Chapter 266 Shot (Updated)
For immortal cultivators, there are very few people who exercise their bodies every day like Mo Chengjun. They actually look down on martial artists, thinking that martial artists are a group of simple-minded and well-developed limbs.

This is normal, and from a historical point of view, as the winning side, they also have this qualification.

But that doesn't mean they don't value their bodies.

In fact, although the body of an immortal cultivator is not considered strong, it is definitely healthy. This is the same as the two concepts of "strength" and "long life".

Regardless of whether it is the meridian orifice that is operated by the inspiration of the world, it is distributed all over the body; or from the perspective of "The Hypothesis of the Essence of Qi Method", mana is equivalent to the "essence, energy and spirit" branded with the inspiration of the world. The importance of the body.

Therefore, if a monk really suffers from irreparable physical damage, such as missing an arm or a broken leg, the light one will be interrupted in the path, and the serious one will be regressed.

And no matter which one it is, it is inevitable that the killing power will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, although the Yangshen sword master with only half of his body was still in his realm, he had to exchange his life for a ghost king.

And since he started, the other six disabled Yangshen Sword Masters no longer have any reservations.

It is not easy for them to maintain their current state, let alone fight for a long time. If the situation is unfavorable, they will not spare their lives.

Even if the body is mutilated, a group of Yangshen sword masters wanting to fight for their lives is still extremely terrifying.

Those ghost kings who fought against them screamed and ran around after being killed.

However, this kind of situation, which is supported by life, cannot last long after all.

It was only time for a cup of tea. After they took away the six ghost kings and strangled tens of thousands of ghost soldiers and generals, they finally disappeared into the world.

At this point, the female sword master Shen Jinxiu couldn't bear it anymore, she threw out the fairy sword Xingchen in her hand.

The sword turned into a stream of light, which seemed to be unhappy, but in fact the whole world slowed down. Visible to the naked eye, the fairy sword star flew towards a ghost king.

The ghost king's body is an ancient temple, and it grows countless roots. When fighting, it can throw out jet-black rays of light, and the one in the middle is instantly shattered.

But when facing the fairy sword and stars, it trembled in fear, countless roots frantically waved to escape, but could only watch helplessly as the fairy sword approached, twisted, and then shattered into countless fragments.

But this is not over yet, the fairy sword turned again, and aimed at the second ghost king, the thousand-eyed ghost king, first took the head, and then smashed it cleanly.

Then came the third head, the fourth head, the fifth head, the sixth head...

This is the choice of Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu. Even with the might of the Immortal Sword and Stars, if it is necessary to strangle immortals, it is possible, but the consumption is too high, and it is impossible to kill with one blow.

Just like the last time he faced Buddha Wuliang, he only poked and blinded one eye.

But in the face of this group of ghost kings, it is really a fairy sword, and the death of the ghost king is effortless!
In just a short moment, six ghost kings were strangled to death. So far, eighteen ghost kings have gone to twelve, and only six are left!
The casualties were heavy, and the power of the fairy sword was fully displayed, and the three elders were liberated.

But the deterrence of 'nuclear weapons' is always before use, not after use.

Almost when Xianjian Xingchen smashed the first ghost king, Xiao Feng, who was hidden in the dark, made a move.

He took out a porcelain bottle of flawless white jade, muttered something in his mouth, and then threw it out.

As a result, a turbid blood-yellow river gushed out and turned into a long river to meet the fairy sword and stars.

It is the river water taken from the Santu River, which gathers the power of the most yin in the world, and is best at polluting the spirituality of magic weapons.

As soon as the turbid river came out, Xianjian Xingchen was not calm anymore, he no longer cared about continuing to kill the ghost king, but instead slashed out streams of sword energy to disperse the river of Wangchuan.

Shuttle back and forth in the gaps, wanting to get rid of the entanglement, let alone be contaminated.

At this moment, it showed the speed of the fairy sword, but the water in the Santu River was too much, and the two sides seemed to be playing a game of 'peek-a-boo'.

However, without the deterrence of the fairy sword and stars, Yan Luo and the three-headed demon immortals almost immediately chose to attack.

The tiger Lu Wu couldn't wait the most. With a roar of a tiger, he revealed his real body of hundreds of feet. The nine tiger tails turned into phantoms and swung, and there were nine huge jade pillars that tilted the sky in the sky, and they smashed down crazily.

And the target of his attack was not even the three Supreme Elders who just vacated his hand, but the sword formation formed by the disciples of Galaxy Sword Sect.

Immediately after that was the Bird Demon of Miemeng, who was married to the Hungarian Kingdom. She didn't show her real body, she still looked like a beautiful fairy, but her signature magical powers were urged without hesitation.

——Supernatural powers, attracting wind and fire.

Therefore, with the wind to help the fire, and the fire to take advantage of the wind, it turned out to be indiscriminately attacking the disciples of the Evil Ghost Army and the Galaxy Sword Sect.

That's right, this one is also aimed at the disciples of Xinghe Sword Sect, and he has no intention of fighting against He Yang Shenjian Zun.

As for the black beauty at the end, she actually entangled a Supreme Elder.

I don't know what she was thinking, but she actually used the method of siege, just to hold back the Supreme Elder, and there was no intention of a quick battle at all.

The action of these three demons is actually a certain necessity, not to mention the influence of Butian's disciples, as a demon country bordering Yunzhou, they really don't want to be neighbors with a group of sword lunatics.

They are demons, and they have a long lifespan. Although they usually fight wars, arrest people, and make tooth sacrifices, it is like playing house. Excessive monster population.

There is no such thing as your Xinghe Sword Sect, who will bring thousands of swordsmen to kill others in the capital of the demon country.

This tacit understanding will be there if everyone cultivates each other, why do you have to work so hard?

And this kind of mentality reached its peak when Tianhen Sword Master Huaye stopped the three monsters with one sword last time!
There is no way out, from time to time someone will come and want to play with you, and if he can really play with you, just ask if you are afraid, are you annoying?
Therefore, although these three have their own careful thoughts, they are extremely unified in this aspect-the guarding sect of Yunzhou should be changed earlier.

Of course, they were still afraid that Jianxiu would counterattack when he was dying, so they all looked for soft persimmons when they made their moves.

Finally, Yan Luo, this one didn't take action directly, but used some means to control the evil ghost army.

Although it's not very precise, even a very rough command can change the world drastically on the battlefield.

The gate of ghosts is still wide open, and the army of evil spirits is continuously replenishing, and the bottom line is completely invisible. The gloomy black army is as innumerable as a tide, and under the command of Yan Luo, waves come in waves.

The direct consequence was the collapse and retreat of the Galaxy Sword Sect's defense line.

At this moment, even if the ridicule is ruled out, the disciples of Butian have already taken out seven strong men from the Immortal Realm, and there are still six ghost kings and an countless army of evil spirits.

Even if they don't have the courage to fight to the death, the fighting style seems a bit 'temperate', but the absolute difference in strength is fully revealed at this moment.


In a sword formation, Fairy Ruoli's figure is already crumbling. She has four seasons in her life, and the scenery changes in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

She still can't use the great supernatural power of the female sword master, but the power of time lag brought about by the circulation of the four seasons alone has caused the surrounding evil spirits to suffer.

The sword cultivators around her exhausted their killing methods, their sword qi rose and fell, crushing ghosts and generals, killing cruelly.

But their high-profile also attracted the attention of the immortals, and a tiger tail that covered the sky smashed down.

I saw that the sky, which was not considered bright at all, was completely dark, and all the sword repairers looked up with despairing eyes.

Simply, a ray of sword light started from the east and went to the west. It turned into a majestic green bull in the sky with the magical power of "sword playing the world", and deflected the tiger's tail a little.

This is a Yin God overhaul shot.

However, even though she escaped the fatal act, Fairy Ruoliu under the veil was still pale, and she couldn't last long in this state.


In another sword formation, Zhao Rulan fell softly into Baling'er's arms.

Just now, an evil ghost with a severed arm shot out the severed hand, and drove straight into Baling'er.

Seeing that Baling'er couldn't dodge in time, she had to rush forward and block the blow with her body.

The sharp claws were inserted from her back and protruded from her chest. At this time, she was already dying.

At this moment, Baling'er only felt a 'buzz', his head exploded, his eyes were flushed with bloodshot eye sockets, he roared and spewed blood from his heart to his flying sword.

Seeing the flying sword spinning like a top, it turned into a shock, tearing open the encirclement of the evil spirits.

But what he murmured was: "Daughter-in-law, don't die, don't die!"


In mid-air, Shen Molin, the elder of Chuan Gong, was vomiting blood, and the three-inch body of the natal flying sword was displayed, screaming around him, if you looked closely, it was already full of cracks.

Just now, it was he who used his sword to play the magic power of heaven and earth, and smashed away the tiger's tail that covered the sky.

But after all, that was a powerful attack by a fairy, even if he didn't take it seriously, it would be fatal to him, a yin god.

His natal flying sword would probably be shattered after using it like this!
"I'm going to die, I'm going to die! How many years has it been since I put my life to the test?!"

Mo Molin coughed up blood, while looking at his flying sword, his face was full of distress.

This is the flying sword he raised with his own hands, he cares more than raising his son, but now?

It's about to break!

But seeing another sky-covering tiger's tail smashing towards one of the sword formations, he couldn't care about anything else.

With the sword formula again, he turned into a mad cow again, and slammed towards the tiger's tail again.


In the depths of the Indus Cave.

The two boys, Ba Nishang and Xue Ling, walked around in front of Mo Chengjun's retreat. They wanted to go forward countless times, but when they reached the door, they stopped in their tracks.

They really wanted to know what their godfather would do, but they knew clearly that their godfather was nothing more than a golden pill.

What's the use of such a big battle, even if you call out your godfather?
Xue Ling seemed to have suddenly discovered something, turned to look at Ba Nishang, and asked, "Rui'er, why are you crying?"

Ba Nishang reached out and stroked her cheeks, only to find that there were big teardrops dripping down, which couldn't be stopped.

"Yeah, why am I crying? Why is there always a surge of sadness in my heart?"

"No, definitely not!"

"woo woo woo woo……"


The outside world, the battlefield.

Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu couldn't bear it anymore, she spit out the flying sword, and was about to raise the sword light, but when she entered the battlefield, she stopped.

Because, next to her ear, a slightly tired voice came: "Junior Sister, prepare to withdraw!"

"Brother Sect Leader?!"

"There's no need to insist anymore, I'll take someone to cover you and go, one who can go is one!"

After finishing speaking, Hua Ye's voice suddenly resounded throughout the world.

I just heard him say: "Please invite the elders to open the way for the younger generation!!!"

The three Supreme Elders in the battle were shocked. They looked at each other and laughed out loud.

So, they all shattered their physical bodies, turned against their primordial spirits, and then unleashed three beams of heavenly sword light.

 The schedule is so hellish, I really can't bear it!There is another update before twelve o'clock, and it is being revised...

(End of this chapter)

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