The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 568 The Prelude to the Final Battle

lunar star,
Guanghan Fairyland,

In the dilapidated hall, King Peacock Ming looked at the jade piece that had just arrived in his hand, and his whole body went numb!
Such a proud peacock, just sitting there in a daze, his face seemed to have lost the ability to manage expressions, and all kinds of complicated expressions were mixed together, almost twisting into a twist.

To his left and right, naturally, the big man holding an ax and the little Qilin girl were sitting.

Seeing their eldest brother's expression, the two of them looked at each other with puzzled expressions, but the man with the ax winked and asked the Qilin girl to speak.

The Qilin girl rolled her eyes at him, but did not refuse. Instead, she asked directly: "Brother, what happened?"

"Something happened!"

King Peacock Ming murmured in reply, then looked up at his two younger siblings and said, "Lord Zhu Long, he's dead!"


At this moment, both the man with the ax and the unicorn girl stood up in shock, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

The big man with the ax almost shouted: "How is this possible?

That is Lord Zhulong, a peerless power comparable to the 'Ancient Demon'. He specializes in the field of time. Who can kill him? "

The Qilin girl also said: "Yes, brother, is the news wrong?"

"It's hard to say what else it is, but the fact that Zhulong died is probably correct."

King Peacock Ming picked up the first jade piece from his hand, handed it to the Qilin girl, and said: "This is the news from Yinglong, saying that Zhulong died and died of an assassination in the heaven."

The Qilin girl didn't waste any time, and after taking it, she directly used her spiritual thoughts.

But King Peacock Ming did not stop, he picked up the second piece of jade, handed it to the man holding the axe, and said: "This is the news from heaven. It is said that Yinglong became a demon and killed Zhulong, and heaven wants to Attacking the Butian Sect is just to eliminate demons and defend the Tao!"


There was a sneer on the face of the big man holding the axe. He obviously didn't believe it, but he took the jade piece and started reading it.

Just for a moment, he exchanged the message jade piece with the Qilin girl again, and looked at it again. The two raised their heads, looked at each other, and looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Obviously, the situation changed too quickly, and it was difficult for them to accept it.

In the end, it was the man with the ax who took the lead to break the silence: "No matter who is right or wrong, this time, are the Butian Sect and Tianting really going to fight?"

The Qilin girl asked: "But the question is, who should we help now?"

The big man with the ax asked strangely: "Needless to say, you are helping your own family!
Not to mention that we all belong to the Butian Sect, the last time something happened in our Guanghan Territory, the two Dragon Lords were very helpful.

This time Zhulong died and Yinglong asked for help. How could we ignore it? "

The Qilin girl said something else: "What you said is correct, but you also know the inside story.
The reason why we know that there is a demon lord wreaking havoc is because the patrolling immortal official tipped off the news?

Furthermore, the reason why the demon lord was able to be defeated in the end was because of his hand.

Therefore, no matter which way you look at it, we all owe a huge favor, and there are more than one. So now, is it a bit ungrateful to directly attack the heaven? "

"Is this?"

The big man with the ax was also confused. He looked at his elder brother and saw that King Peacock Ming was not at all relaxed after sharing the information, but instead became even more depressed.

"Brother, what do you think we should do? Anyway, my little sister and I will listen to you..."

"Yes, yes, brother, just do whatever you say you should do?"

These two were smart people, and they had placed their positions very well, and left the matter directly to King Peacock Ming.

"The problem is, I don't know either!"

Peacock King Ming finally raised his head, picked up the third jade piece of communication, and said: "This is the biggest problem!"

"Anyone else have news?"

"The headquarters of Butian Sect, Zulong personally issued an order to inform all the people, monks, warriors and monsters in the Immortal Realm under the command of Butian Sect."

As the words came out, the axe-wielding man and the unicorn girl stood up in shock. They almost said in unison: "What did that one say?"

"The decisive battle between the Butian Sect and the Real Demon of Desire Realm is about to begin, and there is also an instruction manual about the mutant inner demon.

In other words, in addition to ordinary inner demons, there is also a more powerful inner demon. "

You have to admit that on a cosmic scale, even the Immortal Civilization is still slow in terms of carriages and horses, and the spread of news is also slow.

The message from the headquarters finally reached the rear of the battlefield, arriving slowly and just in time.

After a pause, King Peacock Ming continued: "I originally believed more in Lord Ying Long. After all, there will be a battle between Heavenly Court and the Blue Star Butian Sect. This is something everyone knows.

But now, I'm not sure anymore. "

"Because the news from this headquarters coincides with some of the statements from Heaven.

If Yinglong Longjun is already possessed by the devil, it would be better to understand that Zhulong Longjun is dead! "

This time, the axe-wielding man and the unicorn girl didn't even have the desire to express their opinions. They sat blankly on their chairs, their heads almost turning into paste.

The situation was beyond their imagination and beyond their control.

For a long time, the Qilin girl still said hesitantly: "What about us, what should we do now?"

She didn't actually finish what she said, but everyone present understood what he meant.

How to face not only the situation of Blue Star, not only the war between Butian Sect and Heaven, but also the upcoming decisive battle with the real demon of Desire Realm!
Under the overturned nest, how can there be any eggs?
They seemed to be able to see the blood and carnage coming towards them, which was countless times more cruel than what had just passed.

And King Peacock Ming finally made a decision: "We will not get involved in Blue Star's matter. We will not help either party, and we cannot help."

"However, the news from the Butian Sect headquarters must be delivered in duplicate, not only to the Zhongshan Paradise, but also to the Heavenly Court."

"As for the future, let's talk about it later."

"What we can do now is to pack up our Guanghan Territory and make every effort to prepare for the upcoming decisive battle."

As a result, a piece of news was divided into two channels and headed to Blue Star Butian Sect and Tianting.

Of course, because Taixu Tian has not yet covered Taiyin Star, the speed will naturally be slower!

out of heaven,
Central battlefield.


A full ten rounds of great suns descended from the sky and appeared in the sky, with immeasurable brilliance blooming.

Some are endless demonic light, some are howling demonic wind, some are sky-burning demonic flames, some are sky-piercing thunder, and some are twisted hollows...

Although the expressions are different, the power of the torrents radiates in all directions, intertwining with each other vertically and horizontally. It is really like a mountain like a sea, like an abyss like a prison,
Without the power of an immortal, just to withstand the aftermath of this power would lead to serious injuries and death.

This is exactly what happened. As soon as they appeared, the Butian Sect retreated a hundred thousand miles before they could barely stabilize their defense line.

Of course, these people are fair. They don't care about the mountain and sea monsters of Butian Sect, and in fact they don't care much about their own little brother.

There were many real demons who were exposed to the magic light and turned into ashes because they were too close to the front.

Only, in the center of the battlefield, the ancestral dragon with a dragon body that was a hundred thousand miles long did not retreat even a step.

In fact, even the peak mana light did not bloom, and it just withstood all the demonic power with its dragon body.

He raised his head, with majestic dragon horns, and a pair of golden vertical pupils shining in all directions, one to ten, but his momentum was not compromised at all.

After glancing around for a long time, he was still a little dissatisfied: "Are you the only ones? First Demon Lord, why didn't the old thief come?"

"Hahaha, you want to meet my master? Are you kidding me?"

A low and magnetic figure sounded, it was the second demon lord, the head of the Ten Great Suns.

He sneered and said: "To deal with you, our action is more than enough."

"Hehehe, if it weren't for the power of the immortal demon soul, how dare you appear in front of me?"

Zu Long sneered: "Besides, do you really think that I can't do anything to you?
If this is true, then the Broken Moon Demon Lord will not be in a state of disarray and his true spirit will be extinguished. Do you want to give it a try? "

As soon as these words came out, all the demon lords had ugly expressions. Of course, even if they transformed into the sun, outsiders wouldn't be able to see their expressions. But that moment of silence really couldn't fool everyone.

But there was only a moment of silence, and another soft voice sounded: "Anyway, today, we are here to end this endless war."

"Hey, how do you plan to end it?"

"Of course it is. I will dominate the demon world and your Butian Sect will be wiped out."

"Hehehe, hahaha, if that's the case, why are you still talking nonsense? Come on, let's fight. Today, you and I will live and die, until we die!"

Zulong completely lost his desire to talk nonsense, and with a dragon roar, his huge dragon body swam through the space and killed him.

Among the ten great suns, four demon lords immediately jumped out.

One is ten thousand feet long, with the head of a bull and the body of a bull, with eighteen arms, each holding a weapon, burning boundless karma fire;
The other one looks like a bear, with ten heads, thirty eyes, six raised arms, and a body that stretches up to the sky and the earth, and is boundless and majestic.

The third one was like an eagle and an owl, with a slender body, eight pairs of wings, entwined with wind and thunder, and extremely fast. He was the first to kill the ancestral dragon.

There is also the last one, which is like a ball of meat, with all kinds of messy limbs on it, and countless tentacles waving, which can extend for thousands of miles.

His movements were like arms smashing into the void, pulling at the edge of the space, and constantly moving around.

What's even more terrifying is that his body is not flexible enough, but it is about the size of an asteroid. Countless limbs can be pieced together to form a giant eye.

The giant eye blinked, and a hollow divine light bloomed. The lethality was beyond the scope of the supreme supernatural power, and it could truly destroy the heaven and the earth.

But these four demon lords all took action together, some mainly attacking, some focusing on defense, some using remote amplification moves, and some assisting from the side.

They had obviously practiced coordinated operations. They had been preparing for this day for who knows how long, and they had been practicing for a long time, and they were four against one.

But facing the complete Ancestral Dragon, even four against one, they are all in danger of being killed.

Finally, another man with ten heads, a humanoid shape, and eight arms holding four magic weapons and shields stood in front of him, trying to stabilize the situation.

This is the true killing power of Zulong, which is so powerful that he can almost suppress the entire audience by himself.

But it’s not over yet!

Another demon lord drove a chariot, dragging a dark sun, and killed the Butian Sect.

As for the mending the sky, there are naturally strong people taking action.

With a cry, thousands of birds followed, and a phoenix emerged from the crowd, fluttering its wings and flying quickly to fight with the devil.

Another demon lord jumped out of the sun and turned into an ugly and twisted deformed form. The stench and weirdness were indescribable, and just one look was enough to distort the will.

On the Butian Sect side, a unicorn stepped out.

He maintains his animal form, but is countless times larger. He behaves elegantly and calmly. Mana blooms from the corners of his forehead, forming a boundless black hole that seems to be able to swallow all rules.

There was another demon lord who transformed into a stone man made of gold and iron. He seemed to be huge and boundless. His body had sharp edges and corners, shining with metallic luster. It had a "sci-fi" style.

But the way he fights is by throwing. The meteorites he throws are like missiles that are discharged from the barrel. They can explode a collapsed hole wherever they land.

What blocked him was a divine bird. He turned around, leaped, and transformed into a Tianpeng, flying back and forth at a speed beyond imagination.

Of course, after realizing that pure speed could not cause much damage to the metal, iron and stone man, he reincarnated again and turned into an infinitely large fish.

With just a volley and a slap, the twisted space turned into power, and it directly crashed into the stone man transformed by the Demon Lord, and they fought together.

This is Kunpeng!

There is also a demon lord, which takes the shape of a towering tree. Its roots penetrate the gaps in space and penetrate into the low-latitude world.

Guanyu extends into the high-dimensional world and explores the long river of time.

Even among demon lords, he is an extremely unique one. His offensive power may not be strong, but the disturbed time and space turbulence makes it impossible for almost all demons and immortals to gain a foothold here.

Even the other fighting demon lords and the strong men and powerful men of the Butian Sect only dared to stay away.

Only one beast stepped forward, lightly and skillfully, seemingly casually, but every time it landed, it stepped on the weak spot of the turbulent flow.
No matter how powerful the turbulence of time and space is, it cannot hurt him at all.

This beast is similar in size to a lion, its body is as white as snow, its hair is like silver, crystal clear, and it has a pair of eyes that can see through everything in the world.

He is also considered an outlier among the mountain and sea monsters. He has not created a family of his own. Even after so many years, he still comes and goes alone.

It’s because of Baize!
As for the last demon lord, he actually showed the appearance of a real dragon. He was ten thousand feet long, completely black, with scales like magic jade, eyes like a wolf, cunning and sinister.

He can ride on clouds like a real dragon, and he is good at the five elements of magical power. He can escape very fast, and from time to time he will spit out various kinds of dragon breath, which is scary.

However, this one was also the one hated by the Butian Sect the most. After seeing him, he almost didn't need any nonsense, and the four divine beasts rushed over to him.

Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger, Xuanwu...

These four people not only exist in the myths of Heaven, but even in the Butian Sect, they are also the sacred beasts that guard the four directions.

And that demon dragon was actually the result of the betrayal of the former Qinglong, which dealt a big blow to the Butian Sect.

At this moment, the four divine beasts surrounded him, their postures not only wanted to fight, but also wanted to kill!

The four divine beasts took turns attacking, causing the dragon to howl and roar.

At this point, the ten demon lords were taken over by the nine ancient mountain and sea demons of the Butian Sect. The two sides fought until the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the sun and the moon lost all light.

The battlefield on this side was enlarged countless times. Along the way, many meteorites and asteroids were blown to pieces.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that the Butian Sect is not far behind in terms of high-end combat power. At least, those mountain and sea monsters left over from the previous era are truly powerful and brave.

However, just when the battle was over, a desolate and distant demonic voice sounded: "The inner demon is causing catastrophe and causing trouble in the world. In my name, open it for me! Open it! Open it! Open it!"

"You guys, if you don't rebel now, when will you wait?"

The words drifted down, in the void where sound could not be transmitted, but they drifted to an unknown distance.

Therefore, many of Butian's disciples who had already retreated and avoided the impact of the battlefield had red eyes when they raised their heads again.

Especially among the warriors of the ghost army covered by the ghost mist, seven or eight out of ten of them have been possessed by mutant inner demons.

As a result, fratricide broke out in the Butian Sect's camp, and countless Butian disciples suddenly attacked their brothers and sisters,
There are also countless Butian disciples who just kill indiscriminately and try their best to escape.

But on the periphery of the battle formation, there were real demons who had already avoided the central battlefield and arrived here.

They charged forward with a ferocious smile, endless magic light raging, leaving behind only broken limbs and blood.

At this moment, even the most powerful immortals were tricked and fell on the spot.

However, the desolate magic sound did not stop, but spread in a farther direction, going to the planets with fairy realms.

In the center of the battlefield, Zulong did not look back, nor did he want to look back.

He knew everything, but he couldn't find a solution. He could only watch helplessly as countless good men from the Butian Sect were about to be ruined here.

Pausing again, the divine light in his eyes burst out with unforgettable hatred, and the roar of the dragon made the five demon lords fearful and did not even dare to step forward.

"First Demon Lord, you old thief, I know you are here."

"Come out, come out, you know they can't stop me, you know, so if you want to avoid future troubles, come out and fight me!"

"I promise not to run away, and I promise to fight you heartily."

"After passing this village, there is no shop like this. Let's see if you have the courage?"

Silence hung in the air.

Finally, when the five demon lords could hardly bear the suppression of Zulong's momentum, a demonic shadow covering the sky finally showed its outline.

"In that case, I will help you!"

Thus, the prelude to the decisive battle began,

But this time, it’s really until death! ! !

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