The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 277 The God of Creation

Chapter 277 God-making (seeking a monthly ticket)


The female sword master Shen Jinxiu saw that Mo Chengjun was interested, and explained in detail: "Although my Galaxy Sword Sect has withdrawn from the land of Yunzhou, it is not because we have stopped contacting the outside world.

There are many things to deal with when going out this time, one of which is to contact the hidden forces belonging to Galaxy Sword Sect.

My Galaxy Sword Sect has ruled Yunzhou for hundreds of years, and has its own information collection network with the entire Kyushu. These must be picked up, and they must be picked up as quickly as possible, otherwise changes will occur later. "

Mo Chengjun couldn't help but nodded, but it was necessary. This intelligence system was not only built by Galaxy Swordsman over the years, it was not easy to maintain, but it collapsed quickly, so it should not be ignored.

"Secondly, this calamity of ten thousand ghosts came too suddenly. In fact, there are many disciples of Xinghe Sword Sect who are away, such as Junior Brother Wu and the others. They have to be found and brought back."

Well, this is Xinghe Jianzong's style of doing things, and it is inevitable.

"Thirdly, we have to find it from the brother in charge."

At these words, the female sword master sighed infinitely, and Mo Chengjun was also silent. After a long pause, he said: "I'm sorry, I was attacked by the witchcraft at that time, and I was flustered for a while, and I didn't take care of myself."

The Female Sword Master waved her hand and said: "You have done a good job, it can't be better.

In fact, even if there was no such thing, I guess the senior brother would be so decisive, just as he said, my sword cultivator will not take revenge overnight.

Therefore, I have to find him before he exhausts the source of the Yang God. "

This touched a blind spot of Mo Chengjun's knowledge, and he hurriedly asked: "No, as far as I know, this broken body, the Yang God consumes it almost all the time, until the body dies and the dao disappears, can it be saved?"

The female sword master shook her head: "It's not that it can be saved, but that there are other ways to stabilize it, which is also the method that the master and the old master found after the death of the elder brother.

They found a piece of icy soul jade from a thousand feet underground in the extreme north. This strange stone has an extremely unique function, and it has the ability to freeze the soul.

Although it can't be said to be rescued, as long as the Yang God is placed in it, it can be directly fell into a deep sleep without damaging its own mana, which is also a way of living. "

Mo Chengjun asked again: "What about after that? You can't just sleep like this?"

"It's not impossible, but to be honest, we don't like it!"

"Is it the method of ghost cultivation?"

Mo Chengjun just had a second thought, and he had a guess. To be honest, he was actually quite curious about how these ghosts cultivated.

Because, according to his "The Essence of Qi Cultivation", mana is formed by the "essence, energy and spirit" imprinted on the heaven and earth. For ordinary monks, even physical damage, missing arms and legs, etc., will affect the way.

Not to mention ghosts and ghosts, these have no physical body at all.

Mo Chengjun was very curious about their cultivation method, but the method of ghost cultivation is not common, it can even be said to be extremely rare.

They have their own system, and they can also grow through devouring each other. This is also the most conventional and popular way, and there are very few who really understand the method of ghost cultivation.

"Yes!" Female Sword Master nodded in approval, and explained: "The last time Ghost Spirit Sect asked for help, this method of ghost cultivation was one of the requests made by the brother in charge.

It's just that, not to mention the rudimentary methods given by the Ghost Spirit Sect, the most important thing is that the required cultivation environment is too harsh.

Maybe in the underworld, this is a normal situation, but in the yang world, these so-called most yin and evil places are extremely rare. "

At this point, the female swordsman raised her eyes, looked at Mo Chengjun and smiled, and said, "So, I can't count on you?"


"That's right! Can you, a master of creation, develop a cultivation method without a physical body?

In that way, the brothers in charge, including the three Supreme Elders, will be saved. "

When the female sword master said this, it was actually a little 'ridiculous'.

But as soon as she spoke, seeing Mo Chengjun's hesitant expression, her smile stopped, and when she spoke again, her voice was distorted.

"You don't really have research?"

Mo Chengjun grinned and said: "Well, actually, I have some ideas, but it is quite suitable for the teacher and the uncle.

Of course, without specific and in-depth research, I am not sure now.

What's more, when I had this idea, it was not for the sake of the Great Elder and the others, but because I felt that this is the Heavenly Replenishment Sect, who is trying to cause trouble for them. "

"What exactly is it?" The female sword master's voice was full of urgency: "You, don't play tricks on me, tell me quickly?"

Mo Chengjun asked back: "Journey to the West, Palace Master, have you finished reading it?"

"Although I don't have much free time these days, I still have a quick look at it. Now, Senior Brother Dong has sent me to go."

"Do you have any thoughts?"

"Naturally, I have a lot of feelings, and I have even strengthened my thoughts. Thousands of years ago, I guess there really was such a heaven."

After the Sword Master said this, she frowned again, and said, "However, which aspect do you specifically ask?"

"For example, the Shinto system described in the book, for example, the heavenly gods and the earth, and our heavenly cave, all said to be the abode of immortals and gods.

Well, there will be such a fairy sooner or later, so what about this god? "

When he said this, Mo Chengjun's eyes lit up, which was a manifestation of his desire for research.

"Wait, are you talking about the way of ghosts and gods?"

The Sword Master shook her head like a rattle: "No, no, that's too dangerous!"

"The way of ghosts and gods is naturally dangerous, but I didn't say it was a pure way of ghosts and gods!"

Mo Chengjun still didn't give up, he took out a thick secret record and threw it in front of him, saying: "This one, "Wish Power Golden Body Jue" is what I got from the ghost gate, ghosts and gods The great achievement of the way of cultivation.

Of course, it still has problems, big problems.

This disaster of ghosts and gods originated from the impact of heterogeneous thoughts on the will of ghosts and gods. This is a shortcoming, but just like the "Taiping Ghost Control Sutra", it has flaws, but it is not impossible to improve.

So, I just want to try to see if I can perfect this so that I can reopen this path of the divine way. "

Even the female sword master was stunned by Mo Chengjun's thought. She looked at the thick secret record, then at Mo Chengjun, and then at that book, her vision kept looping, and the shock in her heart became more and more intense. bigger and bigger.

After all, she is someone who has reached a certain height. She knows very well that if Mo Chengjun succeeds, it will bring about great changes to the human race of Kyushu.

This is really, really...

Shen Jinxiu, the sword master of the four seasons, is now somewhat unable to express his emotions. He suddenly discovered that although she is a Yang god, she is just repeating the path of her predecessors in order to reach the height of her predecessors.

But for the kid in front of him, every move he takes is not just about practicing, but opening up a way forward.

To be honest, it was just a thought to keep him in the door back then, and the benefits she has gained in these years are so many that she can't count them.

Sometimes she is thinking, if there is more time, only a hundred years will be enough, and if there are another hundred years, what will Xinghe Jianzong look like?

At that time, maybe they can really compete with Butianjiao.

However, the past is a foregone conclusion, and this is just thinking about it after all.

The female sword master calmed down, and asked again: "Then how do you want to use the divine way to target Butian's disciple?"

"I can't say target it. The main reason is that the butian disciples are hidden in the dark and cannot be targeted directly. Therefore, my idea is actually to limit."


"Yes, it's the limit."

Mo Chengjun narrowed his eyes and said: "Palace Master, if you imagine the description in the book, I still don't believe it.

I reopened the Shinto all the way, and let the land of the mountain gods and the city gods and judges take root in the land of Kyushu, all of which are fully equipped.

Hehehe, not to mention the strength of my Heavenly Court's control over this god, just to talk about it, don't his disciples like to make wind and rain in secret, playing right and wrong in this privacy?

I don't believe it anymore. In this yang world, there is an imperial court, there are immortals on the mountains, and gods in the yin soil, and they don't even give them a headache. "

That's right, this is Mo Chengjun's idea, ya ya, I have perfected all kinds of supervision systems and violent agencies, let's see how you make trouble?

"This idea is interesting?" The female sword master also narrowed her eyes at the same time, and said: "Then what do I need to do?"

Look, this is the female sword master, now I don't ask 'how sure are you', but 'what does she need to cooperate', this is also a kind of tacit understanding.

"The new project I am going to open is this, or that sentence, true knowledge comes from practice, I have to find a place in Nanzhan Buzhou, guide a group of people to believe in gods, and then through actual observation, record information and adjust exercises.

To be honest, this period of time is probably not too short, and after the real success, it will be spread among the Kyushu human race. "

"That's fine!" The female sword master nodded, and said again: "If there is a specific need, you are looking for me, and I will make detailed arrangements then."

"it is good!"

The female sword master asked again: "Yes, what is the name of this project? Don't you just like to give each project a name?"

Mo Chengjun grinned: "The palace lord knows me well, I call this project "God-making Project", how about it?"

The female sword master couldn't help but twitched, she paused for a long time before saying: "This name has your style, and it is as bad as ever.

However, your plan is up to you, so I don't care. "

This is the end of the conversation. The female sword master is naturally very busy, and she is ready to go back to Wutong Cave after resting.

Over there, I don't know how many things are waiting for her to decide. As for Mo Chengjun, he is going to stay for a while to 'clean up' this heaven.

After all, if you live alone, it doesn't matter how messy the 'nest' is, but if you welcome guests, you have to tidy it up, and it can't be too sloppy.

It's just that the female sword master seemed to think of something before taking it away, and asked: "By the way, since your kid showed me the supernatural power of "A Dream of Huangliang" last time, it seems that you have started a lot of projects and saved a lot. Little fruit, right?"

"Haha, of course there are!"

"how many?"

"Uh, this..." Mo Chengjun was counting with his fingers, it seemed that there were quite a lot, and he couldn't count them in an instant.

"Are you still counting?"

The female sword master stared wide-eyed: "You, are you getting more and more outrageous? How come all the spirit energy from before is gone?"

Mo Chengjun immediately understood, and said: "Master, please wait a moment, wait a moment, I will sort it out and send it to you, so you will definitely have a sneak peek."

"It's almost there!"

After saying this, the female sword master rose from the sword, turned into a rainbow light, and flew away, leaving only Mo Chengjun messy in the wind.

Okay, Shen Jinxiu, the sword master of the four seasons that I am familiar with, has finally returned!
 The first update, send it first!There is another update later, it will be later...

(End of this chapter)

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