The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 224 What is Spirituality?

Chapter 224 What is Spirituality?
Mo House.

Inside the study.

Mo Chengjun finally finished studying the secret book in his hand, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. He closed his eyes slightly, and rubbed the center of his brows with two fingers, trying to relieve the exhaustion of his mind.

And on his desk, the volume of secret records has been neatly placed.

Its thickness is as thick as an adult's fist, and it is full of petite characters. A volume of secret records can be written into a novel with a million words.

On the cover, there are five big characters - "Wish Power Golden Body Jue".

That's right, this is a book on the cultivation method of ghosts and gods.

The method of taking incense and vows to shape the golden body of the Shinto is also what Mo Chengjun came up with after talking about it from the ghosts and five elders.

Please note that the words 'talking well and talking badly' are not empty words, it really means that his lips are almost worn out.

But the ghost five elders really couldn't hold back, so they went to the Tianhen sword master to 'ask' for instructions, and only took it out after getting approval.

Of course, you want to say that they are overly cautious?

In fact, the method of cultivating the incense and fire divine way has been classified as the evil method among the evil methods, and it belongs to the category that must be completely banned.

The attitude of the Xianzong Grand Party towards them is extremely clear-the incense, fire and gods should be submerged in the dust of history and never seen again.

And in the vast secret records of exercises in the Xinghe Jianzong Zangfa Building, even with Mo Chengjun's current authority, there are many records about the "disaster of ghosts and gods", but the specific secret records are a Didn't see either.

This may prove the rarity of this volume of "Wish Power Golden Body Jue".

In fact, the reason why this volume of secret records can be included in the Ghost Spirit Sect, and it still exists today, is because it itself is a masterpiece of "Xianghuo Shendao".

Its content is extremely detailed, from the origin of incense and Shinto, to the initial seal, to the response to believers, to the acquisition of incense power, to the practice of Shinto magic, to the refining of ghosts and gods.

Then to the establishment of the gods' realm of the underworld, to the specific cultivation methods of ghosts and gods themselves, the means of shaping the golden body of the gods with the power of wishes, etc., there are almost everything that one expects to find.

Even, including the wish power is too complicated, how to purify has been discussed.

And after studying the whole text, there is no evil spirit or evil law.

Even the goal at the beginning of the path is to solve the sufferings of the people and pay attention to the hardships of the people's livelihood. Compared with the righteous way, it is more dignified and upright, without the slightest appearance of evil.

And the author of this secret record of exercises, titled 'Cangnan Xianjuke', is not a ghost or a god.

In other words, although he has studied incense, fire and divine ways deeply, he has never practiced himself.

He even personally experienced the 'scourge of ghosts and gods' and saw such tragic situations.

The second half of the whole secret record, about one-third of the content, is recording the whole process of the "ghost disaster".

The details of his words are more comprehensive and in-depth than the news Mo Chengjun got from the ghosts and five elders.

It was also from him that Mo Chengjun realized deeply how much harm was caused by that 'ghost disaster' back then.

Using the analogy of "Cangnan Xianjuke", assuming that in the last years of the Great Xia Dynasty, the population of Kyushu was "one", then the Nine Dragons seized the throne, and the demons were in chaos, and a full third of the people died.

After another "misfortune of ghosts and gods", another third died.

After the two major turmoils, the entire Kyushu human race lost two-thirds of its population, which can be described as "the bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles".

To be honest, whoever is the lord of a dynasty is not a hero among men, a person whose destiny is like his destiny.

Dihao was able to end the chaotic times of Kyushu and establish Daxuan, and his prestige was so great at the beginning of the founding of the country.

But just such a human emperor who was enough to subdue the Eight Great Immortal Sects, after a "misfortune of ghosts and gods", and after decades of fighting with the Eight Great Immortal Sects, he finally fell into the forced palace and abdicated.

You know, Emperor Yu, the founding emperor of Great Xia, has been the emperor for 600 years.

It is true that too many people died in that disaster of ghosts and gods, and it was not a natural disaster or an external disturbance, but a real civil disturbance.

So much so that the reason why Di Hao's successor, his grandson Di Xiang, took the route of 'resting and recuperating' was that even the human race of Kyushu couldn't afford it.

Of course, you have to ask, with such a big 'loss', why is there no movement in the demon kingdom and demon domain outside the territory?

Hehe, do you think that there are only human races in Kyushu who are struggling with the backlash from the "Incense Fire Shinto"?

Not to mention the Demon Realm, the Yaozu is actually not much better!
In other words, a "ghost disaster" almost wiped out the two races.

As a result, the current situation has become like this, but the Eight Great Immortal Sects are very cautious about anything that has anything to do with 'ghosts and gods'.

And you asked, Mo Chengjun's opinion on this incense and divine way?
In fact, it is quite simple, that is faith!
In the previous life, Blue Star was not supernatural, and had no great inspiration. There were still so many religions and so many believers, which is enough to show the power of faith.

In this world, although the mainstream of the Kyushu people follow the "Cultivation of Immortals", he is not surprised that there is an additional path of faith and incense.

Or, to put it another way, he was actually quite surprised that such a path was missing.

A long time ago, he had an occasional thought that the people of Kyushu in this world seem to be quite 'single-minded'!
Don't build temples, don't set up Taoist temples, and don't compete for incense and believers.

Even the Great Buddha Temple is just spreading their ideas in the name of Buddha, which has nothing to do with incense and Shinto.

But now it seems that it's not that there is no, it's just been emptied!

Of course, the above are not the real achievements of Mo Chengjun.

His biggest gain from studying "The Golden Body Art of Vow Power" is the basis for the existence of ghosts and gods-it turns out that the thoughts of the human heart and the wish of incense burns actually have power?

That's right, you read that right, this is an interrogative sentence?

Why do human thoughts have power?
For example, a pencil is placed on the table. If you don’t do it, just think about that pencil and fly over by yourself?

Fly over?
Fly over here?

Well, the result must be no movement at all, because there is no external force, how can the pencil move?
This is the result of Blue Star, but what about in this world?
The result may be different. If you are persistent enough, the pencil will really move.

Where does the force that can be exerted on the pencil come from?

That's right, it's a heaven and earth inspiration!

To be precise, it is a heaven and earth inspiration contaminated with human thoughts.

So, what is the essence of the incense and vows collected by ghosts and gods?
The essence is still the inspiration of heaven and earth.

It's just that it's just a heaven and earth inspiration tainted with the overly strong desire of mortals.


When this thought came up, Mo Chengjun felt that he was 'crazy'.

Yes, he's 'crazy', only to feel that there are countless inspirations flickering in his mind, like fireflies in the night sky.

They are shining in front of my eyes, they are so beautiful, so alluring, as if they are within reach.

He seems to have touched something essential.

Regardless of other things, Mo Chengjun began to search for information quickly.

First, he dug out the "Three Laws of Sword Intent" that had not been touched for a long time and had accumulated a lot of dust.

As he flipped through the pages, the previous research results, thoughts and flashes of inspiration flowed through his eyes again.

But what he saw was a different scenery from before.

Sword Theory [-]: Sword intent is pure will, that is, faith.

This seems to explain the essence of the sword intent, but in other words, it actually explains another truth - too strong a person's consciousness and emotion can affect the heaven and earth's inspiration.

Yes, that's it!

Mo Chengjun opened the research on the data of spells again, "Successful spells, peak creatures".

Where does the 'spirit' here come from?
Could it be human consciousness?
For example, the Thunder God and Lightning Mother summoned in "Four Nine Thunder Tribulations".

Mo Chengjun turned to another piece of information, which was a place in Yuzhou, where there was the fist spirit left by Yu, the first martial sage of the human race, which has not been wiped out for thousands of years.

This is the will of martial arts, the will of the martial arts.

In fact, how can it be the will of martial arts that lasts forever, it is just the inspiration of heaven and earth.

Why did the inspirations gather that day but never disperse?
It is a person's too strong will!
Besides, the Lihuo Demon Immortal who was beheaded by Mo Chengjun, even though he was dead, his body was filled with anger, which never dissipated.

So why can anger be close to substance?

Just because there is an inspiration in heaven and earth.

Thinking more deeply, another question, what is the specific difference between the evil way, the evil way and the righteous way?

It was once said that there is no right, wrong, right or evil in power, but this is not applicable in the immortal cultivation world of the human race in Kyushu, because some power has original sin from its birth.

Because those who enter the way of magic will inevitably sink into the seven emotions and six desires of human beings, joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire, one of which cannot extricate themselves.

Like Lihuo Moxian, angry because of hatred.

And what about evil ways?

Think about those evil sword cultivators who were born in "Yellow Liang Yimeng", what they choose is to perish, to give up the bottom line, and to do whatever they can.

Just because the heart goes into the abyss, it is like committing a crime. Although the sword is fierce, it has to be put in prison.

As for the Righteous Way, Mo Chengjun, who cultivates sword intent, understands best that the so-called faith is actually a kind of persistence with a bottom line.

As far as the magical powers of incense and fire are mixed, it is the human mind that rests on the inspiration of heaven and earth.

Up to this moment, it seemed that a truth that Mo Chengjun should have understood a long time ago, but was not summed up until this moment, finally took shape in his mind.

He took the secret record that pointed directly at the essence of cultivating immortals - "Book of Heaven", opened it, and saw the previous research results written on the first page.

"The Way to Immortals is the development and utilization of dark energy and dark matter using the inspiration of heaven and earth as a tool!"

At this time, Mo Chengjun added four words in front of it—the first conclusion.

Then, he turned back again, skipping a lot of proof process, until he reached the blank page, and he wrote four more words on it.

Second conclusion.

At this point, Mo Chengjun stopped writing and thought for a long time before he came to his conclusion: "The journey of immortality, the inspiration of heaven and earth can carry the consciousness of all living beings, which is spirituality!"

Yes, Mo Chengjun gave a definition to the "spirituality" mentioned by the world of cultivating immortals.

This seems to be a simple sentence, but it is really like 'one plus one equals two', which belongs to the most basic rule summary.

It seems simple, but in Mo Chengjun's place, there seems to be a lot of knowledge coherent.

So, another question, what is a ghost?
Yes, what is a "ghost" that means "people die as ghosts"?
Mo Chengjun was also very puzzled before, but now, he gave an explanation.

In the previous life, Lan Xing didn't have the inspiration of heaven and earth, and no one knew what would happen after death.

Because there is no way to observe, see, or touch, naturally all that remains is guesswork.

But here, after a person dies, after the consciousness leaves the body, it will be entangled with the heaven and earth, and become a ghost!

And human beings, because they can feel the inspiration of heaven and earth, can naturally detect the existence of ghosts, but they are not completely unpredictable and unsearchable like Blue Star.

Thus, the world after death, the Yin soil, entered the vision of immortal practitioners.

Up to this point, Mo Chengjun even had another guess—looking at the rules of Yintu, they are actually somewhat similar to Dongtian.

The same is dependent on the present world, but also independent of the present world.

The same is not affected by the rules of the world.

Then, if Dongtian belongs to the three-dimensional and four-dimensional mezzanine, the wall between the third and fourth floors.

After the person died, he was actually floating in the three-dimensional and two-dimensional interlayer, which belonged to the wall between the third floor and the second floor.

If it wasn't for the kind with big grievances, after the first seven, they would truly fall into the two-dimensional world.

Namely, shade!

Well, this is a complete conjecture and needs to be proved by experiments.

Although he hasn't thought of a way to test it yet, he must record it and wait for it later.

Then there is another question, what if you really have big grievances, unwillingness, unfinished things, and unwillingness to go to the 'ghost' of Yintu?

This is naturally a ghost!
But no matter how powerful these evil spirits are, they are entangled with a group of heaven and earth spirits, and they don't want to go back to Yintu, but where are the rules, how can they compete?
Indeed, they couldn't resist, but they found a way to avoid it, or it was some kind of instinct.

In fact, there are two specific paths.

One, hide in some of the objects they are most familiar with, and become ghost ghosts.

And those items are 'relics', such as the hairpin that Mo Chengjun put in the ghost bottle at the beginning; or the long knife he got when he killed the ghost general.

Second, it directly submerges into the dead body and becomes a zombie.

At this time, their bodies are actually sustenance, such as that corpse Taoist Bai Letian.

From this point of view, the understanding of "ghost" in "Taiping Ghost Control" is correct.


Up to this moment, it seemed that Mo Chengjun's harvest brought by a flash of spiritual light had come to an end, but it was actually just the beginning.

After he wrote the second conclusion of "Book from Heaven", he had to prove it from various angles.

This is not just a flash of inspiration, what is needed is rigorous logic, an experiment to prove it, the source of the data reference, and the most appropriate language to be organized and put on paper.

Of course, in this process, there must be sorting out, reflection, consideration from different angles, and perhaps falsification.

This is not a small project, and Mo Chengjun has to be busy for a long time.

Of course, although he is busy, Mo Chengjun is happy.

Just like the "Three Laws of Sword Intent", a more substantial method, this kind of theoretical breakthrough is the most difficult.

But with theory as a guide, it is easier to develop applied science, at least with a clear direction, so as not to be confused about where to work hard.


Mo Mansion, in the courtyard.

Looking at Mo Chengjun who seemed to be crazy, Zhang Jixiang was a little worried. He couldn't help looking at Xue Ling and Ba Nishang, and asked, "Master Mo, what's going on here?"

Xue Ling grinned, and said, "Didn't you see it, Godfather is now in a research state."

"Research status?"

Zhang Jixiang was a little confused about the meaning of these four words, obviously he didn't understand much, but he asked again: "Does it matter?
Do we have to report to Sword Master Tianhen, or invite an alchemist to come over? "

The two little ones couldn't help but looked at each other, wanting to laugh.

Xue Ling said again: "You don't need to find someone. Actually, there is no danger."

Ba Nishang added: "Generally speaking, when godfathers get out of this state, their research projects will definitely yield great results.

As for us..."

"Used to it!"

 This chapter is actually very smooth in thinking, but it is too difficult to write, it is really too difficult to write, and it is really not easy to express it completely!

  I've worked so hard to get the code out. After checking it twice, I still feel unsatisfied, but I don't have time, so I'll post it first.

  Chapter 2, I am coding now, and I will post it in the middle of the night...

(End of this chapter)

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