The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 506 Netherworld Thunder Tribulation

People who study history like to study inevitability, as if certain things must happen, and this is also true.

In that era, those people, and in that situation, there was actually no better choice.

Just like the feud between the Galaxy Sword Sect and the Butian Sect, no matter what the reason was, or whether it took advantage of the situation, the result was that the Galaxy Sword Sect lost a sword immortal, a palace master, and the leader became a demon. A huge hatred.

Based on the Galaxy Sword Sect's style of conduct, it would not be an exaggeration to say 'blood for blood, tooth for tooth'. Revenge usually doesn't last overnight.

And this is an endless blood feud.

But when the Broken Moon Demon Lord makes a strong appearance, even those who hate evil as much as Shen Jinxiu, the Sword Fairy of Four Seasons, have to put aside their hatred.

He even acquiesced in the communication between Mo Chengjun and Zhulong.

In other words, she let go of this grudge, at least for the time being.

To be honest, this is a compromise under the general trend. Any rational person in power in that position would make such a choice.

But when Mo Chengjun told the story in front of the old master, he couldn't go on and had to defend the palace masters.

However, compared to Mo Chengjun's 'worry', the old master acted extremely free and easy.

He waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "I have been to Guanghan Palace and taken many of their courses.

Knowing the situation in this world and what the Butian Sect has done, if you want me to approve their actions, that would be too much. I am not that magnanimous.

But I can also understand their choice. "

Having said this, the old master paused, his expression a bit serious and a bit emotional: "Actually, in the battle with Zhulong, I knew there was no chance of winning but refused to back down. This was my explanation to the Galaxy Sword Sect.

I originally thought that after waiting for death, my soul would return to the netherworld, enter the city of futile death, and go to the battlefield of the outer world to fight happily with those real demons, which would be my explanation for this world.

In this way, as long as a person lives, he will be worthy of heaven and earth and his sect. "

"Old Master is mighty!"

Mo Chengjun couldn't help but give a thumbs up, praising the old master's courage and ambition. This kind of state is indeed not something ordinary people can achieve.

"Then why didn't you make the trip?"

The old master said helplessly: "Madman Ning cut off my beard halfway and forced me to go to Puming Palace to accompany him. What can I say?
Moreover, as someone who has just entered the Netherworld and is not familiar with the rules here, he is indeed too weak.

Until entering the realm of ghosts and immortals, there is another chaos, and order is lost, and there is no way to leave directly.

Therefore, Madman Ning wanted to seize this opportunity and let me ascend to the position of King of Hell. "

"Ten Temple Yama?"

"Yes, one of the Ten Palaces of Yama!"

The old master explained: "It is not easy to become an immortal in this world, but it is even more difficult to become an immortal.

But there, at least there is talent to rely on, a method to rely on, luck to rely on, and a glimmer of opportunity.

But in this land of the netherworld, the place opened by Lord Taishan, only by ascending to the position of King of Hell can it be possible to reach higher levels in the realm of ghosts and immortals.

This is an absolute limitation that cannot even be solved by chance and talent.

The reason why Madman Ning started the war was to make me ascend to the position of King of Hell, and the one he chose was Zhou Juegong, the Great King of Song Dynasty. "

Mo Chengjun asked a little strangely: "That's not right, haven't you already occupied Zhou Jue Palace?"

"It was taken, but not all. Because, at the last moment of the war, the Song Emperor ran away."

"Huh? Does this have any impact?"

"Naturally there is."

Saying this, the old master changed the subject and said: "Are you coming this time to go to the City of Wasted Death to meet Lord Taishan Mansion?"

"To be precise, it should be awakening.

Zhulong held a grand sacrificial ceremony and struggled for several years, but it had no effect at all and suffered backlash.

Therefore, the Butian Sect found me, and I received much-needed benefits from Zhulong, and I couldn't refuse. "

The old master said thoughtfully: "If that's the case, maybe I can help you?"

Mo Chengjun perked up: "Well, what should I say specifically?"

"However, for this matter, Madman Ning has to come. Just wait, I will go find him..."

Saying this, the old master didn't waste any time. With a flick of his sword, he ran into the main hall. After a while, he pulled King Chu Jiang back.

After King Chu Jiang heard the specific situation, he immediately said: "It's a small matter, it's a small matter, after we finish defeating King Qin Guang and capture the Emperor and Queen of Song, we will go to the City of Fusi.

When the time comes, just take your kid with you. "

Saying this, he said cheerfully: "It just so happens that during this period of time, we can have a good exchange. I am really interested in your knowledge.

Of course, don’t worry, don’t worry, I will never hide what you want to learn. Let’s communicate and learn from each other. "

It can be seen that he is really happy. This King of Hell looks domineering on the outside, but he is still filled with the soul of research in his bones.

However, Mo Chengjun still asked his doubts: "You also want to go to the City of Fusi? You still have to capture the Song Emperor. Is there any inevitable connection between this?"

Madman Ning waved his hand and said to the old master: "Xiaoshan, go, go, watch the battlefield and nothing happens. I'll have a friendly discussion with you, so you don't need to stay here anymore."

Old Master: "..."


Although he was unhappy, the old master still left, and under Madman Ning's explanation, Mo Chengjun roughly understood the specific situation.

It should be said that in the land of the netherworld, above the immortals, peerless ghosts and immortals are not actually like a realm, but similar to a kind of personality.

Only by occupying this status can one have corresponding authority and reach that height through cultivation.

This point is somewhat similar to Shinto priesthood. Different priesthoods will have different manifestations of authority.

Of course, there are differences if you really want to say it.

Peerless Ghost Immortal is a position as well as a state. After it is truly achieved, even if it is no longer in that position, it will still not weaken.

In this regard, the previous generation King Chujiang was a representative figure.

He was tired of staying in the position of King of Chu Jiang, so he resigned from the position of King of Hell and was succeeded by Madman Ning. He went to the outer battlefield to see the vastness of the universe.

And after he voluntarily resigned from office, his strength did not suffer any loss.

Madman Ning knew that Old Master wanted to go to the Tianwaitian battlefield, but he actually didn't want to stop him. He just wanted to let Old Master have enough strength to go.

Therefore, he wanted to establish himself as the King of Hell and let Madman Ning break through to the realm of peerless ghosts and immortals.

Of course, from the old master's point of view, Netherworld was in such chaos, so he naturally had to ensure the safety of Madman Ning first.

Therefore, he has to stay.

Take a look, this is a true friend. They usually lose a lot of money and are not forgiving, but they always think about each other for the sake of each other.

As for why it was necessary to arrest the Song Emperor?

In fact, what is important is not the Song Emperor, but the seal belonging to the Song Emperor. That is the real core of the Zhou Jueyin Palace.

If you want to inherit the throne of the King of Hell, you need one seal and one to occupy the land. After you have both, you have to go to the City of Fushun.

Holding a specific ceremony in the City of Fusi is considered to be recognized by the Lord of Taishan Mansion, and he is the real King of Hell.

Although the Emperor of the Song Dynasty lost his palace of Zhou Jue, he ran away and went to King Guang of Qin. This was considered a defection, but it also diverted disaster to the east.

Of course, you want to say that King Qin Guang is willing to be a sword?

He is not stupid, how could he be happy?

But this is not a question of whether he is happy or not, but that he must take action.

The reason is also simple. King Chu Jiang's Puming Palace and King Qin Guang's Xuanming Palace are adjacent to each other. They usually do not deal with each other. There are constant big battles and small battles. This is normal.Now, if he doesn't take action and wait until the old master becomes the Song Emperor, it will be a two-on-one battle, and his end will be a tragedy visible to the naked eye.

Of course, there is another way, that is, he also finds a foreign aid and asks other kings of hell to help.

But nowadays, the Netherworld is in chaos and no one can escape.

Just like the fight between King Wu Guan of Taihe Palace and King Taishan of Shenhua Palace.

The City King of Bizhen Palace and the Pingding King of Qifei Palace stole each other's homes, and the Wheel King of Suying Palace made a fuss among them, and were jointly targeted by the two families.

As for King Yama of Jiulun Gong, he is naturally not idle either. He is trying every means to occupy the Mingchen Palace where his master has been lost, intending to replace King Bian Cheng's position in Wushu City.

Look, look, everything is a mess!

In addition, Mo Chengjun also exchanged some other things with Madman Ning.

For example, the Broken Moon Demon Lord came from the Desire Realm.

To say that the current chaos in Netherworld has nothing to do with the Broken Moon Demon Lord?
I guess even if a pig comes, you won’t believe it.

However, this demon lord's behavior in the Netherworld is extremely secretive. Not everyone knows about his existence, but it is only spread at the level of the King of Hell.

It's not that they don't want to take care of it, but with the current situation, it's impossible for anyone to take care of the relationship between the kings of hell.

In Madman Ning's words, he now believes that the other eight Hell Kings are colluding with the Demon Lord.

For another example, Mo Chengjun explained the great catastrophe of heaven and earth that he deduced.

Well, even if Mo Chengjun explained the theory in detail, Madman Ning was still a little unbelievable.

However, the restlessness in the netherworld and the hostility among ghosts and ghosts can explain it a bit.

However, regarding the terrain direction of the Netherworld and the spiritual context, this falls within the scope of authority of the Prince of Taishan.

Madman Ning didn't pay attention and didn't dare to pay too much attention. Even if Mo Chengjun wanted to ask, he just took out a map of Puming Palace.

However, this exchange revealed part of the exchange of knowledge and more of an analysis and sorting out of the situation.

At the end, Mo Chengjun calmed down his thoughts and said: "In other words, what we need to solve most urgently now is this war?"


"In that case, let's make a quick decision. Give me some time, and I'll make some arrangements to attract a thunderstorm."

"Since you want to take action, then go ahead and do some activities. I also want to see how powerful the thunder calamity technique that you boast about is rare in the sky and not found in the earth?"

"Good talk, good talk!"


In the land of the underworld, although there are days and nights, there is no sun.

The light shone through the thick gray clouds and was weakened to an unknown extent. Cold wind and rain ruled the world.

The ghosts and ghosts here actually live in a hazy state. There must be such a thing as time, but not many ghosts care about it.

I don’t know how many days passed after this exchange between Mo Chengjun, Old Master, and Madman Ning.

As for the battlefield outside, it was fought for so many days.

Ghosts and ghosts do not need to rest like mortals, and the fight can really be endless.

Of course, they won't get tired, but that doesn't mean they won't die. Even when their soul power is exhausted, they will be completely exhausted.

In the past few days, the battlefield has been in a strangulation situation and has been filled with corpses and withered bones.

Huge amounts of resentment and hostility rise endlessly on the battlefield, and the exciting ghosts and ghosts seem to have lost their minds. They get bigger and more ruthless, and the more they fight, the crazier they become.

In the past, Madman Ning didn't care, and even thought this was normal, but after Mo Chengjun heard the concept of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, he became more and more sure that there was something wrong with the Netherworld, a big problem.

This gave him a sense of urgency that he didn't have before. He also lived in this netherworld, but he didn't want this world to be ruined!

Simply put, what Mo Chengjun prepared is almost done.


over the battlefield,

Within the gray fog.

Mo Chengjun has been staying here silently for several days, not only gathering strength, but also making final adjustments.

This is the first time that "Thunder Tribulation Technique" has been applied on a large scale in the Netherworld, so it has to be a stunning debut.

From his perspective, the entire battlefield was almost unobstructed.

It should be said that King Chu Jiang's ghost army was more powerful and more elite, far surpassing King Qin Guang in strength.

Moreover, it also has an advantage in quantity.

There is no other way, after all, it has merged with the power of the Song Emperor, so there will naturally be many additions.

But the situation is one-sided?

In fact, it is not!

The reason is not that the two old guys are not full of wisdom, but the natural obstacle of Santu River.

Although a ghost bridge was built, it didn't last long. After a while, there were too many ghosts and ghosts in the river, and it had to be washed away.

There is also the fact that not all of King Qin Guang's men are solid-eyed like giants and fierce generals, most of them can be regarded as sinister.

Every once in a while, they have to attack this ghost bridge.

Even if it cannot be destroyed, as long as it can be prevented for a period of time, the subsequent investment of troops will be affected.

In this way, the two sides were actually fighting quite anxiously.

However, with the completion of his preparations, all this is almost over.

At a certain moment, he took a long breath, felt a certain limit, and finally said: "Old Master, I am ready, what about you?"

The old master's voice came faintly: "I'm ready. Just wait for your Thunder Tribulation Technique to clear the way. Crazy Ning and I will take action in person to determine the outcome of the battle."

"In that case, let's start?"

Before he finished speaking, the muffled sound of 'rumbling, rumbling' was already circulating between the heaven and the earth. It was weak at first, but after just a few breaths, it was already rolling in.

Shining together were dark lightnings, spreading in the gray clouds and illuminating the dim netherworld.

At this moment, the ghosts and immortals who were fighting against each other couldn't help but stop their magical powers, looked at the sky, and felt the trembling from their hearts.

At this moment, the fighting ghost soldiers and generals almost instinctively stopped moving, looking at the sky in confusion, trembling under the thunder.

I don’t know since when, those gray clouds have become very low, very low, so low that ghosts can’t breathe.

In the carriage of King Qin Guang, a male ghost with a green face and fangs looked outside and said in confusion: "Is it going to rain? It shouldn't be!"

On the side, King Qin Guang looked at the male ghost and finally couldn't bear it anymore. He raised his hand and slapped him.

This slap was urgent and hard, and it directly knocked the green-faced and fanged male ghost to the ground. He landed on his face, which was so miserable.

However, King Qin Guang still couldn't contain the anger in his heart, and growled in a low voice: "In the past, looking at your various behaviors of the Song Emperor, I just thought that you were pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, but who knew that you were really a pig.

If I form an alliance with a ghost like you, I will be damned for eight lifetimes. "

He raised his head again and looked at the sky. Seeing the scene of thunder and lightning, King Qin Guang's bad feeling became more and more serious.

"This time, maybe it's really going to overturn!"

Something happened today, I was caught as a young man, and my time was wasted. This chapter will be published first. If you have any questions, please ask them, and I will revise them every day...

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