice: "Then this is why you directly attacked the leader of the monster clan?"

Baling'er smiled awkwardly: "Isn't this out of anger!

Besides, ahem, don't I have to practice my sword art, otherwise, if I really go back, I will lose again, that, that, cough, cough..."


Zhao Rulan was really speechless, but what made her even more speechless was yet to come.

Baling'er waved his hand, and said: "The war here is over, madam, follow me back to the city, and help me prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

"Huh? What are you doing again?"

"Of course I replied!"

Baling'er said it as a matter of course: "Even if it is the 'what' in the future, this momentum must not be lost!"

Zhao Rulan: "..."



Hundreds of miles away from Sifang City.

In the narrow road between two mountains.

"I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to cross this road, leave money to buy roads!"

"You are blind, can't you see such a big banner with the word 'Xue'?
You dare to snatch my Xue family's caravan, don't you even know how the word 'death' is written? "

"The Xue family! The Xue family? Hehe, I'm robbing your Xue family. If others pass this way, I only need a share.

You, from now on, if you get two shares and lose one copper plate, don't even think about it. "

"You, you, are you really not afraid of my Xue family's revenge?"

"Okay, okay, stop pretending, who doesn't know that your Xue family has retaliated against the immortal master of the Galaxy Sword Sect? You come, I'll wait!"


"What are you? If you don't give it, I'll take it myself. When the time comes, there will be casualties, and I don't care."

Moments later, the sounds of killing, clashing of swords and wailing compose a symphony of death.


In the sky, a cloud just drifted by.

A young man peeped his head and found the flag of the Xue family that was still standing, and exclaimed: "We have encountered robbers, we should rob the caravan of Xue's family, we have to help!"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to make a tactic, which caused a gust of wind, as if he was about to jump off.

But at the last moment, he was pulled back by a pair of big hands. The man with an indifferent expression and full of sword intent just glanced down slightly, and said, "No need to go!"

The young man was a little confused, but he still said: "Before I left the sect, my master told me many things in detail, and I remember that he once said that if this caravan of Xue's family was killed, it is best to lend a helping hand." , beneficial and harmless."

The indifferent man didn't want to say much, but looking at the young man's immature face, he finally softened his heart and said: "Your master is right, it was true in the past, but it doesn't need to be like this in the future."

"But why?"

The indifferent man lowered his head slightly, looked at the blood-stained banner of the Xue family, where many people had died, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Some people only achieved a little achievement with the help of a hand, but they don't know who they are.

Is it necessary to make them sober, otherwise, do you really think anyone can be offended? "

The young man nodded thoughtfully, but the indifferent man didn't say any more, he just said "accelerate", and the speed of the floating cloud was several points faster.

Down below, the bandit leader relaxed after watching Fuyun finally leave, and in the next second, he realized what this meant.

Excitedly waving his sword, he shouted at the bandits: "This time, this time, we won't rob, we will rob, everyone, don't let anyone go."


Beaulieu City.

Liu House.

The head of the Xue family in Panlong City, Xue Ling's uncle, Liu Fu quickly ran from the backyard to the front yard at this moment.

From a long distance away, he saw a man of immortal spirit standing in front of the door, and immediately said: "Master Zhang Xianshi, Master Zhang Xian, why don't you want to come in for a drink of tea when you come to the humble house?"

Seeing the person coming, the old Taoist flicked the whisk in his hand, and said slightly: "The old Taoist is here to ask for resignation, so I don't want to delay any longer. Tell Guanshi Liu, and I'm ready to leave Panlong City."

Liu Fu's body shook, and his movements stopped for another moment, but he was finally an old man who had experienced a lot of experience. He immediately asked, "But my Xue family gave me too little money, so I can't get into your eyes?"

The old Taoist hurriedly said: "It's a lot, it's not a matter of offering money."

"That is, what materials or pills are needed for cultivation, my Xue family has never found them for Mr., are you neglecting?"

The old Taoist continued to wave his hands: "No, no, the offering from the Xue family is more than enough for the old Taoist to practice."

"Then someone offended you? It was the servant who was assigned to serve carelessly. You tell me that I will break his dog legs and drive him out of Xue's residence."

"This is even more so!"

"Why is that?"

Liu Fu asked: "The immortal master has only been enshrined for a few months, why did he leave in such a hurry?"

"It has nothing to do with others, it's just that the old Taoist earns occasionally, and he needs to go to the mountains to meditate."

Liu Fu was a little discouraged when he saw the old Taoist who didn't get in, but he still pulled the old Taoist aside, and said softly: "Master Zhang Xian, I know I can't keep you, so I won't say more. I will give you a thousand taels of silver later." On, it's a little bit of my heart.

But, can the immortal master tell me the truth, why is this? "

Zhang Laodao really hesitated. I don't know if it was because of Liu Fu's sincerity or the thousand taels of silver. In the end, he waved his hand and saw a sound-proof talisman activated.

Then, he said softly: "Liu Guanshi, you are a sensible person. I really don't need to say more about some things. You should already know it in your heart."

The old Taoist looked at Liu Fu's face, and continued: "Your Xue family has been operating in Yunzhou for several generations, and it was established by Xinghe Jianzong. You should understand who can be offended and who can't be offended."

"Then what do you think of my Xue family?"

"Then you have to untie the bell and tie it."

After saying this, the old Taoist didn't want to say any more. After a while, he took a thousand taels of silver and left immediately.

Only Liu Fu was left where he was, and he was already frowning.

And a quarter of an hour later, there was news from Liu Fu's mansion that he was going to a distant place at the fastest speed.


Northwest Frontier.

Longyuan City, inside the General's Mansion.

The old man, who was slightly thin and grey, but with a capable demeanor and a dignified demeanor, finally put down the note in his hand, and sighed helplessly.

"Sir, are you ready?"

It was a middle-aged monk with a gentle temperament who fell behind the light, he looked at the old man and said: "I am ready, but do you really want to use this thousand-mile circular light mirror to contact there?

This kind of public equipment is used for private use, but it is the most criticized, and you know the character of your master. "

The old man smiled wryly, and said: "Thank you for the reminder, Immortal Elder, I will apologize to His Majesty, there is no need to say more, please cast a spell."

"it is good!"

A moment later, a half-person-high mirror was placed in the middle of the courtyard. A ray of moonlight fell on the mirror, and a distant scene dimly appeared.

The old man had already stood in front of the mirror, and the fairy elder had already left.

After a long time, another figure appeared on the mirror, which was Xue Pan.

Their eyes met, neither of them spoke, and after a long pause for a cup of tea, it was the old man who broke the silence first, and said softly, "You, are you still blaming me?"

Xue Pan tilted his head slightly, seemed to ponder for a moment, then shook his head resolutely, and said: "Actually, I really can't complain, if I were to change places, I would probably do the same.

It's just that I'm not happy. "

This was said frankly, and the tense atmosphere in the air became more relaxed. The old man smiled helplessly: "Third Uncle did this unethically, and I am ashamed of your father. For a long time, I didn't know what to do." face you.

Now, I am even more ashamed of my family!

The one from Xinghe Jianzong, others think he is a master of creation, he should be unsociable, but this time I really saw it, what a powerful method! "

Xue Pan shook his head: "This should not have been said.

Brother Mo really doesn't want to do anything to my Xue family, otherwise the problem we face will be ten times more serious than this.

He just wanted to hit it a little bit, but he underestimated his influence in the sect, which led to the current situation. "

The old man couldn't believe it: "Are you sure?"

"I am sure!"

Xue Pan couldn't help shrugging his shoulders: "Because he already sent the letter.

Tell me clearly what you did, how you did it, and what you want to achieve.

He even stated that this time "small punishments and big commandments" must be done, and only in this way can people be warned. "

"Huh?" The old man was really stupid at this moment: "He did this, this also..."

Xue Pan interrupted: "I think he did the right thing, and only in this way can some people see the situation clearly and cut off some people's unreasonable thoughts.

In this way, the Xue Family Chamber of Commerce will truly last forever. "

The old man was so stunned that he had nothing to say, and it took him a long time before he said, "Then nephew, are you still willing to go back to Yunjian City?"

"Of course I want to go back."

The old man said again: "Then I will transfer your cousin out again, and let you take over Yunjian City again."

Xue Pan is very confident: "Actually, there is no need, let him manage it, third uncle, believe it or not, as long as I am willing, there is still a place for me in Yunjian City?"

"I believe!"

The old man finally relaxed and said: "However, you can't go back empty-handed. I've already prepared a gift for you. Take it back?"


"Twenty dormant Lingquan eyes."

 Okay, I’m so sleepy, I’ll go to bed first, and I’ll refine it again tomorrow when I’m free, and then, brothers, if you don’t want to give me a ticket, you have to give me a subscription!
(End of this chapter)

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