Chapter 555: Moving forward (please give me a vote!)
Heavenly Palace,

On this day, colorful rays of light fell, making the sky full of bright clouds.

The strong man climbed up to the high platform, exerted enough strength, and rang the heavenly bell.

There were ripples visible to the naked eye, the sound of Hong Zhong and Da Lu resounded throughout the world, the Nantian Gate bloomed with dazzling light, and a group of people slowly walked out from outside the Nantian Gate.

Heavenly generals in golden armor guarded the streets, warriors in yellow turbans cleaned the streets, and fairy servants danced in the air. They led a group of about thirty immortal cultivators, old and young, dressed in white, into the core of the heaven.

This group of people are also full of curiosity. The old man can still try hard to suppress his emotions and maintain the respect he should have, but he can't help but squint his eyes, which shows that they are also looking around.

As for the young man, there are not so many city mansions, and he has already looked around and looked at the sky.

They saw clouds in the distance and golden sunlight shining down, coating everything in sight with a golden glow.

They saw a dense and mysterious light visible to the naked eye, which even turned into mist and settled under their feet.

Just by breathing casually, they seemed to be able to feel the improvement of their magic power.

And in the distance, in the mist-shrouded world, majestic, majestic, magnificent, or exquisite palaces rise one after another, which is so shocking.

There are also heavenly soldiers and generals patrolling everywhere, their armors are clanging; auspicious beasts are soaring, and cranes are circling and crowing endlessly.

But these are not important. The important thing is that they can feel the great threat. It seems that there are extremely terrifying existences in the palaces and pavilions.

The vast accumulation of divine power made them feel like they were just ants in the world.

They started from Nantian Gate, walked through the Ascension Platform, crossed the Jade Step Corridor Bridge, and arrived at the Jie Yin Hall.

Here, they saw a fairy, who seemed to be covered by some kind of magic weapon. This fairy was like the cold moon, hazy and beautiful.

It wasn't until they got closer that a melodious female voice sounded: "You, these are the first 30 people from this world who have entered my heaven. Although not all of them have ascended to immortality, they are all geniuses with minor skills. They are now included in my heaven." prepared by.

From now on, I will be responsible for many trivial matters such as yours. If you are confused, you can come to me. "

At this time, some young people shouted: "We don't know the fairy's name yet, how should we call her?"

"My name is Nishang, you can call me, Fairy Nishang!"

Another old man said: "The Heavenly Court promised me the opportunity to become an immortal, but I don't know how to fulfill it?"

Ba Nichang added: "I have two methods in heaven for you to choose.

First, the method of becoming an immortal after a thunder tribulation requires you to practice to the peak of the Yang God. You can bathe in the thunder pond and become an immortal on your own.

The advantage of this method is that it does not affect future practice and does not waste potential. If you want to go further on the path of immortality, this method is the best.

Second, the method of immortal root spiritual seeding is the ancient method of becoming an immortal in this world.

My heavenly court will provide immortal plants. As long as you become a Yin Shen, you can apply and use the power of the immortal plants to help you become an immortal.

The benefits of this method are that it requires simple requirements, a high success rate, and a long life. However, how far it can go in the future is limited by the immortal plant.

If you are elderly, or those who focus on minor skills and do not want to waste time practicing more, you can choose this path. "

"Of course, you have just entered heaven, so there is no need to make a decision in a hurry.

I will take you to register as immortals and determine your rank first, and then I will take you to recognize your immediate superiors after you have completed your duties. "

So, thirty people saluted respectfully: "Thank you, Fairy Nishang!"

"Let's go then..."

So, starting from this day, the Living Heavenly Palace finally gained some popularity.



Qi Zong,

This is a very large earth fire chamber. Dozens of earth fire pools are lined up in two rows. Red earth fires gush out, licking various minerals and metals, and the water of the cold pool blooms beside them.

There are hundreds of weapon refiners busy in this earth fire chamber. They are either activating magic techniques, activating earth fire, refining metals, forging magic weapons, or carving patterns on weapons...

All in all, it was very busy.

In the corner of the ground fire room, there are piles of finished products stacked up.

It can be seen that this is a combined part of a larger artifact, and many people cast spells to check the quality of each piece.

There was another old Taoist with shaggy hair, sloppy clothes, and a fire-attributed irritability in his demeanor, but he was in good spirits.

He wandered between the underground fire pools, sometimes stretching out his hands to practice, sometimes opening his mouth to curse, and his torrential voice echoed in the underground fire room.

“Times have changed, they have changed, and you guys are so lucky.

I remember that at the beginning, I studied with my master, doing odd jobs for three years, observing for three years, then three years before I could start helping, and ten years before I could officially start.

If you can't learn it anymore, you will be kicked out of the underground fire room and you will never have another chance! "

"It's not like now. I'm teaching you step by step. I'm afraid that you won't be able to learn, won't be able to practice well, and your finished product's pass rate will not be enough!

Really, really...what a ghost! "

"You guys are just lucky. You have a master to teach you, a job to do, and a salary. If you really become a master of weapon refining, you may even have the opportunity to go to heaven and become an immortal."

"These are good things that I never dared to think about before. You have caught up with them. But don't be afraid of hardship or tiredness!"

"As long as you learn the skills well, it will always be your own craft, and you will have no worries about food and drink wherever you go."


Now, Yangzhou,
Xiandu Sect,
in the hall.

The leader of the Xiandu Sect, Xi Zike, sat at the top of the table, his brows furrowed deeply.

Below, dozens of inner sect elders were sitting or standing, almost filling the hall. If you look carefully, you can find that three of the inner sect elders are almost old.

Shattered clothes, extremely long nails, messy hair, and deep wrinkles, the whole body exudes a smell of decay...

You can't even estimate how old these three elders are. Anyway, Xizi is just their disciple and grandson.

"Three uncles, what are you doing?"

An old man in the middle raised his head stiffly and asked in a hoarse voice: "Sect, we just want to ask, has Heavenly Court really fulfilled its promise?"

Xizi couldn't lie, so he could only say: "It is true that the fourth elder has achieved the immortal state."

As soon as these words came out, the scene became chaotic, with whispers and whispers everywhere.

Finally, the elder in the middle spoke up and asked, "In that case, what are the sect master's preparations?"

Xi Zike exhaled frequently and said: "Don't worry, old man, I will take over the mission from Heaven immediately. Once there are corresponding quotas, you will definitely be given priority.

so good? "

"it is good!"

"That's how it should be!"

"so be it."

After the matter was finalized, the group of old guys left again, leaving Xizi Ke sitting where he was.

He seemed to be stuck for a long time before he sighed: "If Heavenly Court does this, it will be difficult to lead the team!"

Yes, it is difficult to lead the team, not just Taiyi Dan Sect, but almost every other immortal sect is like this.

People's hearts have changed like this!
Of course, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. For this reason, Emperor Yin of the Daxuan Dynasty handled it very well.



imperial capital.

Underground in the imperial city, in the huge underground palace.

Emperor Yin walked into the depths of the underground palace with a tangled look on his face, and saw that his ancestor seemed to be a little older, wiping the weapons in his hands. Although his body was stooped, his behavior was more relaxed and casual.He didn't see anyone outside. He walked closer and landed on the steps. He didn't say anything, but the expression on his face said everything.

Di Hao turned his head slightly, looked at his most proud descendant, and said with a smile, "Has the news been confirmed?"

Human Emperor Yin nodded and said: "It has been confirmed that Tianting has really mastered some powerful method of becoming an immortal, and it can be popularized in large quantities."

"So, as soon as the news spreads, can the people below not be able to bear it any longer?"

Di Yin nodded again and said: "Today, there were five waves of people running in front of me just to show their presence. As for the number of people who wrote secretly, there were even more people than I can count."

He paused and then said a little depressed: "I never thought that the secret code that leads directly to the Holy Listening could be used by them to do this. It is simply, simply unreasonable!"

However, Di Hao laughed heartily: "The problem is that everyone's talk is making money, and it has become a force to hold the palace accountable. You can't get angry yet, you have to deal with it carefully!"

But when the conversation changed, he added: "But this is normal!
You just feel that your dignity has been violated, but they are also fighting for their own interests.

In comparison, the opportunity to become an immortal is right in front of them. Do you think they can give up? "

"This is actually the case!"

Di Yin finally nodded, but then said: "Ancestor, what do you think we should do now?"

"Aren't you just afraid? You're afraid that these people will run away and weaken the strength of the Daxuan Dynasty.

But what's there to be afraid of? "

Di Hao felt a little resentful and said, "If I were you, I would work hard to strengthen the royal family's minor talents, work hard to accept more tasks from Heavenly Court, and work hard to gain a few more places.

In the future, if they have this opportunity to become immortals, at least before they go to heaven and become immortals, what do they have to do just because you say it? "

"Positivity, definitely full of enthusiasm, okay?!"


Di Yin slapped his thigh and reacted, smiling: "From now on, even if there are tasks that require life and death, they will definitely complete them with all their heart and soul, and they will not dare to cheat like before."

"That's it!"

However, Di Hao changed the topic and said: "It's just that what you are thinking about now is, why does Heaven do this? Why does it open up so many opportunities to become an immortal? Why does it require a hundred years of service?

Even more, why are they in such a hurry to increase their strength and create so many powerful artifacts? "

Di Yin couldn't help but also asked: "Then why is this?"

Di Hao was really angry this time, slapped Di Yin on the head, and said loudly: "If I knew, would I still talk nonsense with you here?
Since you know something is wrong, why don't you go and investigate? "

"Ahem, it's hard to check things in heaven!"

"I can't find it. Can I learn from it?"

Di Hao's old face showed a bit of solemnity: "To be honest, I have a bad feeling..."


The small world of heaven,
Research Institute,
In a laboratory.

On the huge square table, various drawings were spread out. A man with thick dark circles under his eyes said loudly: "Look, everyone, take a look at it carefully. This is a task specially given to us by Master Mo. Every detail is no less than A complex spiritual treasure from the Taichu Deep Space Fortress.

This will be our work for a long time. Everyone, cheer me up. I must not let Master Mo down! "

Looking down, you can see four words written on the corner of the drawing.

——Stairway to heaven!
That's right, this is the magic weapon that Zulong gave to Mo Chengjun. It is used to stabilize the channel of the long river of time. It has been scheduled.


Somewhere outside the Galaxy Sword Sect.

After passing through the complicated formation, what you can see is a vast basin, surrounded by mountains on all sides, where countless people are busy.

Parts of various sizes, large and small, were piled everywhere, like a hill.

And through the pile of large and small parts, what has appeared in the center of the basin is an oval outline, with a black surface emitting a faint light, like a giant beast.

To the side, the billboard erected looks so petite and inconspicuous, but the words on it are dazzling in their own way.

This is the Taishi Starship Carrier!
That's right, this is the advanced version of the 'Absolute Deep Space Fortress', another weapon focused on space cruises and battlefields.


Heavenly Palace,

Inside the heavenly soldiers camp.

This is a very special building, like a pagoda, divided into six floors, but each floor has an external passage.

There were yellow scarf warriors who were busy fetching various parts and placing them in the passage. As the passage rolled, parts entered the pagoda one by one.

This pagoda is purely composed of clever particles. It is crystal clear and has clearly visible lines carved into it.

If you look through the wall, you can vaguely see the complex interior design and the endless flow of various parts being assembled, just like a modern, fully automated factory.

At the entrance of the pagoda, Li Jing, the king of pagodas, stood quietly there, looking sharply at the heavenly soldiers walking out of the pagoda, his eyes shining brightly.

Then there was a moment's pause, as if he was receiving some information, he stood at attention, saluted, and then walked to the side and stood still.

There, there were rows of heavenly soldiers, forming a neat formation, one row at a time, until the end of the field of vision.

Only at this moment can we hear the murmuring words of Li Jing, the king of the tower: "Let's start with one million. In this batch, one million heavenly soldiers and generals will be enough."

"Wait a while, wait for the scientific research institute to see if there is a better improved model!"

"How majestic and majestic our heaven must be. How can we control the situation without billions of heavenly soldiers and generals?!"


Another place,
In an extremely secretive independent laboratory.

Hundreds of people in white coats gathered together, and an old man said: "Welcome everyone to return to the project team again. This time we have the most resources, the highest authority, and can use the most manpower.

The research target is still the inner demon. "

"Master Mo has clearly identified that the inner demons are more terrifying than we imagined. Therefore, our purpose this time is to expose them all!"

"Next, I will assign the groups. The first group of 11 people are..., responsible for capturing. The second group..."


Taichu Deep Space Fortress.

In the portable cave heaven paradise,

The continuous mountains have opened up caves. The interior decoration is not luxurious, but it is not bad.

What's even more valuable is that this place is where almost all the spiritual resources of the Cave Heaven Paradise are supported. Although it is far inferior to the Heavenly Palace, the mist is visible to the naked eye.

There are also waves, tides, or whirlpools formed in mid-air, and each place represents the stay of an immortal.

There are also many immortals fighting with each other in the sky, or the earth, fire, wind and water evolve into dragons, fire and phoenixes, roaring fiercely; or there are swords, qi, and sword light crossing the sky and the earth; Heaven and earth moved.

These are all real immortals who have survived the thunder tribulation, and they will spend a long time here until a hundred years later.

Or maybe there is an order from heaven to go to war and destroy the demon!

And the number of people here, regardless of whether they are human immortals or demon immortals, will only increase in number.


At this time, the Heavenly Court had grown into a behemoth.

And when such a behemoth operates at full strength, it is like a rampaging aircraft carrier, bringing incomparable impact, rolling forward, and crushing everything.

 Today’s update comes...

(End of this chapter)

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