Chapter 37 Planning
Naturally, Mo Chengjun couldn't help Fairy Ruoli's troubles, but he had to say that, through Baling'er's narration on this day, he had put a lot of thought into this supernatural power of swordsmanship.

It stands to reason that with his aptitude, there must be an innate bonus for the research and study of spells.

But no matter how he entered the Sword Cultivation Sect, it wouldn't make sense if he didn't learn a few sword techniques!

Therefore, Mo Chengjun included this item in his practice plan.

Of course, the specific practice plan, well, he is still designing.


That is, on the second day after returning from Four Seasons Peak, the news that Mo Chengjun was entitled to inner sect treatment due to his meritorious service exploded in the Zangfa building.

The news didn't spread widely, but the improvement of various remunerations was clearly there, so it couldn't be hidden from the nearest group of colleagues.

What greeted us was an uproar, and everyone's faces were full of disbelief.

Mo Chengjun has been here for more than a year, and they are all familiar with it.

For his evaluation, it is estimated that everyone has to list a large list of shortcomings - withdrawn personality, not communicating with everyone, not integrating into the group, not serious about work, not knowing what to do every day, supernatural nagging!
These are business cards that Mo Chengjun can't get rid of.

Even, everyone was faintly contemptuous. After all, a person who is over [-] years old and only enters Taoism is doomed to gain nothing.

It can be said that except for Baling'er, Mo Chengjun and everyone else in the entire Zangfa Building can only say that they are familiar with each other and can talk, that's all.

But I didn't expect that such a person would suddenly make meritorious service, which is still a great merit.

Otherwise, it is almost impossible to enjoy the treatment of the inner sect as a disciple of the outer sect.

That's all, not counting the privilege of being able to browse the secret records of exercises on the third and fourth floors at will.

Some people are like this. It’s okay for him to see others worse than himself, but he feels unbalanced when he sees others better than himself.

As a result, some people either petitioned, inquired, or asked someone to ask for a relationship, wanting to know what kind of credit Mo Chengjun had done to get such a big reward.

And this news is not difficult to find out. In fact, Jianzong did not hide it internally, but when the news spread, many people became uneasy.

Improve the Spirit Gathering Formation and increase the cultivation speed of outer disciples by twice...

Good guy, that's twice the speed increase, and changing direction is equivalent to reducing the training time by half.

For those outer disciples who are about to approach the 'Forty Great Limits', this is a great gospel.

In terms of this calculation, the rewards Mo Chengjun received seemed to be less.

In the past few days, Mo Chengjun has also felt it. He seems to have received more attention. When he was in Zangfalou, his keen perception could detect sights from all directions.

At first he was still a little confused, but after he got the problem clear from Baling'er, he didn't care anymore.

His answer to Baling'er is: "I am destined to be the one they look up to, so where is this?!"

Of course, what greeted us was Baling'er's contemptuous gaze.

Also in the past few days, Mo Chengjun's internal treatment has been in place one after another, and Mo Chengjun has discovered that there are really many good things.

First of all, there is a sword, which is not the top-notch, but it is also a middle-grade magic weapon Qingzhi Sword from the Artifact Refining Pavilion.

It's nothing to cut iron like mud, the most important thing is to use the real refining technique, and you can use the sword formula to control the flight.

Followed by two sets of standard inner door cassocks.

Although it does not seem to have a strong sense of design, you cannot deny that it is a real cassock, which has the effects of lightness, cleansing, warmth, and cold protection.

For someone like Mo Chengjun who doesn't care much about his image, he wears these two sets of cassocks in turn, so he doesn't need to buy other clothes.

There is also a series of suits including access tokens, flying boats, cultivation pills, crane talisman seals, and three hundred spirit stones, all packed in a storage bag and delivered together.

Note that the storage bag is also part of the set.

Although these are standard and not sophisticated, they cover almost everything a monk usually needs.

Well, with this treatment, it's no wonder that with the power and financial resources of Xinghe Jianzong, they dare not say that they accept more inner disciples.

This sum is all expenses!

As far as the above is concerned, there are many invisible privileges.

For example, Mo Chengjun finally moved out of the standard cubicle in the Cangfa Building, and instead has a set of independent courtyards of his own.

This small courtyard is just behind the Zangfa building, and its area is not too big.

But there is a master bedroom and a wing room, a living room and a garden, and a closed practice field, in which the spirit-gathering array is directly grafted to the branch of the spirit vein of Tianhen Mountain.

Although it is only a tributary, but what kind of spiritual vein is Tianhen Mountain, the main peak of the Seven Palaces, even if it is missing a little bit, it is enough to amaze Mo Chengjun.

Because, this is also the first time he has discovered that when the spiritual power of the world reaches a certain level, he can really choke on a single breath.

And practicing in this environment, the speed really goes without saying.

Of course, if you want to talk about the dissatisfaction with this small courtyard, it is that there is one tree that is big enough, and there is no canopy for shade in the afternoon sun, which always feels like something is missing.

Mo Chengjun made a decision after walking around the new courtyard a few times.

Without further ado, he found someone to convert the east room into a study room, set up a large enough desk, and a lot of self-made experimental supplies.

For example, the microscope, and bookshelves are all placed on the four walls.

Mo Chengjun is going to spend his time filling it up little by little. This may be the best environment for a book lover.

It was also in this study room that Mo Chengjun sat behind the desk, took a pen and paper, and wrote seriously.

After listing them one by one, I started to cut off, cross out, or check them out one by one, and mark the numbers in order of priority.

After frowning and sketching for a long time, Mo Chengjun found another piece of paper, copied it, and then began to make detailed plans and arrangements.

That's right, it is the planning and arrangement of future cultivation and study and research.

In the past few days, Mo Chengjun has discovered a big problem of his own - lack of time.

Yes, it seems that he has solved the problem of 'Big Limit', but it also made him need fellow practitioners in four disciplines.

Restoring the Gods, "Cragerstroemia in the North Pole of Zhongtian Star Observation Map"

Nourishing essence, "Yimu Longevity Gong"

Nourishment, "Awakening of Insects Method"

With the method of eating qi, "Hunyuan Qi"

For ordinary outer disciples, just one "Hunyuan Qi" is enough for them to practice for decades.

And now, Mo Chengjun has quadrupled!

Even if he thinks he has good talent, this is equivalent to four times the time consumption.

Now, he is already thinking about whether there is a way to practice the 'Three Doors of Cultivation Method', but, not to mention that it will be successful, this kind of creation method will take more time!
Secondly, since Mo Chengjun has boasted so much, this "Hunyuan Qi" has to try to improve it.

It takes enough time to understand the meridians, and to study the function of each meridian in depth, which takes a long time.

Furthermore, the "big limit" has been resolved, and there is no sharp sword hanging over the head, so we have to look at the long-term.

It's a shame that a monk can't even move the array.

Mo Chengjun lost face once, but he really didn't want to lose it a second time.

Then, it is really necessary to concentrate on learning all kinds of advanced knowledge in the world of cultivating immortals.

For example, if he earnestly learns some spells, he is still somewhat talented.

For example, talisman refining tools and alchemy, you also have to understand it.

Well, just to understand a little bit first.

Another example is the sword art, this is really impossible to say no in Xinghe Jianzong, otherwise you will be beaten.

In the end, although Xinghe Jianzong is safe, this world is always full of accidents.

And if he doesn't want to be a member of the accidental death, then there must be a critical moment to let others feel the power of the accident.

Still the same sentence, it is one thing to have a sword and not use it, but another thing to not have a sword in your hand.

Mo Chengjun positioned himself as a scientific research leader, and he didn't want to make a move unless he was in a desperate situation.

But when he was in a desperate situation, what he hoped was that if he tied A with one move, all the enemies would be killed.

Therefore, this killing power must also be formed.

In the end, he still has a lot of things to study in depth.

For example, the sword intent of Jian Jue,
Another example is the eye of the spiritual spring that has been dormant for a long time, and even the cave method and so on.

In this way, after one by one, Mo Chengjun suddenly found that he had too many things to do.

In comparison, there is too little time at disposal.

Therefore, he had to make a detailed plan, choose priorities, and arrange a complete training plan.

It took Mo Chengjun a full half a day to weigh the comings and goings, write and draw like this, before he came up with a whole set of practice plans.

The plan is detailed down to when he gets up every morning, how long does it take to cook and wash, how long does the practice last, how long does the exercise take, etc...

Of course, the plan is not perfect, there are many places that need to be changed according to the follow-up practice, and there are still many places that need to be added, such as the body training secret method of "Yimu Longevity Kungfu", he has to choose and so on.

This is only the first draft, but Mo Chengjun is quite satisfied with his plan, mainly because through this method, he already has a rough outline in his mind, and after clarifying the priorities, he has a solid idea of ​​the future schedule.

In the end, Mo Chengjun thought about it, and wrote down the general outline before the whole plan.

'Cultivation is the main thing, and research is the supplement. After five years, the foundation has been successfully built. '

After writing sixteen characters, Mo Chengjun looked left and then again, and felt that something was missing, so he added a few more words at the beginning.

"The first five-year training plan!"

Yes, this is Mo Chengjun's idea, five years, foundation building!


Four days later, Mo Chengjun finally compiled various theories that broke through the 'Forty Great Limits', including the "Hypothesis of Qi Method Practice", and even the three cultivation methods, as well as related extended knowledge and verification, into a secret record.

After thinking for a long time, he still used his brain that was called a waste wood to give this book a not-so-Xianxia name——"Hope Secret Record"

Giving a glimmer of possibility in despair is hope!

Then, without hesitation, he handed over the secret record to Sword Master Four Seasons. This time, he waited a little longer.

Because, even the masters of the Hall of Enlightenment are full of quarrels about this secret record.

It's full of ideas and theories that they haven't had before.

They intend to refute, but the weird thing is that there are clear experimental methods and inspection procedures here.

They only need to do a test and look at the argument, but they find that the ideas and theories here are not nonsense.

Even they have experienced shock after shock, and their world view has become fragmented!

In the end, after a full month of delay, the Temple of Enlightenment gave an evaluation and issued a reward, which was definitely the top reward.

At this time, Mo Chengjun had already started his own cultivation plan. In order to save time, he even resigned from his job in the Zangfa Building.

Anyway, he already has privileges, and he can enter and exit at will below the fourth floor.

It is worth mentioning that, according to Mo Chengjun's request, all the rewards this time were converted into contribution points, which were stored in his personal token.

This is a huge amount of wealth, so huge that even Jindan Daoist would be jealous.

And these have also become the merits of Mo Chengjun's cultivation path.

(End of this chapter)

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