Chapter 41 Magical Powers

A regular life will always make people forget the passage of time, and time seems to be on the accelerator, running faster and faster!
At the end of the second year of the "Five-Year Plan", Mo Chengjun finally reached the sixth heaven of entraining Qi.

At this time, he finally let go of his attachment to sword intent.

Although I am still practicing "72 Ways of Four Elephant Swordsmanship", it is normal to spend some time to improve my proficiency, and I am no longer obsessed with what sword intent is!
In the spare time, he began to go to and from the inner sect's school.

The education model of Galaxy Sword Sect is actually a mixture of the university hall and the master-apprentice model.

There are also masters and apprentices such as Four Seasons Sword Master and Ruoli Fairy, but the authority of Jindan Daoist and above belongs to a small number of inner disciples-room-entry disciples.

And most of the inner disciples will actually study in the classrooms set up by the elders of the inner sect or true disciples.

Its basic rules are almost the same as those of the outer sect, but the content is also deeper and more complicated.

Including but not limited to refining tools and alchemy, formations and seals, forbidden swords, beasts and spiritual plants, fairy food spells and so on.

Although the Xinghe Sword Sect majors in swords, such a large sect cannot have obvious partiality, let alone obvious dependence.

Otherwise, it will only be controlled by others.

As for the Hundred Arts of Comprehension, perhaps I dare not say how deep it is, but there are all of them here.

Moreover, the Zongmen still tends to major in Qi Qi and Sword Jue, and minor in a miscellaneous science, which is beneficial to the Zongmen and personal development.

To put it bluntly, if you go to other places in the future, the sword in your hand may not make you a meal, but with a craft, not many people will refuse.

And Mo Chengjun started to go to these big classes frequently. He didn't care about contribution points, so he could naturally listen to the courses he wanted to hear the most.

Sometimes when he encounters something he doesn't understand, he will even pay someone to teach him directly.

Of course, the accumulation of knowledge does not mean digestion and understanding, especially Mo Chengjun, who always likes to ask why about everything?
So, he specially prepared a small book, and wrote out all the problems encountered in the study.

With the in-depth study and various practical exercises, he actually gained more doubts and puzzles about various phenomena.

What he prepared was to leave it for later, and to study it slowly when he had time to spare.

But I have to say that this course really broadened his horizons.

All kinds of fantasy, magnificence, and mystery in the world of cultivating immortals finally unfolded before his eyes at this moment.

And this study time lasted until the end of the third year of the five-year plan, when he finally broke through the ten heavens of entraining qi, and it was not over.

Three years, well, counting from the start of the reconstruction, in only two and a half years, he has already reached the ten heavens of entraining qi.

This speed, even with the help of various means, is frighteningly fast, but Mo Chengjun is still not very satisfied.

It is also because it is notoriously difficult to practice from the tenth to the twelfth level of the Qi-Entraining Realm. Even he can feel the slowdown of his practice.

But even so, at the beginning of the fourth year of the 'Five-Year Plan', Mo Chengjun still started to study spells in the interval between practice and practice.

Because, this year, he felt a looming danger!
The Galaxy Sword Sect is very safe, the Great Wilderness Mountains, and even Yunjian City are also very safe. Basically, no monsters and ghosts dare to make trouble here, and they live a leisurely and leisurely life.

But this does not mean that the entire Yunzhou is safe, and it does not mean that the entire Kyushu is safe.

In fact, even in the communication with Xue Pan and Balinger, he could feel the chaos in the outside world.

I don't know why, there are more monsters in the whole Yunzhou. They are doing evil everywhere, and even caused a tragedy where the whole village and town disappeared.

And this is much worse than the ghosts. According to the latest news, I don't know what happened on Mang Mountain. Many ghosts were expelled from the mountain.

It is common for them to wander around, swallowing blood, and taking people's souls.

It is said that a certain ghost king even built a ghost city on earth with the lives of 10 people in a city.

This incident caused such a great commotion that even the state shepherd of Yunzhou came to Xinghe Jianzong for help.

Afterwards, Xinghe Sword Sect even issued an order to slay demons and eliminate demons, calling on the entire cultivation world in Yunzhou to move.

The task list in the Zongmen Hall was filled up in an instant, and I don't know how many sword repairmen went down the mountain with their swords to slay demons and demons.

All of a sudden, the entire Xinghe Jianzong became lively.

Although Mo Chengjun is cultivating as usual and his life is going smoothly, but he feels the danger, something is wrong!

Therefore, he no longer dared to practice idly, but prepared to increase his combat power in a short time.

For him, there is nothing quicker than practicing spells if he wants to improve his combat power.

After all, for others to practice spells, they need to practice spells, incantations, guidance of mana, and shaping of heaven and earth, which is a proper grind.

As for him, he directly commanded the heaven and earth to take shape, and his thought was formed, which is like driving a sports car at high speed.

Over the years, although Mo Chengjun didn't practice one more technique, with the deepening of his knowledge, his understanding of the technique has gone up to countless levels.

But to talk about spells, we must first talk about Lingwen and seal script!
When Mo Chengjun was just learning Lingwen seal script, the enlightenment teacher said that Lingwen seal script has power.

At that time, Mo Chengjun felt that his head was showing off.

But now, he agrees that Lingwen and seal script are powerful!
Lingwen seal script belongs to square characters, but its structure is complicated, and it seems to become more and more complicated as time goes by.

And the reason here is the closed-loop structure of the technique.

In fact, almost all spells are closed loops formed by the inspiration of heaven and earth.

And these routes that form a closed loop can actually be regarded as grafted together by Lingwen and seal script.

To make an inappropriate analogy, if the use of spells is regarded as a piece of programming, then Lingwen and seal script are the words and symbols in the programming.

Use them to input various commands and characters, and finally form a program that can run well, which is a magic technique.

Technique, in the final analysis, is a structure, or a three-dimensional three-dimensional void composition.

And the running energy is mana, which is the inspiration of heaven and earth, from which it circulates continuously, produces effects, and forms spells.

What Mo Chengjun needs to do is to memorize this structure and get familiar with it to a certain extent, so that he can send it out immediately when he thinks about it.

This idea is absolutely strange.

But Mo Chengjun can't help thinking this way, and using it like this, there is no problem, so you just say it's annoying or not?

Now, there are mainly three aspects that restrict the power of Mo Chengjun's spells.

First, the upper limit of the technique itself.

For example, Mo Chengjun's first spell "Fire Crow Curse" can only be regarded as an elementary spell, even if it is a high-quality one among the elementary spells, but it is only an elementary spell, and the upper limit is there .

No matter how hard Mo Chengjun tried, the form of 'Fire Crow' was its limit, and it still couldn't kill the four-eared donkey monster in its heyday.

Second, it is naturally Mo Chengjun's magic power, even the spells he uses must be consumed and supplied with energy, and if the magic power is insufficient, no matter how strong the spells are, they will collapse.

In the end, it was natural that Mo Chengjun could control the scope of the world's inspiration.

To put it simply, he can mobilize the inspiration of heaven and earth with a radius of one meter, and the spells he can form will only be the size of a fist.

But if he can control the heaven and earth with a radius of a hundred miles, then he can call wind and rain within a hundred miles with a single thought.

Of course, controlling Baili is still too exaggerated.

At present, Mo Chengjun can only affect the inspiration of heaven and earth within one kilometer at most, and he can't perceive it any further.

If you can't feel it, you can't control it!
And this is the result of his diligent practice of "Visualization of Lagerstroemia in Zhongtian North Pole".

Of course, the current Mo Chengjun no longer looks down on those ordinary spells.

Relying on his ability to enter the third or fourth floor of the Tibetan Dharma building, he was stunned to find the magical powers and spells that suit him in a pile of golden core realm spells.

Yes, you read that right, it's magical spells.

Since sword intent can gather supernatural powers, so techniques can naturally achieve supernatural powers.

Mo Chengjun has studied it. If a spell is just a piece of code, then a supernatural power is a complete program, which is many times more complicated.

But Mo Chengjun is really not afraid, and even feels a little excited.

After all, Xinghe Jianzong is a sword cultivating sect. There are a lot of popular cheats on the first and second floors, but there are many less ones on the third and fourth floors. Moreover, the Golden Core Realm is mainly based on various sword formulas, and the number of spells is not large. many.

Moreover, it is a supernatural power, the number of which is even less, and Mo Chengjun fell in love with a series of supernatural powers at a glance.

This spell is a combination of nearly ten spells. According to different research directions, it can achieve two kinds of supernatural powers. One is called [Drive Thunder and Lightning], and the other is called [Wind and Rain].

At the beginning of his supernatural power practice, he had to delve into three small techniques, named [small cloud gathering technique] [small rain falling technique] and [small calling wind technique].

The reason why these three spells are called small spells is because they are weak in power and small in scope, and they can be practiced at the third level of entraining qi.

Even if it is completed, it can only fool the village women and the people.

But it's just the foundation, and then there are three primary spells [Great Gathering Cloud Technique] [Great Falling Rain Technique] [Great Summoning Wind Technique] based on this foundation.

At this stage, the spells are still not very powerful, except for the [Great Falling Rain Technique] which can water the crops, nothing else is very useful.

It is worth mentioning that at this stage, if the [Great Gathering Cloud Technique] and [Great Falling Rain Technique] are combined, [Cloud and Rain Technique] can also be formed.

This is not very powerful, but it is a necessary technique for Ling Zhifu to take care of the medicine field and immortal food.

Further up, it is the real middle-level spells, [Command Cloud Gathering] [Storm Rain] [Blaster Wind].

The power of these three advanced techniques is already impressive, and they all have the ability to change the world within a certain period of time.

Of course, compared with the combination of the three of them, the supernatural power [calling the wind and calling the rain] is nothing compared to it.

But [Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain] is still only an area-of-effect spell, and it has some effect when used against many enemies, but it is not slack in the face of major repairs.

But if you change [Blaster Wind Art] to [Wind Tornado] and let the three spells collide directly, then the result will be the supernatural spell [Lightning Drive].

This is the ultimate killer move of this series of techniques.

Of course, what is comparable to this supernatural power is its complexity. Not only do you have to be proficient in the three elements of cloud, rain, and wind, but you also have to upgrade a little bit.

It's like climbing a tree of science and technology, but if you don't do a little bit well, you can only look forward to the last supernatural power.

But this is supernatural power, and it doesn't even belong to the means that Jindan Realm should have.

The genius is like a fairy, but he can't get a swordsmanship supernatural power, this is not a lie!

However, Mo Chengjun was inexplicably excited when he saw it!
This is good!

He seemed to be able to see a floating fairy coming to the world, waving his hands, calling the wind and rain; when he stopped, thunder came to the world.

Just thinking about it makes me excited!

This, this is the means that the gods should have!
As for difficulty?

Is it difficult?

Should it be difficult?
Is that difficult for me?

(End of this chapter)

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