Die outside the city in vain.

The war has been going on for a long time, and corpses are scattered all over the ground. The fighting has been going on so far. The eight ghost soldiers under the command of the King of Hell have taken turns several times, and all the ghost kings and ghosts have entered the battlefield.

Except for a few kings of hell, everyone who could take action has already taken action.

But the blood river and abyss in the city still seems to have no end, and more and more resentful ghosts are pouring out.

And there is a trend that is getting stronger and stronger.

At this point in the fierce battle, even the King of Hell lost his relaxed expression.

Every one of them showed his true form, sitting in charge of one side, and from time to time he had to come to the rescue and kill a group of powerful grudges.

High in the sky, the Broken Moon Demon Lord was still fighting with Old Master and Madman Ning. Both sides had no desire to call for battle and were just in a stalemate.

Until drastic changes hit...

Above the sky, most of the gray fog had dispersed at some point, and many cracks appeared in the colorless and transparent dome.

The crunching sound came from nowhere and spread to the end of the field of vision, so that the entire dark sky seemed like a cracked field, about to be broken.

There is even more unspeakable aura permeating the air, carrying an aura of destruction that makes ghosts panic, indicating that the world is about to wither.

A shadow was cast over the hearts of all the ghosts, as if the ghost energy in their bodies was trembling.

At this time, the voice of the Broken Moon Demon Lord came, laughing with unprecedented arrogance: "Hahaha, it's done, it's done, this is the calamity, the calamity that will destroy the world."

"Your Netherworld is about to be destroyed. Despair, cry, and tremble!"

"No matter what, you will all die!"

"This is the true end of the Dharma era!"

"shut up!"

The old master shouted loudly to cover up the nonsense of the Broken Moon Demon Lord, and even raised his sword light, killing the opponent until he turned into a demonic shadow and disappeared.

But at this moment, no matter whether it was the ghost kings, ghost immortals or the eight existing kings of hell, their faces were all ashen.



Mo Chengjun was very careful about his image, but at this moment, he jumped up in surprise. The greeting that came out of his mouth had not been used for many years, but he blurted it out at this time.

When he came to his senses again, he suddenly turned his head, stared at Lord Taishan, and said, "You're not kidding me, are you?"

"With your eyes, do you think I'm joking with you?"

Compared to Mo Chengjun's nervousness, Lord Taishan's demeanor was very leisurely, even a little more relaxed.

He looked at the dark sky and said, "How long has it been since you came here?
I fought with King Bian Cheng, intrigued with Ksitigarbha, and then chatted with me about the past and present, and learned about the history and past stories of more than 3000 years ago.

Didn't this time just slip away little by little?

What, you don’t even care? "

It has to be said that Mr. Taishan is good at poking people's lungs.

Every time he said a word, Mo Chengjun's face darkened; every time he uttered a word, Mo Chengjun's heart became heavier.

But can you blame him?
Over the hundreds of years since he woke up from his dormant chamber, he has accumulated too much confusion about this extremely strange yet familiar world.

It's rare that a fellow countryman who has lived for thousands of years is willing to answer his questions, and he has to ask all the questions he has!

I am afraid that if I miss this opportunity, there will be no next time.

Such a chat completely attracted his attention, and he completely forgot about the things outside.

Thinking about the old master, then thinking about Crazy Ning, and the plan of the Moon-shattering Demon Lord, it is really, really...

I don’t know what to say!

But can you blame him?
Can you blame him?
Nonsense, if you don’t blame him, who should you blame!
This is delaying the real thing.

"Then what, blame me for this, blame me for chatting with Mr. Fu for too long, it's my fault."

Mo Chengjun first put all the questions on himself, and then said: "But Mr. Fu, you can't just see Netherworld collapse like this, can you?

Hurry up!

According to Zhulong, as long as you wake up, even the big storms in this netherworld can calm down. "

“What you say makes sense!

In this Netherworld, even if the ancestors of the Phoenix and Qilin tribes come, they still have to be taken care of by me. "

Taishan Mansion Lord spoke so arrogantly, but when the conversation changed, he looked at Mo Chengjun and asked: "But if the Netherworld is broken, does it have anything to do with you?"


Mo Chengjun blinked and said, "It seems like it doesn't really matter.

After all, the mission I got from Zhulong is to take a walk around this netherworld and wake you up. The rest is not my business. "

"Then what are you in a hurry for?"


Mo Chengjun's expression froze, he paused, and then said: "After all, it is the Broken Moon Demon Lord who is causing trouble, why can't we let him succeed?"

"It's good that you have such a heart. Although you don't belong to the mountain and sea monster family, your heart at least belongs to the human race and this blue star.

That’s good, that’s good! "

Seeing what Mo Chengjun wanted to say, Mr. Taishan Mansion pressed his hands and said: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. You should have seen it. What the Broken Moon Demon Lord did was I indulged.

Let it play freely and let this netherworld be broken. The reason is simple. If it is not broken, it cannot be established!
If the old doesn't go away, how can the new come in? "

"Do you want to rebuild?"

"Uh, more or less."

Lord Taishan suddenly asked an irrelevant question: "Can you tell me why you created Heavenly Court?"

It seemed that Taishan Mansion Lord's relaxed and happy mood made Mo Chengjun feel at ease, but when faced with this problem, he felt a little embarrassed.

After a moment of silence, he still said frankly: "You may not believe it, but at that time, I was too weak and was worried about the Butian Sect.

Out of fear, I wanted to find a backer for myself, even if I could make up a fake one.

As for the Immortal Civilization, is there any force more powerful than Heaven? "

"Of course, I didn't expect it myself. After many technological innovations in the later period, the more this heaven develops, the less likely it is to be fake."

After a pause, he continued: "Ahem, you just need to know this, but Zhulong and Yinglong from the Butian Sect still don't know!
I just thought that I was still a pawn with huge support behind me. "

"They are all real dragons who grew up after the third expedition. I'm not surprised that they don't know the truth of history when those old guys deliberately concealed it."

Lord Taishan nodded and mocked: "In order to hide the origin of the monster clan and cut off the truth that 'monsters are transformed by humans', they erased that period of history thousands of years ago.

And with the three expeditions, the first batch of mountain and sea monsters died in battle and died of old age. Now few people know the truth. "

Mo Chengjun frowned and said, "Isn't it like that? They don't even have the courage to face history?"

The Lord of Taishan Prefecture said: "This is the biggest difference between me and them.

I don’t like their attitude towards history, nor their insistence on erasing the marks of the past.

Therefore, it is my own choice to hide in this netherworld. "

Lord Taishan said this, then changed the subject and said, "However, although those little guys don't know the truth, they are not fools.

You kid can deceive them all the time without revealing the secret, so you are considered to be quite capable. "

"Ahem, little tricks, they are all little tricks."

Mo Chengjun was very humble, but he did not want to dwell too much on this topic. Instead, he said: "Master Fu, don't just talk about me, tell me your original intention of establishing this Netherworld?"

"Can't you guess it?"

"Okay, I have some ideas. It should be for war."

"Yes! For the war! In that era, everything had to serve the war."

Lord Taishan said softly: "In our time, although we have been able to manipulate dark matter and dark energy through the genius of heaven and earth, we have developed many powerful and mysterious magical powers. However, when we step into the battlefield of heaven and earth, There is a problem that troubles all monsters, that is, the distance is too far!
Blue Star and the Realm of Desire are 600 light years apart. This is the distance in light years, so far away that it is difficult to reach.

Although the Butian Sect also has long-distance teleportation methods, which are even pretty good, inter-galactic teleportation is an insurmountable point. "

"For this reason, Zulong, led the masters of the upper three tribes, and recruited many scientists to break through this difficulty.

They started with magical powers, and they have developed a lot in the field of space laws. They have also developed many application methods, but they still have not broken through the difficulties.

Then I worked hard on the science side, from curvature flight, to light speed spacecraft, to space crossing. I tried countless methods, but still failed.

However, by chance, they discovered it.

The vast distances between humans in this world can be realized at a low-dimensional or high-dimensional level, and extremely long distances can be spanned in an extremely short time. "

Mo Chengjun said: "Then you came to this low-dimensional world and opened up this Netherworld?"


Lord Taishan smiled: "I entered this low-dimensional world alone and spread my immortal realm to a large extent.

Then the inspiration from the heaven and earth in the Yang world was brought in, and combined with the dark matter and dark energy in the low-latitude world, it became this overwhelming ghostly aura.

Then use the method of the blessed land to shape the mountains and rivers, and use the inspiration of the earth's veins to circulate the ghostly energy and divide itself.

As a result, the entire Netherworld not only stabilized, but also continued to expand and grow. "

"In fact, the entire universe has its own laws and regulations, which are very strict, and I, the ghost, need to intervene there.

In the final analysis, I just relied on my supernatural power to steal a corner of the universe's birth and death, and intercepted the ghosts of many ghosts.

Then, the Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army were trained and strengthened here, and then sent to the required battlefield front lines through the span of the low-latitude world. "

"Mortal creatures have too many restrictions and cannot be used on the battlefield in the outer world. It is not as powerful as these ghost soldiers and ghosts who can exert their will.

For a long time, these ghost soldiers played a great role.

However, as the development and construction of fairy lands in various places are gradually completed, as well as the iterative updates of technology.

In their own territory, they have been able to complete the convergence of ghosts and ghosts and the training of the ghost soldiers and ghost armies.

In this way, the importance of my place is gradually decreasing. The role of this ghost is actually not what it used to be. "

“They don’t need me anymore, but instead of being unhappy, I feel very happy.

Because, I can finally do something I want to do. "

Saying this, Lord Taishan turned to look at Mo Chengjun and asked, "Do you know why I named this place 'Netherworld'?"


"Because he's handsome!"

Having said this, the dusty eyes of Taishan Prefecture Master shone with light: "I control the underworld, and I decide the cycle of life and death. Don't you think this is awesome?

As for the name of 'Taishan Mansion Lord'?
Powerful, mysterious, ancient and majestic at the same time, I feel that I am very suitable for this character. "

At this time, Lord Taishan actually showed a bit of enthusiasm, but in a flash, he felt a little depressed again and asked: "What do you think of my Netherworld construction?"



"Well, I feel like it's not that interesting compared to the real underworld."

"Isn't it just a little worse?"

The Lord of Taishan said bluntly: "There is no Huangquan Road, Wangxiang Terrace, Evil Dog Ridge, Jinji Mountain, Wild Ghost Village, Hall of Ecstasy, Fengdu City, Eighteen Levels of Hell, Support Pavilion, Ghost Realm Fort, and Naihe Bridge.

There is also no mention of Meng Po, Ghost King, Day Tour, Night Tour, Impermanence, Leopard's Tail, Bird's Beak, Fish Gills, or Wasp.

There is no Gong Cao Division, Judgment Division, Yin Cao Division, or Reincarnation Division.

The entire Netherworld can only be seen by the bull head and horse face I pinched out, plus the Ten Palaces of Yama and a Ksitigarbha.

Others, nothing. "

“And, most importantly, when this Netherworld was built before, the technology was not mature, and I didn’t have a deep understanding of it myself.

Therefore, the design that seemed perfect at the time, now seems to be full of loopholes, a lot of loopholes. "

"Especially those resentful ghosts, using ghost energy as a carrier, countless memories are entangled together, resulting in distortion.

Even I am too clever to make a plan without rice and cannot completely solve it. "

“The reason why I am so sleepy is that maintaining such a large immortal realm is also stressful.

On the other hand, they are also looking for ways to solve the flaws of the resentful ghost and the netherworld. "

Mo Chengjun asked, "Then have you found it?"

"So, actually, the method has always been there, it's just that I turned a blind eye before."

"Uh, how do you say that?"

"Of course it's a complete underworld. Reincarnation is the best way to eliminate karma."

Saying this, he moved his arms, and a scornful aura spread out, and his voice became louder and louder:

"King Bian Cheng wants to reopen the Netherworld, and King Ksitigarbha also wants to, but in fact, I am the one who wants it the most!"

“However, after all, I built this Netherworld with my own hands, so I cannot bear to destroy it, nor can I destroy it.

But if the Moon-Shattering Demon took the initiative, it wouldn't matter. "

"You said that I want to rebuild the Netherworld, but that's actually wrong. What I want to rebuild is not the Netherworld, but the Underworld."

"What I want to build is the underworld that can 'reward good and punish evil, eliminate causes and effects, reincarnate, and punish heaven on behalf of heaven'!"

Suddenly turning his head, he stared at Mo Chengjun and said, "I wonder if you would like to help me?"

"Uh, how can I help? I don't understand this reopening of the Underworld Division or anything like that!"

"I heard that the Broken Moon Demon Lord died in the Yang world. Was it you who did it?"

"I had a fight with him, but it was Zhulong and Yinglong who killed him."

"Then would you like to help me kill him again?"


"Don't worry, don't worry, I won't let you work in vain, I will give you a big benefit, a huge benefit!"

"What benefit can be greater than the sky?"

Mo Chengjun was a little dumbfounded, but he didn't care much. He was willing to contribute without any conditions or benefits, such as killing the Moon-breaking Demon Lord.

However, Mr. Taishan's next words made him stunned.

"What do you think of me giving you this underworld?"

Please note that Taishan Fujun is talking about the underworld and the underworld, not the underworld and the underworld.


Mo Chengjun couldn't see his face, but he felt that his expression must be very wonderful.

"Look, you see the Heavenly Palace and the Lord of the Three Realms. You have seen the Heavenly Palace and the human world. The only thing missing is the underworld.

So, I give it to you!
Okay? "

Mo Chengjun was a little frightened by the man in front of him.

If you are not crazy, you will not survive. He found that compared with the one in front of him, King Bian Cheng and King Ksitigarbha were just younger brothers and nothing.

But do you want such a huge benefit?

You're kidding, the King of Heaven is here, and he has taken over this underworld!

With an expression on his face, Mo Chengjun looked at Lord Taishan extremely seriously and said, "How do you want Lord Broken Moon to die? How many times? In what posture will he die? Do you need to leave any fragments?"

"Let me tell you in detail, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

It's a bit rushed, so I'll post it first. If you find any typos, please point them out for me and I will correct them. Thank you!

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