Mo Chengjun finally found his flying sword, along the direction where the flying sword pierced through the sky, about a thousand miles away, was beautifully collected by a snake demon with some sharp eyesight.

But before it was even warmed up, Mo Chengjun who rushed over controlled the flying sword and beheaded him.

The normal Golden Core Dzogchen Sword Cultivator can probably control the sword within a hundred miles without hindrance, and it is best to control it within [-] miles when fighting with others.

As for beheading people thousands of miles away, it must be Yinshen Jianzun who has this ability.

But Mo Chengjun's soul secret technique, although it is only in the middle stage of Jindan, can control freedom within two hundred miles.

Now that I have traveled thousands of miles away, I will naturally not be able to sense it.

Of course, this was just a small episode. When he came back to his senses, Mo Chengjun quickly made a detailed plan and started a series of experiments according to the plan.

He first determined the limit of the instantaneous acceleration that his body could carry by adjusting the spiritual script and trying again and again.

Yes, even with his strong physique, he couldn't handle the instantaneous acceleration of seven times the speed of sound.

The muscles and bones are fine, but the fragile internal organs can be squeezed to the point of internal bleeding in an instant.

In fact, this is also the reason why Yangshen Jianzun always likes "Yuanshen Yujian". The soul travels, and without physical limitations, they can maximize their killing power.

And Mo Chengjun, at most, can withstand three times the speed of sound.

Of course, this is a purely physical situation. As a Master of Creation, if he doesn't use some extra means and use his brain, it will be an insult to his IQ.

Therefore, Mo Chengjun added a technique to the escape technique, which can form a defensive force field with the body at the moment the escape technique is activated, thereby sharing the pressure.

Just for the shape of this defensive stance, he has tried round, square, oval, rhombus, streamlined, foggy, wolf smoke, thunderous, etc...

What was finally determined was a rhombus, with the acute angle in front, which can break the wind.

In order to reinforce it, he increased the diamond-shaped force field to triple, and there is an extremely fine space between each rhombus, which can be used for buffering.

With just this one change, the speed he could withstand soared to more than five times the speed of sound, and the initial speed reached nearly 1700 meters per second in an instant, which was unbelievably fast.

So far, his "Electromagnetic Sword Escaping Technique" has taken shape, but he is not satisfied. It took him some time to get 2.0 out.

The advantage of this electromagnetic gun is that the initial velocity of the gun is fast enough, but with the air resistance during the flight, it will naturally become slower and slower in the later stage.

If the speed slows down to a certain level, what about another electromagnetic acceleration?

With this in mind, Mo Chengjun modified the spiritual seal script of the technique and created a recyclable system.

That is to say, when the speed drops to nearly twice the speed of sound, the electromagnetic sword and shield can be activated again to push the speed up to nearly five times the speed of sound.

Of course, this operation cannot be repeated infinitely. Three times, just three times, the closed loop of the spirit pattern of the spell will collapse.

But just three times was enough to make Mo Chengjun wonder where he went.

Of course, any magical power has flaws. The benefits of this "Triple Electromagnetic Sword and Shield Technique" are extremely obvious, and the speed is definitely fast enough. Even those great magical powers known as 'Void Teleportation', if they are activated at a slower speed, it is estimated that Not necessarily so.

But there are also many shortcomings, such as excessive consumption of mana. Taking Mo Chengjun as an example, one activation consumes nearly one-third of the mana, which is filled in at once.

Second, the speed is too fast, basically you can only walk in a straight line and hit it directly.

If the person is in the sky, it is okay to say that there is no obstacle in front of him, but if there is an enemy blocking the front, they can only compete with each other.

Want to dodge or something, hehe, it's hard to even turn around.

To put it bluntly, this magic power is used for escaping or chasing the enemy. At other times, it is not suitable even for rushing.

Finally, and the most serious problem—there was too much movement, and everything that passed was like thunder in the daytime, not low-key at all.

This point is almost the same as "The Art of Sword Light and Thunder Escape", and it is also the most unbearable thing for Mo Chengjun.

He wanted the sword escape technique to be secretive enough to enter the village secretly, not to shoot.

But the ones that have been developed now are more powerful than the last, just like the emperor going on a tour, and he would be ashamed to clear the street for ten miles without beating gongs and drums.

Well, he doesn't like this matter, it doesn't conform to his usual low-key approach at all.

But unfortunately, he is now out of inspiration, only thinking about how to reduce the noise, but has no ideas.

The only thing that made him fortunate was that his light was faster than the sound. Basically, when the sound came, he didn't know how far he had run.

In the end, he had no choice but to admit his cowardice, and prepared to go back to the Zangfa Building to search, to see if there was an escape method that was quieter, more free to control, and less mana consumption, and it didn't matter if it was slower.

Although, he still can't understand why the human body can walk through the 'gold, wood, water, fire, and earth' without hindrance, and can't find a foothold at all.

But so many monks also don't understand the principle, can't they still be used?
The longer he stayed in the world of cultivating immortals, the more and more strange phenomena Mo Chengjun saw. Although he also had doubts, he kept records and asked why, but he was also learning to accept it.

He is alone, and his research and development capabilities are already good, so he really can't make things difficult for himself.

However, if you want to say that this follow-up thinking is completely fruitless, it is not.

Because, he suddenly discovered a fact - this "Electromagnetic Sword and Shield Technique" broke the sound barrier, didn't it?

Moreover, it has been pushed to the point where the physical sword is five times the speed of sound.

So what does this mean?
At first, he didn't realize it, but later, he suddenly figured it out, isn't this the sword energy Leiyin?

So, following the 'smelting sword into silk', Mo Chengjun comprehended the second basic supernatural power of swordsmanship, the art of sword energy and thunder sound!

But you thought it was over?

No, no, he has learned the advanced sword art based on the 'Sword Qi and Thunder Sound Art', "Slash of the Sky".

Although it was only a month, Tianhen Sword Master Hua Ye taught him everything without reservation. What he learned was the most essential part, and what he understood was also the deepest mystery.

That was the most essential mystery of "Scar of the Sky", which was clearly revealed in front of his eyes, and at this time, he combined it with his own actual situation.

And Mo Chengjun, I really want to complain, you never know what will happen in the next second?
Really, he swears, he just wanted to change his mind and start a small project. He really didn't want to give up the project of Ghost Spirit Gate, but the inspiration came just like that.

His second great supernatural power of swordsmanship is like an enchanting beauty, appearing not far away from him, twisting his slender waist, and winking at him...

Do you want to say that you can bear it?
Naturally, after hesitating for a full second, Mo Chengjun rushed forward.

As for the Ghost Spirit Gate project, ahem, it was put on hold again.

Uh, why do you add a word 'again'?

It seems that not long ago, in order to solve the problem of long-distance dreaming, it was temporarily let go.

Mo Chengjun felt familiar with this routine, a bit like what happened when he was studying the "Eye of Lingquan" back then. It seemed that this was another project that God didn't want him to solve!

When this idea came up, Mo Chengjun laughed, but he had to admit that his research on this second great supernatural power of swordsmanship had progressed extremely fast.

If "Four Seasons Sword Art" followed the rotation of the four seasons and the way of time; then "Sword of the Sky" followed the ultimate speed and the technique of splitting space.

This kind of great supernatural power in the way of swords requires the foundation of 'Sword Qi and Thunder Sound', but this is just the foundation. If you don't push the sword energy and thunder sound to the extreme, how can you talk about splitting the space?

This is also the reason why Tianhen Sword Master Hua Ye dared to block the three demons alone. He really had a deep understanding of the space.

If he wants to escape, no one can stop him; if he wants to fight for his life, he will definitely take one with him, this is his self-confidence.

Otherwise, why would he make the three monsters retreat?

And now, Mo Chengjun, just after this extreme speed, vaguely found the inspiration of 'Cracking the Sky'.

What he has to do now is to grasp this sliver of inspiration, turn it into reality, and comprehend his own second great sword art.

Because the name was too useless last time, and he was scolded miserably, Mo Chengjun has already decided, and when he understands it later, this swordsmanship supernatural power will be replaced with 'Sword Two', 'Sword Three' and 'Sword Four' until he finds it. A suitable and compelling name will be added.

Tsk tsk, when this idea came up, Mo Chengjun praised his wit!
He will never admit that this is the way of naming ghosts and five elders.

Of course, although almost all of his mind was put on the comprehension of the great supernatural powers of swordsmanship, Mo Chengjun did not completely let go of the Ghost Spirit Gate project.

The main reason is that there are ghosts, elders, and Zhang Jixiang staring at him. If he is completely thrown aside, it really can't be justified!

Although they are also asking for help, it doesn't matter if the contract they made fails, but they have given so much real money, but anyone who wants to save face will feel embarrassed!

Yes, Mo Chengjun is still a shameless person.

Therefore, he put aside those professional materials that consumed his mind and concentration, and turned to study the history of Ghost Spirit Gate.

He said it was studying, but in fact he read these materials as a pastime while studying in 'Sword Two'.

He didn't think about anything in depth, he was just playing ghosts and spirits, Wu Lao and Xiao Jixiang.

As for the Ghost Five Elders and Xiao Jixiang, although they also had doubts in their hearts, they didn't ask any more questions about Mo Chengjun's series of brilliant creation history.

If you only think that you are an expert, then there must be an expert method!
Well, Mo Chengjun really wanted to say that if it wasn't for the fact that he had just closed a closed room, it would be inappropriate to hide now. He reckoned that he could escape to the quiet room, so he wouldn't come out.

It's just that everything in this world is about a coincidence.

Just when Mo Chengjun's great swordsmanship was in full swing, and even had an outline, he suddenly had inspiration for the Ghost Spirit Gate project.

Speaking of which, he himself didn't quite believe it, but he actually found this inspiration from the history of the Ghost Spirit Sect's sect.

Yes, just as he was perusing the life history of the founder of Ghost Spirit Gate, a strange idea suddenly popped up.

Then, he seemed to have found the neglected 'point' that Jixiang said.

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