By this time, Mo Chengjun finally understood everything!

The Broken Moon Demon Lord's intention when he arrived in the Netherworld was actually extremely clear, which was to cut off the troop transportation route here.

As for how to break it?
Then there is something special about it.

Mo Chengjun estimated that he originally wanted to engage in some war confrontation and let the ten kings of hell attack each other in order to weaken the number of ghosts and ghosts in Santu River.

However, when they met Queen Bian Cheng, the two of them hit it off immediately and prepared for a big one.

Weakening or something like that is really too low-level. If you want to play, you have to dig deep.

Therefore, the Broken Moon Demon Lord destroyed almost all the spiritual veins and lost the self-purification ability of the spiritual particles.

Then the attack on King Bian Cheng made the ten kings of hell suspicious of each other, and they couldn't stop fighting after they started fighting.

As long as the accumulation of negative emotions in the spiritual machine particles reaches a certain stage, it will cause a large area of ​​spiritual machine decay and necrosis. Without the combing and reconstruction of the spiritual veins, the entire netherworld will collapse and never return.

As for whether King Bian Cheng has the ability to reopen Netherworld?
Since he has done this, he has a certain degree of confidence.

Besides, he didn't actually reopen Netherworld, but rebuilt it on the original ruins, which was much simpler.

In a sense, you can't say that King Bian Cheng is bad. He is motivated and willing to pursue a career, which is commendable anyway.

Just for the sake of pursuing a career, it is really a bit unscrupulous.

After Mo Chengjun exposed Xingzang, they went on to kill Ksitigarbha and let go of the Blood River and Diyuan, hoping to let the resentful ghosts flood the netherworld.

Well, even if they can't be drowned, as long as they fight each other, they can still accumulate negative emotions, and in the end it will be a situation where the netherworld collapses.

It has to be said that Lord Broken Moon and King Bian Cheng are both good at calculating and can achieve their goals no matter what.

That is to say, when Mo Chengjun came, he didn't care about anything and had to wake up Lord Taishan, which made King Bian Cheng panic.

If this person wakes up, all his plans will be in vain.

From this, knowing that Mo Chengjun was not easy to mess with and knowing that this place was not suitable, King Bian Cheng still took action.

He also had to make a move.

Seeing that Mo Chengjun seemed to have figured it out, King Bian Cheng stopped talking and thoughtfully gave him time to think.

After taking enough time to drink tea, he said: "Anyway, I have helped you clear up your doubts. Now, it's time for you to die in peace!"

Mo Chengjun raised his head and smiled: "You want to kill me, where do you get the confidence?"

"Do you think I'm really kind to help you solve your doubts? I'm just delaying time. Now, you can die."

King Bian Cheng seemed to be as calm as if he had a chance to win. He quickly made seals with his hands in the air. In just a moment, dozens of hand seals were made, and then he waved lightly in the air.

bang bang bang bang bang bang...

A series of trembling sounds came from all over the void, like the flicking of a bowstring or the cry of a kingfisher, followed closely by a strange aura, spreading in the void.

It is the wail of countless spiritual particles, the lament of death, the ultimate bloom of life, and the withering of time.

But this is not the application of the law of time, nor is it a glimpse of thousands of years of travel, but forced destruction.

As a result, the void became restless.

At this moment, King Bian Cheng's voice was somewhat magical, as if coming from far away.

"I am not very talented, so I have to work hard to practice martial arts, but how can I become a peerless ghost and immortal just by relying on close combat?

If you say it out loud, it will make people laugh.

Therefore, I spent thousands of years cultivating only one technique, striving for excellence and climbing step by step. Until now, I have established a foundation. "

"This method, according to the words of Taishan Prefecture Lord, I named it, the end of the journey to immortality, the end of the Dharma era!"

"Please inspect the Immortal Officials and taste them!"

The words were muttered, and King Bian Cheng suddenly waved his hand.

The restless spiritual particles boiled and burned, releasing endless power, but they just fell into the air, causing no impact and no harm.

The combustible spiritual particles no longer retain a certain amount of inert energy to maintain their own existence as they did initially.

Instead, after exhaustion, it falls into exhaustion, decline, and death.

What’s even more frightening is that this strange situation is contagious. It spreads from one to ten, from ten to hundreds, and from hundreds to thousands...

They came from all directions, from heaven and earth, trapping Mo Chengjun in the middle, as if they wanted to 'burn' him alive!
To be honest, even Mo Chengjun was frightened to death when he saw the scene in front of him.

In his field of vision, he could see more clearly, because he really saw those spiritual particles releasing huge energy;
I also watched them fall to the ground like dust after exhausting their energy;
He even watched them spread like an infectious disease, leaving real holes wherever they passed.

It is cleaner than the spiritual void that Mo Chengjun knows, because at least there is dark matter and dark energy in the spiritual void.

But its magical power actually burned out the dark matter and dark energy in it, so that the spiritual particles from other places did not even dare to come and replenish it.

Mo Chengjun could predict his own ending. If he didn't stop it, he would definitely be ignited by the 'burning' that was transmitted to him.

All over his body, countless wishing spirit particles will release huge energy, but they will not be used by him.

And he must be like a blazing torch that will eventually run out of energy and die.

Running out of ideas,

The Age of Doomsday...

Good guy, this magical power should not be too fitting for this name!

At this moment, Mo Chengjun even felt that there was a reason why the Moon-Breaking Demon Lord was able to get together with King Bian Cheng.

Just look at the methods of the two of them. I can’t say that they are exactly the same. I can only say that they reach the same goal by different paths!
And if other people encounter this kind of method, even a top power such as Zhulong Longjun, it is estimated that they will die!

Simply, he is Mo Chengjun.

With just a moment's hesitation, he waved his hands and emptied out all the spiritual particles without using any magical power.

They were all thrown into the 'flame', and he himself concentrated his magic power to the limit, thus forming a hole without any ideas.

To be honest, this method was something Mo Chengjun used frequently before.

Not only to restore the dormant Eye of the Spiritual Spring, but also to resist witchcraft in this way.

This kind of thaumaturgy is weird, but it still needs a medium to spread it.

And Mo Chengjun is equivalent to pinching the medium directly. Without the medium, the 'flame' can't burn him, so it doesn't matter.

It was also at this time that before Mo Chengjun could make any other moves, something unexpected happened again.

outside the burning range.

King Bian Cheng has fallen to the ground. He is very proud of his calculations and the 'skills' he has cultivated through hard work.

However, before the smile on his lips could completely disappear, an old voice sounded in his ears.

"My Lord have mercy!"

This voice was so familiar to him that it could even be said to be a nightmare for thousands of years.

There is a saying that 'one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers', but he and Ksitigarbha were trapped in this city of futile death for thousands of years.

Even though they had a good relationship at first;
Even if they have tried to live in peace, over thousands of years, no matter how small the conflicts continue to accumulate, they will only become more numerous and serious.

When the time comes, I reach a point where I won’t stop fighting until I die.

Originally, he thought he had solved this nightmare, but now, a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

The smile on his face suddenly froze, and the next second it collapsed like the wind, seeming to disappear from where it was.

But a hand, a withered hand, stretched out from behind, grabbed the back of his neck, and smashed him to the ground.

There was a muffled sound and the earth cracked!
The withered old monk appeared at the same place, wearing a cassock and a compassionate expression, but it was him who pressed King Bian Cheng's head with one hand and smashed it to the ground.

Not once!
boom!boom!Boom boom boom!
Time and time again, it was extremely violent. Looking at the deeper and deeper pits, you can tell that he didn't have any energy left.Moreover, this old monk is quite particular. Every time he smashes it, he has to say, 'My Lord has mercy!' '

I don’t know how many times I smashed it, but the old monk finally lost his temper. He raised King Bian Cheng in front of his eyes and said, "Aren't you happy to see me again?"

At this time, King Bian Cheng still had his original appearance. His whole head was bruised and swollen like a pig's head.

The ghost body is illusory in the world of the sun, but in this netherworld, it is a real entity.

Although such random smashing may not kill one's life, injuries are inevitable.

But King Bian Cheng still tried to open his eyes, his swollen eyelids opened a crack, looked at Ksitigarbha, and said hoarsely: "You, you, how could you not be dead?"

Ksitigarbha's expression dimmed, and all his compassion was gone, as if he had gone from the altar to the secular world.

He grinned, full of malice: "Death? I am so easy to die!
You and I have known each other for thousands of years, and we are very familiar with each other. To put it bluntly, if you stick your butt out, I know what you are going to do.

Just look at me and I'll know what dirty trick you're going to use.

They are all foxes of thousands of years, what kind of chat are you doing? ! "

"Then why, why did you 'fake your own death'?"

"If I don't fake my death, how do I know what you are going to do?
If I don't fake my death, how can I trick you into using this weird 'Dharma Ending Age'?

Although this 'skill' is a bit slow to activate and not easy to use, I have to admit that in the entire Netherworld, there is no one who is not afraid of the King of Hell in the Ten Palaces! "

Ksitigarbha said very frankly and casually: "That is to say, this time a big enemy appeared, which made the patrolling immortal official stand up to the thunder.

Otherwise, I might not dare to come out? ! "

As he said this, he even raised his head and glanced, but this glance made him so frightened that he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

He actually asked the same soul torture as King Bian Cheng: "You, why are you not dead yet?"

They saw that in the mid-air, the flames had burned out, and the power of his magical power was gone, but Mo Chengjun stood there, unscathed.

Mo Chengjun slowly fell to the ground, looked at Ksitigarbha's 'resurrection from the dead', and said with some emotion: "It's really turning around, turning around, and it's full of surprises!"

As he said that, he looked at the old monk and said: "This 'Dharma Ending Age' is indeed powerful, but unfortunately, I have magical powers to protect my body and did not die. This disappointed Ksitigarbha."

"Haha, just kidding, why should I be disappointed?"

Ksitigarbha waved his hand and said: "Speaking of which, I have to thank you, otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with this situation?"

When he said this, his expression calmed down, and all the wildness and unrulyness he had just calmed down, and he returned to his compassionate look again.

He said: "In any case, the Broken Moon Demon Lord was exposed by the Immortal Official. Is this King Bian Cheng left to you to deal with?"

"Really for me?"

"Of course!"

Saying this, Ksitigarbha held up King Bian Cheng and took a few steps forward, as if he wanted to hand over King Bian Cheng to Mo Chengjun.

But Mo Chengjun stepped back, keeping his distance, and also smiled and said nothing.

Ksitigarbha stopped for a moment and asked, "Who are you?"

"It's better for us to stay away. I'm afraid too. I'm afraid that Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha will turn his back on you and make another sneak attack. I won't be able to withstand it."

Ksitigarbha's face froze and he said, "What do you mean?"

"Of course I'm confused!"

Mo Chengjun tilted his head, looked at the old monk in front of him, and said, "I don't understand. Since you knew that King Bian Cheng was going to attack you, why did you choose the stupidest way?"

"Fake death seems like you just took a step back and hid yourself in the dark, but at the same time, you gave up a lot of things, such as this city of vain death.

For example, there are ghost soldiers and generals loyal to you all over the city, as well as tens of millions of ghost people. "

"Of course, this is nothing. What confuses me the most is that since you are not dead, the entire formation of Wushou City is still under your control.

And how could that bloody river be rioting?

How could those resentful ghosts emerge from the abyss? "

"But everything still happened, so what does it mean?"

Ksitigarbha's expression couldn't help but change again and again, and finally calmed down. He breathed a long sigh of relief and asked again: "What can it mean?"

"It can only mean that the one who conspired with the Broken Moon Demon Lord is not only King Bian Cheng, but also you, King Ksitigarbha!"

What Mo Chengjun said was a guess, but his voice was extremely firm: "So, you, Ksitigarbha, are the one who hides the deepest.

Of course, I'm also curious, why do you have to do this?Do you also want to be the boss yourself? "

"That's true, but not entirely. At least, I'm not very interested in reopening Netherworld."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Actually, you have to understand that I am worse off than the Tenth Palace of Hell. At least they can take turns, give up everything, and go to the battlefield of the outer world to be cool.

I'm the only one in this position, and it's very annoying for me to face those resentful ghosts every day, okay? "

This reason is so good and powerful that even Mo Chengjun cannot refute it.

If you can work at a job for ten consecutive years and still don't want to quit, it's because of the pressure of life. What's more, Ksitigarbha has been working at the same job for thousands of years.

Mo Chengjun understood very well, but disagreed, so he asked another question: "So, when Lord Broken Moon approached you, you agreed?"

"You're wrong about this. He didn't look for me, but I looked for him."

Ksitigarbha shook his head and retorted: "This is the land of the underworld, and he is an outsider. If I hadn't helped him cover up and help him, do you think he could have lived so comfortably and happily?
Did you find those hidden spiritual veins easily?

Even King Bian Cheng only came into contact with me under my arrangement.

Sure enough, all the plans proposed by this fool did not exceed my expectations. "

"Are you telling the truth?"

A hoarse voice sounded, but King Bian Cheng couldn't help but speak.

Even though he was being lifted around his neck, he still tried hard to turn his neck, making a "click-click" twisting sound as if it was about to break.

Ksitigarbha moved his wrist, turned his head towards himself, and said almost indifferently: "You actually already believe it in your heart, why do you question it?"

"Hehehe, hahaha, cough cough cough..."

The expected answer was unacceptable to King Bian Cheng. He said in a hoarse voice: "So, in your eyes, I am just a joke? A joke?"

"I'm still quite wary of you, otherwise I wouldn't have practiced the art of incarnation for so many years, and I wouldn't even be able to use 'suspended death'.

So, you should be, um, a bigger joke! "


After hearing this, King Bian Cheng couldn't bear it anymore. He spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and the whole ghost's aura began to float.

He grinned and said, "You're right, I'm just a bigger joke, played by you in the midst of applause.

However, even if it is a joke, it still has a temper! "

Before he finished speaking, the ghost energy around him was violently agitated, swelling rapidly like a bomb.

"Do you think the 'Apocalyptic Age' is slow to launch?"

"No, there is actually another way, which can be very fast, very fast!"

"That's right, I can't play with you, so I'll play with you for my life!"

Happy Mid-autumn Festival……

A relative is getting married tomorrow and I have to keep accounts. I don’t know if I still have time to write. I’m not sure either. Let me say hello to everyone first!

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