The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 238 Teaching the Dharma

Chapter 238 Teaching the Dharma (Part [-])
Mo Chengjun is naturally playing the role of picking up the old man. Although he can also arrange for an NPC to replace him, at such an 'important' moment, he must not come forward himself!
As for the background he arranged, it was actually the same as the heavens and myriad worlds. It was blown out when the cave was established before, so this time it will naturally have to be continued.

As for the nine people in front of them, they are not powerful monks in the world of cultivating immortals, they are all mortals.

Having seen only one city and one state, they were all stunned and stunned when they suddenly heard such secrets from beyond the sky, not knowing what expression to make.

Finally, when Mo Chengjun finished his bragging, he saw mouths that couldn't be closed. He didn't make a sound, just laughed and said nothing, giving them time to digest.

After a long while, someone finally spoke, and it was the twelve or thirteen-year-old beggar.

He raised his hand, made a gesture, and the inconceivable look in his eyes did not dissipate: "You mean, besides ours, there are actually many, many worlds where human monsters thrive?
Hmm, right above those stars in the sky? "

The little beggar's tone was full of surprise.

At this time, Mo Chengjun has completely taken over the identity of the receiving fairy official, nodded slightly, and asked: "Your surname should be Hu, and your first name is Rongsen, right? You also have a younger sister named Hu Haitang?"

The little beggar nodded and said, "Grandpa Xianguan knows us?"

"Hehe, it's just recorded in the news sent by the inspecting fairy officer." The old man who received the guide said again: "Then, where is this place?"

As he spoke, he flicked the whisk, and saw a light flickering in the void, reflecting a dilapidated small temple.

"This is my home?!" the little beggar Hu Rongsen exclaimed loudly:
"Then you are watching?"

The old man flicked the dust whisk again and again, and saw that the light and shadow kept getting bigger and bigger, as if a person's field of vision was stretched infinitely higher.

As a result, this small town came into everyone's eyes.

But this is not over yet, followed by the trend of the surrounding terrain, the outline of the entire region, and then the entire Yunzhou seems to be trampled underfoot, and then the entire Kyushu, the entire planet.

In a flash again, it turned out to be a moon missing a corner in the lonely starry sky with the dark background, revolving around another huge planet.

Then, the stars all over the sky became light spots on the dark curtain, similar to the outline map of the entire Milky Way.

This 'star map' is naturally inaccurate, but you can't help Mo Chengjun bluffing people with it!

And this kind of shock is the same as when you visit the astronomical museum and see the holographic projection of the Milky Way. The rest is the sigh of "how vast the universe is and how small human beings are".

And on the side, the old man who received the guide also explained in a timely manner: "Every great world here may be bigger than the world you are in.

You have a human race that thrives, and a monster race establishes a country, so there are naturally creatures in this vast world.

And my Heavenly Court is the origin of all immortal ways. I came to this great world, one is to welcome immortals, and the other is to spread the righteous way of immortality. "

The scholar in Qingshan couldn't help it: "So, we are the predestined people selected by the Heavenly Court to spread the Dharma?"

The receptionist nodded: "Naturally!"

Wang E spoke at this moment, and he seemed to have finally come to his senses, his face full of incredulity: "Does that mean we can become immortals?"

The old man couldn't help throwing out his whisk, and a gust of wind swept over, blowing all nine of them away.

But just when they were about to fall, another cloud caught them and rolled back.

"Whether you can cultivate to become a fairy depends on your own good fortune. I can only say that you have to enter the eyes of the heavens. With the identity of the predestined person who preaches the Dharma, you have already taken advantage of the great opportunity."

After all, there are immortal cultivators in this world. Immortal legends are widely spread among the people. After hearing this, several people were vaguely excited.

"But why did you choose me to wait?" This time it was the extremely beautiful lady who asked the question, and she also asked everyone's concerns:
The elder shrugged his shoulders and said, "You have to ask the inspector immortal officer this question, I am responsible for the introduction, and he is responsible for inspecting the world and selecting people who are destined to teach the Dharma.

As for standards?
Uh, in fact, there are no hard and fast conditions, maybe he likes you, or maybe he thinks that something you do suits his appetite.

Of course, as a prerequisite, you all have to have cultivation aptitude, and it's not too bad. "

After a pause, he said again: "You can think about it, you must have encountered some incredible things during this period of time, and you have received this order from the heavenly court, otherwise you would not have come here."

Naturally, it made everyone think of the purple jade token on his waist.

And the beautiful woman asked again: "Then can I see that inspector again?"

I don't know what she was thinking, but she kept chasing this question.

But the old man who received the guide was unwilling to agree to this matter, and said directly: "You can embarrass me, and the inspector is going to patrol on behalf of the sky, how can it be so easy to see?

You are just the first batch of predestined people to spread the Dharma. He is still wandering around in the world, and it is not certain when he will come back.

And, even if I come back, whether I would like to see you or not is still up to me. "

After a pause, the old man who received the guide continued: "Of course, if you really want to meet, you will naturally meet after you succeed in cultivation, ascend to immortality, and stay in the heavenly court for a long time."

The scholar in Qingshan didn't want to get entangled in these trivial matters anymore, but asked a key question: "Then what kind of method can I learn?

What kind of fairy art can be practiced? "

This question is a good one, and the old lady who guides me is blowing vigorously: "In my heavenly court, there are three thousand avenues, hundreds of millions of methods, and there are also 36 supernatural powers of Tiangang and 72 magic arts of earth evil, all of which are inconceivable great supernatural powers.

When you are young, you can avoid three disasters and six disasters, and you can be happy. When you are old, you can chase stars and moons, chase mountains and rocks, reverse yin and yang, and mediate good fortune, all in the palm of your hand. "

After a pause, he said again: "Of course, the law should not be passed on lightly. Although you may have the opportunity to obtain such great supernatural powers, you must exchange for them with merit."


"You can think of it as the money you use, you have to get it through missions and the like.

But this is still a bit far away from you, you can talk about it later, you don't even have apex mana right now. "

The old man flicked his fly whisk again, and said, "So, I have prepared a qi training formula that can be used in all heavens for you."

As soon as this remark came out, disappointment appeared on everyone's faces, and the old man who received the guide shook his whisk again, and said angrily: "Don't underestimate this qi training formula, it is the foundation of all dharmas, and all immortal cultivators The beginning of the question.

I have also read the breathing method passed down in the world like you, but it is incomplete and not worth mentioning. "

After a pause, he said again: "If you have no other questions, then I will teach you the formula.

You only have three chances, if you don't enter the door after three teachings, you will have no chance to come here again. "

These words made everyone tremble, no matter what, of course they had to learn first before speaking.

Wang E was the first to speak: "I ask the immortal officials to bestow the law!"

"Please grant the law from the immortal official!"

"Please grant the law from the immortal official!"


Everyone bowed one after another, only the little girl asked: "I have cultivated this method, can I save my mother?"

"You are very good!"

The elder Jieyin praised the little girl, and said: "When you enter the door and cultivate magic power, I will teach you a little magic. If you are familiar with it, saving your mother is just a trivial matter."

"Yes, but I have no merit?"

"Hehe, the merit is so precious, this little technique is not worth mentioning, I passed it on to you, just take it."

"Thank you Grandpa Xianguan!"

"Well, if it's all right, I'll start teaching the Fa, so listen carefully."

The old man glanced at the crowd, his expression became serious: "The method I taught you is called "Nine Breaths Convincing Breath".

It can breathe and breathe out nine breaths, and transform the inspiration of the world into its own mana. "

That's right, what Mo Chengjun prepared for them was the method of practicing qi, not the method of eating qi.

For a long time, he was also struggling, what content should be arranged in this fairy-tale version of the Internet?
What should be explained in this teaching?
In fact, this Xinghe Sword Sect is not short of energy-breeding methods, and it is easy for Zangfalou to pick out thousands of books, but Mo Chengjun is not satisfied.

Because, the force of heaven is already there, and such a big blow is blown out, what if you use those 'ordinary things' to fool people?
Although these are mortals, when the scale expands in the future, if you encounter some knowledgeable people, isn't it just smashing your own brand?

Therefore, it is obvious that the heavenly court must have the force of the heavenly court, and even if it teaches the most basic things, it must be trans-epochal.

And what Mo Chengjun took out was the qi training formula.

This technique of swallowing the heaven and earth's ingenuity, which is completely beyond the method of crushing the energy, is a bit more complicated than the ordinary method of breathing energy, but it is enough to make all the monks crazy if it does not damage the characteristics of the individual's "spirit, energy and spirit".

Not to mention other benefits, one of the purposes of anyone practicing is not to live for a long time.

As for practicing Qi Jue, after breaking through the foundation building, you can enjoy 180 years of lifespan, which is 30 years longer than the foundation building method of eating qi.

That's a full 30 years of life!

Those "old people" who are on the verge of the limit of their longevity, in order to live another year, the price they can pay is beyond your imagination.

And in this world, although there are life-prolonging panaceas and treasures of heaven and earth, they are the most expensive of all elixirs, and they are not tied.

That's it, it's just foundation building. The Jindan Nascent Soul, the Yin God and the Immortal, some of them are not simply one plus one, but a geometric growth.

What does this mean?
This means that countless cultivators who are trapped at the pass have the possibility to go further, and it means that the entire civilization of cultivating immortals is making great strides forward.

Therefore, the evolution of the method of eating qi into the method of practicing qi is a discovery across the ages, and I am really not bragging.

But it really stands up to such a push evaluation!
Of course, only this kind of trans-epochal art of swallowing the heavens and the earth's ingenuity is worthy of the force of the heavens.

And the old man's instruction is still Mo Chengjun's own style after all.

Although it is only the most elementary way of introducing Qi into the body, it also tells the great secret of the human body-the way of essence, energy and spirit.

It talked about the essence of practicing Qi Jue - the imprint of the spirit, energy and spirit on the heaven and earth, and even the derived content, the consumption and recovery of the spirit, energy and spirit through practice.

His Dharma teachings were neither extravagant nor golden lotuses, but plain and unpretentious words that revealed the most essential mysteries.

And this, the nine mortals were fascinated by hearing it, and only felt that a brand new world was unfolding to them.

 There are three shifts today, ask for a monthly ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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