Chapter 229 Witchcraft

If Mo Chengjun was here, he would probably be able to stare out his eyes, because he is familiar with this great swordsmanship!
Too familiar, isn't it his style of "One Sword Immortal Kneeling"?

Four Seasons Sword Master really only saw him use it once, and he actually got the true meaning, so he used it at this time.

This kendo talent is nothing to say.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, this is also normal.

Because, Mo Chengjun's realization of this sword is based on the supernatural powers of Xinghe Sword Sect's sword art, and he has taken another step forward.

If it were someone else, it probably wouldn't make much sense, but for the female sword master, it was a familiar shadow everywhere.

And when this sword came out, although Qingyangzi was stripped of his five senses, a great crisis rushed into his heart, and the boundless darkness seemed to drown him.

No longer caring about other things, he let out a hysterical roar, and saw a big blue sun burning fiercely, and a bird-shaped mythical beast that seemed to exist and seemed to disappear appeared in it.

It looks like a white crane, with wings spread out to fly, with red spots on the cyan fire feathers, only one foot is independent, and the long beak is composed of red-white flames.

Qingyangzi lost his five senses, but the divine bird seemed to have sensed it, tilted his head slightly, and then pecked forward violently.

Then, the long white flame beak collided with the sword light that separated the darkness.

A long and clear sound sounded strangely from the bottom of everyone's heart, and then everything in front of them returned to normal.

The five senses return and the vision recovers.

As a result, everyone saw that the big blue sun was divided into two halves.

It can't be said that the divine bird's resistance is ineffective, but the part that was originally separated from the middle has been deflected a lot downward.

As a result, two-thirds of the entire Qingri split from the top.

What split apart at the same time was Qingyangzi among them.

The day dissipated like a phantom, revealing Qingyangzi's figure. At this time, he no longer had the demeanor he had when he just appeared on the stage, but his whole body was broken at the waist.

Some immortal blood stained the clothes red, although it was healed by immortal power, it remained intact.

But this injury is obviously not easy to treat. Visible to the naked eye, there is sword energy constantly cutting and destroying the wound, and blood is spitting out.

In an instant, Qingyangzi's aura fell to the valley, and most of the immortal power had to be withdrawn to maintain the stability of the immortal body.

But before he could do anything, he saw a flash of light before his eyes, and another ray of sword light fell.

That is Wuhui Peak, Wugui Sword Master Fan Tiande.

With his sword, there is no return and no regrets. Severing the body also destroys the soul. When the sword comes out, it will return with blood.

Well, the cooperation of the Xinghe Sword Sect and the sword masters was too tacit, and they didn't mean to listen to Qingyangzi's nonsense at all. They really implemented the strategy of "a dead enemy is a good enemy".

But at this time, a golden Buddha's light fell from the nine heavens.

In the chanting of the Buddha's voice, a great luminous Bodhisattva with thousands of hands stands between the heaven and the earth, sitting on the earth, with his head in the clouds, how majestic and magnificent.

What's even more frightening is that more than a thousand golden bergamot hands fell from the sky and were directly photographed.

Yes, Buddha Wuliang shot back.

But he didn't come here to save Qingyangzi, he just wanted to kill people to vent his anger.

This time, he was calculated to death, but after all, he is a fairy with great power. You can say that he can feel comfortable in his heart?

No resentment?

Don't you want to shoot all these people to death?
Hehe, that's even dreaming!
Therefore, he chose to go back and forth, and at this critical moment when he was fighting to the death, he made a decisive move.

However, under the Buddha Light Maha Mudra, Stop Killing Sword Master Dong Hongwu stood up.

He stood in front of the group of juniors and juniors, looking at the figure of the bodhisattva standing upright, but there was no movement at all, and he didn't even use his sword to meet the enemy.

He just took a small flying sword, held it respectfully in the palm of his hand, and underestimated in a low voice: "Little ancestor, it's up to you, just take a little shot, don't use all your strength!"

Fei Jian was alive, as if he heard his whisper, he trembled impatiently.

Then it stood up out of thin air and turned into a sword rainbow.

How about this sword?

Don't say it's earth-shattering, it can only be described as 'ordinary'. The flying sword's speed is still slow, and its trajectory is extremely clear.

But when the Great Bright Thousand-Handed Bodhisattva met this sword, Gu Jing Wubo's eyes suddenly changed, becoming terrified and unbelievable.

Then, he saw where the flying sword passed, the nearby Buddha Light Mahamudra was shattering inch by inch.

At the same time, just when everyone was attracted by the fighting techniques above, Qingyangzi swept across the audience with extremely resentful eyes.

Wugui Sword Master Fan Tiande's flying sword was getting closer and closer, but he didn't even look up.

Because, obviously, if one sword is blocked, there will be another sword, and the next sword...

His celestial body was damaged, and his combat strength was not even one in ten. At this time, even if he wanted to fight to get injured, he was no longer eligible to escape.

He is already doomed.

But he complained!

He resented Xinghe Sword Sect's calculations, resented the siege of the five sword masters in front of him, resented Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu's severe injury to him, and resented Buddha's boundless selfishness.

He even complained about the Heavenly Sect's gracious repayment, so much so that he went to this Yunzhou, and it became the place where he was buried.

But mortals have great grievances, so they have to become ghosts after death, demanding their lives, and if they do not do well, they will be beaten and killed by immortal cultivators.

But he is a fairy, if he has a complaint, he will naturally have to report it!

After a moment of hesitation, the heart of hatred took over everything, and just before Fan Tiande's sword came to his body, he activated the secret technique.

Extremely strange, Qingyangzi's two arms left the body, the fractures were like stubble, as if they were directly torn off, and blood sprayed out like money.

next second!
A loud noise was the superposition of all kinds of noises, so that only this sound was left to echo between the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, Wuhui Sword Master Fan Tiande's sword light supernatural power finally fell.


Also kill the soul.

The blow pierced through Qingyangzi's head, and shattered his soul. It really didn't even have a chance to enter the Yin Soil, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

But Qingyangzi's mouth actually pulled out a strange smile.

There was a strange fluctuation spreading outward, like the coldest wind blowing, making the surrounding sword masters shiver uncontrollably.

But Yinfeng just circled around and didn't sink into their bodies. Instead, he found Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu.

In the sky, that flying sword really exerted its strength carefully.

So that after the big hand of Buddha light that filled the sky was shattered, it tapped lightly in front of the head of the Bodhisattva.

It was really very light, very light, and it seemed that they didn't touch it.

Then, the flying sword fell directly, and was caught by Dong Hongwu, the master of killing swords.

And that bodhisattva figure collapsed directly, leaving only Buddha Wuliang howling loudly, his eyes have turned into blood holes, and the eyeballs were poked and burst.

There was also a gloomy wind blowing, it seemed to have found its target, and it hovered in his body again.

As a result, his miserable howls became louder.

Because, there is such a strange force that is infecting his immortal power.

This time, he was really terrified. He saw that the Buddha's light was shining all over his body, and disappeared into the sky in a flash.

He ran faster and panicked than the first time.

However, before the sword masters below could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard a muffled hum.

But the Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu's face was extremely ugly, and the mana fluctuations on her body were also intermittent, strangely tight.

Seeing that something was wrong, the other sword masters all surrounded him.

Qingcang Sword Master Deng Bolu is the most knowledgeable, he glanced around, as if he remembered something, and then his face changed drastically.

He didn't care about other things, the flying sword fell into his hand again, he closed his eyes and concentrated for a while before swinging the sword.

This sword was quite strange, it caused a very unique wave, circled around the Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu, and returned to his hand.

This sword seemed ordinary, but it was of great energy. Deng Bolu seemed to have fought a battle with someone, and he was sweating profusely from exhaustion.

But after this sword strike, the Siji Sword Master Shen Jinxiu's condition was much better, especially the strange fluctuations that sometimes happened at that time were suppressed.

"What's the situation? What's wrong with my junior sister?" Zhisha Sword Master Dong Hongwu asked everyone's aspirations:
Qing Cang Sword Master Deng Bolu's face was extremely ugly, and he said after a long while: "This should be some kind of overwhelming technique.

Of course, we are actually more familiar with its other name, witchcraft. "

Nine Kill Sword Master Qu Hao frowned and asked: "Those evil things from the Xiandu sect?"

"It's a similar technique. In Yangzhou, there are still many such weird techniques."

Qing Cang Sword Master Deng Bolu frowned, said: "This is probably the trump card of that Qingyangzi.

It should be that the price is not small, just launched, only to find two people.

One is the senior sister, probably because she blamed her for hurting herself.

The other is that Buddha Wuliang, who was hit by a small sword, and with this witchcraft, even though he is a living Buddha, even if he can live, he will have to suffer a serious injury. "

Nine Kills Sword Master waved his hand and said directly: "Whatever he does, he should be dead. The problem is Senior Sister, what should we do?"

Qingcang Sword Master Deng Bolu replied: "Just now, I used the two sides of the sword to cut off some connections in the dark, but I failed to do my best. I think it is best to return to the sect as quickly as possible. See the old master."

"it is good!"

"That's it!"

"Then we'll go back now."

"Leave some people to clean up the battlefield, Qu Hao, you come."

"Me? That's fine."

When the aftermath dissipated and the clouds cleared and the fog cleared, the entire battlefield situation was clear at a glance.

Of the two great immortals, one died in a miserable state, and the other fled twice.

As for the six palace masters of the Galaxy Sword Sect, well, although everyone is wounded and looks miserable, they are all there!
As a result, the entire battlefield fell into jubilation.

They don't know that the Four Seasons Sword respects wounds, but judging by the current situation, they slaughtered the immortals and retreated from the Buddha, and they should be ecstatic.

As for those Fufeng Sect remnants and devils?

Uh, if there are still fights in the high-end battlefield, then the low-end battlefield is really swept away by the disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Even if there were [-] more demon troops, it was just [-] more corpses, and it didn't even cause much loss to the sword repair army.

However, amidst the jubilation, the complexions of the several palace masters were not very good, they hurriedly arranged the follow-up and rushed back.

 Finally got it out, this chapter should be connected with the previous one, if it’s not good, I’ll post it, and I’ll refine it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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