Chapter 283 Fairy Fruit (seeking a monthly ticket)

In fact, at the beginning, Mo Chengjun was going to fill in all the eyes of the Lingquan at once according to the female sword master's intention, but after such calculations later, he felt that it couldn't be done like this.

In other words, if you really do this, you will be too desperate!
Think about it, a large-scale spiritual baptism can harvest a batch of "spiritual plants, spiritual plants, spiritual grasses and elixir". If this happens a few more times, it will not be crazy!

Moreover, although the limit of the cave has not yet been touched, the five-color soil that is said to be infinitely spawned has a limit, and Mo Chengjun is also afraid that one step is too big, and it is easy to pull the egg.

So, it's better to take it easy!

Of course, just this has shaken the talkative sycamore tree to the point where it's no longer a 'stinky fart'.

However, it wasn't this that really made Mo Chengjun happy. The only thing that really made him happy was the flat peach tree that really bore fruit.

Inside Pantao Garden.

Mo Chengjun looked at the fruits adorning the flat peach tree, his eyes lit up, an unstoppable smile cracked at the corner of his mouth, and a gleam of crystal color visible to the naked eye fell.

Sucking, good guy, did you really plant this 'flat peach'?
This is so, so, so... exciting!

Mo Chengjun stretched out his hand and wanted to pick one and taste it. The fruit of this fairy tree must have some special effects, right?

He didn't expect to be able to live as long as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon, as in the 'myth'. That's too mythical and unrealistic!

But how can you improve your cultivation a little, right?
The most important thing is that since there are fruits, there will be stones, and he can plant them again. The [-] flat peach trees he is looking forward to are really not fantasy.

Thinking of this, Mo Chengjun put down his hand again, but took a pen and paper, and counted the trees one by one.

After doing some counting, he found that it was actually the one from the main body of the flat peach tree, the one with the largest peaches, the size of an adult's head, and the most attractive.

Even if you smell it closely, you will feel a sense of 'lightness and quickness'.

As for the quantity, there are twelve pieces in total.

As for the fruits produced by other flat peach trees, the number ranges from 670 to [-], totaling [-].

It's just that the size is different, and the gap is huge. Some are as tall as the body of a flat peach tree, and some are as small as a baby's fist. It looks so green.

Ordinarily, these flat peach trees have experienced two baptisms of inspiration, so there shouldn't be such a big difference, but the fact is that it is so, and Mo Chengjun couldn't figure it out for a while.

However, let's put this question aside for now. Now that we have it, it's only a matter of time before we mature.

After counting, Mo Chengjun was very happy. When he was thinking about who should be invited to this peach feast, he picked a big and red peach and took a bite.

He was not willing to pick the twelve best big peaches, so he picked one from another tree. When he was still thinking about good things, his expression twisted into a ball when the peach entered the mouth.

"Damn it, these peaches are not ripe yet?!"


Well, Mo Chengjun admitted that he was careless, this statistics should not be just about 'quantity', but also about 'quality'.

So, he tried again, and in the end, only the one on the flat peach tree was edible, and the others were just appearances.

Simply, the peaches on the body are really effective. After eating, it 'replenishes qi, replenishes essence, and replenishes spirit'.

If all three of these are supplemented, then naturally the mana of the whole person begins to increase.

Although the speed is not fast, it is gentle enough, there seems to be no impurities in the conversion process, and the pure mana produced is comparable to the result obtained by Mo Chengjun after using the sword washing method in "Yi Jin Jing".

And the effective time is still long enough, at least Mo Chengjun has not yet felt the limit of the 'drug power'.

It's really finished digesting, no matter what, I have to raise a small realm!
In the later stage of Golden Core, it is within your reach!
What's even more commendable is that Mo Chengjun can feel some kind of original replenishment. He can't explain it clearly, but it's obvious - this fruit can really prolong life.

Good guy, just ate one, and Mo Chengjun's eyes became brighter!

Pantao, pantao, if you don't do it well, it will come true!
At this moment, Mo Chengjun felt that the heavens were helping him. With the title of "Peach" in heaven, he had to be three-pointed no matter what!
Of course, when he came back to his senses, Mo Chengjun came up with a question, why is there such a big gap between the same flat peach?
Finally, comparing the difference between the two, he thought of a possibility - either it was a matter of time, after all, the flat peach tree itself lived long enough, which was far inferior to other flat peach trees.

Or it's 'Peach Blossom Miasma'...

There is nothing he can do about this issue of time, after all he doesn't know the supernatural powers of time, but if you want to talk about this peach blossom miasma, he can still think of a way!
At this moment, Mo Chengjun squinted his eyes and began to think, he must be cautious about the large-scale popularization of the "Heavenly Court Reception Order" to the outside world.

But Galaxy Sword Sect's secret realm of illusion still needs to find a time to open it first.


There are only twelve edible flat peaches in total, oh, now there are eleven, of course, this 'Peach Banquet' is out of the question, but Mo Chengjun still picked them all, and immediately returned to Xinghe Jianzong .

To say that Mo Chengjun's speed is actually not too slow, but when he arrived, the four palace masters had already returned. After inquiring, it turned out that the other three palace masters had left the cave except for the Female Sword Master.

The plan had already been made, and it was already too late. They couldn't wait for a moment. Mo Chengjun didn't talk nonsense, and first gave the three of them the token authority to enter and exit the cave.

That's right, it's the 'Heavenly Reception Order', but it's another version.

In addition to being able to enter the 'Magic Heaven', another function is to 'open the door'.

Speaking of the benefits brought by the fusion of these two caves, Mo Chengjun thinks the biggest one is the addition of an entrance.

That is to say, in addition to the Nantianmen needing to be used for 'pretending', the entrance of Xinghe Jianzong can also enter and leave Nanzhan Buzhou.

It's just that the authority used to be in the hands of several Palace Masters, but now it's in the hands of Mo Chengjun.

Then there's the 'Illusionary Heaven'. Although Mo Chengjun has been busy ignoring those people these days, it doesn't mean that the Illusory World has closed down.

And its greatest benefit is not in cultivating talents and disseminating exercises, but...communication.

Nowadays, it's really impossible to make an instant call like a 'telephone call', but it's still simple to send a 'text message'.

For this reason, Mo Chengjun also specially opened up a golden hall - Tongming Hall, one of the 72 treasure halls.

Mo Chengjun no longer cares about what the book is for, but now, he is the communication center.

Although it is only the most primitive version, it is already extremely convenient.

Don't really think it's nothing, but whenever the palace masters encounter an irresistible enemy, as long as they sleep, the news will come back.

Believe it or not, as long as there is time to turn around, Mo Chengjun can pull the 'Nantianmen' over, and guarantee that there will be no scum left of the enemy.

Of course, just to be on the safe side, Mo Chengjun gave everyone a flat peach fairy fruit, including the female Sword Master.

This fairy fruit, well, although it is only at the level of the fairy wood, it still has the word 'Xian' attached to it. It's not too much to call it a fairy fruit, right?
And this fairy fruit is definitely the best treasure for fighting skills and saving one's life.

To be honest, even the four palace masters are all 'well-informed', but when they were each sharing a flat peach fairy fruit, they were all stunned with eager eyes.

Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu couldn't help asking: "Is it really blossoming and bearing fruit?"

"This one……"

Mo Chengjun hesitated a little, not because he wanted to hide it, but mainly because the inside story was quite complicated, and he found it troublesome to explain it clearly.


The four of them were a little disappointed, but when they saw the fairy fruit in their hands, they were a little dazed, and Zhisha Sword Master Dong Hongwu moved the fruit forward: "Then what is this?"

"Peach Fairy Fruit!"

Mo Chengjun replied, and seeing the unkind eyes of the palace masters, he immediately said in the most concise words: "28 flat peach trees, that is, the body of the flat peach tree got twelve edible ones, and although there are more than 670 others, But can not eat.

What I hesitated just now is how to explain this matter clearly to everyone, because I still haven't figured out why the more than 670 coins are not familiar? "

As soon as this remark came out, the several palace masters were silent, and for a long time, it was Deng Bolu, Qing Cang Sword Master, who said: "Should this be the rigor of a master of creation?"

The female sword master nodded approvingly: "You will get used to it in the future, you will get used to it!"

Turning hands away, she slapped Mo Chengjun on the forehead, and said, "Next time, if you have something to say, tell us as soon as possible, don't let us misunderstand.

Besides, I got twelve fairy fruits, twelve.

When Xinghe Jianzong stored the most fairy fruits, there were no more than ten pieces, so what else do you want? "

Mo Chengjun couldn't help but interjected: "There are only seven left now, and I'll eat one more."


The several palace masters were speechless, the four looked at each other, and laughed out loud at the same time, Mo Chengjun who laughed was a little baffled.

But just before the three Palace Masters left, he hurriedly said: "Palace Master, you must bring back the fruit core!
I'm still planning to plant the seeds again. In the future, there will be as many flat peaches and fairy fruits as I want. "

The three palace masters were shocked, but they didn't look back, but left one after another.

As for Mo Chengjun?

He also divided up the remaining flat peaches in his hand. Baling'er, Zhao Rulan, Xue Ling, and Ba Nishang got one each, and gave the other one to the female swordsman, and asked her to give it to Fairy Ruoli and Xue Pan to keep it. one.

It is worth mentioning that Xue Pan and his wife also entered Wutong Cave early, as Xue Ling's family members, but they did not bring his nephew.

Before this battle, entering the cave was unpredictable, and Xue Pan and his wife were willing to take this risk, but others were not necessarily so, so they naturally dismissed it early.

To be honest, Zhao Rulan and Xue Pan are the ones who need the fairy fruit nourishment the most at this time, and Zhao Rulan will heal their injuries.

As for Xue Pan, although he has practiced the "Eight Nine Mysterious Kungfu", he really started too late, and the most important thing is to nourish the foundation.

As for the last one, he didn't give it to the female sword master, and according to Xinghe Jianzong's usual style, he wouldn't take it either.

But he also told the female sword master that if there is a disciple elder in the sect who really needs it, don't be polite to him.

The female sword master knew what he meant, and nodded in agreement.

When the matter came to this, the female sword master also left. The Xinghe sword sect is in chaos now, and she has to go to sit in the town.

As for Mo Chengjun, he naturally returned to his home.

Because the three Palace Masters had just left and hadn't migrated over yet, his plan of 'creating gods' couldn't be implemented.

So, he picked up the 'job' that he hadn't done before—that is, summarizing and expanding the previous research results.

And the first one to start with was the supernatural power of swordsmanship.

Well, the most important thing in this research is inspiration. After such a delay, he lost his inspiration, thought about it, and used many methods. Alas, he just couldn't find it.

As a result, with the four basic supernatural powers of swordsmanship, he realized another kind of 'Sword Demonstration of Heaven and Earth', and the remaining technique of 'Sword Light Differentiation' was still impossible to understand!
Putting this matter on other people feels like an achievement.

After all, you have obtained three of the four basic kendo supernatural powers, what else do you want?
But what about Mo Chengjun?
When the obsessive-compulsive disorder came up, he felt that there were only three legs on one table, and one was missing, which made him feel awkward no matter what!
But there is no way, if there is no inspiration, there will be no inspiration, and if he can't understand it, he won't understand it.

In the end, Mo Chengjun finally gave up after bumping his nose.

Come on, I can't afford to provoke, I can't understand, I can't change it!
Of course, before changing, he still filled in the "Sword Intent Fundamental Theory" with his comprehension about the supernatural power of "Sword Playing Heaven and Earth".

It is said that he has an elm head and does not know how to adapt, but in fact, he should be the first to comprehend this basic supernatural power.

After all, at the beginning of his awakening, he didn't even have mana, so he was able to summon the spirituality of magic, and the Fire Crow Curse in one hand made him use the realm of "ten miles of flames, and Bi Fang dances alone".

If this is applied to the supernatural power of the sword, the sword energy is just a special inspiration. As long as this spirituality is summoned and evolved into various fierce monsters, you can get a trace of the might of the ancient monsters, and the natural power will increase.

To be honest, this is really a problem of thinking transformation, and he has been sleepy for so long, which makes people speechless.

And after finishing it, every time he saw the name of the so-called "Mo's Sword Intent Fundamental Theory", he felt a little displeased.

I feel that the book I have realized now is not purely about sword intent, so this name is a bit inappropriate.

In the end, with a big wave of his hand, he changed it to "The Fundamental Theory of Mo's Sword Dao", um, so, it's good.

After this work was done, Mo Chengjun used "Eight Nine Xuan Gong", "Pot Sky", "Whip Mountain and Move Stone", "Drive Thunder and Lightning", "Call Wind and Rain", "Fake Action", "Six Nine Thunder Tribulation" and other magical powers again. Sort it out.

The content added by these replacements is not too much, and there is nothing worth talking about, but for "A Dream of Huang Liang", he has put in a lot of hard work.

It's not that the supernatural power has changed much. In fact, this supernatural power has reached a point where even Mo Chengjun can't perfect it.

On the next level, when one reaches the level of supreme supernatural powers, it is reckoned that one must involve the level of 'change between true and false'.

That is really too high-end. He feels that he is not up to it now, and he still needs to improve his strength.

And this hard work, he mainly made changes to the world of several illusions. "Jianghu" has not changed, and there is really nothing to update the stand-alone game.

But "Shu Mountain", he directly merged it to the downstream of "Nanzhan Buzhou", and became the lower bound of "Nanzhan Buzhou".

What's more, Mo Chengjun also produced both "Beiju Luzhou" and "Dongsheng Shenzhou". The four major continents gathered together, plus "Heavenly Court", the overall mythical world is finally complete.

Uh, ok, it’s not complete yet, it’s missing a piece of “Underworld”, let’s do it now, this one is really useless, so I just skipped it.

Of course, the most important thing is that these four continents and the "Heavenly Court" are no longer closed, but connected in series.

In the future, they can really communicate with each other. For example, the nine heavenly messengers he cultivated can go to the lower realm to practice in their dreams.

And if the disciples of Xinghe Sword Sect really cultivated to the fairyland, they could also be ranked in the fairy class.

Uh, although it's in a dream, don't look down on me!

By analogy, those big Vs and top anchors on the Internet, which one is not equally awesome!
Of course, during this process, Mo Chengjun finally commanded the disciples of Xinghe Sword Sect to build up the secret realm of Qingcang Peak again.

As for the core, it is naturally connected to the Paradise Garden in Heaven, and this time, he really does not limit the scale of Qingcang Peak's secret realm.

Of course, it is easy to disassemble so many old ice coffins, but it takes a lot of time to install them, and it cannot be done in a day or two.

And Mo Chengjun put this down, and when he was about to gnaw on the hardest bone - "Book of Heaven", the female sword master finally found it.

She didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the point: "I read the plan you gave me last time, and it was really shocking. I don't know if I can take a look inside the Illusory Heavenly Court?"

Mo Chengjun was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed: "Of course!"

So, he stretched out his hand to lure in the void, and a huge amount of inspiration poured into it, and a token carved with dragons and phoenixes appeared out of nothing.

That's right, the heavenly court received the order!
Even if she already knew what to do, the female sword master was still shocked every time she saw the "Mediation of Good Fortune" technique created out of nothing.

And Mo Chengjun handed it over, and said directly: "Palace Master, you need to refine it first, and I will lead you into the world of illusion to see what the real heaven looks like."

 Today's update is 4600+, please forgive me for the time issue!

(End of this chapter)

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