Chapter 288 Shocking (seeking a monthly ticket)


Some remote town.

Countless beams of sword light descended from the Nine Heavens, piercing through the cover of the ghost fog, and piercing through the roof of a post station with two pale lanterns hanging on it.

The screams of fierce ghosts filled the eardrums like the sound of death, and countless ghost auras turned into chains, flying all over the sky, colliding with the subsequent sword aura.

The sword whistle of '嗤嗤嗤嗤' combined with the death-defying Sanskrit sound made the whole world tremble.

In the dark night, there was a person walking slowly. He was slightly fatter and walked lightly. He walked all the way, ignoring the ghosts in the darkness. As far as he could see, his eyes were as cold as a knife.

Until the post station, the two pale lanterns suddenly turned into eyes burning with will-o'-the-wisps, the gate of the post station shook, and turned into a huge mouth dripping with saliva, but the throat was narrower, and it seemed that there was still food in it.

That food is the remnants of human beings!
Starving ghosts, because of their big belly and small throats, suffer from hunger, but never get enough to eat. They are the most common kind of ghosts, but they have grown to the level of the ghosts in front of them, and they are only one step away from the ghost king. Naturally good.

However, in the fight just now, he seemed to have suffered a big loss, so that he was completely enraged at this time.

Countless chains turned into big hands in mid-air, holding weapons, such as knives or swords, or hammers or axes, and slashed ghostly aura more than ten meters long towards the enemy in front of them!
But the person who came just looked up and glanced contemptuously, opened his mouth slightly, and spit out two words: "Stop! Kill!"

The sound is not loud, but it is very thick, and when it spreads forward, it stirs up a layer of sound waves.

Then, the ferocious ghost seemed to be fixed in place, no matter how he urged the magic power and ghost body, it would remain motionless.

But it can't move, but it doesn't mean the person can't move.

The ghost could only watch helplessly as the man made a formula, and when he thought about it, a flying sword flew in the air and pointed at him.

Then, the sword rainbow became more and more prosperous and longer, and after such a long distance, the biting cold made him, a ghost, shiver uncontrollably.

At this point, a look of fear flashed in the lantern-like ghost's eyes, but before he was given a chance to continue struggling, the person who came came gave him a light scold.

The sword light was like lightning, piercing through seventeen or eight holes in the entire station in an instant.

As a result, the rustling ghost screams became the wails of dead souls, and the ghostly spirit curled up into the sky, and then dissipated under the cold moonlight.

It wasn't until this time that the whole station returned to normal. The visitor still showed no expression, but closed his eyes slightly before walking forward and walking into the station.

This station is not big, but as far as the eye can see, there are corpses, some have been turned into bones, some have been drained and turned into mummies, and there are still corpses exuding a stench.

But that's not all, there are some messy sustenances thrown on the ground, with a faint ghost aura pervading them, but the ghosts entrusted in them have long since dissipated.

Obviously, this starving ghost can grow to the present level, not only cannibalizing people, but also devouring ghosts.

This post station is not big, but the space below the post station is not small. Although it is equally spooky and corpses are everywhere, it is horrible, but fortunately, in the depths, there are huge bone spur cages standing up, and the people inside are all living things. people.

The ghost obviously chose to raise some of them because it was too slow to eat people, and they all gathered here.

Seeing these living people, Killing Sword Venerable Dong Hongwu finally looked better, but he didn't think about dealing with these people either.

He first cast a spell, and saw a phantom mist, and the people in the cage gradually closed their eyes, and then he threw a few more spells, either with spiritual rain falling to repair the injury, or with The light of the Dharma shines and restores the spirit.

After some treatment, he raised his hand, took out the race bag, opened it with disgust, and absorbed everyone into it.

His speed was fast enough, and his series of movements were smooth and flowing. He turned and left after confirming that there were no living people. Wherever he passed, there were fires on both sides.

The fire ignited the corpses, cages, sustenance, and even withered grass, households, everything that could be burned was burned.

After leaving the post station, Dong Hongwu turned his head slightly, as if he remembered something, and continued to search the town.

At this time, the town had no living creatures, and under the moonlight and firelight, it looked extremely cold.

Zhisha Jianzun saw some pots and pans, household farm tools, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and the like, and collected them casually.

He thinks more, these people have to live after entering the cave, and these basic daily necessities are still needed.

Of course, that means the area inside the race bag is large enough, otherwise he wouldn't dare to do this!

After the work was done, the fire had spread and engulfed the entire town.

From this day on, this small town will no longer exist in Yunzhou, and perhaps after many years, there will only be a few records in the county annals.

But in today's Yunzhou, this situation should not be too normal.

And after doing all this, Zhisha Jianzun didn't want to delay, so he prepared to leave.

However, just as he was about to leave with the sword, another talisman in his waist ignited without wind, turning into a cluster of flames and dangling in front of him.

For the huge sect of the Galaxy Sword Sect, it is naturally impossible to use the "Illusory Law Heavenly Court" as a way of communication. In fact, before the three palace masters left, they all brought special mother-child talisman seals.

In terms of effect, this thing is far inferior to Illusory Heavenly Court. It can be regarded as the most primitive telegram at most, but there is an advantage that when one of the four casts a spell, the talismans of the others will also burn.

Although it is impossible to communicate specific information, it is at least a crude way of communication.

Seeing this talisman, the expression of Dong Hongwu, the sword master of Zhisha, changed.

According to the agreement of their several palace masters, if this happens, it means something serious happened to the sect, and they have to return as soon as possible.

However, this time, Zhisha Sword Master Dong Hongwu was not impulsive, he thought for a while, and took out a magic weapon and threw it out.

The sculpture that looked like a house directly enlarged in mid-air and turned into a hut. Dong Hongwu walked into it, opened the magic circle, and lay down on the bed again, touching the heavenly reception order in the sea of ​​consciousness.

After feeling drowsy, he opened his eyes again, and he was already outside the Nantian Gate. After stepping in, he went straight to the Tongming Hall.

He was extremely fast, but no one stopped him despite receiving orders from the Heavenly Court. He just entered the Tongming Palace, and he suddenly found that the other three Palace Masters were already there.

Just looking at the expressions of the three of them, Dong Hongwu's heart calmed down a lot, but before he could ask, Shen Jinxiu, Sword Master of the Four Seasons, said first: "Brother Dong, you are finally here, hurry up, hurry up, It's just you."

As Dong Hongwu approached, he looked unhappy again: "Looking at you, it doesn't seem like there is something wrong with the sect?

As long as the sect is fine, I wonder, what is there to be so anxious about? "

"The sect is fine, but this time, it is also related to the future of the sect."

The Female Sword Venerable first explained something, then seemed to think of something, and said: "We will contact in the future, and we will not use the mother-child talisman, it will be too troublesome, and we will not be able to communicate, which will only cause people to worry.

Mo boy has upgraded this 'Heavenly Court Reception Order', if necessary in the future, it can be touched in the sea of ​​consciousness.

There are different levels according to the frequency, and then we can meet again in this transparent hall. "

While she was speaking, Dong Hongwu, the sword master of Zhisha, had already come forward, and the four faced each other. Hearing this, he couldn't help but said: "You use the mother-child talisman, isn't it just for this? You don't know that I took the talisman seal, I was too scared, listen, my heart is still pounding."

"Of course it's not just about this!"

The female sword master rolled his eyes at him, then waved his hand again, and more than a dozen secret records had already appeared in front of everyone.

She went on to say: "It was handed in by that kid Mo Chengjun. I have already read it once. I asked you to come here because I want you to see it too."

"More than a dozen books, all of them? This kid has hidden a lot of good things?" Dong Hongwu said and was about to reach out for it. On the side, Fan Tiande, the Sword Master of No Regrets, and Deng Bolu, the Sword Master of Stopping Killing, also wanted to pick one. Book.

That is, someone asked: "By the way, what level are these secret records? How is it better than "Moshi's Sword Intent Fundamental Theory"?"

"Of course, everything goes beyond!"

The three of them paused for a while, then almost raised their heads at the same time, looking at the female sword master, their expressions already said everything.

No Regret Sword Master Fan Tiande repeated: "Senior Sister, what you said just now is all beyond?"


"But "Mo's Sword Intent Theory" talks about the root of sword intent, and the intention is already extremely high. Could it be that these secret records can surpass everything?"

The female sword master didn't talk nonsense, she bent down, picked a book from among them, handed it over and said: "Hey, the one you mentioned has been upgraded, and it is now called "The Fundamental Theory of Mo's Sword Dao".

Yes, that is, the sword intent can no longer satisfy him, but has risen to the height of the sword.

In this, not only the realm above the sword intent is added, but also the insight into the supernatural power of the sword.

In addition, even the great supernatural power of swordsmanship has two more. "

"Two doors, really?"

When Qingcang Sword Master Deng Bolu took it, there was still a look of doubt on his face, but when he actually got it and opened it, he couldn't move his eyes away.

Seeing that Sword Master Zhi Sha and Sword Master Wuhui also wanted to get closer, the female sword master said: "You two don't squeeze, and you don't have to squeeze, some here are more amazing than that."

As she spoke, she picked up another copy and handed it to Fan Tiande, Sword Master of No Regrets: "Junior Brother Fan, I remember you practiced martial arts when you were a layman, and you still maintain the habit of tempering your body after becoming a Taoist?"

"Yes! Although the future of martial arts is not bright, I always believe that the body is the capital of cultivation."

"Warrior's future is not bright? This is... a bit one-sided. Brother, you should read this. After reading it, it may subvert your perception of Wufu."

"Really or not, let me see!" Fan Tiande took it, opened it, and then his eyes gradually widened, filled with horror.

As for Stop Killing Sword Master Dong Hongwu, he had already picked up a book and opened it. His expression was relaxed at first, but the more he got to the back, the more dumbfounded he became.

Looking at the few people who were in the inexplicable shock, the expressions on their faces changed, the pupils dilated and locked, the brows stretched and then wrinkled, wrinkled and stretched...

Therefore, Shen Jinxiu, Sword Master of the Four Seasons, couldn't help showing some joy.

Emotions can be contagious, and it's more comfortable for everyone to bear it together than for her to be shocked and shocked alone.

There is no time in the dream, after a long time...

The three palace lords finally read through more than a dozen secret records in rotation. It's not that detailed, well, it can't be detailed.

Because, if you really want to study in depth, it is estimated that you will have to study one of them for a year or so.

They just browsed through it roughly and knew the specific content and scope of each secret record, but even so, they were shocked over and over again.

Silence permeated the hall until it was broken by the female sword master.

She asked softly, "I've seen it all, how do you feel?"

No one answered, or in other words, none of the three apparently recovered from the shock.

But the female sword master has already begun to roll the roll: "Brother Dong, you are the oldest and the most knowledgeable, so let me talk about your own thoughts first?"


"How do you feel after reading it, your thoughts after reading it?"

"Besides shock, what else can I feel?"

Dong Hongwu sighed and said: "I can only say that after hundreds of years of Taoism, the inherent cognition in my mind has been impacted into pieces!"

The Female Sword Master ignored his emotion, turned her head, and looked at Wuhui Sword Master Fan Tiande again: "Junior Brother Fan, what do you think?"

Fan Tiande was a little sad: "If, if you give me Xinghe Jianzong decades, or if Mo boy can come to my Xinghe Jianzong for more than a hundred years earlier, maybe this 'today's becoming a fairy' will no longer bother me. Waiting for doom, I Galaxy Sword Sect, maybe, maybe I can't afford to leave my hometown."

Qingcang Sword Master Deng Bolu couldn't help nodding his head in approval: "I also have this opinion.

This kid gave people too many surprises. To be able to accept him as an entry wall, I have to say, Senior Sister, you did the most correct thing. "

Saying so, he looked at the female sword master again, and said: "Senior sister, you asked us to come, guess it's not just for us to see these, right?

If you have an idea, just say it. "

The female sword master did not rush to answer, but asked back: "Do you know how I feel after studying these secret records?"


The female sword master lowered her head slightly, pointed at these secret records, and said softly: "These may not be comprehensive enough, and some of them may not be deep enough, but there is no doubt that Boy Mo has summed up a set of fairy tales that belong to him. Repair theories and systems.

This is a qualitative change, a leap-forward improvement, just like the evolution of Immortal Journey from "different people and different arts" to "Six Realms of Immortal Journey" back then.

In other words, he has already emerged from the Kyushu Immortal Cultivation System and embarked on a new and better path.

I say that, do you agree? "

This evaluation is extremely high, it is not a star and a half, and the three of them were taken aback when they heard it, but when their eyes met, and thinking of what they had just seen, the three of them couldn't help but nod.

"you can say it this way!"

"Senior Sister is right."

"I admire it too."

Therefore, the female sword master said again: "So, I want to fully spread this road of immortal cultivation in Xinghe Jianzong, what do you think?"


Over there, when several Palace Masters were still in 'shock' and discussing a certain plan, Mo Chengjun also fell into a huge 'shock'.

After he returned from Four Seasons Peak, he suddenly fell into a situation of 'doing nothing'.

The three palace lords have not yet returned, and the "God-making" project cannot be started. Naturally, there are a lot of other projects, but if they start now, there may not be enough time.

If you have to stop in the middle of the research, if you can't get up and down, it will be uncomfortable!
Simply, Mo Chengjun struggled for a moment, then slapped his head and remembered something.

In a hurry, he went back to his study, picked and picked among a pile of storage bags, and finally found what he wanted.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he released several bookshelves, densely packed with various secret books.

And he took out one of the oldest books from the bookshelf and put it on the desk.

This book is extremely thick and looks ordinary in appearance, but the four large characters on the cover are extremely conspicuous - "Galaxy Sword Code".

Yes, this is the highest secret code of Galaxy Sword Sect that the old master gave him.

Including the ones on the bookshelf at the back, they are all about the secret volumes of various cultivation experiences in the "Xinghe Sword Code", various minor exercises, and so on.

Speaking of which, the old master entrusted him with this sword manual for some time, but he was so busy that he never found time.

Although his realm is a little lower, it will not affect his sneak peek.

Sitting upright on the chair, Mo Chengjun summoned clean water with magical techniques, washed and cleansed his face, and he turned to the first page after performing a sense of ritual, and read it seriously.

And when he caught his eye, he was addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself.

It should be said that although Mo Chengjun's character is a bit 'cautious', he doesn't match with sword repair, but his major is the kendo of Xinghe Sword Sect, which belongs to the category of this secret book.

Therefore, from this point of view, at least the previous content can be regarded as a 'professional counterpart'.

Then, for the first time, he also knew that the ancestor Xinghe's initial requirements for recruiting disciples were so 'simple' and also so 'courageous'.

In the era when there was no "Hunyuan Qi", the Qi-inducing technique of Galaxy Sword Sect was "Seven Profound Sword Qi".

That is to say, as long as anyone who entrains qi into the door and dies without breaking his veins, he has good aptitude, good physique, and good apprentice...

The seven, well, to be precise, the eight palace masters, that's how they came.

If Mo Chengjun wasn't a disciple of Xinghe Sword Sect, or he had also mastered the "Seven Profound Sword Qi", he probably didn't think it was a big deal.

But just because he succeeded in cultivation, he knew how sharp and unparalleled the Seven Profound Sword Qi is, and how explosive and unpredictable it is.

This level of entraining Qi directly starts with this kind of sword qigong?

So where is cultivation?

That is killing people!
At this moment, Mo Chengjun didn't have any doubts about the fact that all eight Palace Masters could become Yangshen Sword Master, or rather, he was relieved!
After doing all the 'nonsense' things, it doesn't seem like a big deal to have this achievement.

And this is only the first shock that Mo Chengjun has encountered after opening this "Galaxy Sword Code", and naturally it cannot be the last.

This time, Mo Chengjun really saw what is the number one secret book of Kyushu human swordsmanship.

It was also the first time to truly comprehend the top secret recorded exercises in Kyushu, which was really an eye-opener.

 It's still a two-in-one chapter, and it's published together!Ask for a monthly pass...

(End of this chapter)

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