The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 515 The fellow meets fellow

Chapter 515: Fellow folks meet fellow folks (Please vote! Please vote!)
Compared to King Bian Cheng, Mo Chengjun disliked dealing with the Ksitigarbha in front of him.

To put it bluntly, the palace of King Bian Cheng is all on the bright side. It looks like it belongs to Lao Yinbi, but that's about it.

But this Ksitigarbha is different.

He almost single-handedly turned this Netherworld upside down, and even tricked King Bian Cheng to death.

Even he was frightened when dealing with such an old Yinbi.

He had seen through the other party's plans several times, but that was also based on the fact that the other party was not targeting him and he was wary.

If you really become an opponent and the other party really knows part of your information, then the result...

Well, Mo Chengjun didn't want things to get to that point, nor did he want to fight with such a person.

The best enemy is dead!

Therefore, he was going to use the simplest way to solve it and beat him to death directly!

And this idea was not new just now. When King Bian Cheng was tricked to death, it sprouted in his heart like a weed.

So, he first tested and confirmed that this person was not an incarnation, and then took action, indicating that he had murderous intentions and tried his best.


Boom boom boom boom!
The dark space is unknown how big and wide it is, stirring the black mist to form a huge vortex. The roar of the collision is like a dull thunder, echoing in the space.

There are countless thunder and lightning, dark wind and drizzle, will-o'-the-wisp sword energy, sharp claws and palm prints, swirling endlessly in the whirlpool.

Two figures could be vaguely seen moving around within a very short distance. Various methods and magical powers were used like a tide, and the exploding darkness and fog were scattered.

To be honest, there are not many people in this world who can make Mo Chengjun murderous.

Those who are too powerful, such as Zhulong Yinglong and others, are difficult to kill. Even if it is a battle of magic and wrestling, they are somewhat aware of the outcome.

Those who are weaker can be destroyed easily, but it is difficult to arouse his murderous intention.

Only the one in front of me was weaker, but not too powerful. He was also very scheming. Even if I didn't kill him, I would feel uneasy.

Therefore, this time the murderous intention is really raging.

Ksitigarbha originally wanted to resolve the crisis with words, but after only three or five fights, feeling the boiling murderous intent, he knew there was nothing left to say.

He knew better that if he didn't fight for his life today, he might really die here.

Therefore, when they started fighting, they became more and more desperate!

At a certain moment, Mo Chengjun's figure suddenly stagnated, standing in the void and no longer moving.

He stretched out one hand and twisted it in the void. The space was twisted into a circle. All Ksitigarbha's attacks went around in a circle and actually hit himself.

The application of this kind of spatial magical power is really strange. How could Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha predict that he would actually receive three punches and two kicks from himself, and be washed away and corroded by a river of blood.

This made him scream horribly, and his eyes were bloodshot and red.

But it's not over yet!
Mo Chengjun caused another thunder disaster from the sky.

The lightning, which was hundreds of meters thick, struck down, as if it was about to open up the world, illuminating the space filled with black mist.

Ksitigarbha was unable to dodge the blow, but relied on his physical strength to resist.

But his ghost body is indeed powerful. He actually withstood a lightning strike and even tried to escape using his magical powers.

Judging by the strength of this ghost body, Mo Chengjun felt that even if King Bian Cheng's bronze dagger was inserted into it, it would not be able to deal any effective damage.

From this perspective, King Bian Cheng was indeed treated to death and lived like a joke.

However, that was King Bian Cheng, not Mo Chengjun!
After all, the method of Yin thunder is not the real Yang thunder. There are still shortcomings in using Yin thunder to create thunder disaster.

Especially when it is so personal, there is a gap between the birth and death of thunder, and the transition.

King Ksitigarbha seized this opportunity. After he withstood the first wave of thunder calamity, he immediately started to cast a spell and turned into a violent wind, trying to escape from this place.

At this moment, he no longer thinks about how to fight with this patrolling immortal official. The gap in physical strength is there. If he can't beat him, he just can't beat him.

Therefore, he wanted to get out of here, go outside the City of Wasted Death, meet with the Broken Moon Demon Lord, and then make other plans.

Mo Chengjun saw the other party's plan, but did not stop it. Instead, he clasped his hands together, and a sword composed of spiritual particles appeared from scratch, little by little.

Please note that this is a 'sword weapon' made with the magical power of "Mediating Creation", not sword energy.

It seems that there is only one word difference, but when it comes to power, it is completely different.

Facing Ksitigarbha who was about to flee, he just said one word coldly: "Ding!"

This is the authority of the co-lord of heaven, the supreme supernatural power, "Speech and Dharma Follower"!
Just one word spread slowly, echoing between heaven and earth. What was fixed was not just a certain thing, nor Ksitigarbha, but all the spiritual particles.

The originally vast and endlessly running spiritual particles suddenly stopped somewhere, and all applications based on the spiritual particles also stopped.

When Ksitigarbha's escape technique was broken, there was still some confusion on his face.

In fact, the method used by Mo Chengjun was beyond his understanding, so that he was confused for a moment.

But at this moment, a sword had dragged a thousand feet of sword light, parted the darkness, and pierced into his body.

A moment later, smoke and dust were everywhere on the ground, and violent shock waves continued to spread in all directions.

In the center of the smoke, in a large pit, Ksitigarbha's strong body had been nailed to the ground.

A sword penetrated his chest, piercing the heart. Blood flowed out of his body and spread in the pit.

Mo Chengjun stood in the air and said nothing. He just stretched out his hand and saw hundreds of sword lights reappearing.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Ksitigarbha coughed up blood, not much, but the blood dripped and was shattered by the sword energy inside before it reached the ground.

It seemed that he had just been struck by a sword, but the sword energy inside had already caused his body to be riddled with holes.

That is to say, his ghost body is strong and his level of strength is there. Otherwise, with just this sword, he would be dead.

But even so, he couldn't withstand the second wave of attacks.

He originally thought that thousands of years of perseverance had completely silenced his heart, and that nothing would frighten him anymore.

But when he really faced death, he still felt the fear from his heart and the desire for life.

He raised his head with great effort, looked at Mo Chengjun who was standing in the air like a god, and said, "Don't you want to know the secret about that demon lord?"

"For example..."

"Like, how to kill him?!"

Mo Chengjun's movements paused, at least for several breaths, before he breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "You always understand people's hearts so well. I really want to know how to kill him, but I don't want to start with you. Know by mouth.

So, that’s it! "

Mo Chengjun finally used the sword technique in his hand, and saw the sword light in the sky turning into hairsprings again, cutting through the space, and cutting down again.

This blow can split Ksitigarbha into hundreds of parts, ensuring that the dead will never die again.

Under this blow, Ksitigarbha himself closed his eyes, and he did not feel that he had a chance to escape.

Only Mo Chengjun stared at the man in front of him.

To deal with this kind of old Yinbi, if he didn't break his bones and throw away his soul, he would be afraid of another change.

Then, he watched helplessly as changes came.Under the sword light, the mist of nothingness seemed to condense into ice, and then formed a net, blocking the sword light.

chi chi chi chi chi...

Thin and dense collisions were heard, but they did not cause much ripples, but they just offset the power of the sword energy, so that both sides were annihilated in mid-air.

Theoretically speaking, these methods are not powerful, but the precise control and grasp of power are amazing.


It was only then that a long and faint sigh came, carrying the silence and antiquity that spanned the ages, and fell into Mo Chengjun's ears.

At this moment, Mo Chengjun's whole body lit up with bright light, and dozens of defensive, protective, and even escape-type magical powers were activated.

But he still had a sense of horror rising from the depths of his soul.

Turning back suddenly, I saw that the illusion of the sacrifice had dissipated. The ancient door opened, and in the boundless darkness, a slightly thin figure stood there quietly.

I can't see the face clearly, but just standing like that, there is a sense of antiquity and obsolescence that has changed over time.

What's even more shocking is that Mo Chengjun didn't know when all this happened. He didn't notice it at all, as if it had already happened.

At this moment, he seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat beating like a drum.

After a long pause and calming down, he finally asked, "But in front of Mr. Taishan Mansion?"

The ancient man opened his mouth but made no sound. It seemed that he had not spoken for a long time and could not even speak.

However, after just pausing for a moment, he said: "Zi, Ran, it's me!"

His voice was a little low and hoarse, with inherent majesty. His eyes paused on Mo Chengjun, his expression a little strange: "Are you the heavenly patrolling immortal official?"

Mo Chengjun was startled, and there was some confusion in his voice: "Do you know me?"

"The Netherworld is my Netherworld. As long as I want to know, no information can escape my ears and eyes."

At this time, he spoke much more smoothly: "So, not only what you did and said when you came to the Netherworld, but also the experiences and cognitions of those ghosts and ghosts during their lifetimes, all tell me what I want to know. Know everything.


After a pause, he asked with a strange expression: "Is this heaven of yours a serious heaven?"

"What do you mean?"

Mo Chengjun instinctively wanted to rebel. After all, one must spare no effort to maintain the Tianting brand.

But just for a moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and then looked at the person in front of him with great surprise, and said: "Do you know the serious heaven?
For example, the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, the Three Purities and the Four Imperials, the Peach Garden, the Sifang Tianmen, the God List, the 360 ​​Five Righteous Gods, Jie Jiao, Chan Jiao, Ren Jiao, Lei Bu, Dou Bu, Plague Bu...

There are also "Journey to the West", Bima Wen, Monkey King, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Marshal Tianpeng, Monk Sha, and Monk Tang. "

Mo Chengjun's words were very messy. He said whatever came to mind and was not coherent. But those who understood would definitely understand, and those who didn't understand would never understand.

The Lord of Taishan Prefecture was the one who could understand. He immediately said: "There are also the Nine-Nine Eighty-one Difficulties, the Western Heaven for Buddhist Sutras, the Tathagata Buddha, the Mahayana Sutra, the Netherworld of the Underworld, the Ten Halls of Yama, the Book of Life and Death, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and the Divine Beasts Listen carefully.

And that sentence, if I don’t go to hell, who will?”

"These are all myths, the conjectures of that great nation about the unknown world. They are all false, false, everything is false."

Mo Chengjun, the patrolling immortal official in heaven, was shouting that all this was fake, but Lord Taishan said: "No, no, no, fake can also be real. What we create is real.

For example, I, Lord Taishan Mansion, created Netherworld.

And you, the Immortal Inspector, no, you should be the one behind the scenes in Heaven. According to the information I know, you seem to be doing better and more perfectly than me. "

I don't know since when, the Lord of Taishan Mansion has started to move forward. The speed is not fast, but he is getting closer.

And Mo Chengjun was also moving forward, equally neither fast nor slow, but the light outside the merit gold body became more and more dazzling.

When he was almost within a hundred feet, he suddenly asked: "Palace Jade Liquid Wine."

Taishan Fujun replied like an electric shock: "One hundred and eighty cups."

"Odd change and even change."

"Symbols look at quadrants."

"Helium lithium beryllium boron."

"Carbon nitroxyfluorine neon."



"What about the back?"

"It's your uncle's, can you show it to me?"

In just a moment, the distance between the two people has been shortened to less than ten meters, but the physical vigilance has been reduced a lot, and the verbal battle has become more and more intense.

It seemed as if they were speaking secret codes, speaking words that outsiders could not understand at all.

At least, Ksitigarbha, who is still alive, is a little baffled. He inherited the name of "Ksitigarbha".

But many times, he would only regard this as a gift from the Lord of Taishan Mansion, and never thought that there was any deeper meaning in it.

But at this moment, he seemed to hear a lot, a lot.

At the end, Mo Chengjun suddenly asked: "Tell me where we come from?"

"Blue Star, Celestial Republic."

Lord Taishan spoke casually and asked, "Are you not the one?"

"Yes, yes, fellow countryman, fellow countryman!"

At this moment, all Mo Chengjun's doubts were dispelled and all disguises were removed.

He even took a step forward and directly grabbed the hand of Lord Taishan. The haggardness and coldness passed through him, but he didn't care at all. He said excitedly: "Fellow, fellow, you have allowed me to find the organization.

Don’t you know how I have lived my life over the past hundred years? "

Lord Taishan was a little uncomfortable with his closeness, and almost instinctively wanted to withdraw his hand, but he still suppressed his impulse.

Looking at the person in front of him, his expression finally softened a lot. He patted the other person on the shoulder and said: "This is nothing, nothing. We have survived the most difficult days. Now that’s good.”

With that said, Mo Chengjun seemed to have thought of something and asked again: "So, the Butian Sect is really an official organization?

But why is it called this name?
What have you guys been through?
Where did those monsters come from?

Also, why does a good scientific and technological civilization go astray to the path of immortality?

What on earth is this heaven and earth spiritual machine?How did it come about?Why are there such complex features and functions?

And why can it help ordinary people to cultivate immortality? Seeing it for a long time, it is like a different world? "

It's like a student who has been studying by himself for a long time and finally meets the teacher. He really wants to throw out all the doubts in his heart.

But as Mr. Taishan listened, the strange expressions on his face accumulated more and more. He seemed to feel that something was wrong?

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(End of this chapter)

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