The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 529 Bidding Conference

Chapter 529 Bidding Conference (please vote)
One thing is that Mo Chengjun's prediction was right. Today's heaven is indeed different from what it used to be.

The specific performance is not only the increase in your own strength, but also the external influence formed by outsiders knowing how powerful you are.

In this world, a clan of demons share the same blood. There are many demon kingdoms, and if you look closely, there are hundreds of them.

In addition to the human race and the sea race, which consider themselves independent, there are actually many chaotic forces.

There are even a few weak demon clans that band together to form an alliance, a republican system where the number of votes determines the direction of things.

It can be said that the world is so big and full of wonders!
And it is now recognized that Tianting and Butian Sect belong to the same category.

Even after the demonic disaster, when the reputation of the Butian Sect was declining, the Heavenly Court became more prominent.

At least, no one, either human or demon, thinks that Heaven must be under the Butian Sect.

Don't think this is nothing. In fact, this kind of influence can already decide many things overtly or covertly, affecting many people's judgments, and even the direction of certain things.

For example, there are many forces under the Butian Sect who, on the surface, are extremely hostile to Heaven, but they have already secretly collected the "Heaven's Reception Order".

In the Zhenbao Pavilion, when it comes to trading, buying and selling, there is nothing left to do.

Of course, let’s not discuss these. Let’s just say that now, when Heaven begins to take action, the waves caused will definitely be turbulent waves.


Well, the contents of the two major plans are actually very huge and involve many aspects. If we really want to implement them, it feels like we have no way to start.

In the end, Mo Chengjun still followed the old master's suggestion and divided the matter into two parts: the blessed land of heaven and the present world.

The blessed land of Heaven is also divided into two parts: the demon race and the human race.

On the human side, the existing system is relatively mature, mainly the promotion of talent introduction plans, that is, the promotion channels from the scientific research institute to the Tiangong Institute.

There is no doubt about the attraction of Tiangong. As long as the news spreads, it will naturally arouse the enthusiasm of weapon refiners, including other minor professions.

Then, Heavenly Court must create various needs, including but not limited to Heavenly Court's 'Taichu Deep Space Fortress', 'Heavenly Soldiers, Heavenly Generals, Puppet Taoist Soldiers', 'Nine Heavenly Tower Plan', as well as various infrastructure tasks that radiate throughout the blessed land, etc. wait……

If there is more demand, it will naturally attract a large number of people to enter the corresponding industry and cultivate talents.

Mo Chengjun left this part to Fairy Ruoli, who was in charge of it, and was managed by the Galaxy Sword Sect, who could be considered a professional counterpart.

You ask where the Four Seasons Sword Fairy Shen Jinxiu went?

Well, since this person last threw the sect's common things to Fairy Ruoli, he hasn't taken them back again. He said in a nice way: I am already a sword fairy, why are you bothering me with these common things?
Now people have gone to the outer space station to hone their magical powers and improve their methods. They are very busy and it is said that they are already very effective.

It must be mentioned again that Old Master and Madman Ning were also taken away by her, reportedly for a visit.

In addition, Mo Chengjun also increased the investment of the "Heavenly Reception Order" and the cultivation of casual cultivators in the blessed land.

There are always people like this who have entered the gate of immortality due to various opportunities, but are unwilling to enter the major immortal sects to practice.

Well, the major immortal sects are also very arrogant, and those with lower qualifications may not necessarily be able to get started.

And Taixu Tian provides them with ways to learn and materials for practice. With these, they can become a sect of their own.

In the past, this group of people was always in the minority. After all, it was easy to enjoy the shade against the big trees.

But now, Mo Chengjun just wants to send some resources to them in a reasonable way to make them support themselves.

He also hopes that this group of 'catfish' can roll up the world of immortality in the blessed land!
Taibai Jinxing is responsible for this part of the task, and with the help of other righteous gods, they can also protect these little guys.

Don't think that there is no struggle in the blessed land of heaven. Wherever there are people, there will be rivers and lakes. This is indispensable.

As for the demon clan?

Well, Xiniu Hezhou already has millions of demons and fourteen demon kings.

But in terms of the system and the degree of development, it is actually just the beginning.

The four demon immortals led by Qingniao Luanling have been working hard to reform, but the resistance is not small. Nowadays, they are still in the stage of popularizing the basic knowledge of scientific cultivation of immortals.

What Mo Chengjun has to do this time is to increase popularization efforts and send enough people to teach students.

Then use the name of Heaven to stand up for the four demon immortals, reduce the resistance to reform, and popularize minor knowledge as much as possible.

The demon race is actually not stupider than the human race, but because they rely too much on their bloodline, they are more than a step behind the human race in the 'Alchemy Talisman Array'.

However, it didn’t say that they can’t study hard!
Of course, to be honest, the arrangements in Heavenly Paradise are relatively straightforward.

If anything happens, just make an appointment with the relevant personnel, arrange it, and check it regularly.

However, in this world, doing this is a bit overstepping the mark.

After all, the affiliation only exists in a tacit understanding, and there is no explicit confirmation. Mo Chengjun does not want to cause too much concern among the top leaders of the human and demon clans.

It is also for this reason that he will try his best to downplay his presence in the Supreme Management Council of the Human Race.

Therefore, Mo Chengjun also wanted to push forward this matter in a low-key manner. He did not want to come forward himself, but planned to let Xue Pan contact him.

Well, actually, there was still a lot of things for him to do regarding the upgrade of Blessed Land.

Various debugging, various detections, plus various recording and optimization, in fact, he should still be in a state of retreat.

What kind of thing is it to go out and show off at this time?

Therefore, according to his idea, it would be perfect for Xue Pan, the great steward of Wanjie Commercial Bank, to step in and take up the mantle of Heaven at most.

It's a pity that when Xue Pan heard this, he shook his head like a rattle.

The reason he gave is simple. Such a large-scale and long-term cooperation can be regarded as a different kind of binding.

The impact is extremely far-reaching, and may even change the basic structure and future development direction of an immortal sect.

For such a big matter, if even the inspecting immortal officials from Heaven didn't come forward and only sent a "nobody", which senior sect wouldn't murmur in their hearts?
If he tried to test him out and was beaten as a liar, who would he go to to reason with?

Well, this statement actually makes sense.

However, Mo Chengjun really didn't want to run around, let alone delay the time too long, so he changed his mind and used the old method.

Since we don’t want to go from house to house, we can just invite everyone together.

Since you don’t want to work offline, it’s not impossible to hold meetings online.

According to this idea, Mo Chengjun began to transform the "Jinghu World" on the one hand, opening up a secondary space, establishing a fairy mountain blessed land, and a palace complex for the purpose of holding meetings.

On the other side, he started making and handing out invitations.

The material of this invitation is not important, but the crystal structure composed of a layer of spiritual particles wrapped around it is important.

The product of the magical power of "Mediating Creation" has become a symbol of heaven to the outside world.In addition, there are standard thin gold fonts, indicating the time, place and inviter, and the method of entering and exiting the Mirror Lake world. It looks absolutely high-end and classy.

According to Mo Chengjun's idea, before the big plan is fully promoted, it is necessary to experiment on a small scale and accumulate some experience!
It was hard to deal with something bad, so he only chose weapon refining and prepared to narrow down the scope of invitations.

It's a pity that Tianting is so well-known, but even if there is a little bit of news, it will be 'watched'!
Not to mention the various people who inquired about information, Emperor Yin, as the Human Emperor, even went to Taixu Heaven to block him, and the Supreme Management Committee of the Human Race solemnly issued a letter of inquiry.

Mo Chengjun took a look and realized that since he couldn't keep a low profile, he would stop being low-key and put the cards up before talking.

Therefore, when the invitation letter was delivered, Mo Chengjun directly arranged for the four heavenly kings and a team of heavenly soldiers and generals to be in charge.

First, three thousand miles of purple energy spread, then the Nantianmen appeared, and finally the four heavenly kings took turns leading a team of silver-armored generals to appear and present the invitation.

This scene, with the roar of gongs and drums and the blast of firecrackers, could be seen thousands of miles away, so it was definitely solemn.

And for a whole month, the human world was spent in this kind of 'activities', with endless disturbances.

All kinds of discussions, all kinds of speculations, competing to see who got the invitation letter first and who got it last.

There was even a debate about which immortal sect was more valued by the Heavenly Court, which one was not favored, and which one was ranked in terms of strength.

Later, the invitation letters from the Heavenly Court were not just for humans, but also for some famous monster clans in the Monster Kingdom.

It was also at this time that people discovered that these immortal sects and demon clans who received invitations seemed to have something in common - most of them had certain attainments in weapon refining, or had a large amount of mineral resources under their command.

Of course, speculation is speculation, and chaos is chaos, but the Heavenly Court will not pay any attention to it.

It was not until the day marked on the invitation letter that all the participants entered the mirror lake world as scheduled, that Mo Chengjun arrived belatedly wearing the vest of inspecting the immortal officials.

In the palace, he was very satisfied looking at the crowds of senior officials of the Immortal Sect and leaders of the demon clan sitting below.

Then, as soon as the illusion came out and the PPT was opened, Mo Chengjun opened his mouth and said: "According to the division of our heaven, your place can only be regarded as the primary stage of the development of immortality, the period of classical immortality.

Immortalism has not yet penetrated into every aspect of the world. Mortals still have to dig for food in the fields and pray to God for food. When they meet monks, they are called immortals.

In my opinion, this stage can be described as "backward".

Therefore, in order to promote the development of this world and accelerate the growth of the major immortal sects, we, Heavenly Court, have specially formulated a support plan. "

Look, look, look, this is the necessary condition for a qualified 'politician' - open your eyes and tell lies!

It is obviously to establish technological advantages for itself and to stand at the upper reaches of the industrial system, but it still seems to be that it wants to help others "get rid of poverty and become rich."

That's it, most of the senior leaders of the human and demon tribes below believed it.

Well, compared to Butian Sect, Tianting’s reputation is indeed much better.

When it came to the specific 'help plan', Mo Chengjun did not dare to mention the 'Taichu Deep Space Fortress'.

That thing is really too high-end, involving the basic situation of Tianwaitian, the development of cave heaven and paradise, the development of fairyland, ecological circulation system, etc...

These are not things that this group of 'country bugs' can understand, they are too far away.

So, he brought up the 'Tianwai Space Station' and mentioned it, and then carried out an 'inhumane' spin-off of the entire project.

Except for the core cave-sky link and energy parts, the others were turned into 28 subcontracted projects, large and small.

Each subcontracted project is accompanied by detailed drawings, refining techniques, product requirements and guidance for training personnel.

Subsequently, each immortal sect or demon clan can bid. As long as the price is right and a contract is signed, they can be responsible for the production and construction of each part.

That's right, what Mo Chengjun did was equivalent to a bidding conference for a large-scale project.

Each company presents its own advantages and quotations, and then selects the best partner.

This type of model is definitely the first of its kind in this world. Except for Heavenly Court, it is estimated that no such lineup can be assembled.

Of course, these alone are not attractive enough. On the one hand, no one has seen this model before, and they all have concerns.

On the other hand, this has been the case for thousands of years, and if it suddenly changes, it will instinctively reject it.

Therefore, after introducing the specific requirements and tasks, Mo Chengjun started talking about the benefits.

For example, after becoming a supplier of Tianting, a higher level of authority will be opened, VIP treatment will be given, priority purchase, discounts and other benefits will be provided.

However, these methods commonly used by Blue Star can make people jealous, but to say that they don't care about them is not considered.

So, at the end, Mo Chengjun brought up the matter of Tiangongyuan's recruitment quota, which made the whole venue completely excited.

Since the appearance of the saint in heaven, he has made his goals clear. On the one hand, he is to preach and teach, and on the other hand, he is to attract the immortals.

Needless to say, "preaching and imparting knowledge", Heavenly Court has completed it extremely beautifully, leading the reform of cultivation methods in this world and the upgrade of magical powers.

It can be said that because of the 'gift' from heaven, the methods currently used by the human and demon tribes have at least one or several levels of improvement.

But, another purpose, to bring immortals into heaven?
There was no movement at all.

It's not that no one has guessed, including those immortals and demons who have entered the paradise of heaven, they also regard this as another form of induction.

But now, the inspection immortal official clearly told them that it was different.

Introducing immortals to the Heavenly Palace literally means that they must serve in the Heavenly Palace.

Although this recruitment is just a supplement to the official path, it is a separate plan of Tiangongyuan. Those who can be selected must be masters of weapon refining, and they also need to be rated high enough.

But are these important?

Is it important?
The most important thing is, would it be nice to be able to ascend to immortality? !

The inspecting immortal officer made it clear that for this recruitment, it didn’t matter whether he was an immortal or not, only his talent and ability in refining weapons were considered.

Heaven will ensure that those who ascend will achieve the realm of immortals!

Well, if you dare to brag and say that you are guaranteed to ascend to immortality, even the Butian Sect has not boasted about this Haikou, but the inspection immortal official has just boasted about it.

The problem is, everyone still believes it!

This is the benefit of Tianting's external image. Words must be deeded and deeds must be resolute, which makes everyone choose to believe it after being skeptical for the first time.

At this point, this bidding conference is completed!

Because Mo Chengjun has clearly seen that the top leaders of the human and demon tribes are no longer thinking about whether they can do this?What adverse consequences will occur?

Rather, which subcontracting project can be won?
What is the price?
How should we integrate our own resources and mobilize manpower?

 Early today, hahaha!
(End of this chapter)

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