Chapter 274 Aftermath (2)

Sword Talisman.

As Elder Zhang Wu said, a big relocation is going on here.

Although the place where the Galaxy Sword Sect is located in the Great Wilderness Mountains was not very good hundreds of years ago, after so many years of combing and development, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the ancestral vein of spiritual wisdom in the northwest of Kyushu. This bumpy little place of Sword Talisman Sect is much better.

And Xiuxian asked, the inspiration of heaven and earth is the most important thing.

Therefore, after confirming that Xinghe Jianzong was defeated and left, the two ancestors of Jianfuzong immediately started to organize the relocation of the sect.

It's just that their background is not good enough, at least they don't have the cave of Xinghe Sword Sect, and they can't find a sky-scanning dharma boat like Ghost Spirit Sect, so they have to use people to transport it.

All kinds of small items are put in the storage bag, and the large ones are stacked on a kind of magic weapon assembled with tens of square meters of open space. This magic weapon can be several meters above the ground, and then pushed by a group of sword repairmen. walk.

Well, the move alone revealed a gap in background.

But at this time, if one looks down from a high altitude, a group of sword repairmen are busy moving like ants moving house, which is also quite spectacular.

At the same time, the top of Qinglong Mountain.

The ancestor of Jian Fu stood facing the wind, and Luo Xiaoyao stood behind him.

At this time, Luo Xiaoyao seemed hesitant to speak, and although the ancestor of Jianfu didn't look back, he could clearly perceive it.

It wasn't until Luo Xiaoyao couldn't help it that he turned his head slightly, looked at the other person, and asked, "Do you have something to say?"


"Then why don't you dare to speak out?"

"I, I'm afraid you will be angry."

"I'll only get angry if you don't tell me." Ancestor Jian Fu raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you think my appearance is too ugly?

Although the Xinghe Sword Sect was defeated, it was not annihilated. I am in a hurry to seize the territory. Is it wrong? "

Luo Xiaoyao hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "If you always feel like this, you are too eager."

"Then if you are dependent, what should you do?"

Luo Xiaoyao blurted out: "Of course we should send all the disciples of the sect to go down the mountain to kill those ghost soldiers and generals, to quell the ghost troubles, save the people from fire and water, establish the prestige of our sect, and win the hearts of the people."

"People's hearts? People's hearts!"

The sword talisman patriarch smiled and said: "I have lived for many years, and I have seen human beings and ghosts, killing each other, even worse than demons and ghosts.

I don’t know when I started, but I understood that the so-called popular hearts are never those dispensable mortals. Come out round after round.

The real hearts of the people are in the hands of those aristocratic families, officials and warriors, and even the monks' sects.

If you master them, you will naturally master the hearts of the people. "

After a pause, he said earnestly, "The danger of ghosts is nothing more than scabies in the final analysis. What we really need to pay attention to now is not them, but other immortal sects."

"Patriarch, do you mean that there are other immortal sects who dare to compete with us for the sovereignty of Yunzhou?"

Luo Xiaoyao found it inconceivable: "Could it be that they still have immortal-level powers? There must be two of them?"

"You are too real..."

The ancestor of Jianfu sighed quietly, and said: "They may not have such strength, but why do you have to limit your attention to Yunzhou?"

Luo Xiaoyao asked back: "Are you talking about the other seven sects?"

"There is also the royal family of the Zhao family, the Taoist sect of Shenxiao, and even the monster clan from outside the territory."

Speaking of this, even the ancestor of Sword Talisman couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "You have to admit that although Xinghe Jianzong's 'today's method of becoming an immortal' is not perfect, the sect's strength is really strong enough.

The seven palace lords pushed the killing power of the sword cultivator to the extreme, compared to the seven real immortals who dared to fight and fight without any scruples.

On the contrary, although there are two sword immortals in my Sword Talisman Sect, I never dare to say that I am stronger than the old master, and your uncle, I dare not say that I am stronger than any of the seven palace masters.

As for the disciple generation, it is even worse.

With our strength, if we want to stand firm in Yunzhou, we must be fast, accurate, and ruthless; we must stand firm before the other sects have reacted and have time to join forces in the future.

Otherwise, this day will be sad! "

The ancestor of Jianfu had a clear understanding of the situation, and he was not dazzled by the name of 'Yongzhen Yunzhou' that was about to be acquired.

It's just that Luo Xiaoyao still couldn't bear it and said: "Then the ghost plague in Yunzhou, we really don't care about it?

Patriarch, will many people really die? "

The ancestor of Jianfu frowned slightly, and finally sighed quietly: "I know you feel pity for ordinary people, but I don't want to, and I really can't."

After a pause, he said again: "When we really gain a firm foothold, we will give more compensation."

Speaking of this, Luo Xiaoyao finally understood that he could do nothing. Although he was still unwilling, he also knew that this was because the sect's strength was not enough, and there was more than enough heart but not enough strength.

He secretly sighed, and said: "Then Patriarch, I'll go down and do other things first."

"Don't worry, this is for you."

Saying that, the ancestor of Jianfu took out another token from his arms and handed it over.

Luo Xiaoyao took it, and his pupils dilated at a glance. The token was neither gold nor jade, and it was warm to the touch. It was actually carved from a whole piece of strangely shaped Lingquan Eye, with the word 'Sword Talisman' on it.

This is the Sword Talisman Token. In the Sword Talisman Sect, seeing the token is like seeing an ancestor, similar to the imperial dynasty's "like my presence". As far as the effect is concerned, it is no joke!
"Patriarch, this is?" Luo Xiaoyao's voice was full of surprise:
"Xiaoyao, I need to go out for a while. Since I want to secure this Yunzhou, I have to 'visit' all the sects of this Kyushu one by one like the ancestor of Xinghe back then, and verify the supernatural sword skills.

No way, in a few years, there will be a 'Sword Talisman Fair' or something like that.

In this line of work, I have to do it myself, and it will take some time.As for the relocation of the sect, I just want you to keep an eye on it. "

"I'm staring? No, there are still a few uncles and uncles around, why can't it be my turn?"

"If they have talents, I don't need you to stand out now, but each of them is a dou who can't help them. I can only work hard for you."

After a pause, the ancestor of the Sword Talisman said: "You can take this as a test for you. If you do this well, you will be the next suzerain of the Sword Talisman Sect."

"But Patriarch, the disciple's strength is not enough, so I'm afraid..."

"The sword talisman order I gave you, do you think it can't be displayed?"

The old ancestor of Jianfu said earnestly: "At the time of the great changes in Yunzhou, although our Jianfu sect has obtained a great opportunity, we are still standing on the cusp of the storm. If we make a wrong step, we will be doomed.

In troubled times, heavy codes should be used, so, Xiaoyao, don't be ruthless! "

"Yes!" Luo Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and agreed, but after a second thought, he asked again: "Master, but where is my uncle? If he is here to sit here, wouldn't it be safer?"

The master uncle he was talking about was the first direct disciple of the old man Jianfu, Zhengyangzi.

"He, naturally there are some places where he needs to sit in town."

"This Yunzhou, I really didn't think it before, but now I know that if I want to settle in, I find that it needs to be comprehensive. How difficult it is."

This faint sigh of emotion dissipated in the mountain wind.


Zhongzhou, northwest direction.

Xijing, Governor's Mansion.

It was late at night, but there was only one person sitting in the governor's hall.

He is not handsome in appearance, but his eyes are deep and unpredictable, and there is a calm and majestic aura in his gestures, but his temples are already gray.

At this time, he was holding a scroll in his hand and reading it at night by candlelight.

However, he was obviously a little absent-minded. He hadn't flipped through the book for a long time, and his eyes were out of focus, a little dull, and his expression was unspeakably haggard.

This one is none other than the last fourth son of the Human Emperor, the orthodox heir supported by Yunzhou, the fourth prince Zhao Yin.

It's not easy to talk about this one, he originally belonged to the position of emperor, but he was obstructed by Butian Sect, which created a situation of "Nine Dragons Seizing the Inheritance".

Simply, Xinghe Jianzong is really strong, full support let him play freely, it took a long time, several big moves, finally finishing this Yunzhou, and then sent troops to Zhongzhou, wanting to regain the position of emperor.

This road has been bumpy, and it is really not easy for him to get to this step. The situation in front of him is even better, and if he goes one step further, he will be able to regain the country.

Unexpectedly, at such a critical moment, his backstage actually collapsed!

That's right, his backstage Xinghe Jianzong was gone, and he was completely defeated in the once-in-a-thousand-year 'Day of Ghosts'.

When the news came, even his city felt it was ridiculous.

But when he got the news and wanted to consult Yunyuan Sword Master Wu Yiping, he found that this sword master, including the Xinghe Sword Sect disciple he brought, had already disappeared.

No one knows where they went!

At this time, Zhao Yin didn't know that he had been given up, but from the perspective of others, he couldn't blame too much. The sect is gone, so what can you count on Sword Master Yunyuan?
This time, the only good news may be that before the other news came, the 20 army he led broke through Xijing City.

Relying on the huge material reserves in Xijing City and the 20 soldiers in his hands, he was able to last for some time, barely maintaining the calm on the surface, so that the trees would not fall and the monkeys would scatter when the news came.

But even so, he knew that he couldn't last long.

Unless, before that, he can find a new Xianmen Dazong to give him enough support.

But the immortal sect is easy to find, and who is willing to help him with the ranks of the eight great immortal sects?

But if there is no support from Xianmen, in Zhongzhou's next round of attack, several high-level masters from the Shenxiaodao sect will come here, and he will be defeated like a mountain.

Even in his city, such a situation made him very worried.

Just when he was in a trance, the candle in front of him suddenly made a 'crackling' explosion sound, and the flame rushed so high that it almost ignited his hair.

But just when Zhao Yin's anger was stagnating and it was difficult to explode, he saw all the guards and eunuchs around him standing on the spot with stiff expressions and motionless.

When he looked up again, he saw a middle-aged man surrounded by golden sword symbols standing in front of the hall.

He watched Zhao Yin raise his head, and said with a smile: "The fourth prince is thinking too deeply. I have been here for a long time and I haven't recovered from it. It's a little joke. Please forgive me, the fourth prince."

"Let me introduce myself. I am the previous suzerain of the Sword Talisman Sect, Zhengyang Zi. Of course, you can call me Immortal Zhengyang."

"I came here to relieve the disaster of the four princes, and even more so to relieve the disaster of Yunzhou."

"I don't know, can I ask for a cup of tea?"

After a long time, a thick male voice sounded: "Your guest is here, please take your seat."

 Thanks for the 100 rewards from book friends, foodie scholars, 100 rewards from Nanwu Amitabha, 1 rewards from Card Bookworm 100, thank you readers for your rewards, thank you!

  This chapter is today's, and I got a recommendation tomorrow. I will save some manuscripts and see if I can update more tomorrow.

  And oh, it’s the end of the month, everyone give me a monthly pass, don’t waste it!
(End of this chapter)

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