Chapter 523 Six Paths of Reincarnation
Deep in the nether world.

Dark fog space.

"You're back?"

"Of course I'm coming back!"

"I thought you should be considerate?"

"I have to take care of myself. After all, I am also afraid. But, weighing the pros and cons, I feel that I will regret it more if I don't come, so I came."

Outside the bronze door, Mo Chengjun and Taishan Fujun stood side by side, chatting like old friends.

As if he was very happy about Mo Chengjun's return, Lord Taishan chuckled and said, "Since you are here, I will let you see the truth of this low-dimensional world."

"What's the truth?"

Mo Chengjun became interested as soon as he heard it and said, "What do you think?"

"Of course you have to see with your eyes!"

With that said, Mr. Taishan Mansion waved his hand, and saw the black fog in the space fade away like wind and residual clouds, quickly shrinking, and become a spinning mass in the sky.

But without the cover of the black fog, everything within sight was revealed.

This space is indeed large, but it is also extremely empty, with a ground paved with gray rocks, two towering bronze doors, and lit torches.

Other than that, there is nothing left.

However, when Mo Chengjun looked up, he saw that at the end of his field of vision, beyond the invisible barrier, was a scene full of spring.

He saw green plants everywhere, flowers in bloom, butterflies dancing gracefully, insects jumping and flying, and he could feel the breath of nature, almost overflowing.

"This, this, what is this?"

"This is the real low-dimensional world!"

Taishan Mansion Lord's expression was filled with indescribable emotion: "Do you think the Netherworld should be in black and gray tones?

Do you think this place should be eternal silence?
Do you think there will be no reproduction of life here? "

Mo Chengjun looked at it dreamily and said almost instinctively: "Isn't it?"

"of course not!
In other words, what you think, including what is spread in this world, is just an illusion created by me. "

Mo Chengjun was very surprised and asked, "But why?"

Taishan Fujun did not answer directly, but asked with the same strange expression: "Does your scientific research institute launch various projects in one step?

For example, everyone knows how powerful mechas are, so there is no need to research exoskeleton suits? "

"Ah, this is naturally impossible! Without pre-existing technical reserves and research experience, there is no way to directly involve large-scale mecha projects!"

When Mo Chengjun said this, he seemed to understand something and said: "What you mean can only go so far."


Lord Taishan nodded without hesitation: "When I opened up the Netherworld, it was just an attempt, an experiment.

At that time, we didn’t even know what the low-dimensional world was like?

How else can you expect how perfect the design is and how rigorous the planning is?

Everything is just crossing the river by feeling the stones. It is a blessing to succeed. "

After a pause, he continued: "It wasn't until I entered this low-dimensional world that I discovered that it was completely different from what I thought.

There is life here, vegetation, vivid colors, and strict natural laws.

Although the creatures here are two-dimensional, the world should be three-dimensional.

Of course, for the creatures here, they never think that they are two-dimensional creatures. Just like you and me, we can't feel the difference when we are in it. "

“Most importantly, I also observed the presence of souls here.

In other words, people who have died in this world, even if there is no interference from the netherworld, actually have to pass through here and go deeper.

So, I came up with a very bold guess. "

"What guess?"

"The soul's return journey will eventually go through the washing of dimensions and go to the starting point of all things, the ultimate one.

In scientific terms, it is the dimension called 'zero'.

The soul will be peeled off layer by layer, leaving only a little bit of the true spirit. After passing through that initial 'point', it can be reincarnated, reincarnated, and live another life. "

"The laws of nature always follow a cycle, and this is the cycle system of the soul. I call it the law of reincarnation."

"And this is what I am about to establish, the absolute core of the Underworld Division, the Six Paths of Reincarnation!"

"So it is! So it is..."

Mo Chengjun murmured, as if a layer of fog had been swept away from his heart, revealing the truth.

But Lord Taishan didn't give him much chance to express his feelings. Instead, he patted his arm, turned him around and looked to the other side.

That should be the direction he came from.

Also through the long distance and invisible barriers, I saw a world shrouded in gray mist, and a filthy river was vaguely visible.

But at this time, the situation in the world is not good!
I saw that the boiling negative emotions were like a roaring dragon, stirring up countless spiritual particles and releasing huge energy there.

And the huge energy opened cracks in the world.

Huge waves set off on the dirty river, and the dim river water surged up to the shore and flooded the earth.

The earth had already collapsed into countless fragments, and fiery lava erupted from the ground, igniting everything in sight.

Countless resentful ghosts roared and let out the most heart-wrenching screams, but in such a doomsday scene, they just ended up being crushed into powder.

The fear before death was absorbed by the boiling calamity energy, again accelerating the decline of the world.

Of course, it's not just resentful ghosts, but also some ghost soldiers and ghosts.

How could such a big world be evacuated in such a short period of time? After all, there are still some remnants, but there is no other way.

Even though he was prepared, Mo Chengjun's breathing was stagnant at this moment!
But Taishan Mansion seemed to feel that it was not enough, and waved his hand again, and saw that his field of vision was raised again, as if he was overlooking the earth from high altitude, and what he saw was different.

It was a black spot that suddenly appeared in the vibrant world, like a black ball of flesh, and it continued to expand and contract as time went by.

Mo Chengjun could see clearly that every time it expanded, it was the huge energy released by the spiritual particles that expanded the 'black ball', and the cracks on the cracked sky became increasingly clear.

With the release of energy, it will quickly enter a state of contraction. Although the cracks will be bridged, the 'black ball' will become smaller and smaller, and all the edge areas will be broken.

The entire Netherland, in this cycle of collision and contraction, continues to shrink, getting smaller and smaller.

"Isn't it ugly?" Lord Taishan asked:
Mo Chengjun couldn't help but nodded and said, "It's indeed a bit unsightly."

"You're trying to save face for me! This doesn't look good, it's obviously disgusting!

But that’s right, it’s disgusting!

Because of the immature technology, the Netherworld is a cancer for the low-latitude world, similar to the pathological tumors in the human body, which will only get bigger and worse.

And this is one of the reasons why I have to rebuild Netherworld. "

After a pause, Lord Taishan said again: "Actually, I should be grateful to Lord Broken Moon.

Although he has accelerated the destruction of Netherworld, it is a good thing that if something like a tumor is discovered and removed early, it will cause less harm.

And I just took advantage of this opportunity of destruction and rebirth in the underworld to create the core of the underworld, the Six Paths of Reincarnation. "After saying this, Lord Taishan said with emotion: "How about it, my plan is not bad, right? "


Mo Chengjun sighed sincerely, and couldn't help but rub his face, trying to calm down.

After pausing for a moment, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Master Fu, I'm still confused. I don't know whether I should say it or not."

Lord Taishan turned his head slightly and looked at him with wisdom in his eyes: "You are confused as to why I would give this Underworld to you instead of the Butian Sect, right?"

"It's not just the Butian Sect. You can also host it yourself. After all, you worked hard to open it up."

At this point, Mo Chengjun paused, organized his words, and then said: "The mythical Heavenly Palace must have the living Heavenly Palace, the four continents, the world of mortals, and the underworld to be complete.

Before, when the Lord of the House offered it to me, I agreed without thinking. The temptation was too great and I couldn't avoid it.

But after I sent the eight kings of hell and tens of millions of ghost armies to the underworld, when the cold wind blew and my feverish brain sobered up, I felt something was wrong.

This is the complete underworld. How can you give it to me for free?

If this problem is not solved, to be honest, I will not dare to take advantage of such a huge benefit! "

The Prince of Taishan Prefecture did not get angry when he heard this. Instead, he clapped his hands and laughed, laughing heartily and admiringly.

"To be able to be cautious; to be calm and self-possessed in the face of such a big temptation; to be able to be confused and yet speak out, is very good, very good!
I am now more and more certain that the reason why Heavenly Court was established in your hands and continues to grow is not due to luck, but to your strength and ability.

In this way, I feel that leaving this underworld in your hands is the right choice. "

Mo Chengjun seemed to hear something, his eyes widened slightly: "Master Fu, you..."

Lord Taishan waved his hand, interrupted his words, and sighed leisurely: "Actually, living for too long is not a good thing, especially when you enter this netherworld alone. My only real acquaintance is Jizo. .

But that boy, that boy...

Such a life is lonely and boring.

Therefore, I would rather choose a method that interests me, delve into it, and spend all my energy on it. "

"The underworld is my choice. For this, I can give up everything, even my life!"

"Is it really that serious?"

“Just a netherworld would force me to fall into a deep sleep, let alone a more perfect netherworld?
However, I won’t die directly.

They are all extensions of my immortal realm. If I die, the consequences will be serious.

However, I will fall into an endless slumber, and I probably won’t be able to wake up until the underworld and the low-latitude world complete a true soft connection. "

Mo Chengjun asked: "How long will it take?"

Lord Taishan didn't care: "Maybe ten years, maybe a hundred years, maybe tens of millions of years, and there is no precedent, who knows?
Therefore, I need someone to help me, help me maintain this world, and help me manage the new underworld.

Even if there are areas that are not suitable or perfect, I still need someone to help me fix them.

Compared to the Butian Sect, I think you, the Lord of Heaven, are more suitable! "

"Can you tell me why?"

“Butian Sect is too big, too far away, and its interior is too complicated, like a mess.

Zu Long is very powerful, I will never deny this, but no matter how powerful he is, he cannot kill all the 'opposition'.

As long as you can't kill all the 'opposition', you can only use balance to solve the problem, and when you think about solving the problem with balance, the problem cannot be completely solved.

Just like those at the end of the dynasty, all kinds of conflicts have reached the critical point and are almost ignited by a spark.

At this time, no matter how heroic a hero sits in the highest position, he may not do better than the last emperor. "

"But your situation in Heaven is different. You are a newborn, so close, and the internal sheer cohesion is strong. You are a capable boy."

"Of course, the most important thing is that heaven and earth are a perfect match no matter how you look at them!"

Mo Chengjun was a little embarrassed by the praise, but his expression was not much moved.

Lord Taishan was aware of it, and he changed the topic and said: "You shouldn't take this as a benefit, it's more of a responsibility.

I leave this huge underworld to you, so you have to keep an eye on me.

When I complete my connection with the lower dimensions, I will still wake up. If this underworld is messed up by you, I will cause trouble for you. "

Mo Chengjun smiled and was about to say something, when he heard the crashing sound of "rumbling". The sound was so loud that it covered up some of the noise.

Both Mo Chengjun and Taishan Mansion looked up almost instinctively.

It was seen that the 'black ball' had been concentrated to the extreme, almost to the point of exploding.

Lord Taishan's eyes narrowed, and his tone was a bit urgent: "Time is running out, it's time for you to give me an answer."

Mo Chengjun gritted his teeth and said, "Thanks to Mr. Fu for your respect, I will accept this cause and effect."

"Good! Good!"

Lord Taishan clapped his hands happily and said: "Then you wait here for my news. If it succeeds, this world will be controlled by your heaven.

Even if you fail, I will keep you safe.

As for opening up the six paths of reincarnation and rebuilding the underworld, how much you can understand, comprehend, and learn depends on your own destiny. "

What else could Mo Chengjun say, he could only say: "Okay."

"so be it."

After Taishan Mansion finished speaking, he didn't waste any time and walked directly towards the two towering ancient bronze doors.

Before anyone else arrived, the door was already open, revealing the scene behind it.

The interior is very simple, with only a table, a chair and a bed, full of mottled spots from the years.

Perhaps the most unique thing is the quilt on the bed, which seems to be woven from colorful clouds and looks very soft.

Seeing that Taishan Fujun was about to enter the door, the emotions surging in Mo Chengjun's chest made him unable to help but say: "Fujun, I don't know your name yet?"

Taishan Prefecture Lord did not look back, but he couldn't help but pause, and a deep and desolate voice came out: "Heavenly Dynasty, No. 30 Eighth Army, Seventh Company, Sun Dahai, has fought for the human race for hundreds of years. No regrets in this life!”

Mo Chengjun was shocked, and then he bowed respectfully and said: "Heavenly Dynasty, Ninth Research Institute, Mo Chengjun, I have been here for thousands of years. It is my honor to sit down and talk with you!"

The door was completely closed, isolating the inside and outside. Mo Chengjun couldn't help but look up at the sky. He couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling, he just felt his chest boiling.

Inside the door, Lord Taishan had already walked to the bed, got on the bed, covered himself with quilts, found a comfortable posture, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Whoever wakes up from the big dream first will know himself in life!"

"So, sleep, sleep..."

As he said that, he closed his eyes, but seemed to remember something, then opened them again, stretched out his hand and pulled out a bright filament, which seemed to be changing infinite light and shadow, and contained a lot of information.

He waved his hand, and a hole was opened in the space. The strand of filament slipped into the hole and disappeared, as if it had gone to an extremely distant place.

He changed his position again and closed his eyes slightly, but within a moment, his breathing became louder and louder.

As he fell asleep, a figure stood up from him, walked out, looked around, and then stepped away again.

One after another, in just a moment, countless Taishan Palace Lords appeared.

And the entire Netherworld, after shrinking countless times, finally welcomed its master, and countless Taishan Palace Lords began to be busy in it.

 Phew, finally caught up!Please vote for me...

(End of this chapter)

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