Chapter 252 Clearing the Clouds and Seeing the Sun

Mo Chengjun's process of learning talismans is a typical slow to fast process.

At the beginning, he was extremely troubled by details such as the complicated talisman lines, subtle changes in mana, talisman paper requirements, talisman ink fineness and so on.

For a while, he even felt that this kind of tedious basic knowledge was unnecessary. He was not a real talisman master, and he didn't want to rely on this craft for a living. Why did he have to learn it so carefully?
But the foundation is the foundation, and what he recognized was the idea of ​​"a tall building rises from the ground", and finally suppressed his impatience and continued to study hard.

But after really passing the basic stage, especially after mastering the method of 'Void Talisman', his learning speed suddenly became much faster.

To put it bluntly, to draw talismans in the void is to draw talismans with divine thoughts as the pen, mana as the ink, and void as the talisman paper.

This is also the most important method of a talisman seal master, and there is no one of them. Only by mastering this, it is not only as simple as increasing the casting speed, but more importantly, the drawing of talismans will not be limited to time, place, or carrying objects.

They can even draw talismans on their hands, bodies, and even penetrate into the enemy's body. In terms of means, it is already different from simply throwing talisman papers.

Of course, this step is not easy. It can be said that whether or not mastering the Void Drawing Talisman is a watershed for a talisman master.

However, this point is actually not difficult for Mo Chengjun, even easier than drawing those paper symbols.

Because, in Mo Chengjun's view, this void drawing talisman is no different from using a spell, the difference lies in the closed loop of the drawn spirit pattern.

If one regards magical powers as classical music, following the path of 'Gongshangjiao Zhengyu', then Void Symbols are modern music, using staves.

It can be said that the two do not match at all, but they can actually play beautiful music.

After realizing this point and mastering the method of 'Void Drawing Talisman', Mo Chengjun was on the right track.

According to his own method of analyzing spells and supernatural powers, he first picked some simple talismans to dismantle.

Just like a bicycle, he dismantled the pedals today, analyzed and recorded its size, size, thickness, material, hollowing, etc...

I will unload the wheels tomorrow, and record the radius, circumference, composition, number of skeletons, etc. of the wheels...

In this way, he disassembled a little bit today and a little bit tomorrow, and when there was nothing left to dismantle, he reassembled a little bit.

Until finally, a bike reappeared as if nothing had changed.

But for Mo Chengjun, he has already figured out the principle and structure of the movement.

And this is just the beginning. Once the bicycle is done, let’s dismantle the battery car, and then there will be a tricycle, and then a tractor...

As for the natal talisman, it must be at the level of a car, but it doesn't matter, I will just move forward slowly.

In this way, Mo Chengjun gradually figured out the functions of each module of the talisman through reverse deduction, until one day, when he felt that it was almost the same, he did not start with the natal talisman.

Well, this analogy may not be appropriate, but the process of dismantling Mo Chengjun's natal talisman feels like dismantling a car with bare hands.

It's not the kind of violent disassembly, but the removal of screws one by one, until in the end, only the skeleton remains.

Then, he assembled it bit by bit to see exactly which part went wrong.

Of course, during this process, the information sent by the ghost gate played a big role, because those talisman masters really used their lives to help Mo Chengjun try and make mistakes.

When they determined that those were inappropriate, it would be easy to go to Mo Chengjun to verify them.

It feels like you dismantle a part and don't know what it does, so you can find someone to ask, and someone else will talk to you after they figure it out.

This is also the first time that Mo Chengjun has a team to assist in a certain project after he came to this world. The feeling of being in the laboratory and directing others to work seems to have returned.

That is to say, there is a group behind it, otherwise Mo Chengjun will fiddle with it by himself, and there will be no results in another two years.

It's just that Mo Chengjun himself didn't expect that at the end of his research, what he replaced was only the five spiritual seal scripts on a certain module in the complicated seal system.

Really only moved five, and everything else remained intact.

And the problem he understood was that these talismans caused the 'speed limit'.

For example, if the natal talisman is regarded as a car, what Mo Chengjun is changing now is the scale on the dashboard.

For a regular car speeding, the maximum number on the dashboard is only 260km/h, that is to say, if you step on the accelerator to the bottom, the pointer will not exceed 260km/h.

In a sense, this is the speed limit. No matter how fast your car runs, it cannot exceed this speed, but the problem is that the outside environment has changed now!
The original rickety county road has become a high-speed highway where you can gallop freely, and there are no cars around. You only need to step on the accelerator, and the speed of 300km/h is a trivial matter.

But the problem is that your instrument panel can reach a maximum of 260km/h. When you want to speed your life, it is holding you back.

Yes, this is the result of Mo Chengjun's research!

Therefore, five spiritual scripts were changed, and the upper limit of the module was raised to the extent that it could adapt to the existing environment of the external world. Then, the problem that had plagued the Ghost Gate for more than 1000 years was solved!
It's just that Mo Chengjun didn't know if they could accept this result.


Mo Mansion, in the study.

It's been an hour.

All the ghosts, spirits and elders gathered here, including Xiao Jixiang. They surrounded the secret record given by Mo Chengjun, various materials and talisman seals that appeared in the void, and their expressions changed indefinitely.

After a long time, Elder Zhang Er raised his head and looked at Mo Chengjun with disbelief and faint madness in his eyes: "Master Mo, are you sure you only need to change this little?"

His voice became hoarse and unpleasant unknowingly.

Mo Chengjun nodded: "Yes!"

Elder Zhang San has the worst temper, he could hardly help shouting: "Master Mo, this is more than [-] years of hard torment, day and night, day and night, I don't know how many ancestors died with regret.

As a result, even in the past two years, a total of one high-level sect senior died because of experimenting with improved talisman seals, three were paralyzed in bed, and nine suffered backlash.

Now, you tell me, it is the inconsistency of these five Lingwen and seal scripts, just five? "

Elder Zhang San was not only roaring hysterically, but also stepped forward step by step, as if he was going to hit Mo Chengjun in the face.

But Mo Chengjun was not angry. He actually knew very well that the third elder's anger and sadness were not aimed at him, not even at anyone.

It was just because the extremely suppressed emotions finally broke out uncontrollably at this moment.

It is because of the inconsistency of these five seal scripts that caused the ghost gate to suffer for thousands of years.

Compared with this heavy result, this reason seems too insignificant. Perhaps, even if the entire natal talisman is wrong, it is more acceptable to them.

Of course, Mo Chengjun didn't have the habit of letting people spray his face with saliva, so when he was about to make a move, another person was faster than him.

A slap slapped Elder Zhang San on the face, crisp and loud, Elder Zhang San was stunned for a moment like an angry lion, his eyes were red.

But when he turned his head, he met the face of Elder Zhang Yi.

That suppressed emotion, but extremely cold face, only heard him say: "Are you awake?"

Elder Zhang San instinctively touched his face, as if he had finally come to his senses, all his anger dissipated, and he whispered: "Sober!"

"Go back to me when you wake up."

Elder Zhang San retreated obediently, and a palm print quickly appeared on his face, which was bright red, but he didn't dare to say any nonsense.

Turning his head, Elder Zhang Yi tried his best to smile at Mo Chengjun, and said, "Master Mo, please forgive me. The third child has lost his temper. I will take him to plead guilty to Master Mo."

Mo Chengjun sighed, waved his hands again, and said, "It's okay, I can actually understand the third elder's mood."

Elder Zhang Yi hesitated a little, and asked again: "Master Mo, are you sure about this natal talisman?"

Mo Chengjun nodded slightly: "Although this is only the first draft I wrote in two years and has not been verified, I am very confident.

If nothing goes wrong, the problem with your Ghost Spirit Sect lies here. "

"Then what should we do now?"

Mo Chengjun said bluntly: "Look for a disciple of the Ghost Spirit Sect to do an experiment. As far as I know, it shouldn't take long for such a small change in the natal talisman. Whether it is true or not, it will happen soon It worked out."

Hearing what Mo Chengjun said, Elder Zhang Yi also slapped his head, thinking that he was being happy and silly.

But just when he was about to promise, Elder Zhang Si said directly: "Then I'll do it."

Facing the gazes of all his fellow apprentices, he said: "You all know my situation, back then the natal ghost chose a Raksha ghost with a strong killing intent, and I could hardly suppress him.

So, brothers and sisters, don't rob me.

I don't have much time, this time, I should be a pathfinder. "

Everyone was silent, but he turned his head to look at Mo Chengjun, and said, "Master Mo, can I use your quiet room for a while?"


Fourth Elder Zhang didn't say any more, grabbed the secret record written by Mo Chengjun, and strode away again.

That back view has a feeling of "the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return when he is gone".

But this is the fact, if you do something wrong with your own natal talisman, it will be fatal.

Mo Chengjun replaced Elder Zhang Fourth into his closed room, activated various formations, and put him inside alone.

To say that the modification of the natal talisman is just that little, and the fourth elder Zhang is the only talisman master among the five, so the difficulty is equal to none.

But Fourth Elder Zhang was even more nervous than when he was refining the natal talisman. He took several deep breaths and adjusted his breath for a long while, finally calming down.

After reconfirming the spiritual seal script that needs to be changed, and memorizing it firmly, he probed into the sea of ​​consciousness, found his own natal seal script, and finally started to do it after a moment of pause.

Outside, everyone was waiting, anxiously waiting.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment, and it was difficult for everyone to keep calm.

I don't know how long it has passed, but finally, the door to the quiet room opened.

A burst of laughter came along with the sound of footsteps, and I saw Elder Zhang Si stumbled out, with no demeanor, but he laughed wantonly.

No need to say anything, everyone knows the result.

As a result, there were a few more laughs from Mo Chengjun's courtyard. The ghosts and elders couldn't hold back their laughter, and tears came out just by laughing.

After so many years of suffering, finally at this moment, the clouds are cleared!

 I overestimated my ability, alas, the third update is sent first, and the fourth update is in the code...

  Then, if you really can't write it tonight, then continue tomorrow for the third watch!

(End of this chapter)

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