The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 501: Fighting with Strong Generals

Chapter 501: Fighting with Fierce Generals (Update)

On the Santu River.

As if he suddenly remembered something, Tian Lei clapped his hands and shouted: "How could I forget this? How could I forget this?"

No wonder, no wonder..."

Mo Chengjun was a little confused and shouted: "What are you talking about to yourself? Tell me clearly!"

The Thunder Ghost King immediately explained: “For the ghosts of newly deceased ghosts, the Santu River can only flow downstream.

But for those powerful old ghosts, they can also go retrograde to the underworld.

In fact, this happens all the time. After all, compared to the cruelty of the netherworld and the underworld, everyone in the world of the sun longs to go there.

Therefore, there have been ferrymen and ghost ships for a long time, and as long as enough soul crystals are given, they will carry passengers.

Although there is more than one route from the netherworld to the underworld, this is the most reliable and convenient one.

When I took my ghost army to the Yin Earth, this is where I went. "

After a pause, he continued: "The most important thing is that this is the most suitable road for the army to march.

But the problem is, when we came, we sailed for such a long time, but we didn’t see anyone?

Sir Immortal Official, why do you think this is? "

Mo Chengjun narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Is this road blocked?"

The Thunder Ghost King slapped his thigh: "It must have been blocked!

And in all likelihood, it was the order given by King Qin Guang. Otherwise, with Li Wudi's temperament, how could he come here to garrison?

It was also because of this person that all the other ghost kings were blocked back, and there were no rebels on the Santu River.

He just didn’t know that the mission given to him by King Qin Guang was to simply intercept and prevent other ghost kings from leaving?

Or is a war about to break out here, and the battlefield is arranged in advance? "

Well, Mo Chengjun has to admit that in terms of brains and understanding of the Netherworld, the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King is not bad.

It’s just that analysis alone is of no use!
Mo Chengjun asked: "Then what do you think we should do now?"

The Thunder Ghost King said with a bitter face: "Master Immortal Official, if you want to meet other old ghosts, my old face is still of some use.

After all, I have been hanging around in Fusi City for so many years, and I have many acquaintances, so at most I will be given more benefits.

But these soldiers only obey orders from above. If I go out, I will probably be beaten to death. "

Mo Chengjun nodded: "I understand, that means we can only fight once."

Before he finished speaking, on the bank of Santu River, the peerless warrior finally took back his hammer.

Two golden urn hammers that were as big as a human head and covered with barbs slipped into the hands, and even if they were just rotated at random, they made the sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

At this time, many ghost soldiers and generals appeared behind him. Some of them were holding long bows, arranged in formation, and set up their bows to shoot arrows wrapped with ghost fire.

But he was stopped by that fierce general!
The giant man waved his hand, roared a few more times, and actually led a group of ghost troops to retreat backwards, clearing a large open space from the shore.

Even before leaving, he waved to the ghost ship, his scarlet eyes filled with fighting spirit.

Mo Chengjun was confused again and asked, "What does this mean?"

The Thunder Ghost King took a look and said, "He is inviting a fight!"

"Invitation to fight?"

"Yes, the Santu River is very strange. It cannot be crossed by flying. The water in the river has the power to corrode bones and ecstasy. Even a thousand-year-old ghost will have to cry when he falls in.

Therefore, if they release arrows, we can choose to dock on the other side, and it will be very troublesome for them to chase them.

However, if we give up the place and go up by ourselves, it will be another situation.

So, he is inviting us to come ashore and fight! "

Mo Chengjun tilted his head and asked, "Isn't there any risk of attacking halfway through?"

"It's hard to say for other old ghosts, but this one probably can't."

The Heavenly Thunder Ghost King turned his head and said excitedly: "However, now is a good opportunity, Lord Immortal Official, why don't we dock from the east.

They were in the west and would not be able to catch up for a while. Moreover, the east was no longer their territory, so they would have to be wary if they wanted to catch up. "


Mo Chengjun refused: "Let's go up now!"


"Going ashore, I want to meet this fierce general."

"Well, that's fine..."

There seemed to be a strange tacit understanding. One pushed back and the other advanced. Within a moment, the ghost ship docked.

The Thunder Ghost King jumped down before Mo Chengjun.

Then he recited the mantra silently, causing the will-o'-the-wisps to detach from the hull and turn into large swaths of ghost soldiers and generals, gathering on the shore.

And the tens of thousands of ghost troops, in just a moment of tea, had already crowded the shore, and formed their troops under the shouts of the ghost generals, and the momentum grew.

As for Mo Chengjun, he was the last to land. He stepped on solid ground and felt a sense of peace of mind.

Well, Mo Chengjun had to admit that the Santu River was enveloped by a strange power, as if it was within the realm of immortals. Even though he was in it, he felt strong uneasiness.

And it wasn't until all the ghost troops gathered that the giant man strode out of the camp and said loudly: "You are very good, you can beat me to death.

Come on, let's have another fight! "

As soon as he heard him speak, Mo Chengjun knew that what the Thunder Ghost King said was true.

That kind of naive attitude and bloodthirsty fighting spirit are so well blended, like an invincible general who is ignorant of the world, but has outstanding fighting power.

Therefore, he responded simply: "Okay!"

As soon as the words were finished, the cries of ghosts, howls of wolves and shouts of killing had already resounded throughout the world.

Two powerful ghostly auras erupted, enveloping countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals and launched a charge, strangling each other directly.

The Heavenly Thunder Ghost King was not idle either. He was sitting in the center of the ghost army. While commanding, he also unleashed pieces of dark thunder, blowing up countless ghost generals.

He actually didn't want to take action, but with just a glance, he knew that it would be impossible not to take action.

In fact, when it comes to strength, equipment, bravery, training, and masters, none of them has an advantage.

There is still some advantage in numbers, and there is an unfathomable patrolling immortal official who has the bottom line, otherwise there is no need to fight.

And he saw it more clearly than anyone else. In this battle, all they had to do was delay.

The real outcome depends on the two people in the sky.

"Are you ready? I'm going to fight?"

A muffled sound came from under the iron armor, like the low roar of a ferocious beast, and then the body, which was several feet tall, grew taller and taller, and the muscles all over its body seemed to be pushing up the entire suit of armor.

Another hammer came out, a very ordinary direct hit, and from a long distance.

But in fact, with the clattering sound of the chain, the dark hammer head kept getting closer and getting bigger.

When he approached Mo Chengjun, it was like a black city wall that was more than ten feet long and wide and covered with spikes. It was hit head-on with a strong wind, and it was extremely domineering.

Mo Chengjun was not in a hurry to take action, but took a step forward. A lotus blossomed under his feet and disappeared.

The giant man reacted very quickly. Before he could retract one hammer, another hammer hit him again.

The same hammer blow, the same hammer head was thrown out, expanded, pushed flatly, and made a loud noise.

Mo Chengjun still made the same choice, and once again stepped out of the way and avoided it.

One hit, one dodge, hundreds of offense and defense transitions in the blink of an eye.

Although there was not a single collision, the sound was absolutely huge. The most important thing was the pair of hammers that hit the air, causing the wind to howl.If it hits the ground, the ground will crack and earth and rocks will scatter.

In terms of power, it is absolutely impressive. Even Cang Si would not be willing to take a hit.

However, Mo Chengjun also discovered that the opponent's brute force was simply amazing, but in fact, the application of ghost energy was extremely rough.

But just when Mo Chengjun was about to take action, the giant man became furious first.

"Don't run, don't run, let me hit you and kill you!"

The dull words turned into the sound of rolling thunder, and the giant standing in the sky suddenly let out an angry roar.

The originally burly and majestic body expanded again.

The armor shattered, the skin turned blue and black, and four arms stretched out from the armpits. He grabbed them in the air and grabbed four identical hammers.

Three feet of ghost body, body of six arms,
Just standing there represents the ultimate bravery and strength.

"You can't run away, you can't run away..."

The clattering iron chains expanded and contracted, and black hammers like city walls smashed down in the air.

This time, the range was several times larger, killing many ghost soldiers and generals who were fighting.

In fact, the originally vacated battlefield was already quite large, but now, just the aftermath has blown away countless ghost soldiers.

Those who fell on the earth were fine, but those who fell into the Santu River were miserable.

The fighting parties spread to all directions almost instinctively.

If this is a battle on the battlefield, if you die, you will die, but if you are hanged in the aftermath, it will be a loss.

As for Mo Chengjun, he still used the previous method to dodge. The lotus flowers that came out of his feet were twisted space nodes, constantly shuttling back and forth.

However, in just a moment, Mo Chengjun felt the pressure.

Theoretically speaking, this kind of brute force is actually most afraid of the magical power of space. No matter how strong the attack power is, if you can't hit it, you can only stare at it.

But if the force is strong enough to make the space unstable, then it will be another result.

Mo Chengjun keenly discovered that with the heavy blows one after another, cracks began to appear in the surrounding space.

Although it was repaired quickly, it shattered even faster, eventually exploding like a mirror falling to the ground.

If someone is not involved in it, it will probably be broken into countless pieces by space debris, and it will still be impossible to find it back.

Such brute force and ferocity made Mo Chengjun a little unbelievable.

Anyway, in this world, he has never seen any martial artist or monster who can do this with brute force alone.

However, after just a moment of contemplation, Mo Chengjun made a decision.

"Since you want to fight, what if I accompany you?"

With a roar, Mo Chengjun's figure suddenly stopped, and then revealed a three-foot-long golden body, as if his whole body was made of gold and iron.

His hands shook in mid-air, and four more arms stretched out from his armpits. The golden hands suddenly clenched, and terrifying strength exploded.

——The magical power of the physical body can lift the sky and shake the earth!

"Come on, let's fight!"

This time, Mo Chengjun did not dodge, but pounced on him. He waved his six arms and punched down, attacking with attack, without giving an inch.

Yes, he chose the most hardcore way to fight back.

After this period of research, Mo Chengjun discovered that the rules of Yin Earth and Yang World are very different, no less than those of Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, the power exerted by many means fluctuates.

But speaking of it, physical magical power is still the most stable one.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom...

At this moment, no one knows how many collisions occurred, but the continuous roar made other sounds seem to be blocked, and turbulent shock waves spread to all directions.

Even if it is just the aftermath, it has turned this world upside down. That is to say, the Santu River is extremely special, otherwise it will have to change its course after today.

But such an extreme collision of forces will eventually end. With a sound like gold and iron clashing, everything came to an end.

When the shock wave dissipated, the giant warrior had already hit the sound of the earth and was embedded in the earth, leaving a large crater ten feet long and wide.

Mo Chengjun stood in mid-air and took a long breath. His meritorious golden body was beating like a real physical body, and it seemed like he could see countless muscle groups jumping.

Although he was embedded in the pit, the giant man was not depressed at all. Even in his embarrassment, he was filled with extreme satisfaction.

"This fight was so exciting!"

In mid-air, the corners of Mo Chengjun's mouth couldn't help but twitch crazily, but the killing intent that filled his heart also dissipated a lot.

With a flash of inspiration, Mo Chengjun had an idea and said, "Let me ask you, why are you here?"

The giant man was honest: "By the order of my king, I am stationed here to guard against incoming enemies and to prevent other ghost armies from escaping to the underworld."

Mo Chengjun asked again: "Then why did you stop me?"

"Of course I won't let you pass."

Mo Chengjun asked back: "But your king's order is to prevent other ghost armies from going to the underworld and the human world? What does it have to do with me, who go down the river to go to the city of vain death?"

The giant man finally stood up, scratched his head in confusion, and said: "You are right, you are not going out, but coming back.

The mission the king gave me, it seems, doesn’t seem to let me stop you? ! "

"Then why don't you stop all the ghosts?"

"Oh, ok, ok..."

Well, no one expected that a big war would end in such a confusing way.

The giant man roared, and the ghost army under his command began to retreat at an extremely fast speed. Naturally, the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King, who was suppressed and beaten, had no reason to pursue.

The two sides separated and rested, and the Thunder Ghost King came over to ask with some confusion.

But after hearing the reason, the whole ghost felt bad.

But you want to say that Ju Han is wrong?

He strictly follows the king's orders, how could he be wrong?

While the armies on both sides were resting, Mo Chengjun chatted with the giant man for a few more words.

In just a few words, he was sure that this person was indeed stupid and stupid.

Because of this battle, the ghost ship ran away long ago. Now it is no longer possible to go down the river, so we can only take the land route.

However, according to the Thunder Ghost King, further ahead, there is a ghost town and dock by the Santu River, where ghost boats should be found.

With this idea in mind, Mo Chengjun was ready to continue setting off with his army.

However, after everything was dressed up, the gongs, drums and suonas were played, and the Ghost Skeleton Throne was set up again, and when they were about to wrap up the dark wind and leave, they heard another loud shout coming from the distance.

"Where are the Li family dolls? You, Grandpa Lu, are here. Do you dare to fight..."

The sound was still there one second, and it was closer the next second, accompanied by the rumble of horse hooves, as if thousands of troops were rushing towards them.

But in fact, on the other side of the Santu River, there was just a man and a horse riding from far to near, waving a square-shaped halberd, surrounded by will-o'-the-wisps, and filled with murderous intent.

At this moment, Mo Chengjun couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth: "Is this the end of the world?"

On the side, the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King also looked up. With just one glance, the whole ghost was not well.

"It's over, it's over, it's really going to be over now!"

 work hard……

(End of this chapter)

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