The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 518 The Realm of Desire and Blue Star

"Desire Realm? Desire Realm? Why is it called the Desire Realm?"

This was Mo Chengjun's question with confusion, and Taishan Fujun also explained it very simply: "This was also unveiled a long time later, when Zulong led the army of monsters into the Kepler-22b planet.

The root of everything still lies in the original spore.

It has a strong induction and feedback effect on strongly fluctuating emotions.

Regardless of whether it is positive or negative, as long as the emotion accumulates to a certain threshold, the original spore can be stimulated to release a large amount of dark matter and dark energy stored in it. "

This explanation immediately reminded Mo Chengjun of the third universal characteristic of heaven and earth spiritual machine - spirituality.

When I think of the swordsman's sword intention, the martial artist's fist intention, and the method of cultivating the devil, most of them are trapped in seven emotions and six desires, unable to extricate themselves.

The subsequent words of Lord Taishan confirmed his thoughts: "Thus, on Kepler's planet, those real demons, especially the powerful overlord-level demons, are all monsters trapped in the whirlpool of desire.

They can use their seven emotions and six desires to exert extraordinary magical powers, and they also have all kinds of strange techniques to stir up the seven emotions and six desires.

Back then, even Zulong suffered a lot from this.

Therefore, after being translated according to the language of the real demon clan, Kepler's planet became the 'Desire Realm'.

Moreover, this translation was unanimously approved by the real demons in the world of desire, and they seemed to think it was some kind of boast. From this, the name spread widely.

However, there was an episode in the process! "


"Desire Realm, this name was given by humans, but when the enemies recognized it, the higher-ups of humans were unhappy.

I had to destroy whatever the enemy liked, so I later changed the name. "

Mo Chengjun blurted out: "The real demon world?"

"Yes, all the books and ancient books you can see in the human world are called the real demon world!"

"This is really, really..."

Mo Chengjun didn't even know what to say. It seemed unnecessary to cover one's ears and steal the bell to this extent.

After a pause, he said: "It seems that the damage caused by those real demons back then was really great, right?"

"It's not just big. Back then, all humans were almost wiped out.

Due to the living environment and cultivation needs of those group of real demons, their behavior style can be said to be extremely extreme. The entire social atmosphere follows the path of 'natural selection and survival of the fittest'.

In their world view, there is no need for foreign enemies to survive, so their attitude towards the Blue Star natives is very clear, just four words: kill them all! "

Mo Chengjun took a breath: "Are you so cruel?"

"Are you cruel?"

Lord Taishan's words were very plain: "You feel cruel just hearing it, but I have experienced that era in its entirety.

I have experienced that kind of despair, that kind of fear, that kind of reluctance to be in control.

In that era, living was really not as pleasant as dying. If you could drag a real demon to die, it would be a warrior's lifelong wish. "

At this point, Lord Taishan paused and asked another question: "You should be able to feel that humans are actually very unpopular among the demon clan, and are even reduced to food rations.

The two have the same origin, but they have reached this point. Do you know why? "


"Because humans have betrayed the entire civilization!"

Taishan Prefecture Lord's words contained a bit of sadness, saying: "In the later stage of the beast disaster, the mountain and sea monster plan was expanded and implemented. The human race has actually accumulated a large wave of powerful combat power and has controlled the situation.

However, at that time, there was no concept of demon clan, and the upper-level rulers, including the scientists who mastered knowledge, were all pure-blooded humans.

Even Zulong is just a middle-level general and a more powerful thug.

And because of fear, they imposed extremely strict restrictions on mountain and sea monsters, which resulted in a lot of resentment. "

"Of course, if it stops here, there may be conflicts, but they will not break out. But later, what the top human beings did pushed everything into an uncontrollable abyss."

Mo Chengjun frowned and asked, "Do they want to negotiate and compromise with the real demon?"

"They thought, what a pity, once the real demon turns on the killing mode, he won't talk nonsense to you anymore.

They really killed from east to west, from south to north, and even wiped out all humans on other continents.

It also frightened the top human beings. For this reason, they made a decision to betray the entire civilization. "


"Escape, they escaped!

At the most critical moment of the war, out of despair and seeing no possibility of victory, he took the remaining starships and fled into the depths of the universe.

You know, at that time, humans did not have well-built colonies, let alone a place to stay.

But in order to escape the shadow of the real demon, they were actually more willing to rush to the unknown universe. It can be seen that at that time, they seemed to be really scared. "

"Then they succeeded?"

"How is it possible! They thought, but Zulong would never allow this to happen.

Because this is an abandonment of countless frontline soldiers, a betrayal of the entire civilization, and a fatal blow to the morale of the army.

Therefore, Zulong flew to outer space alone, showing unparalleled power, directly smashing those interstellar battleships, and turning those high-level humans into floating corpses in the universe. "

After a pause, Mr. Taishan Mansion breathed a sigh of relief and said: "This is a landmark event and a watershed in the war.

Since then, pure-blood humans have lost control of the world, and instead, monsters from the mountains and seas have stepped onto the stage of history.

From then on, the beast-turned-warriors officially called themselves demons.

The demon tribe really appears in the human world! "

"So, although monsters are human beings, they are ashamed and admit this history, and even continue to downplay this fact.

The remaining humans, because of the high-level escape, have not raised their heads for several years, and have even become the target of bullying by other monsters, and even their food rations.

This situation did not change until the emergence of Emperor Yu, who had 'evolved martial arts' and founded the Great Xia Dynasty.

He led the human race to conquer a territory and divided the nine states, and then he truly had the qualifications for independence. "

"Of course, these are all things for later. What is really cruel is the war with the real demon. The two sides fought fiercely.

However, when pure-blood humans lost control, the monsters of the mountains and seas were finally free to play freely.

And Zulong, with his absolute killing power, became the strongest among monsters.

He also united the Qilin clan and the Phoenix clan. Since then, all the birds and beasts have returned to one place, and the monsters of the mountains and seas have officially united together, ushering in the era of great counterattack. "

“In the early days of the war, the True Demon Clan was naturally at the top, and those overlords of the Desire Realm were indeed ridiculously strong.

However, their shortcomings are also obvious, such as long expeditions, poor logistics, and insufficient troops.

Even if an individual soldier has extraordinary combat power, if he dies, he will lose one.

Therefore, Zulong used the stupidest method - encirclement and killing!

Even if it's ten for one or a hundred for one, it's still worth it.

After more than ten years of endless bloody battles, the mountain and sea monsters finally went from an absolute disadvantage to a relative balance, then to the upper hand, to the dawn of victory. "

"In fact, at the end of the war, those real demons in the world of desire were also afraid!

They came here to rule, but they didn’t want to die here. At the end of the fight, they tried to compromise, sue for peace, and negotiate terms...

If it were still a high-level human being in charge, the outcome might be uncertain, but what kind of person was Zulong, how could he be in league with others?
Therefore, as the later stages progress, the fighting spirit of the Yiying Demon Clan becomes fiercer, and the determination to drive the real demon out of their home becomes more determined. "

"In addition, the interstellar battleship groups that set out earlier were not idle either. After they arrived at Kepler, they also discovered something was wrong and carried out indiscriminate bombing. On both sides, you fight yours and I fight mine. The battle is to see who can't bear it first.

The results are almost the same, both parties fighting in a different place cannot bear it."

"On the human side, although the interstellar battleship group is strong, it cannot withstand the overlords' successive raids and is almost completely destroyed.

As for the demon clan, few of the real demons sent out could escape, and almost all of them died.

In the end, after the two sides calmed down, they almost unanimously entered outer space and opened up the battlefield of outer space.

With constant contact and fighting at the frontier base, they have been fighting intermittently for thousands of years, each using their own methods and winning or losing, but there is no final result.

Even what you are facing now is just a continuation of this civilized war. "

At this point, the words seemed to have come to an end. Lord Taishan stopped speaking, while Mo Chengjun fell into deep thought.

Even though this short conversation only revealed too much information, it involved more than 3000 years of historical changes.

It can almost explain all of Mo Chengjun's previous confusions.

But because there was too much news, even he couldn't sort it out clearly at the first time, and he was a little confused.

What he has to do now is to sort it out first, go through all the events in chronological order starting from his memory, and also think about some of the doubts that have been left behind.

However, the more he combed through it, the more a sense of disobedience arose in his heart. It seemed that something was not quite right, but he couldn't remember it.

He walked around in circles for many times, but couldn't think of anything. His thinking seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't find the key point.

Lord Taishan noticed something was wrong with him and asked directly: "If you have any questions, just ask them. Don't keep it to yourself."

Mo Chengjun said: "Master Fu, please wait a moment, wait a moment, I always feel that something is wrong.

If this problem is not resolved, nothing you say will be true. "

"Do you think I lied to you?"

"It's not that, it's just that I always feel that something is not quite right..."

Mo Chengjun tried hard to calm down his emotions and consider the matter in front of him with the calmest thinking.

Finally, like a flash of inspiration, he grabbed the 'tail', clapped his hands, and with all his strength, he made a loud 'boom' sound, which shocked the Lord of Taishan Mansion.

"What do you want?"

Mo Chengjun didn't pay attention to the other party's expression, but said seriously: "Mr. Taishan Mansion, what you said is very logical and organized. Following the ideas you said, you have solved too many problems that I have left before. of confusion.

But there is a question that I haven't figured out yet. Could you please help me? "

"You say that's it?"

Mo Chengjun looked at the sky and said, "According to your opinion, the planet Kepler-22b, which is the world of desire and the world of true demons, is 600 light-years away?"

"That's right!"

Mo Chengjun pointed again, circled the ground, and said, "That means our world is Blue Star?


Mo Chengjun shook his head firmly: "This is impossible!"

But Lord Taishan was very surprised: "Why is it impossible? Can you tell me the reason first?"

"Because I have done strict research, this place can never be Blue Star."

Mo Chengjun shook his head firmly again and explained: "Since I woke up, I have been struggling with where the land under my feet belongs. I originally thought that this was Kepler, but according to what you said, it must not be .

I also thought that this should be a colony two planets away, but that's obviously not what you meant.

Okay, I also admit that this world has too many elements of Blue Star, too many imprints of the Celestial Dynasty, and things that are specious, which makes me confused.

However, I have studied geography.

Let’s not talk about the mountains, rivers and terrain. Things and people have already changed. Let’s just talk about the area.

The former Celestial Empire only covered more than 1000 million square kilometers, and even the whole of Asia only covered more than 400 million square kilometers.

But as for the land under our feet, even if I make a rough estimate, it has an area of ​​hundreds of millions of square kilometers.

In this regard, who among the seven continents of Blue Star can compare?

Furthermore, I have also verified the distance between the earth and the moon.

It's about 27 kilometers, but this is far different from what I know. "

Mr. Taishan Mansion smiled. This was the first time he had laughed since the conversation, and his smile looked pure.

He nodded slowly: "What you said is all right. If I wasn't a person who experienced it, I might not be able to answer you.

However, let me ask you a question first, is the moon in the sky broken? "


"How is it so bad?"

"I heard the demon lord boast that it was a divine light that he risked his life to shoot. It was originally going to penetrate the earth directly under his feet, but it was blocked by Zulong using his great magical power to move the lunar star."

Lord Taishan nodded and said, "He's not bragging, it's true.

That thing happened in the last battle when the real demon was defeated. There was a demon master who was unwilling to admit defeat and was afraid of being held accountable by other demon masters, so he took this life-saving act. "

"But does this have anything to do with our current problem? Does it have anything to do with it?"

Lord Taishan looked around, then suddenly waved his hand, and a broken stone was held in his hand. He said, "You can see clearly."

As he spoke, he threw the stone and hit it on another broken stone. Then, with a 'pop' sound, the trajectories of both parties deviated and ran to other locations.

This scene couldn't be more normal.

But Mo Chengjun was not a fool. He blinked, then blinked again, and suddenly he felt like he had a sudden realization.

"Yes, yes, this is it. How could I forget this?"

"What a funny brain."

He raised his head again and looked at Lord Taishan, and he said: "What you mean is that the Taiyin Star was attacked. It was not just as simple as being broken. It was also greatly impacted and pushed away from its original trajectory.

This changed the distance between the earth and the moon and approached the blue star.

So what is happening with the continent beneath our feet? "

"Think about it again, if you put the seven continents together, how much land area would it be?"

Mo Chengjun had a second thought: "I really remember this. It seems to have been said in a program that it is about 1.5 million square kilometers!"

At this point, he couldn't speak anymore. His eyes widened, and the confusion inside disappeared, with a light of clarity.

"Let me go, why didn't you think of it before?"

"Yes, yes, when the distance between the moon changes, the tidal gravity will inevitably change greatly. The land will accelerate drifting under the influence of tidal gravity, and the seven continents may come together."

"Once upon a time, the mountainous reclamation that took hundreds of millions of years to complete was actually completed in a very short period of time, even causing complete changes in the topography of the entire continent."

"So that's how it is, that's how it is!!!"

"It turns out that this is really Blue Star!"

The fifth day of stable updates this month...

Alas alas, I thought the update had reached its climax. The setting of this book is here, but there are not many subscriptions, and the motivation to update is almost gone!

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