Chapter 242 Bottleneck

It was only after Zhenyan read the information that Mo Chengjun realized that Zhang Jixiang didn't ask him to look up the information when he said "fuzhuan" before.

But when mentioning another main research direction, natal spirit ghosts and zombies, he specifically mentioned a sentence - if you need more detailed records, you can ask him or the five elders for inquiries, and there are storages in the Zangfalou.

At that time, Mo Chengjun didn't feel anything, but now, he really understands.

In fact, there are too many materials, and three wooden boxes can't fit them at all.

Well, seriously, at least one wooden crate is full of... catalogs.

As for the reason, it is because the 'ghost' system is too large and complicated.

Let's talk about ghosts and ghosts first. They are a combination of resentment and inspiration from heaven and earth, and their own generation is highly uncertain. There are as many as a hundred kinds of common ones.

Such as gas eaters, water eaters, dharma eaters, vampires, vomit eaters, dung eaters, spit eaters, hair eaters, non-eating ghosts, Xi'E ghosts, meat eaters, child eaters, and servants Ghosts, cannibal spirit ghosts, stove-burning ghosts, blazing ghosts, lust ghosts, protective hungry ghosts, Raksha ghosts, etc...

The so-called 'Hundred Ghosts at Night' is really not an imaginary number, but there are so many at random.

Please note that this is still common, and if you count the uncommon ones, there are as many as 890 kinds of ghosts and spirits that have been recorded.

Speaking of zombies, their types are a little less than ghosts and ghosts, but they are really a little less.

Purple Zombie, White Zombie, Green Zombie, Hair Zombie, Walking Zombie, Void Zombie, Boneless, Iron Armored Corpse, Bronze Armored Corpse, Silver Armored Corpse, Golden Armored Corpse, Flying Yaksha, Black Eyes, White Eyes, Yellow Eyes, Green Eyes , blue eyes, red eyes, corpse puppets, non-rotten corpses, jumping corpses, refined corpses, flying corpses, immortal corpses, etc...

Because it was too chaotic, Ghost Spirit Sect was actually pretty powerless.

But in the records, at the level of 'immortal', Feitian Yasha is considered the weakest, and the indestructible bones and indestructible corpses can be ranked in the middle.

And the truly powerful ones have to be the level of 'Heavenly Zombies'. There are mainly four types, Hanba, Yingquan, Houqing, and General.

One of these four categories is enough to run rampant in the world, not the kind that can't be beaten and run away, but can really walk sideways without any scruples.

Of course, even Ghost Spirit Gate doesn't want zombies of this level to show up, because every time there are records, every time it appears is a huge disaster.

Above, just pick out one of these ghost ghosts and zombies, from its appearance, appearance, characteristics, good spells, preferences, flaws, etc., it is enough to write a pile of information.

Therefore, these three boxes cannot fit.

Of course, Mo Chengjun was amazed, but he had no intention of in-depth research at all.

He even felt that the ghosts and spirits were putting the cart before the horse. The problem in "Taiping Ghost Control" is holistic, and it does not distinguish between ghosts and ghosts.

It doesn't make any sense for you to be entangled with a certain ghost, or a certain type of zombie.

Conversely, if there are some kind of ghosts or zombies that are not limited by the shortcomings of "Taiping Yuguijing", then it is worth studying in depth.

It's a pity that he didn't find it after searching through the information.

Therefore, Mo Chengjun skipped this part after he had a brief understanding of it.

He went straight to the experimental results of those 'limitation' methods, which were of course useless, but he wanted to see the analysis of the reasons for their failure.

It was also during this process that Mo Chengjun discovered that although Ghost Spirit Sect has made great efforts in this direction, it is not very enthusiastic.

In fact, it is easy to understand that the previous direction is no matter how it is strengthening itself, and its strength will only become stronger and stronger.

And this direction, even if it is achieved, is still tied.

Even if it is the Ghost Spirit Sect, Xiuxian asks, what he seeks is longevity, and what he needs is the art of protecting the way. They naturally don't like the situation of getting weaker and weaker as they cultivate.

In the end, it took five days. Mo Chengjun went through this part of the content and gave up.

Although it is not impeccable, the research on ghost spirit gate is also detailed, so this road is also broken.

Then, there is only the third main research direction - to find the balance between the two.

Mo Chengjun doesn't have this part of the information here, so he can only go to the Tibetan Falou to look for the five old ghosts.

Going out again, he also found that the Galaxy Sword Sect had returned to its former vitality, and the disciples of the sect who came and went had more vigor that they had never had before. The belief that a sword repairer must have.

With the return of the personnel, various functions of the sect also began to recover, and Galaxy Sword Sect was on the right track again.

It's worth mentioning that the Hall of Enlightenment came again, and Shen Molin, the elder who passed on the skills, ran no less than three times in just a few days. The purpose was naturally to let Mo Chengjun resume the big class.

But they were all rejected by Mo Chengjun, and the reason they used was the Ghost Spirit Sect project.

To be honest, with more and more scientific research projects, he is running out of time. If he lectures on the Fa every once in a while, he can still accept it, but he really doesn't want to attend the regular lectures.

During this period of time, he missed Baling'er a little.

After all, Xue Ling was a little tender. A group of elders ran over and talked to him with smiling faces, but he couldn't handle it anymore.

If Baling'er was here, there would be no need for Mo Chengjun to worry about these trivial matters.

And the ghost and five elders were very excited about Mo Chengjun's arrival.

Because, this means that Mo Chengjun's research has reached the level of the Ghost Spirit Sect, and it is also a real frontier stage. What he is facing directly is how to solve the problem.

In other words, those 'investments' made before Ghost Spirit Gate can only be regarded as having real hope of seeing 'returns' here.

As for the information that Mo Chengjun needed, it was natural to provide as much as he had.

However, although the previous two research directions have failed, they have been completed, and the data statistics are neat and regular.

But now the main research direction is a lot scattered, there are many things, and the ghost gate has not been able to reach a consensus. When it comes to Mo Chengjun, when studying the materials, it becomes even more disordered and chaotic.

But this does not affect Mo Chengjun's desire for research. Obtaining what he needs from complicated information is also a necessary quality for a qualified scientific researcher.

With the deepening of this main research direction, Mo Chengjun was also scratching his head, feeling that this 'path' seemed not very reliable.

The so-called 'balance' has two research directions, one is to seek balance, and the other is to cut off the connection.

Let's talk about the second one first, cut off the connection.

There are two main functions of natal talismans, one is to control ghosts or zombies, and the other is to strengthen and grow each other.

Then if the second function is cut off, what is the meaning of the existence of this natal talisman?

In addition to natal talismans, Ghost Spirit Sect also has methods to control zombies and ghosts for fighting. Although the effect is not as good, it has an advantage in numbers!

Then if the natal talisman does not have the promotion effect on cultivation, just a control ability, it is like eating spicy crayfish. Without the lobster, there is only spicy food left?

Eat XJ big plate chicken, only big plate left, no chicken?
What's the point of this?

So, what is really worthy of attention now is that there is only one path left - balance.

The Ghost Spirit Sect also recruited many sect disciples to do experiments early on. They may not have any concept of methodology, but there is actually a lot to do.

First monitor the strength of the disciples, and then monitor the strength of ghosts, ghosts or zombies. From widening the gap as much as possible to narrowing the gap little by little, they are divided into many groups and observed in detail.

These, they actually did a good job, and there was an endless stream of information sent from the ghost gate to Mo Chengjun's hands, all of which were first-hand.

However, the deeper he went, the more Mo Chengjun felt that something was wrong, as if there was a huge problem with the main research direction of 'balance'.

Well, that's just a feeling, and it's unfounded, but it's only getting stronger with more research.

He has not forgotten what Ji Xiang said, is there any additional factors that have been ignored?
But Mo Chengjun also couldn't find a foothold.

Where did you say it was overlooked, and what exactly was it overlooked?

This is where the problem lies!
Well, the project has hit a bottleneck so far, but Mo Chengjun is not impatient.

In fact, most scientific research is like this. Year after year, day after day, eliminating wrong options is the norm.

And Mo Chengjun just continued to deepen his knowledge and accumulation seriously, until one day, he caught the flash of inspiration, and maybe there was a way forward.

At this time, the last wave of Xinghe Sword Sect disciples who were away finally returned to the mountain, and Baling'er and Zhao Rulan were among them.


Xinghe Jianzong, at the mountain gate.

Baling'er and Zhao Rulan came back lying down, and they were carried in the air by a boat-shaped magic weapon, and floated into the mountain gate.

Of course, they are not alone. Looking from the mountain gate, there are at least a thousand boat-shaped artifacts lined up in sequence until the end of the field of vision.

These are the wounded in the last battle in Youdu City, and there are many people dressed as doctors beside them.

These are people from the Sun family of the Medicine King's sect.

This time in the frontier turmoil, they put in a lot of effort. Although they didn't kill many enemies, the hundreds of elite disciples led by ten elders did not know how many lives were saved.

And these boat-shaped instruments are also unique to the Yaowangmen, and the emerald green spiritual liquid poured into them has a strong vitality.

Well, this is also the reason why they came back the slowest. With this situation, the speed can't be fast.

Mo Chengjun arrived on a little donkey, and found Baling'er and Zhao Rulan in the vast boat.

After looking up and down, looking back and forth, he was a little relieved. Although their breath was a little unstable, and there was still a faint smell of blood on their bodies, at least they were still energetic.

Condescending, Mo Chengjun grinned and said, "Oh, isn't this my brother?

Why, flew out and came back lying down? "

Baling'er's whole body was submerged in the spirit liquid, only one head was left outside. He couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this, and kept yelling: "Hehehe, it depends on the seriousness of my injuries now. Wait for me to recover. Alright, let's see you at Wutai.

Let me show you the supernatural powers of the sword that I honed on the battlefield. "

Mo Chengjun smiled: "We'll wait and see, I'm afraid you won't last long enough!"

 This chapter is to make up for yesterday's second update. There are some stuck positions, my thoughts are exhausted, and my scalp is scratched off!

(End of this chapter)

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