Mo Chengjun still has an advantage, that is, no matter how reluctant he is before agreeing, as long as he agrees, things will always be done beautifully.

For example, now, even though he knows that he has been tricked by the four old foxes, he will still do his best for the matter of "teaching the Dharma and preaching" itself.

And, then again, things like 'teaching and educating people' are passed on from one to another, even if he worked harder, it was still early.

When his 'theory' is fully promoted, someone will stand out.

In the long run, this is a good thing, a big good thing!

Hmm, well, Mo Chengjun can only build himself mentally in this way...

With a wave of his hand, the 'time stagnation' was withdrawn, and the entire magic world resumed its flow. For these Yin Gods and Nascent Soul Daxiu, there is no gap in time.

In the midst of the bowing and saluting of the elders of the sect, he stepped onto the podium, facing everyone, and exhaled slightly.

In terms of nervousness, there are actually not many. Although the level is not high, he is also a person who has seen the big world. He can't be cowardly in this "small scene".

Even if he didn't know beforehand, and didn't prepare the lesson, he didn't know what he should say when it came out suddenly?
Or, more precisely, don't know where to start?
However, this did not bother him, he just turned his thoughts slightly, and he said: "Everyone has read these secret records of mine. Now, at the invitation of several palace masters, let me tell you about the secret records I created. system.

Well, I thought about it, and I still think I have to start with "Nine Breaths Convincing". "

After a pause, he continued: "For the content of this lesson, I will explain the difference between 'training qi' and 'breathing qi', talk about the essence of cultivating inspiration from heaven and earth, how to transform inspiration from heaven and earth into mana, and talk about forty-year-old problems. In Dajian, we will talk about the secret of "vital energy and spirit" and the recovery effect of the inspiration of heaven and earth on "vital energy and spirit".

There is a lot of content, but I only have one class assignment—after class, you should try to integrate the method of "Nine Breaths Convincing Qi" into the method of the sect.

It may not be so perfect, but at least it must have a personal thinking and direction. "

In fact, the difference between "practicing qi" and "breathing qi", to put it bluntly, is to join the recovery system of "essence, energy and spirit" by heaven and earth, which can maintain the balance of "consumption" and "recovery" during practice, and take the road of sustainable development .

It's only Mo Chengjun himself who has the golden core cultivation base, and the sword cultivation method of Xinghe Sword Sect is only perfected to the golden core.

Above Nascent Soul, he didn't even have much specific study of cultivation techniques.

Well now, he has spread the theoretical basis, so many sect elders are all researchers and experimental subjects.

You said that once you get started, is it more difficult?

Hehe, the several palace masters are all tricked out, if he is not 'strict' so a million points, he will be embarrassed!
Don't worry, it's only at the level of the 'College Entrance Examination', and it's all overhaul. If you don't sleep for a year or so, it shouldn't be a big problem.


Well, no matter how many calculations there are, Mo Chengjun is serious about 'teaching'.

Because he didn't prepare lessons, he spoke less logically, and often used a hammer and a stick, but this did not hinder the advancement of the course.

And these elders of the sect, also after Dong Hongwu, the master of killing swords, raised their hands for the first time, the atmosphere of the topic became active, and anyone who didn't understand would actively ask questions.

Maybe it was because of Mo Chengjun's reputation, or maybe it was because he was overwhelmed by those dozen or so secret records, or maybe it was because the four palace lords had become obedient students. In short, none of the elders made things difficult.

They study very seriously, and they work harder than Mo Chengjun imagined!
Don't look at Xinghe Jianzong seems to be busy now, and don't look at everyone seems to be quite normal, but from top to bottom, everyone is full of anger.

They lost Yunzhou, lost the mountain gate, and lost the title of the eight great immortal sects in the world.

Their pride does not allow them to bow their heads, but it does not mean that they are not angry and do not want revenge.

They are willing to seize any opportunity and time to strengthen themselves.

They have the 'big enemy' before, never forget!


Star River Sword Sect.

Mo Mansion, in the courtyard, on a deck chair.

Balinger: "What, you agree?"

Mo Chengjun: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Baling'er: "Right? You're right, bastard, how can you agree?"

Mo Chengjun: "I agree, are you unhappy?"

"It's not a matter of being happy or not, but it's not your style of doing things. Just you, don't I understand?"

Baling'er said directly: "You shouldn't push back and forth, I'll say it anyway, we have to go back and forth with the Hall of Enlightenment for eighteen times before we can negotiate a deal, and so on, do you agree again?

I'm panicking with your behavior now? "

Mo Chengjun couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said, "Then why don't you ask me again, I refuse, let's talk about it, and I agree again?"

"Uh, forget it, don't you just look for something to do?" Baling'er stroked his forehead: "That's fine, we'll just tentatively decide on this matter, and we will have a class every seven days, starting from the day after tomorrow.
By the way, this time, what you start the class with is no longer the instructor's lecture, but a regular "open forum lecture" for the entire inner disciples. The Hall of Enlightenment does not charge money, but there will be no less contribution points belonging to you. It is borne by the sect. "

"All right, I have no objection." Mo Chengjun has already looked down upon these things.

"Then what are you going to talk about for the first lesson?"

"What else can I talk about? It's "Nine Breaths Convincing Qi". When talking about the way of practicing Qi, the Zongmen's method of eating Qi can be completely eliminated."

"Okay then, I'll report it to the Hall of Enlightenment?"

"go Go!"

"Then I really went?" Baling'er looked like he wanted to leave but didn't:

"Go, go, don't stand in the way!"

"Your boy is very abnormal. There must be something hiding from me. However, I went to hand in the task first. When I come back, we will have a good fight!"


Baling'er left, full of bewilderment, and went to the Hall of Enlightenment.

As for why Mo Chengjun agreed so happily?
Of course, the female sword master had talked to him before, and even explained the pros and cons to him through word of mouth.

In truth, the world of illusion is at most a small opening, reality is the main body, and the whole sect's cultivation system of "letting go of the old and welcoming the new" must be opened by him, the "Master Mo".

Moreover, since the major infrastructure construction has been carried out, most of the sect buildings have been erected again, and many basic sect functions are also being restored one after another. It is normal for the Hall of Enlightenment to resume lectures.

The time is also ripe.

As for going through Baling'er, that's the process of doing things, and it's absolutely indispensable.

Of course, Mo Chengjun's real time is so precious, but he doesn't have the intention to teach the Fa every day, so he decides to teach the Fa every seven days.

In his opinion, one sheep is herding, and a flock of sheep is also herding, and now he looks down upon it.

Why don't you just go to class, you can do your job, it's nothing!


Two days later.

In the lecture hall.

This is a building that the Galaxy Sword Sect has never had before. It is magnificent and magnificent. There are layers of upward stairs around the building, which can accommodate tens of thousands of disciples at the same time.

At this time, the entire hall was filled with disciples of the sect. At first glance, they were densely packed, and they were already full, all of them were dressed in the clothes of inner disciples.

There are hundreds of true biography standing in front of everyone, each of the peaks has its own style.

Further ahead, there are dozens of major cultivators. They are the only remaining elders of the Galaxy Sword Sect, and they are all at least Nascent Soul. Standing there, they are infinitely elegant.

At this time, they were the leaders, hundreds of true disciples gathered, and tens of thousands of inner disciples said in unison: "Master Mo, I respectfully invite you to pass on the Dharma!"

"Master Mo, I respectfully invite you to pass on the Dharma!"

The sound was a little messy at first, but it became more orderly as it got closer, and then resounded through the sky.

At the highest point, there is a seven-foot podium suspended in mid-air, cast from white jade, carved with a dragon and carved with a phoenix, surrounded by formations, which can project sounds and images to every corner.

On the podium, Shen Jinxiu, the Sword Master of Four Seasons, and Dong Hongwu, the Sword Master of Zhisha, stood on both sides, but today, they are not the protagonists.

Mo Chengjun stepped down amidst the endless calls, and landed on the podium. Looking at the huge stage, and the shouts of countless Galaxy Sword Sect disciples, even he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Yes, this is the explanation given to him by Shen Jinxiu, Sword Master of the Four Seasons.

Sword Master Fan Tiande of No Regrets and Sword Master Qing Cang Deng Bolu would not be able to come back, but even without these two, the scene in front of him was already enough to lift him to the altar.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Chengjun finally calmed down, and said: "Today, I will talk about the way of practicing Qi, the technique of "Nine Breath Convincing Qi", I hope everyone will pay attention to the class.

First of all, I want to talk about the essence of this practice, everyone should have read a book of mine called "The Hypothesis of the Essence of Qi Method", from this..."

Because of the time to prepare for the lesson, this time, Mo Chengjun's lecture was eloquent, and the logic was much stronger than that of the magic world.

Down below, countless sect disciples were fascinated by hearing it, as if a new world had opened up.

This lesson seems to be the same as before, but in fact, this is definitely a memorable day.

Because, from today onwards, whether it is the world of fantasy or reality, whether it is the upper echelons of the sect or the disciples, they have all entered the era of 'qi training' in an all-round way.

It was like the industrial revolution, leading everyone from the old era to the new era in full swing.

After today, 'Master Mo' is no longer a title, but a status symbol, an official recognition, and the most honorable status of Galaxy Sword Sect.

Just like the old master, he seems to have never joined the Galaxy Sword Sect, but he has never hindered the respect of several Palace Masters.

This is also a thank you gift from the four Palace Masters!
Perhaps, the Galaxy Sword Sect has no more natural treasures to reward, but after this day, he will reach the top, and he will have a status and power not inferior to several palace masters in the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Of course, Mo Chengjun's feelings are not deep now, and he doesn't even care much about it.

Because, no matter how significant it is, it will be revealed in the long river of history.

For him now, the matter of 'teaching and educating people' is only a part of his energy.

In addition to preparing lessons, he finally chose among the migrating villages and towns. With the increasing number of people migrating, he is finally about to start his own "Making God" project.

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